path: root/Lib/test/
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1 files changed, 118 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index bf6116b..5d983eb 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -2042,21 +2042,40 @@ class AbstractPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
def check_frame_opcodes(self, pickled):
Check the arguments of FRAME opcodes in a protocol 4+ pickle.
+ Note that binary objects that are larger than FRAME_SIZE_TARGET are not
+ framed by default and are therefore considered a frame by themselves in
+ the following consistency check.
- frame_opcode_size = 9
- last_arg = last_pos = None
+ last_arg = last_pos = last_frame_opcode_size = None
+ frameless_opcode_sizes = {
+ 'BINBYTES': 5,
+ 'BINBYTES8': 9,
+ }
for op, arg, pos in pickletools.genops(pickled):
- if != 'FRAME':
+ if in frameless_opcode_sizes:
+ if len(arg) > self.FRAME_SIZE_TARGET:
+ frame_opcode_size = frameless_opcode_sizes[]
+ arg = len(arg)
+ else:
+ continue
+ elif == 'FRAME':
+ frame_opcode_size = 9
+ else:
if last_pos is not None:
# The previous frame's size should be equal to the number
# of bytes up to the current frame.
- frame_size = pos - last_pos - frame_opcode_size
+ frame_size = pos - last_pos - last_frame_opcode_size
self.assertEqual(frame_size, last_arg)
last_arg, last_pos = arg, pos
+ last_frame_opcode_size = frame_opcode_size
# The last frame's size should be equal to the number of bytes up
# to the pickle's end.
- frame_size = len(pickled) - last_pos - frame_opcode_size
+ frame_size = len(pickled) - last_pos - last_frame_opcode_size
self.assertEqual(frame_size, last_arg)
def test_framing_many_objects(self):
@@ -2076,15 +2095,36 @@ class AbstractPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_framing_large_objects(self):
N = 1024 * 1024
- obj = [b'x' * N, b'y' * N, b'z' * N]
+ obj = [b'x' * N, b'y' * N, 'z' * N]
for proto in range(4, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
- with self.subTest(proto=proto):
- pickled = self.dumps(obj, proto)
- unpickled = self.loads(pickled)
- self.assertEqual(obj, unpickled)
- n_frames = count_opcode(pickle.FRAME, pickled)
- self.assertGreaterEqual(n_frames, len(obj))
- self.check_frame_opcodes(pickled)
+ for fast in [True, False]:
+ with self.subTest(proto=proto, fast=fast):
+ if hasattr(self, 'pickler'):
+ buf = io.BytesIO()
+ pickler = self.pickler(buf, protocol=proto)
+ = fast
+ pickler.dump(obj)
+ pickled = buf.getvalue()
+ elif fast:
+ continue
+ else:
+ # Fallback to self.dumps when fast=False and
+ # self.pickler is not available.
+ pickled = self.dumps(obj, proto)
+ unpickled = self.loads(pickled)
+ # More informative error message in case of failure.
+ self.assertEqual([len(x) for x in obj],
+ [len(x) for x in unpickled])
+ # Perform full equality check if the lengths match.
+ self.assertEqual(obj, unpickled)
+ n_frames = count_opcode(pickle.FRAME, pickled)
+ if not fast:
+ # One frame per memoize for each large object.
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(n_frames, len(obj))
+ else:
+ # One frame at the beginning and one at the end.
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(n_frames, 2)
+ self.check_frame_opcodes(pickled)
def test_optional_frames(self):
if pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL < 4:
@@ -2125,6 +2165,71 @@ class AbstractPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
count_opcode(pickle.FRAME, pickled))
self.assertEqual(obj, self.loads(some_frames_pickle))
+ def test_framed_write_sizes_with_delayed_writer(self):
+ class ChunkAccumulator:
+ """Accumulate pickler output in a list of raw chunks."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.chunks = []
+ def write(self, chunk):
+ self.chunks.append(chunk)
+ def concatenate_chunks(self):
+ # Some chunks can be memoryview instances, we need to convert
+ # them to bytes to be able to call join
+ return b"".join([c.tobytes() if hasattr(c, 'tobytes') else c
+ for c in self.chunks])
+ small_objects = [(str(i).encode('ascii'), i % 42, {'i': str(i)})
+ for i in range(int(1e4))]
+ for proto in range(4, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
+ # Protocol 4 packs groups of small objects into frames and issues
+ # calls to write only once or twice per frame:
+ # The C pickler issues one call to write per-frame (header and
+ # contents) while Python pickler issues two calls to write: one for
+ # the frame header and one for the frame binary contents.
+ writer = ChunkAccumulator()
+ self.pickler(writer, proto).dump(small_objects)
+ # Actually read the binary content of the chunks after the end
+ # of the call to dump: ant memoryview passed to write should not
+ # be released otherwise this delayed access would not be possible.
+ pickled = writer.concatenate_chunks()
+ reconstructed = self.loads(pickled)
+ self.assertEqual(reconstructed, small_objects)
+ self.assertGreater(len(writer.chunks), 1)
+ n_frames, remainder = divmod(len(pickled), self.FRAME_SIZE_TARGET)
+ if remainder > 0:
+ n_frames += 1
+ # There should be at least one call to write per frame
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(len(writer.chunks), n_frames)
+ # but not too many either: there can be one for the proto,
+ # one per-frame header and one per frame for the actual contents.
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(2 * n_frames + 1, len(writer.chunks))
+ chunk_sizes = [len(c) for c in writer.chunks[:-1]]
+ large_sizes = [s for s in chunk_sizes
+ if s >= self.FRAME_SIZE_TARGET]
+ small_sizes = [s for s in chunk_sizes
+ if s < self.FRAME_SIZE_TARGET]
+ # Large chunks should not be too large:
+ for chunk_size in large_sizes:
+ self.assertGreater(2 * self.FRAME_SIZE_TARGET, chunk_size)
+ last_chunk_size = len(writer.chunks[-1])
+ self.assertGreater(2 * self.FRAME_SIZE_TARGET, last_chunk_size)
+ # Small chunks (if any) should be very small
+ # (only proto and frame headers)
+ for chunk_size in small_sizes:
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(9, chunk_size)
def test_nested_names(self):
global Nested
class Nested: