path: root/Lib/packaging/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/packaging/')
1 files changed, 529 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/packaging/ b/Lib/packaging/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..776ba40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/packaging/
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+"""Building blocks for installers.
+When used as a script, this module installs a release thanks to info
+obtained from an index (e.g. PyPI), with dependencies.
+This is a higher-level module built on packaging.database and
+import os
+import sys
+import stat
+import errno
+import shutil
+import logging
+import tempfile
+from sysconfig import get_config_var, get_path, is_python_build
+from packaging import logger
+from packaging.dist import Distribution
+from packaging.util import (_is_archive_file, ask, get_install_method,
+ egginfo_to_distinfo)
+from packaging.pypi import wrapper
+from packaging.version import get_version_predicate
+from packaging.database import get_distributions, get_distribution
+from packaging.depgraph import generate_graph
+from packaging.errors import (PackagingError, InstallationException,
+ InstallationConflict, CCompilerError)
+from packaging.pypi.errors import ProjectNotFound, ReleaseNotFound
+from packaging import database
+__all__ = ['install_dists', 'install_from_infos', 'get_infos', 'remove',
+ 'install', 'install_local_project']
+def _move_files(files, destination):
+ """Move the list of files in the destination folder, keeping the same
+ structure.
+ Return a list of tuple (old, new) emplacement of files
+ :param files: a list of files to move.
+ :param destination: the destination directory to put on the files.
+ """
+ for old in files:
+ filename = os.path.split(old)[-1]
+ new = os.path.join(destination, filename)
+ # try to make the paths.
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new))
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ os.rename(old, new)
+ yield old, new
+def _run_distutils_install(path):
+ # backward compat: using setuptools or plain-distutils
+ cmd = '%s install --record=%s'
+ record_file = os.path.join(path, 'RECORD')
+ os.system(cmd % (sys.executable, record_file))
+ if not os.path.exists(record_file):
+ raise ValueError('failed to install')
+ else:
+ egginfo_to_distinfo(record_file, remove_egginfo=True)
+def _run_setuptools_install(path):
+ cmd = '%s install --record=%s --single-version-externally-managed'
+ record_file = os.path.join(path, 'RECORD')
+ os.system(cmd % (sys.executable, record_file))
+ if not os.path.exists(record_file):
+ raise ValueError('failed to install')
+ else:
+ egginfo_to_distinfo(record_file, remove_egginfo=True)
+def _run_packaging_install(path):
+ # XXX check for a valid setup.cfg?
+ dist = Distribution()
+ dist.parse_config_files()
+ try:
+ dist.run_command('install_dist')
+ name = dist.metadata['Name']
+ return database.get_distribution(name) is not None
+ except (IOError, os.error, PackagingError, CCompilerError) as msg:
+ raise ValueError("Failed to install, " + str(msg))
+def _install_dist(dist, path):
+ """Install a distribution into a path.
+ This:
+ * unpack the distribution
+ * copy the files in "path"
+ * determine if the distribution is packaging or distutils1.
+ """
+ where = dist.unpack()
+ if where is None:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot locate the unpacked archive')
+ return _run_install_from_archive(where)
+def install_local_project(path):
+ """Install a distribution from a source directory.
+ If the source directory contains a install using distutils1.
+ If a setup.cfg is found, install using the install_dist command.
+ Returns True on success, False on Failure.
+ """
+ path = os.path.abspath(path)
+ if os.path.isdir(path):
+'Installing from source directory: %r', path)
+ return _run_install_from_dir(path)
+ elif _is_archive_file(path):
+'Installing from archive: %r', path)
+ _unpacked_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ try:
+ shutil.unpack_archive(path, _unpacked_dir)
+ return _run_install_from_archive(_unpacked_dir)
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(_unpacked_dir)
+ else:
+ logger.warning('No project to install.')
+ return False
+def _run_install_from_archive(source_dir):
+ # XXX need a better way
+ for item in os.listdir(source_dir):
+ fullpath = os.path.join(source_dir, item)
+ if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
+ source_dir = fullpath
+ break
+ return _run_install_from_dir(source_dir)
+install_methods = {
+ 'packaging': _run_packaging_install,
+ 'setuptools': _run_setuptools_install,
+ 'distutils': _run_distutils_install}
+def _run_install_from_dir(source_dir):
+ old_dir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(source_dir)
+ install_method = get_install_method(source_dir)
+ func = install_methods[install_method]
+ try:
+ func = install_methods[install_method]
+ try:
+ func(source_dir)
+ return True
+ except ValueError as err:
+ # failed to install
+ return False
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(old_dir)
+def install_dists(dists, path, paths=None):
+ """Install all distributions provided in dists, with the given prefix.
+ If an error occurs while installing one of the distributions, uninstall all
+ the installed distribution (in the context if this function).
+ Return a list of installed dists.
+ :param dists: distributions to install
+ :param path: base path to install distribution in
+ :param paths: list of paths (defaults to sys.path) to look for info
+ """
+ installed_dists = []
+ for dist in dists:
+'Installing %r %s...',, dist.version)
+ try:
+ _install_dist(dist, path)
+ installed_dists.append(dist)
+ except Exception as e:
+'Failed: %s', e)
+ # reverting
+ for installed_dist in installed_dists:
+'Reverting %r', installed_dist)
+ remove(, paths)
+ raise e
+ return installed_dists
+def install_from_infos(install_path=None, install=[], remove=[], conflicts=[],
+ paths=None):
+ """Install and remove the given distributions.
+ The function signature is made to be compatible with the one of get_infos.
+ The aim of this script is to povide a way to install/remove what's asked,
+ and to rollback if needed.
+ So, it's not possible to be in an inconsistant state, it could be either
+ installed, either uninstalled, not half-installed.
+ The process follow those steps:
+ 1. Move all distributions that will be removed in a temporary location
+ 2. Install all the distributions that will be installed in a temp. loc.
+ 3. If the installation fails, rollback (eg. move back) those
+ distributions, or remove what have been installed.
+ 4. Else, move the distributions to the right locations, and remove for
+ real the distributions thats need to be removed.
+ :param install_path: the installation path where we want to install the
+ distributions.
+ :param install: list of distributions that will be installed; install_path
+ must be provided if this list is not empty.
+ :param remove: list of distributions that will be removed.
+ :param conflicts: list of conflicting distributions, eg. that will be in
+ conflict once the install and remove distribution will be
+ processed.
+ :param paths: list of paths (defaults to sys.path) to look for info
+ """
+ # first of all, if we have conflicts, stop here.
+ if conflicts:
+ raise InstallationConflict(conflicts)
+ if install and not install_path:
+ raise ValueError("Distributions are to be installed but `install_path`"
+ " is not provided.")
+ # before removing the files, we will start by moving them away
+ # then, if any error occurs, we could replace them in the good place.
+ temp_files = {} # contains lists of {dist: (old, new)} paths
+ temp_dir = None
+ if remove:
+ temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ for dist in remove:
+ files = dist.list_installed_files()
+ temp_files[dist] = _move_files(files, temp_dir)
+ try:
+ if install:
+ install_dists(install, install_path, paths)
+ except:
+ # if an error occurs, put back the files in the right place.
+ for files in temp_files.values():
+ for old, new in files:
+ shutil.move(new, old)
+ if temp_dir:
+ shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
+ # now re-raising
+ raise
+ # we can remove them for good
+ for files in temp_files.values():
+ for old, new in files:
+ os.remove(new)
+ if temp_dir:
+ shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
+def _get_setuptools_deps(release):
+ # NotImplementedError
+ pass
+def get_infos(requirements, index=None, installed=None, prefer_final=True):
+ """Return the informations on what's going to be installed and upgraded.
+ :param requirements: is a *string* containing the requirements for this
+ project (for instance "FooBar 1.1" or "BarBaz (<1.2)")
+ :param index: If an index is specified, use this one, otherwise, use
+ :class index.ClientWrapper: to get project metadatas.
+ :param installed: a list of already installed distributions.
+ :param prefer_final: when picking up the releases, prefer a "final" one
+ over a beta/alpha/etc one.
+ The results are returned in a dict, containing all the operations
+ needed to install the given requirements::
+ >>> get_install_info("FooBar (<=1.2)")
+ {'install': [<FooBar 1.1>], 'remove': [], 'conflict': []}
+ Conflict contains all the conflicting distributions, if there is a
+ conflict.
+ """
+ # this function does several things:
+ # 1. get a release specified by the requirements
+ # 2. gather its metadata, using setuptools compatibility if needed
+ # 3. compare this tree with what is currently installed on the system,
+ # return the requirements of what is missing
+ # 4. do that recursively and merge back the results
+ # 5. return a dict containing information about what is needed to install
+ # or remove
+ if not installed:
+ logger.debug('Reading installed distributions')
+ installed = list(get_distributions(use_egg_info=True))
+ infos = {'install': [], 'remove': [], 'conflict': []}
+ # Is a compatible version of the project already installed ?
+ predicate = get_version_predicate(requirements)
+ found = False
+ # check that the project isn't already installed
+ for installed_project in installed:
+ # is it a compatible project ?
+ if !=
+ continue
+ found = True
+'Found %r %s',,
+ installed_project.version)
+ # if we already have something installed, check it matches the
+ # requirements
+ if predicate.match(installed_project.version):
+ return infos
+ break
+ if not found:
+ logger.debug('Project not installed')
+ if not index:
+ index = wrapper.ClientWrapper()
+ if not installed:
+ installed = get_distributions(use_egg_info=True)
+ # Get all the releases that match the requirements
+ try:
+ release = index.get_release(requirements)
+ except (ReleaseNotFound, ProjectNotFound):
+ raise InstallationException('Release not found: %r' % requirements)
+ if release is None:
+'Could not find a matching project')
+ return infos
+ metadata = release.fetch_metadata()
+ # we need to build setuptools deps if any
+ if 'requires_dist' not in metadata:
+ metadata['requires_dist'] = _get_setuptools_deps(release)
+ # build the dependency graph with local and required dependencies
+ dists = list(installed)
+ dists.append(release)
+ depgraph = generate_graph(dists)
+ # Get what the missing deps are
+ dists = depgraph.missing[release]
+ if dists:
+"Missing dependencies found, retrieving metadata")
+ # we have missing deps
+ for dist in dists:
+ _update_infos(infos, get_infos(dist, index, installed))
+ # Fill in the infos
+ existing = [d for d in installed if ==]
+ if existing:
+ infos['remove'].append(existing[0])
+ infos['conflict'].extend(depgraph.reverse_list[existing[0]])
+ infos['install'].append(release)
+ return infos
+def _update_infos(infos, new_infos):
+ """extends the lists contained in the `info` dict with those contained
+ in the `new_info` one
+ """
+ for key, value in infos.items():
+ if key in new_infos:
+ infos[key].extend(new_infos[key])
+def remove(project_name, paths=None, auto_confirm=True):
+ """Removes a single project from the installation.
+ Returns True on success
+ """
+ dist = get_distribution(project_name, use_egg_info=True, paths=paths)
+ if dist is None:
+ raise PackagingError('Distribution %r not found' % project_name)
+ files = dist.list_installed_files(local=True)
+ rmdirs = []
+ rmfiles = []
+ tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=project_name + '-uninstall')
+ def _move_file(source, target):
+ try:
+ os.rename(source, target)
+ except OSError as err:
+ return err
+ return None
+ success = True
+ error = None
+ try:
+ for file_, md5, size in files:
+ if os.path.isfile(file_):
+ dirname, filename = os.path.split(file_)
+ tmpfile = os.path.join(tmp, filename)
+ try:
+ error = _move_file(file_, tmpfile)
+ if error is not None:
+ success = False
+ break
+ finally:
+ if not os.path.isfile(file_):
+ os.rename(tmpfile, file_)
+ if file_ not in rmfiles:
+ rmfiles.append(file_)
+ if dirname not in rmdirs:
+ rmdirs.append(dirname)
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmp)
+ if not success:
+'%r cannot be removed.', project_name)
+'Error: %s', error)
+ return False
+'Removing %r: ', project_name)
+ for file_ in rmfiles:
+' %s', file_)
+ # Taken from the pip project
+ if auto_confirm:
+ response = 'y'
+ else:
+ response = ask('Proceed (y/n)? ', ('y', 'n'))
+ if response == 'y':
+ file_count = 0
+ for file_ in rmfiles:
+ os.remove(file_)
+ file_count += 1
+ dir_count = 0
+ for dirname in rmdirs:
+ if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+ # could
+ continue
+ files_count = 0
+ for root, dir, files in os.walk(dirname):
+ files_count += len(files)
+ if files_count > 0:
+ # XXX Warning
+ continue
+ # empty dirs with only empty dirs
+ if os.stat(dirname).st_mode & stat.S_IWUSR:
+ # XXX Add a callable in shutil.rmtree to count
+ # the number of deleted elements
+ shutil.rmtree(dirname)
+ dir_count += 1
+ # removing the top path
+ # XXX count it ?
+ if os.path.exists(dist.path):
+ shutil.rmtree(dist.path)
+'Success: removed %d files and %d dirs',
+ file_count, dir_count)
+ return True
+def install(project):
+ """Installs a project.
+ Returns True on success, False on failure
+ """
+ if is_python_build():
+ # Python would try to install into the site-packages directory under
+ # $PREFIX, but when running from an uninstalled code checkout we don't
+ # want to create directories under the installation root
+ message = ('installing third-party projects from an uninstalled '
+ 'Python is not supported')
+ logger.error(message)
+ return False
+'Checking the installation location...')
+ purelib_path = get_path('purelib')
+ # trying to write a file there
+ try:
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=project,
+ dir=purelib_path) as testfile:
+ testfile.write(b'test')
+ except OSError:
+ # FIXME this should check the errno, or be removed altogether (race
+ # condition: the directory permissions could be changed between here
+ # and the actual install)
+'Unable to write in "%s". Do you have the permissions ?'
+ % purelib_path)
+ return False
+'Getting information about %r...', project)
+ try:
+ info = get_infos(project)
+ except InstallationException:
+'Cound not find %r', project)
+ return False
+ if info['install'] == []:
+'Nothing to install')
+ return False
+ install_path = get_config_var('base')
+ try:
+ install_from_infos(install_path,
+ info['install'], info['remove'], info['conflict'])
+ except InstallationConflict as e:
+ if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
+ projects = ('%r %s' % (, p.version) for p in e.args[0])
+'%r conflicts with %s', project, ','.join(projects))
+ return True