path: root/Lib/packaging/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/packaging/')
1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/packaging/ b/Lib/packaging/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..917b6cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/packaging/
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+"""Interactive helper used to create a setup.cfg file.
+This script will generate a packaging configuration file by looking at
+the current directory and asking the user questions. It is intended to
+be called as *pysetup create*.
+# Original code by Sean Reifschneider <>
+# Original TODO list:
+# Look for a license file and automatically add the category.
+# When a .c file is found during the walk, can we add it as an extension?
+# Ask if there is a maintainer different that the author
+# Ask for the platform (can we detect this via "import win32" or something?)
+# Ask for the dependencies.
+# Ask for the Requires-Dist
+# Ask for the Provides-Dist
+# Ask for a description
+# Detect scripts (not sure how. #! outside of package?)
+import os
+import re
+import imp
+import sys
+import glob
+import shutil
+import sysconfig
+import tokenize
+from hashlib import md5
+from textwrap import dedent
+from functools import cmp_to_key
+from configparser import RawConfigParser
+# importing this with an underscore as it should be replaced by the
+# dict form or another structures for all purposes
+from packaging._trove import all_classifiers as _CLASSIFIERS_LIST
+from packaging.version import is_valid_version
+_FILENAME = 'setup.cfg'
+_DEFAULT_CFG = '.pypkgcreate'
+_helptext = {
+ 'name': '''
+The name of the program to be packaged, usually a single word composed
+of lower-case characters such as "python", "sqlalchemy", or "CherryPy".
+ 'version': '''
+Version number of the software, typically 2 or 3 numbers separated by dots
+such as "1.00", "0.6", or "3.02.01". "0.1.0" is recommended for initial
+ 'summary': '''
+A one-line summary of what this project is or does, typically a sentence 80
+characters or less in length.
+ 'author': '''
+The full name of the author (typically you).
+ 'author_email': '''
+E-mail address of the project author (typically you).
+ 'do_classifier': '''
+Trove classifiers are optional identifiers that allow you to specify the
+intended audience by saying things like "Beta software with a text UI
+for Linux under the PSF license". However, this can be a somewhat involved
+ 'packages': '''
+You can provide a package name contained in your project.
+ 'modules': '''
+You can provide a python module contained in your project.
+ 'extra_files': '''
+You can provide extra files/dirs contained in your project.
+It has to follow the template syntax. XXX add help here.
+ 'home_page': '''
+The home page for the project, typically starting with "http://".
+ 'trove_license': '''
+Optionally you can specify a license. Type a string that identifies a common
+license, and then you can select a list of license specifiers.
+ 'trove_generic': '''
+Optionally, you can set other trove identifiers for things such as the
+human language, programming language, user interface, etc...
+ ' found': '''
+The script will be executed to retrieve the metadata.
+An interactive helper will be run if you answer "n",
+PROJECT_MATURITY = ['Development Status :: 1 - Planning',
+ 'Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha',
+ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
+ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
+ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
+ 'Development Status :: 6 - Mature',
+ 'Development Status :: 7 - Inactive']
+# XXX everything needs docstrings and tests (both low-level tests of various
+# methods and functional tests of running the script)
+def load_setup():
+ """run the setup script (i.e the file)
+ This function load the setup file in all cases (even if it have already
+ been loaded before, because we are monkey patching its setup function with
+ a particular one"""
+ with open("", "rb") as f:
+ encoding, lines = tokenize.detect_encoding(f.readline)
+ with open("", encoding=encoding) as f:
+ imp.load_module("setup", f, "", (".py", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE))
+def ask_yn(question, default=None, helptext=None):
+ question += ' (y/n)'
+ while True:
+ answer = ask(question, default, helptext, required=True)
+ if answer and answer[0].lower() in 'yn':
+ return answer[0].lower()
+ print('\nERROR: You must select "Y" or "N".\n')
+def ask(question, default=None, helptext=None, required=True,
+ lengthy=False, multiline=False):
+ prompt = '%s: ' % (question,)
+ if default:
+ prompt = '%s [%s]: ' % (question, default)
+ if default and len(question) + len(default) > 70:
+ prompt = '%s\n [%s]: ' % (question, default)
+ if lengthy or multiline:
+ prompt += '\n > '
+ if not helptext:
+ helptext = 'No additional help available.'
+ helptext = helptext.strip("\n")
+ while True:
+ sys.stdout.write(prompt)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ line = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
+ if line == '?':
+ print('=' * 70)
+ print(helptext)
+ print('=' * 70)
+ continue
+ if default and not line:
+ return default
+ if not line and required:
+ print('*' * 70)
+ print('This value cannot be empty.')
+ print('===========================')
+ if helptext:
+ print(helptext)
+ print('*' * 70)
+ continue
+ return line
+def convert_yn_to_bool(yn, yes=True, no=False):
+ """Convert a y/yes or n/no to a boolean value."""
+ if yn.lower().startswith('y'):
+ return yes
+ else:
+ return no
+def _build_classifiers_dict(classifiers):
+ d = {}
+ for key in classifiers:
+ subdict = d
+ for subkey in key.split(' :: '):
+ if subkey not in subdict:
+ subdict[subkey] = {}
+ subdict = subdict[subkey]
+ return d
+CLASSIFIERS = _build_classifiers_dict(_CLASSIFIERS_LIST)
+def _build_licences(classifiers):
+ res = []
+ for index, item in enumerate(classifiers):
+ if not item.startswith('License :: '):
+ continue
+ res.append((index, item.split(' :: ')[-1].lower()))
+ return res
+LICENCES = _build_licences(_CLASSIFIERS_LIST)
+class MainProgram:
+ """Make a project setup configuration file (setup.cfg)."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.configparser = None
+ self.classifiers = set()
+ = {'name': '',
+ 'version': '1.0.0',
+ 'classifier': self.classifiers,
+ 'packages': [],
+ 'modules': [],
+ 'platform': [],
+ 'resources': [],
+ 'extra_files': [],
+ 'scripts': [],
+ }
+ self._load_defaults()
+ def __call__(self):
+ setupcfg_defined = False
+ if self.has_setup_py() and self._prompt_user_for_conversion():
+ setupcfg_defined = self.convert_py_to_cfg()
+ if not setupcfg_defined:
+ self.define_cfg_values()
+ self._write_cfg()
+ def has_setup_py(self):
+ """Test for the existence of a file."""
+ return os.path.exists('')
+ def define_cfg_values(self):
+ self.inspect()
+ self.query_user()
+ def _lookup_option(self, key):
+ if not self.configparser.has_option('DEFAULT', key):
+ return None
+ return self.configparser.get('DEFAULT', key)
+ def _load_defaults(self):
+ # Load default values from a user configuration file
+ self.configparser = RawConfigParser()
+ # TODO replace with section in distutils config file
+ default_cfg = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', _DEFAULT_CFG))
+['author'] = self._lookup_option('author')
+['author_email'] = self._lookup_option('author_email')
+ def _prompt_user_for_conversion(self):
+ # Prompt the user about whether they would like to use the
+ # conversion utility to generate a setup.cfg or generate the setup.cfg
+ # from scratch
+ answer = ask_yn(('A legacy has been found.\n'
+ 'Would you like to convert it to a setup.cfg?'),
+ default="y",
+ helptext=_helptext[' found'])
+ return convert_yn_to_bool(answer)
+ def _dotted_packages(self, data):
+ packages = sorted(data)
+ modified_pkgs = []
+ for pkg in packages:
+ pkg = pkg.lstrip('./')
+ pkg = pkg.replace('/', '.')
+ modified_pkgs.append(pkg)
+ return modified_pkgs
+ def _write_cfg(self):
+ if os.path.exists(_FILENAME):
+ if os.path.exists('%s.old' % _FILENAME):
+ print("ERROR: %(name)s.old backup exists, please check that "
+ "current %(name)s is correct and remove %(name)s.old" %
+ {'name': _FILENAME})
+ return
+ shutil.move(_FILENAME, '%s.old' % _FILENAME)
+ with open(_FILENAME, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
+ fp.write('[metadata]\n')
+ # TODO use metadata module instead of hard-coding field-specific
+ # behavior here
+ # simple string entries
+ for name in ('name', 'version', 'summary', 'download_url'):
+ fp.write('%s = %s\n' % (name,, 'UNKNOWN')))
+ # optional string entries
+ if 'keywords' in and['keywords']:
+ fp.write('keywords = %s\n' % ' '.join(['keywords']))
+ for name in ('home_page', 'author', 'author_email',
+ 'maintainer', 'maintainer_email', 'description-file'):
+ if name in and[name]:
+ fp.write('%s = %s\n' % (name,[name]))
+ if 'description' in
+ fp.write(
+ 'description = %s\n'
+ % '\n |'.join(['description'].split('\n')))
+ # multiple use string entries
+ for name in ('platform', 'supported-platform', 'classifier',
+ 'requires-dist', 'provides-dist', 'obsoletes-dist',
+ 'requires-external'):
+ if not(name in and[name]):
+ continue
+ fp.write('%s = ' % name)
+ fp.write(''.join(' %s\n' % val
+ for val in[name]).lstrip())
+ fp.write('\n[files]\n')
+ for name in ('packages', 'modules', 'scripts',
+ 'package_data', 'extra_files'):
+ if not(name in and[name]):
+ continue
+ fp.write('%s = %s\n'
+ % (name, '\n '.join([name]).strip()))
+ fp.write('\nresources =\n')
+ for src, dest in['resources']:
+ fp.write(' %s = %s\n' % (src, dest))
+ fp.write('\n')
+ os.chmod(_FILENAME, 0o644)
+ print('Wrote "%s".' % _FILENAME)
+ def convert_py_to_cfg(self):
+ """Generate a setup.cfg from an existing
+ It only exports the distutils metadata (setuptools specific metadata
+ is not currently supported).
+ """
+ data =
+ def setup_mock(**attrs):
+ """Mock the setup(**attrs) in order to retrieve metadata."""
+ # TODO use config and metadata instead of Distribution
+ from distutils.dist import Distribution
+ dist = Distribution(attrs)
+ dist.parse_config_files()
+ # 1. retrieve metadata fields that are quite similar in
+ # PEP 314 and PEP 345
+ labels = (('name',) * 2,
+ ('version',) * 2,
+ ('author',) * 2,
+ ('author_email',) * 2,
+ ('maintainer',) * 2,
+ ('maintainer_email',) * 2,
+ ('description', 'summary'),
+ ('long_description', 'description'),
+ ('url', 'home_page'),
+ ('platforms', 'platform'),
+ # backport only for 2.5+
+ ('provides', 'provides-dist'),
+ ('obsoletes', 'obsoletes-dist'),
+ ('requires', 'requires-dist'))
+ get = lambda lab: getattr(dist.metadata, lab.replace('-', '_'))
+ data.update((new, get(old)) for old, new in labels if get(old))
+ # 2. retrieve data that requires special processing
+ data['classifier'].update(dist.get_classifiers() or [])
+ data['scripts'].extend(dist.scripts or [])
+ data['packages'].extend(dist.packages or [])
+ data['modules'].extend(dist.py_modules or [])
+ # 2.1 data_files -> resources
+ if dist.data_files:
+ if (len(dist.data_files) < 2 or
+ isinstance(dist.data_files[1], str)):
+ dist.data_files = [('', dist.data_files)]
+ # add tokens in the destination paths
+ vars = {'': data['name']}
+ path_tokens = list(sysconfig.get_paths(vars=vars).items())
+ # TODO replace this with a key function
+ def length_comparison(x, y):
+ len_x = len(x[1])
+ len_y = len(y[1])
+ if len_x == len_y:
+ return 0
+ elif len_x < len_y:
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 1
+ # sort tokens to use the longest one first
+ path_tokens.sort(key=cmp_to_key(length_comparison))
+ for dest, srcs in (dist.data_files or []):
+ dest = os.path.join(sys.prefix, dest)
+ dest = dest.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
+ for tok, path in path_tokens:
+ path = path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
+ if not dest.startswith(path):
+ continue
+ dest = ('{%s}' % tok) + dest[len(path):]
+ files = [('/ '.join(src.rsplit('/', 1)), dest)
+ for src in srcs]
+ data['resources'].extend(files)
+ # 2.2 package_data -> extra_files
+ package_dirs = dist.package_dir or {}
+ for package, extras in dist.package_data.items() or []:
+ package_dir = package_dirs.get(package, package)
+ for file_ in extras:
+ if package_dir:
+ file_ = package_dir + '/' + file_
+ data['extra_files'].append(file_)
+ # Use README file if its content is the desciption
+ if "description" in data:
+ ref = md5(re.sub('\s', '',
+ ref = ref.digest()
+ for readme in glob.glob('README*'):
+ with open(readme, encoding='utf-8') as fp:
+ contents =
+ contents = re.sub('\s', '', contents.lower()).encode()
+ val = md5(contents).digest()
+ if val == ref:
+ del data['description']
+ data['description-file'] = readme
+ break
+ # apply monkey patch to distutils (v1) and setuptools (if needed)
+ # (abort the feature if distutils v1 has been killed)
+ try:
+ from distutils import core
+ core.setup # make sure it's not d2 maskerading as d1
+ except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+ return
+ saved_setups = [(core, core.setup)]
+ core.setup = setup_mock
+ try:
+ import setuptools
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ saved_setups.append((setuptools, setuptools.setup))
+ setuptools.setup = setup_mock
+ # get metadata by executing the with the patched setup(...)
+ success = False # for python < 2.4
+ try:
+ load_setup()
+ success = True
+ finally: # revert monkey patches
+ for patched_module, original_setup in saved_setups:
+ patched_module.setup = original_setup
+ if not
+ raise ValueError('Unable to load metadata from')
+ return success
+ def inspect(self):
+ """Inspect the current working diretory for a name and version.
+ This information is harvested in where the directory is named
+ like [name]-[version].
+ """
+ dir_name = os.path.basename(os.getcwd())
+['name'] = dir_name
+ match = re.match(r'(.*)-(\d.+)', dir_name)
+ if match:
+['name'] =
+['version'] =
+ # TODO needs testing!
+ if not is_valid_version(['version']):
+ msg = "Invalid version discovered: %s" %['version']
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ def query_user(self):
+['name'] = ask('Project name',['name'],
+ _helptext['name'])
+['version'] = ask('Current version number',
+'version'), _helptext['version'])
+['summary'] = ask('Package summary',
+'summary'), _helptext['summary'],
+ lengthy=True)
+['author'] = ask('Author name',
+'author'), _helptext['author'])
+['author_email'] = ask('Author e-mail address',
+'author_email'), _helptext['author_email'])
+['home_page'] = ask('Project home page',
+'home_page'), _helptext['home_page'],
+ required=False)
+ if ask_yn('Do you want me to automatically build the file list '
+ 'with everything I can find in the current directory? '
+ 'If you say no, you will have to define them manually.') == 'y':
+ self._find_files()
+ else:
+ while ask_yn('Do you want to add a single module?'
+ ' (you will be able to add full packages next)',
+ helptext=_helptext['modules']) == 'y':
+ self._set_multi('Module name', 'modules')
+ while ask_yn('Do you want to add a package?',
+ helptext=_helptext['packages']) == 'y':
+ self._set_multi('Package name', 'packages')
+ while ask_yn('Do you want to add an extra file?',
+ helptext=_helptext['extra_files']) == 'y':
+ self._set_multi('Extra file/dir name', 'extra_files')
+ if ask_yn('Do you want to set Trove classifiers?',
+ helptext=_helptext['do_classifier']) == 'y':
+ self.set_classifier()
+ def _find_files(self):
+ # we are looking for python modules and packages,
+ # other stuff are added as regular files
+ pkgs =['packages']
+ modules =['modules']
+ extra_files =['extra_files']
+ def is_package(path):
+ return os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, ''))
+ curdir = os.getcwd()
+ scanned = []
+ _pref = ['lib', 'include', 'dist', 'build', '.', '~']
+ _suf = ['.pyc']
+ def to_skip(path):
+ path = relative(path)
+ for pref in _pref:
+ if path.startswith(pref):
+ return True
+ for suf in _suf:
+ if path.endswith(suf):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def relative(path):
+ return path[len(curdir) + 1:]
+ def dotted(path):
+ res = relative(path).replace(os.path.sep, '.')
+ if res.endswith('.py'):
+ res = res[:-len('.py')]
+ return res
+ # first pass: packages
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(curdir):
+ if to_skip(root):
+ continue
+ for dir_ in sorted(dirs):
+ if to_skip(dir_):
+ continue
+ fullpath = os.path.join(root, dir_)
+ dotted_name = dotted(fullpath)
+ if is_package(fullpath) and dotted_name not in pkgs:
+ pkgs.append(dotted_name)
+ scanned.append(fullpath)
+ # modules and extra files
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(curdir):
+ if to_skip(root):
+ continue
+ if any(root.startswith(path) for path in scanned):
+ continue
+ for file in sorted(files):
+ fullpath = os.path.join(root, file)
+ if to_skip(fullpath):
+ continue
+ # single module?
+ if os.path.splitext(file)[-1] == '.py':
+ modules.append(dotted(fullpath))
+ else:
+ extra_files.append(relative(fullpath))
+ def _set_multi(self, question, name):
+ existing_values =[name]
+ value = ask(question, helptext=_helptext[name]).strip()
+ if value not in existing_values:
+ existing_values.append(value)
+ def set_classifier(self):
+ self.set_maturity_status(self.classifiers)
+ self.set_license(self.classifiers)
+ self.set_other_classifier(self.classifiers)
+ def set_other_classifier(self, classifiers):
+ if ask_yn('Do you want to set other trove identifiers?', 'n',
+ _helptext['trove_generic']) != 'y':
+ return
+ self.walk_classifiers(classifiers, [CLASSIFIERS], '')
+ def walk_classifiers(self, classifiers, trovepath, desc):
+ trove = trovepath[-1]
+ if not trove:
+ return
+ for key in sorted(trove):
+ if len(trove[key]) == 0:
+ if ask_yn('Add "%s"' % desc[4:] + ' :: ' + key, 'n') == 'y':
+ classifiers.add(desc[4:] + ' :: ' + key)
+ continue
+ if ask_yn('Do you want to set items under\n "%s" (%d sub-items)?'
+ % (key, len(trove[key])), 'n',
+ _helptext['trove_generic']) == 'y':
+ self.walk_classifiers(classifiers, trovepath + [trove[key]],
+ desc + ' :: ' + key)
+ def set_license(self, classifiers):
+ while True:
+ license = ask('What license do you use?',
+ helptext=_helptext['trove_license'], required=False)
+ if not license:
+ return
+ license_words = license.lower().split(' ')
+ found_list = []
+ for index, licence in LICENCES:
+ for word in license_words:
+ if word in licence:
+ found_list.append(index)
+ break
+ if len(found_list) == 0:
+ print('ERROR: Could not find a matching license for "%s"' %
+ license)
+ continue
+ question = 'Matching licenses:\n\n'
+ for index, list_index in enumerate(found_list):
+ question += ' %s) %s\n' % (index + 1,
+ _CLASSIFIERS_LIST[list_index])
+ question += ('\nType the number of the license you wish to use or '
+ '? to try again:')
+ choice = ask(question, required=False)
+ if choice == '?':
+ continue
+ if choice == '':
+ return
+ try:
+ index = found_list[int(choice) - 1]
+ except ValueError:
+ print("ERROR: Invalid selection, type a number from the list "
+ "above.")
+ classifiers.add(_CLASSIFIERS_LIST[index])
+ def set_maturity_status(self, classifiers):
+ maturity_name = lambda mat: mat.split('- ')[-1]
+ maturity_question = '''\
+ Please select the project status:
+ %s
+ Status''' % '\n'.join('%s - %s' % (i, maturity_name(n))
+ for i, n in enumerate(PROJECT_MATURITY))
+ while True:
+ choice = ask(dedent(maturity_question), required=False)
+ if choice:
+ try:
+ choice = int(choice) - 1
+ key = PROJECT_MATURITY[choice]
+ classifiers.add(key)
+ return
+ except (IndexError, ValueError):
+ print("ERROR: Invalid selection, type a single digit "
+ "number.")
+def main():
+ """Main entry point."""
+ program = MainProgram()
+ # # uncomment when implemented
+ # if not program.load_existing_setup_script():
+ # program.inspect_directory()
+ # program.query_user()
+ # program.update_config_file()
+ # program.write_setup_script()
+ # packaging.util.cfg_to_args()
+ program()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()