path: root/Lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 454 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index 558962e..9923b95 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
# Copyright 1994, by InfoSeek Corporation, all rights reserved.
# Written by James Roskind
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this Python software
# and its associated documentation for any purpose (subject to the
# restriction in the following sentence) without fee is hereby granted,
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
# to remain in Python, compiled Python, or other languages (such as C)
# wherein the modified or derived code is exclusively imported into a
# Python module.
@@ -41,486 +41,485 @@ import re
import fpformat
class Stats:
- """This class is used for creating reports from data generated by the
- Profile class. It is a "friend" of that class, and imports data either
- by direct access to members of Profile class, or by reading in a dictionary
- that was emitted (via marshal) from the Profile class.
- The big change from the previous Profiler (in terms of raw functionality)
- is that an "add()" method has been provided to combine Stats from
- several distinct profile runs. Both the constructor and the add()
- method now take arbitrarily many file names as arguments.
- All the print methods now take an argument that indicates how many lines
- to print. If the arg is a floating point number between 0 and 1.0, then
- it is taken as a decimal percentage of the available lines to be printed
- (e.g., .1 means print 10% of all available lines). If it is an integer,
- it is taken to mean the number of lines of data that you wish to have
- printed.
- The sort_stats() method now processes some additional options (i.e., in
- addition to the old -1, 0, 1, or 2). It takes an arbitrary number of quoted
- strings to select the sort order. For example sort_stats('time', 'name')
- sorts on the major key of "internal function time", and on the minor
- key of 'the name of the function'. Look at the two tables in sort_stats()
- and get_sort_arg_defs(self) for more examples.
- All methods now return "self", so you can string together commands like:
- Stats('foo', 'goo').strip_dirs().sort_stats('calls').\
- print_stats(5).print_callers(5)
- """
- def __init__(self, *args):
- if not len(args):
- arg = None
- else:
- arg = args[0]
- args = args[1:]
- self.init(arg)
- apply(self.add, args).ignore()
- def init(self, arg):
- self.all_callees = None # calc only if needed
- self.files = []
- self.fcn_list = None
- self.total_tt = 0
- self.total_calls = 0
- self.prim_calls = 0
- self.max_name_len = 0
- self.top_level = {}
- self.stats = {}
- self.sort_arg_dict = {}
- self.load_stats(arg)
- trouble = 1
- try:
- self.get_top_level_stats()
- trouble = 0
- finally:
- if trouble:
- print "Invalid timing data",
- if self.files: print self.files[-1],
- print
- def load_stats(self, arg):
- if not arg: self.stats = {}
- elif type(arg) == type(""):
- f = open(arg, 'rb')
- self.stats = marshal.load(f)
- f.close()
- try:
- file_stats = os.stat(arg)
- arg = time.ctime(file_stats[8]) + " " + arg
- except: # in case this is not unix
- pass
- self.files = [ arg ]
- elif hasattr(arg, 'create_stats'):
- arg.create_stats()
- self.stats = arg.stats
- arg.stats = {}
- if not self.stats:
- raise TypeError, "Cannot create or construct a " \
- + `self.__class__` \
- + " object from '" + `arg` + "'"
- return
- def get_top_level_stats(self):
- for func in self.stats.keys():
- cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = self.stats[func]
- self.total_calls = self.total_calls + nc
- self.prim_calls = self.prim_calls + cc
- self.total_tt = self.total_tt + tt
- if callers.has_key(("jprofile", 0, "profiler")):
- self.top_level[func] = None
- if len(func_std_string(func)) > self.max_name_len:
- self.max_name_len = len(func_std_string(func))
- def add(self, *arg_list):
- if not arg_list: return self
- if len(arg_list) > 1: apply(self.add, arg_list[1:])
- other = arg_list[0]
- if type(self) != type(other) or \
- self.__class__ != other.__class__:
- other = Stats(other)
- self.files = self.files + other.files
- self.total_calls = self.total_calls + other.total_calls
- self.prim_calls = self.prim_calls + other.prim_calls
- self.total_tt = self.total_tt + other.total_tt
- for func in other.top_level.keys():
- self.top_level[func] = None
- if self.max_name_len < other.max_name_len:
- self.max_name_len = other.max_name_len
- self.fcn_list = None
- for func in other.stats.keys():
- if self.stats.has_key(func):
- old_func_stat = self.stats[func]
- else:
- old_func_stat = (0, 0, 0, 0, {},)
- self.stats[func] = add_func_stats(old_func_stat, \
- other.stats[func])
- return self
- # list the tuple indices and directions for sorting,
- # along with some printable description
- sort_arg_dict_default = {\
- "calls" : (((1,-1), ), "call count"),\
- "cumulative": (((3,-1), ), "cumulative time"),\
- "file" : (((4, 1), ), "file name"),\
- "line" : (((5, 1), ), "line number"),\
- "module" : (((4, 1), ), "file name"),\
- "name" : (((6, 1), ), "function name"),\
- "nfl" : (((6, 1),(4, 1),(5, 1),), "name/file/line"), \
- "pcalls" : (((0,-1), ), "call count"),\
- "stdname" : (((7, 1), ), "standard name"),\
- "time" : (((2,-1), ), "internal time"),\
- }
- def get_sort_arg_defs(self):
- """Expand all abbreviations that are unique."""
- if not self.sort_arg_dict:
- self.sort_arg_dict = dict = {}
- std_list = dict.keys()
- bad_list = {}
- for word in self.sort_arg_dict_default.keys():
- fragment = word
- while fragment:
- if not fragment:
- break
- if dict.has_key(fragment):
- bad_list[fragment] = 0
- break
- dict[fragment] = self. \
- sort_arg_dict_default[word]
- fragment = fragment[:-1]
- for word in bad_list.keys():
- del dict[word]
- return self.sort_arg_dict
- def sort_stats(self, *field):
- if not field:
- self.fcn_list = 0
- return self
- if len(field) == 1 and type(field[0]) == type(1):
- # Be compatible with old profiler
- field = [ {-1: "stdname", \
- 0:"calls", \
- 1:"time", \
- 2: "cumulative" } [ field[0] ] ]
- sort_arg_defs = self.get_sort_arg_defs()
- sort_tuple = ()
- self.sort_type = ""
- connector = ""
- for word in field:
- sort_tuple = sort_tuple + sort_arg_defs[word][0]
- self.sort_type = self.sort_type + connector + \
- sort_arg_defs[word][1]
- connector = ", "
- stats_list = []
- for func in self.stats.keys():
- cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = self.stats[func]
- stats_list.append((cc, nc, tt, ct) + func_split(func) \
- + (func_std_string(func), func,) )
- stats_list.sort(TupleComp(sort_tuple).compare)
- self.fcn_list = fcn_list = []
- for tuple in stats_list:
- fcn_list.append(tuple[-1])
- return self
- def reverse_order(self):
- if self.fcn_list: self.fcn_list.reverse()
- return self
- def strip_dirs(self):
- oldstats = self.stats
- self.stats = newstats = {}
- max_name_len = 0
- for func in oldstats.keys():
- cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = oldstats[func]
- newfunc = func_strip_path(func)
- if len(func_std_string(newfunc)) > max_name_len:
- max_name_len = len(func_std_string(newfunc))
- newcallers = {}
- for func2 in callers.keys():
- newcallers[func_strip_path(func2)] = \
- callers[func2]
- if newstats.has_key(newfunc):
- newstats[newfunc] = add_func_stats( \
- newstats[newfunc],\
- (cc, nc, tt, ct, newcallers))
- else:
- newstats[newfunc] = (cc, nc, tt, ct, newcallers)
- old_top = self.top_level
- self.top_level = new_top = {}
- for func in old_top.keys():
- new_top[func_strip_path(func)] = None
- self.max_name_len = max_name_len
- self.fcn_list = None
- self.all_callees = None
- return self
- def calc_callees(self):
- if self.all_callees: return
- self.all_callees = all_callees = {}
- for func in self.stats.keys():
- if not all_callees.has_key(func):
- all_callees[func] = {}
- cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = self.stats[func]
- for func2 in callers.keys():
- if not all_callees.has_key(func2):
- all_callees[func2] = {}
- all_callees[func2][func] = callers[func2]
- return
- #******************************************************************
- # The following functions support actual printing of reports
- #******************************************************************
- # Optional "amount" is either a line count, or a percentage of lines.
- def eval_print_amount(self, sel, list, msg):
- new_list = list
- if type(sel) == type(""):
- new_list = []
- for func in list:
- if, func_std_string(func)):
- new_list.append(func)
- else:
- count = len(list)
- if type(sel) == type(1.0) and 0.0 <= sel < 1.0:
- count = int (count * sel + .5)
- new_list = list[:count]
- elif type(sel) == type(1) and 0 <= sel < count:
- count = sel
- new_list = list[:count]
- if len(list) != len(new_list):
- msg = msg + " List reduced from " + `len(list)` \
- + " to " + `len(new_list)` + \
- " due to restriction <" + `sel` + ">\n"
- return new_list, msg
- def get_print_list(self, sel_list):
- width = self.max_name_len
- if self.fcn_list:
- list = self.fcn_list[:]
- msg = " Ordered by: " + self.sort_type + '\n'
- else:
- list = self.stats.keys()
- msg = " Random listing order was used\n"
- for selection in sel_list:
- list,msg = self.eval_print_amount(selection, list, msg)
- count = len(list)
- if not list:
- return 0, list
- print msg
- if count < len(self.stats):
- width = 0
- for func in list:
- if len(func_std_string(func)) > width:
- width = len(func_std_string(func))
- return width+2, list
- def print_stats(self, *amount):
- for filename in self.files:
- print filename
- if self.files: print
- indent = " "
- for func in self.top_level.keys():
- print indent, func_get_function_name(func)
- print indent, self.total_calls, "function calls",
- if self.total_calls != self.prim_calls:
- print "(" + `self.prim_calls`, "primitive calls)",
- print "in", fpformat.fix(self.total_tt, 3), "CPU seconds"
- print
- width, list = self.get_print_list(amount)
- if list:
- self.print_title()
- for func in list:
- self.print_line(func)
- print
- print
- return self
- def print_callees(self, *amount):
- width, list = self.get_print_list(amount)
- if list:
- self.calc_callees()
- self.print_call_heading(width, "called...")
- for func in list:
- if self.all_callees.has_key(func):
- self.print_call_line(width, \
- func, self.all_callees[func])
- else:
- self.print_call_line(width, func, {})
- print
- print
- return self
- def print_callers(self, *amount):
- width, list = self.get_print_list(amount)
- if list:
- self.print_call_heading(width, "was called by...")
- for func in list:
- cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = self.stats[func]
- self.print_call_line(width, func, callers)
- print
- print
- return self
- def print_call_heading(self, name_size, column_title):
- print string.ljust("Function ", name_size) + column_title
- def print_call_line(self, name_size, source, call_dict):
- print string.ljust(func_std_string(source), name_size),
- if not call_dict:
- print "--"
- return
- clist = call_dict.keys()
- clist.sort()
- name_size = name_size + 1
- indent = ""
- for func in clist:
- name = func_std_string(func)
- print indent*name_size + name + '(' \
- + `call_dict[func]`+')', \
- f8(self.stats[func][3])
- indent = " "
- def print_title(self):
- print string.rjust('ncalls', 9),
- print string.rjust('tottime', 8),
- print string.rjust('percall', 8),
- print string.rjust('cumtime', 8),
- print string.rjust('percall', 8),
- print 'filename:lineno(function)'
- def print_line(self, func): # hack : should print percentages
- cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = self.stats[func]
- c = `nc`
- if nc != cc:
- c = c + '/' + `cc`
- print string.rjust(c, 9),
- print f8(tt),
- if nc == 0:
- print ' '*8,
- else:
- print f8(tt/nc),
- print f8(ct),
- if cc == 0:
- print ' '*8,
- else:
- print f8(ct/cc),
- print func_std_string(func)
- def ignore(self):
- pass # has no return value, so use at end of line :-)
+ """This class is used for creating reports from data generated by the
+ Profile class. It is a "friend" of that class, and imports data either
+ by direct access to members of Profile class, or by reading in a dictionary
+ that was emitted (via marshal) from the Profile class.
+ The big change from the previous Profiler (in terms of raw functionality)
+ is that an "add()" method has been provided to combine Stats from
+ several distinct profile runs. Both the constructor and the add()
+ method now take arbitrarily many file names as arguments.
+ All the print methods now take an argument that indicates how many lines
+ to print. If the arg is a floating point number between 0 and 1.0, then
+ it is taken as a decimal percentage of the available lines to be printed
+ (e.g., .1 means print 10% of all available lines). If it is an integer,
+ it is taken to mean the number of lines of data that you wish to have
+ printed.
+ The sort_stats() method now processes some additional options (i.e., in
+ addition to the old -1, 0, 1, or 2). It takes an arbitrary number of quoted
+ strings to select the sort order. For example sort_stats('time', 'name')
+ sorts on the major key of "internal function time", and on the minor
+ key of 'the name of the function'. Look at the two tables in sort_stats()
+ and get_sort_arg_defs(self) for more examples.
+ All methods now return "self", so you can string together commands like:
+ Stats('foo', 'goo').strip_dirs().sort_stats('calls').\
+ print_stats(5).print_callers(5)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ if not len(args):
+ arg = None
+ else:
+ arg = args[0]
+ args = args[1:]
+ self.init(arg)
+ apply(self.add, args).ignore()
+ def init(self, arg):
+ self.all_callees = None # calc only if needed
+ self.files = []
+ self.fcn_list = None
+ self.total_tt = 0
+ self.total_calls = 0
+ self.prim_calls = 0
+ self.max_name_len = 0
+ self.top_level = {}
+ self.stats = {}
+ self.sort_arg_dict = {}
+ self.load_stats(arg)
+ trouble = 1
+ try:
+ self.get_top_level_stats()
+ trouble = 0
+ finally:
+ if trouble:
+ print "Invalid timing data",
+ if self.files: print self.files[-1],
+ print
+ def load_stats(self, arg):
+ if not arg: self.stats = {}
+ elif type(arg) == type(""):
+ f = open(arg, 'rb')
+ self.stats = marshal.load(f)
+ f.close()
+ try:
+ file_stats = os.stat(arg)
+ arg = time.ctime(file_stats[8]) + " " + arg
+ except: # in case this is not unix
+ pass
+ self.files = [ arg ]
+ elif hasattr(arg, 'create_stats'):
+ arg.create_stats()
+ self.stats = arg.stats
+ arg.stats = {}
+ if not self.stats:
+ raise TypeError, "Cannot create or construct a " \
+ + `self.__class__` \
+ + " object from '" + `arg` + "'"
+ return
+ def get_top_level_stats(self):
+ for func in self.stats.keys():
+ cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = self.stats[func]
+ self.total_calls = self.total_calls + nc
+ self.prim_calls = self.prim_calls + cc
+ self.total_tt = self.total_tt + tt
+ if callers.has_key(("jprofile", 0, "profiler")):
+ self.top_level[func] = None
+ if len(func_std_string(func)) > self.max_name_len:
+ self.max_name_len = len(func_std_string(func))
+ def add(self, *arg_list):
+ if not arg_list: return self
+ if len(arg_list) > 1: apply(self.add, arg_list[1:])
+ other = arg_list[0]
+ if type(self) != type(other) or \
+ self.__class__ != other.__class__:
+ other = Stats(other)
+ self.files = self.files + other.files
+ self.total_calls = self.total_calls + other.total_calls
+ self.prim_calls = self.prim_calls + other.prim_calls
+ self.total_tt = self.total_tt + other.total_tt
+ for func in other.top_level.keys():
+ self.top_level[func] = None
+ if self.max_name_len < other.max_name_len:
+ self.max_name_len = other.max_name_len
+ self.fcn_list = None
+ for func in other.stats.keys():
+ if self.stats.has_key(func):
+ old_func_stat = self.stats[func]
+ else:
+ old_func_stat = (0, 0, 0, 0, {},)
+ self.stats[func] = add_func_stats(old_func_stat, \
+ other.stats[func])
+ return self
+ # list the tuple indices and directions for sorting,
+ # along with some printable description
+ sort_arg_dict_default = {\
+ "calls" : (((1,-1), ), "call count"),\
+ "cumulative": (((3,-1), ), "cumulative time"),\
+ "file" : (((4, 1), ), "file name"),\
+ "line" : (((5, 1), ), "line number"),\
+ "module" : (((4, 1), ), "file name"),\
+ "name" : (((6, 1), ), "function name"),\
+ "nfl" : (((6, 1),(4, 1),(5, 1),), "name/file/line"), \
+ "pcalls" : (((0,-1), ), "call count"),\
+ "stdname" : (((7, 1), ), "standard name"),\
+ "time" : (((2,-1), ), "internal time"),\
+ }
+ def get_sort_arg_defs(self):
+ """Expand all abbreviations that are unique."""
+ if not self.sort_arg_dict:
+ self.sort_arg_dict = dict = {}
+ std_list = dict.keys()
+ bad_list = {}
+ for word in self.sort_arg_dict_default.keys():
+ fragment = word
+ while fragment:
+ if not fragment:
+ break
+ if dict.has_key(fragment):
+ bad_list[fragment] = 0
+ break
+ dict[fragment] = self. \
+ sort_arg_dict_default[word]
+ fragment = fragment[:-1]
+ for word in bad_list.keys():
+ del dict[word]
+ return self.sort_arg_dict
+ def sort_stats(self, *field):
+ if not field:
+ self.fcn_list = 0
+ return self
+ if len(field) == 1 and type(field[0]) == type(1):
+ # Be compatible with old profiler
+ field = [ {-1: "stdname", \
+ 0:"calls", \
+ 1:"time", \
+ 2: "cumulative" } [ field[0] ] ]
+ sort_arg_defs = self.get_sort_arg_defs()
+ sort_tuple = ()
+ self.sort_type = ""
+ connector = ""
+ for word in field:
+ sort_tuple = sort_tuple + sort_arg_defs[word][0]
+ self.sort_type = self.sort_type + connector + \
+ sort_arg_defs[word][1]
+ connector = ", "
+ stats_list = []
+ for func in self.stats.keys():
+ cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = self.stats[func]
+ stats_list.append((cc, nc, tt, ct) + func_split(func) \
+ + (func_std_string(func), func,) )
+ stats_list.sort(TupleComp(sort_tuple).compare)
+ self.fcn_list = fcn_list = []
+ for tuple in stats_list:
+ fcn_list.append(tuple[-1])
+ return self
+ def reverse_order(self):
+ if self.fcn_list: self.fcn_list.reverse()
+ return self
+ def strip_dirs(self):
+ oldstats = self.stats
+ self.stats = newstats = {}
+ max_name_len = 0
+ for func in oldstats.keys():
+ cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = oldstats[func]
+ newfunc = func_strip_path(func)
+ if len(func_std_string(newfunc)) > max_name_len:
+ max_name_len = len(func_std_string(newfunc))
+ newcallers = {}
+ for func2 in callers.keys():
+ newcallers[func_strip_path(func2)] = \
+ callers[func2]
+ if newstats.has_key(newfunc):
+ newstats[newfunc] = add_func_stats( \
+ newstats[newfunc],\
+ (cc, nc, tt, ct, newcallers))
+ else:
+ newstats[newfunc] = (cc, nc, tt, ct, newcallers)
+ old_top = self.top_level
+ self.top_level = new_top = {}
+ for func in old_top.keys():
+ new_top[func_strip_path(func)] = None
+ self.max_name_len = max_name_len
+ self.fcn_list = None
+ self.all_callees = None
+ return self
+ def calc_callees(self):
+ if self.all_callees: return
+ self.all_callees = all_callees = {}
+ for func in self.stats.keys():
+ if not all_callees.has_key(func):
+ all_callees[func] = {}
+ cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = self.stats[func]
+ for func2 in callers.keys():
+ if not all_callees.has_key(func2):
+ all_callees[func2] = {}
+ all_callees[func2][func] = callers[func2]
+ return
+ #******************************************************************
+ # The following functions support actual printing of reports
+ #******************************************************************
+ # Optional "amount" is either a line count, or a percentage of lines.
+ def eval_print_amount(self, sel, list, msg):
+ new_list = list
+ if type(sel) == type(""):
+ new_list = []
+ for func in list:
+ if, func_std_string(func)):
+ new_list.append(func)
+ else:
+ count = len(list)
+ if type(sel) == type(1.0) and 0.0 <= sel < 1.0:
+ count = int (count * sel + .5)
+ new_list = list[:count]
+ elif type(sel) == type(1) and 0 <= sel < count:
+ count = sel
+ new_list = list[:count]
+ if len(list) != len(new_list):
+ msg = msg + " List reduced from " + `len(list)` \
+ + " to " + `len(new_list)` + \
+ " due to restriction <" + `sel` + ">\n"
+ return new_list, msg
+ def get_print_list(self, sel_list):
+ width = self.max_name_len
+ if self.fcn_list:
+ list = self.fcn_list[:]
+ msg = " Ordered by: " + self.sort_type + '\n'
+ else:
+ list = self.stats.keys()
+ msg = " Random listing order was used\n"
+ for selection in sel_list:
+ list,msg = self.eval_print_amount(selection, list, msg)
+ count = len(list)
+ if not list:
+ return 0, list
+ print msg
+ if count < len(self.stats):
+ width = 0
+ for func in list:
+ if len(func_std_string(func)) > width:
+ width = len(func_std_string(func))
+ return width+2, list
+ def print_stats(self, *amount):
+ for filename in self.files:
+ print filename
+ if self.files: print
+ indent = " "
+ for func in self.top_level.keys():
+ print indent, func_get_function_name(func)
+ print indent, self.total_calls, "function calls",
+ if self.total_calls != self.prim_calls:
+ print "(" + `self.prim_calls`, "primitive calls)",
+ print "in", fpformat.fix(self.total_tt, 3), "CPU seconds"
+ print
+ width, list = self.get_print_list(amount)
+ if list:
+ self.print_title()
+ for func in list:
+ self.print_line(func)
+ print
+ print
+ return self
+ def print_callees(self, *amount):
+ width, list = self.get_print_list(amount)
+ if list:
+ self.calc_callees()
+ self.print_call_heading(width, "called...")
+ for func in list:
+ if self.all_callees.has_key(func):
+ self.print_call_line(width, \
+ func, self.all_callees[func])
+ else:
+ self.print_call_line(width, func, {})
+ print
+ print
+ return self
+ def print_callers(self, *amount):
+ width, list = self.get_print_list(amount)
+ if list:
+ self.print_call_heading(width, "was called by...")
+ for func in list:
+ cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = self.stats[func]
+ self.print_call_line(width, func, callers)
+ print
+ print
+ return self
+ def print_call_heading(self, name_size, column_title):
+ print string.ljust("Function ", name_size) + column_title
+ def print_call_line(self, name_size, source, call_dict):
+ print string.ljust(func_std_string(source), name_size),
+ if not call_dict:
+ print "--"
+ return
+ clist = call_dict.keys()
+ clist.sort()
+ name_size = name_size + 1
+ indent = ""
+ for func in clist:
+ name = func_std_string(func)
+ print indent*name_size + name + '(' \
+ + `call_dict[func]`+')', \
+ f8(self.stats[func][3])
+ indent = " "
+ def print_title(self):
+ print string.rjust('ncalls', 9),
+ print string.rjust('tottime', 8),
+ print string.rjust('percall', 8),
+ print string.rjust('cumtime', 8),
+ print string.rjust('percall', 8),
+ print 'filename:lineno(function)'
+ def print_line(self, func): # hack : should print percentages
+ cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = self.stats[func]
+ c = `nc`
+ if nc != cc:
+ c = c + '/' + `cc`
+ print string.rjust(c, 9),
+ print f8(tt),
+ if nc == 0:
+ print ' '*8,
+ else:
+ print f8(tt/nc),
+ print f8(ct),
+ if cc == 0:
+ print ' '*8,
+ else:
+ print f8(ct/cc),
+ print func_std_string(func)
+ def ignore(self):
+ pass # has no return value, so use at end of line :-)
class TupleComp:
- """This class provides a generic function for comparing any two tuples.
- Each instance records a list of tuple-indices (from most significant
- to least significant), and sort direction (ascending or decending) for
- each tuple-index. The compare functions can then be used as the function
- argument to the system sort() function when a list of tuples need to be
- sorted in the instances order."""
- def __init__(self, comp_select_list):
- self.comp_select_list = comp_select_list
- def compare (self, left, right):
- for index, direction in self.comp_select_list:
- l = left[index]
- r = right[index]
- if l < r:
- return -direction
- if l > r:
- return direction
- return 0
+ """This class provides a generic function for comparing any two tuples.
+ Each instance records a list of tuple-indices (from most significant
+ to least significant), and sort direction (ascending or decending) for
+ each tuple-index. The compare functions can then be used as the function
+ argument to the system sort() function when a list of tuples need to be
+ sorted in the instances order."""
+ def __init__(self, comp_select_list):
+ self.comp_select_list = comp_select_list
+ def compare (self, left, right):
+ for index, direction in self.comp_select_list:
+ l = left[index]
+ r = right[index]
+ if l < r:
+ return -direction
+ if l > r:
+ return direction
+ return 0
def func_strip_path(func_name):
- file, line, name = func_name
- return os.path.basename(file), line, name
+ file, line, name = func_name
+ return os.path.basename(file), line, name
def func_get_function_name(func):
- return func[2]
+ return func[2]
def func_std_string(func_name): # match what old profile produced
- file, line, name = func_name
- return file + ":" + `line` + "(" + name + ")"
+ file, line, name = func_name
+ return file + ":" + `line` + "(" + name + ")"
def func_split(func_name):
- return func_name
+ return func_name
# The following functions combine statists for pairs functions.
# The bulk of the processing involves correctly handling "call" lists,
-# such as callers and callees.
+# such as callers and callees.
def add_func_stats(target, source):
- """Add together all the stats for two profile entries."""
- cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = source
- t_cc, t_nc, t_tt, t_ct, t_callers = target
- return (cc+t_cc, nc+t_nc, tt+t_tt, ct+t_ct, \
- add_callers(t_callers, callers))
+ """Add together all the stats for two profile entries."""
+ cc, nc, tt, ct, callers = source
+ t_cc, t_nc, t_tt, t_ct, t_callers = target
+ return (cc+t_cc, nc+t_nc, tt+t_tt, ct+t_ct, \
+ add_callers(t_callers, callers))
def add_callers(target, source):
- """Combine two caller lists in a single list."""
- new_callers = {}
- for func in target.keys():
- new_callers[func] = target[func]
- for func in source.keys():
- if new_callers.has_key(func):
- new_callers[func] = source[func] + new_callers[func]
- else:
- new_callers[func] = source[func]
- return new_callers
+ """Combine two caller lists in a single list."""
+ new_callers = {}
+ for func in target.keys():
+ new_callers[func] = target[func]
+ for func in source.keys():
+ if new_callers.has_key(func):
+ new_callers[func] = source[func] + new_callers[func]
+ else:
+ new_callers[func] = source[func]
+ return new_callers
def count_calls(callers):
- """Sum the caller statistics to get total number of calls received."""
- nc = 0
- for func in callers.keys():
- nc = nc + callers[func]
- return nc
+ """Sum the caller statistics to get total number of calls received."""
+ nc = 0
+ for func in callers.keys():
+ nc = nc + callers[func]
+ return nc
# The following functions support printing of reports
def f8(x):
- return string.rjust(fpformat.fix(x, 3), 8)
+ return string.rjust(fpformat.fix(x, 3), 8)