path: root/Lib/test/libregrtest/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test/libregrtest/')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/libregrtest/ b/Lib/test/libregrtest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..891b00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/libregrtest/
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+from test import support
+USAGE = """\
+python -m test [options] [test_name1 [test_name2 ...]]
+python path/to/Lib/test/ [options] [test_name1 [test_name2 ...]]
+Run Python regression tests.
+If no arguments or options are provided, finds all files matching
+the pattern "test_*" in the Lib/test subdirectory and runs
+them in alphabetical order (but see -M and -u, below, for exceptions).
+For more rigorous testing, it is useful to use the following
+command line:
+python -E -Wd -m test [options] [test_name1 ...]
+EPILOG = """\
+Additional option details:
+-r randomizes test execution order. You can use --randseed=int to provide an
+int seed value for the randomizer; this is useful for reproducing troublesome
+test orders.
+-s On the first invocation of regrtest using -s, the first test file found
+or the first test file given on the command line is run, and the name of
+the next test is recorded in a file named pynexttest. If run from the
+Python build directory, pynexttest is located in the 'build' subdirectory,
+otherwise it is located in tempfile.gettempdir(). On subsequent runs,
+the test in pynexttest is run, and the next test is written to pynexttest.
+When the last test has been run, pynexttest is deleted. In this way it
+is possible to single step through the test files. This is useful when
+doing memory analysis on the Python interpreter, which process tends to
+consume too many resources to run the full regression test non-stop.
+-S is used to continue running tests after an aborted run. It will
+maintain the order a standard run (ie, this assumes -r is not used).
+This is useful after the tests have prematurely stopped for some external
+reason and you want to start running from where you left off rather
+than starting from the beginning.
+-f reads the names of tests from the file given as f's argument, one
+or more test names per line. Whitespace is ignored. Blank lines and
+lines beginning with '#' are ignored. This is especially useful for
+whittling down failures involving interactions among tests.
+-L causes the leaks(1) command to be run just before exit if it exists.
+leaks(1) is available on Mac OS X and presumably on some other
+FreeBSD-derived systems.
+-R runs each test several times and examines sys.gettotalrefcount() to
+see if the test appears to be leaking references. The argument should
+be of the form stab:run:fname where 'stab' is the number of times the
+test is run to let gettotalrefcount settle down, 'run' is the number
+of times further it is run and 'fname' is the name of the file the
+reports are written to. These parameters all have defaults (5, 4 and
+"reflog.txt" respectively), and the minimal invocation is '-R :'.
+-M runs tests that require an exorbitant amount of memory. These tests
+typically try to ascertain containers keep working when containing more than
+2 billion objects, which only works on 64-bit systems. There are also some
+tests that try to exhaust the address space of the process, which only makes
+sense on 32-bit systems with at least 2Gb of memory. The passed-in memlimit,
+which is a string in the form of '2.5Gb', determines howmuch memory the
+tests will limit themselves to (but they may go slightly over.) The number
+shouldn't be more memory than the machine has (including swap memory). You
+should also keep in mind that swap memory is generally much, much slower
+than RAM, and setting memlimit to all available RAM or higher will heavily
+tax the machine. On the other hand, it is no use running these tests with a
+limit of less than 2.5Gb, and many require more than 20Gb. Tests that expect
+to use more than memlimit memory will be skipped. The big-memory tests
+generally run very, very long.
+-u is used to specify which special resource intensive tests to run,
+such as those requiring large file support or network connectivity.
+The argument is a comma-separated list of words indicating the
+resources to test. Currently only the following are defined:
+ all - Enable all special resources.
+ none - Disable all special resources (this is the default).
+ audio - Tests that use the audio device. (There are known
+ cases of broken audio drivers that can crash Python or
+ even the Linux kernel.)
+ curses - Tests that use curses and will modify the terminal's
+ state and output modes.
+ largefile - It is okay to run some test that may create huge
+ files. These tests can take a long time and may
+ consume >2GB of disk space temporarily.
+ network - It is okay to run tests that use external network
+ resource, e.g. testing SSL support for sockets.
+ decimal - Test the decimal module against a large suite that
+ verifies compliance with standards.
+ cpu - Used for certain CPU-heavy tests.
+ subprocess Run all tests for the subprocess module.
+ urlfetch - It is okay to download files required on testing.
+ gui - Run tests that require a running GUI.
+ tzdata - Run tests that require timezone data.
+To enable all resources except one, use '-uall,-<resource>'. For
+example, to run all the tests except for the gui tests, give the
+option '-uall,-gui'.
+RESOURCE_NAMES = ('audio', 'curses', 'largefile', 'network',
+ 'decimal', 'cpu', 'subprocess', 'urlfetch', 'gui', 'tzdata')
+class _ArgParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
+ def error(self, message):
+ super().error(message + "\nPass -h or --help for complete help.")
+def _create_parser():
+ # Set prog to prevent the uninformative "" from displaying in
+ # error messages when using "python -m test ...".
+ parser = _ArgParser(prog='',
+ usage=USAGE,
+ description=DESCRIPTION,
+ epilog=EPILOG,
+ add_help=False,
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+ # Arguments with this clause added to its help are described further in
+ # the epilog's "Additional option details" section.
+ more_details = ' See the section at bottom for more details.'
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('General options')
+ # We add help explicitly to control what argument group it renders under.
+ group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help',
+ help='show this help message and exit')
+ group.add_argument('--timeout', metavar='TIMEOUT', type=float,
+ help='dump the traceback and exit if a test takes '
+ 'more than TIMEOUT seconds; disabled if TIMEOUT '
+ 'is negative or equals to zero')
+ group.add_argument('--wait', action='store_true',
+ help='wait for user input, e.g., allow a debugger '
+ 'to be attached')
+ group.add_argument('--slaveargs', metavar='ARGS')
+ group.add_argument('-S', '--start', metavar='START',
+ help='the name of the test at which to start.' +
+ more_details)
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('Verbosity')
+ group.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count',
+ help='run tests in verbose mode with output to stdout')
+ group.add_argument('-w', '--verbose2', action='store_true',
+ help='re-run failed tests in verbose mode')
+ group.add_argument('-W', '--verbose3', action='store_true',
+ help='display test output on failure')
+ group.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
+ help='no output unless one or more tests fail')
+ group.add_argument('-o', '--slowest', action='store_true', dest='print_slow',
+ help='print the slowest 10 tests')
+ group.add_argument('--header', action='store_true',
+ help='print header with interpreter info')
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('Selecting tests')
+ group.add_argument('-r', '--randomize', action='store_true',
+ help='randomize test execution order.' + more_details)
+ group.add_argument('--randseed', metavar='SEED',
+ dest='random_seed', type=int,
+ help='pass a random seed to reproduce a previous '
+ 'random run')
+ group.add_argument('-f', '--fromfile', metavar='FILE',
+ help='read names of tests to run from a file.' +
+ more_details)
+ group.add_argument('-x', '--exclude', action='store_true',
+ help='arguments are tests to *exclude*')
+ group.add_argument('-s', '--single', action='store_true',
+ help='single step through a set of tests.' +
+ more_details)
+ group.add_argument('-m', '--match', metavar='PAT',
+ dest='match_tests',
+ help='match test cases and methods with glob pattern PAT')
+ group.add_argument('-G', '--failfast', action='store_true',
+ help='fail as soon as a test fails (only with -v or -W)')
+ group.add_argument('-u', '--use', metavar='RES1,RES2,...',
+ action='append', type=resources_list,
+ help='specify which special resource intensive tests '
+ 'to run.' + more_details)
+ group.add_argument('-M', '--memlimit', metavar='LIMIT',
+ help='run very large memory-consuming tests.' +
+ more_details)
+ group.add_argument('--testdir', metavar='DIR',
+ type=relative_filename,
+ help='execute test files in the specified directory '
+ '(instead of the Python stdlib test suite)')
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('Special runs')
+ group.add_argument('-l', '--findleaks', action='store_true',
+ help='if GC is available detect tests that leak memory')
+ group.add_argument('-L', '--runleaks', action='store_true',
+ help='run the leaks(1) command just before exit.' +
+ more_details)
+ group.add_argument('-R', '--huntrleaks', metavar='RUNCOUNTS',
+ type=huntrleaks,
+ help='search for reference leaks (needs debug build, '
+ 'very slow).' + more_details)
+ group.add_argument('-j', '--multiprocess', metavar='PROCESSES',
+ dest='use_mp', type=int,
+ help='run PROCESSES processes at once')
+ group.add_argument('-T', '--coverage', action='store_true',
+ dest='trace',
+ help='turn on code coverage tracing using the trace '
+ 'module')
+ group.add_argument('-D', '--coverdir', metavar='DIR',
+ type=relative_filename,
+ help='directory where coverage files are put')
+ group.add_argument('-N', '--nocoverdir',
+ action='store_const', const=None, dest='coverdir',
+ help='put coverage files alongside modules')
+ group.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', metavar='THRESHOLD',
+ type=int,
+ help='call gc.set_threshold(THRESHOLD)')
+ group.add_argument('-n', '--nowindows', action='store_true',
+ help='suppress error message boxes on Windows')
+ group.add_argument('-F', '--forever', action='store_true',
+ help='run the specified tests in a loop, until an '
+ 'error happens')
+ group.add_argument('--list-tests', action='store_true',
+ help="only write the name of tests that will be run, "
+ "don't execute them")
+ group.add_argument('-P', '--pgo', dest='pgo', action='store_true',
+ help='enable Profile Guided Optimization training')
+ return parser
+def relative_filename(string):
+ # CWD is replaced with a temporary dir before calling main(), so we
+ # join it with the saved CWD so it ends up where the user expects.
+ return os.path.join(support.SAVEDCWD, string)
+def huntrleaks(string):
+ args = string.split(':')
+ if len(args) not in (2, 3):
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+ 'needs 2 or 3 colon-separated arguments')
+ nwarmup = int(args[0]) if args[0] else 5
+ ntracked = int(args[1]) if args[1] else 4
+ fname = args[2] if len(args) > 2 and args[2] else 'reflog.txt'
+ return nwarmup, ntracked, fname
+def resources_list(string):
+ u = [x.lower() for x in string.split(',')]
+ for r in u:
+ if r == 'all' or r == 'none':
+ continue
+ if r[0] == '-':
+ r = r[1:]
+ if r not in RESOURCE_NAMES:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('invalid resource: ' + r)
+ return u
+def _parse_args(args, **kwargs):
+ # Defaults
+ ns = argparse.Namespace(testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=False,
+ exclude=False, single=False, randomize=False, fromfile=None,
+ findleaks=False, use_resources=None, trace=False, coverdir='coverage',
+ runleaks=False, huntrleaks=False, verbose2=False, print_slow=False,
+ random_seed=None, use_mp=None, verbose3=False, forever=False,
+ header=False, failfast=False, match_tests=None, pgo=False)
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ if not hasattr(ns, k):
+ raise TypeError('%r is an invalid keyword argument '
+ 'for this function' % k)
+ setattr(ns, k, v)
+ if ns.use_resources is None:
+ ns.use_resources = []
+ parser = _create_parser()
+ # Issue #14191: argparse doesn't support "intermixed" positional and
+ # optional arguments. Use parse_known_args() as workaround.
+ ns.args = parser.parse_known_args(args=args, namespace=ns)[1]
+ for arg in ns.args:
+ if arg.startswith('-'):
+ parser.error("unrecognized arguments: %s" % arg)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if ns.single and ns.fromfile:
+ parser.error("-s and -f don't go together!")
+ if ns.use_mp and ns.trace:
+ parser.error("-T and -j don't go together!")
+ if ns.use_mp and ns.findleaks:
+ parser.error("-l and -j don't go together!")
+ if ns.failfast and not (ns.verbose or ns.verbose3):
+ parser.error("-G/--failfast needs either -v or -W")
+ if ns.pgo and (ns.verbose or ns.verbose2 or ns.verbose3):
+ parser.error("--pgo/-v don't go together!")
+ if ns.nowindows:
+ print("Warning: the --nowindows (-n) option is deprecated. "
+ "Use -vv to display assertions in stderr.", file=sys.stderr)
+ if ns.quiet:
+ ns.verbose = 0
+ if ns.timeout is not None:
+ if ns.timeout <= 0:
+ ns.timeout = None
+ if ns.use_mp is not None:
+ if ns.use_mp <= 0:
+ # Use all cores + extras for tests that like to sleep
+ ns.use_mp = 2 + (os.cpu_count() or 1)
+ if ns.use:
+ for a in ns.use:
+ for r in a:
+ if r == 'all':
+ ns.use_resources[:] = RESOURCE_NAMES
+ continue
+ if r == 'none':
+ del ns.use_resources[:]
+ continue
+ remove = False
+ if r[0] == '-':
+ remove = True
+ r = r[1:]
+ if remove:
+ if r in ns.use_resources:
+ ns.use_resources.remove(r)
+ elif r not in ns.use_resources:
+ ns.use_resources.append(r)
+ if ns.random_seed is not None:
+ ns.randomize = True
+ return ns