path: root/Lib/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test/')
1 files changed, 554 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1138f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import datetime
+import faulthandler
+import os
+import re
+import signal
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from test import support, script_helper
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+ import threading
+except ImportError:
+TIMEOUT = 0.5
+ from resource import setrlimit, RLIMIT_CORE, error as resource_error
+except ImportError:
+ prepare_subprocess = None
+ def prepare_subprocess():
+ # don't create core file
+ try:
+ setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, (0, 0))
+ except (ValueError, resource_error):
+ pass
+def expected_traceback(lineno1, lineno2, header, min_count=1):
+ regex = header
+ regex += ' File "<string>", line %s in func\n' % lineno1
+ regex += ' File "<string>", line %s in <module>' % lineno2
+ if 1 < min_count:
+ return '^' + (regex + '\n') * (min_count - 1) + regex
+ else:
+ return '^' + regex + '$'
+def temporary_filename():
+ filename = tempfile.mktemp()
+ try:
+ yield filename
+ finally:
+ support.unlink(filename)
+class FaultHandlerTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def get_output(self, code, filename=None):
+ """
+ Run the specified code in Python (in a new child process) and read the
+ output from the standard error or from a file (if filename is set).
+ Return the output lines as a list.
+ Strip the reference count from the standard error for Python debug
+ build, and replace "Current thread 0x00007f8d8fbd9700" by "Current
+ thread XXX".
+ """
+ options = {}
+ if prepare_subprocess:
+ options['preexec_fn'] = prepare_subprocess
+ process = script_helper.spawn_python('-c', code, **options)
+ stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
+ exitcode = process.wait()
+ output = support.strip_python_stderr(stdout)
+ output = output.decode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
+ if filename:
+ self.assertEqual(output, '')
+ with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
+ output =
+ output = output.decode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
+ output = re.sub('Current thread 0x[0-9a-f]+',
+ 'Current thread XXX',
+ output)
+ return output.splitlines(), exitcode
+ def check_fatal_error(self, code, line_number, name_regex,
+ filename=None, all_threads=True, other_regex=None):
+ """
+ Check that the fault handler for fatal errors is enabled and check the
+ traceback from the child process output.
+ Raise an error if the output doesn't match the expected format.
+ """
+ if all_threads:
+ header = 'Current thread XXX'
+ else:
+ header = 'Traceback (most recent call first)'
+ regex = """
+^Fatal Python error: {name}
+ File "<string>", line {lineno} in <module>
+ regex = regex.format(
+ lineno=line_number,
+ name=name_regex,
+ header=re.escape(header))
+ if other_regex:
+ regex += '|' + other_regex
+ output, exitcode = self.get_output(code, filename)
+ output = '\n'.join(output)
+ self.assertRegex(output, regex)
+ self.assertNotEqual(exitcode, 0)
+ def test_read_null(self):
+ self.check_fatal_error("""
+import faulthandler
+ 3,
+ # Issue #12700: Read NULL raises SIGILL on Mac OS X Lion
+ '(?:Segmentation fault|Bus error|Illegal instruction)')
+ def test_sigsegv(self):
+ self.check_fatal_error("""
+import faulthandler
+ 3,
+ 'Segmentation fault')
+ def test_sigabrt(self):
+ self.check_fatal_error("""
+import faulthandler
+ 3,
+ 'Aborted')
+ @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == 'win32',
+ "SIGFPE cannot be caught on Windows")
+ def test_sigfpe(self):
+ self.check_fatal_error("""
+import faulthandler
+ 3,
+ 'Floating point exception')
+ @unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(faulthandler, '_sigbus'),
+ "need faulthandler._sigbus()")
+ def test_sigbus(self):
+ self.check_fatal_error("""
+import faulthandler
+ 3,
+ 'Bus error')
+ @unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(faulthandler, '_sigill'),
+ "need faulthandler._sigill()")
+ def test_sigill(self):
+ self.check_fatal_error("""
+import faulthandler
+ 3,
+ 'Illegal instruction')
+ def test_fatal_error(self):
+ self.check_fatal_error("""
+import faulthandler
+ 2,
+ 'xyz')
+ @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform.startswith('openbsd') and HAVE_THREADS,
+ "Issue #12868: sigaltstack() doesn't work on "
+ "OpenBSD if Python is compiled with pthread")
+ @unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(faulthandler, '_stack_overflow'),
+ 'need faulthandler._stack_overflow()')
+ def test_stack_overflow(self):
+ self.check_fatal_error("""
+import faulthandler
+ 3,
+ '(?:Segmentation fault|Bus error)',
+ other_regex='unable to raise a stack overflow')
+ def test_gil_released(self):
+ self.check_fatal_error("""
+import faulthandler
+ 3,
+ '(?:Segmentation fault|Bus error|Illegal instruction)')
+ def test_enable_file(self):
+ with temporary_filename() as filename:
+ self.check_fatal_error("""
+import faulthandler
+output = open({filename}, 'wb')
+ 4,
+ '(?:Segmentation fault|Bus error|Illegal instruction)',
+ filename=filename)
+ def test_enable_single_thread(self):
+ self.check_fatal_error("""
+import faulthandler
+ 3,
+ '(?:Segmentation fault|Bus error|Illegal instruction)',
+ all_threads=False)
+ def test_disable(self):
+ code = """
+import faulthandler
+ not_expected = 'Fatal Python error'
+ stderr, exitcode = self.get_output(code)
+ stder = '\n'.join(stderr)
+ self.assertTrue(not_expected not in stderr,
+ "%r is present in %r" % (not_expected, stderr))
+ self.assertNotEqual(exitcode, 0)
+ def test_is_enabled(self):
+ orig_stderr = sys.stderr
+ try:
+ # regrtest may replace sys.stderr by io.StringIO object, but
+ # faulthandler.enable() requires that sys.stderr has a fileno()
+ # method
+ sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
+ was_enabled = faulthandler.is_enabled()
+ try:
+ faulthandler.enable()
+ self.assertTrue(faulthandler.is_enabled())
+ faulthandler.disable()
+ self.assertFalse(faulthandler.is_enabled())
+ finally:
+ if was_enabled:
+ faulthandler.enable()
+ else:
+ faulthandler.disable()
+ finally:
+ sys.stderr = orig_stderr
+ def check_dump_traceback(self, filename):
+ """
+ Explicitly call dump_traceback() function and check its output.
+ Raise an error if the output doesn't match the expected format.
+ """
+ code = """
+import faulthandler
+def funcB():
+ if {has_filename}:
+ with open({filename}, "wb") as fp:
+ faulthandler.dump_traceback(fp, all_threads=False)
+ else:
+ faulthandler.dump_traceback(all_threads=False)
+def funcA():
+ funcB()
+ code = code.format(
+ filename=repr(filename),
+ has_filename=bool(filename),
+ )
+ if filename:
+ lineno = 6
+ else:
+ lineno = 8
+ expected = [
+ 'Traceback (most recent call first):',
+ ' File "<string>", line %s in funcB' % lineno,
+ ' File "<string>", line 11 in funcA',
+ ' File "<string>", line 13 in <module>'
+ ]
+ trace, exitcode = self.get_output(code, filename)
+ self.assertEqual(trace, expected)
+ self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
+ def test_dump_traceback(self):
+ self.check_dump_traceback(None)
+ def test_dump_traceback_file(self):
+ with temporary_filename() as filename:
+ self.check_dump_traceback(filename)
+ @unittest.skipIf(not HAVE_THREADS, 'need threads')
+ def check_dump_traceback_threads(self, filename):
+ """
+ Call explicitly dump_traceback(all_threads=True) and check the output.
+ Raise an error if the output doesn't match the expected format.
+ """
+ code = """
+import faulthandler
+from threading import Thread, Event
+import time
+def dump():
+ if {filename}:
+ with open({filename}, "wb") as fp:
+ faulthandler.dump_traceback(fp, all_threads=True)
+ else:
+ faulthandler.dump_traceback(all_threads=True)
+class Waiter(Thread):
+ # avoid blocking if the main thread raises an exception.
+ daemon = True
+ def __init__(self):
+ Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.running = Event()
+ self.stop = Event()
+ def run(self):
+ self.running.set()
+ self.stop.wait()
+waiter = Waiter()
+ code = code.format(filename=repr(filename))
+ output, exitcode = self.get_output(code, filename)
+ output = '\n'.join(output)
+ if filename:
+ lineno = 8
+ else:
+ lineno = 10
+ regex = """
+^Thread 0x[0-9a-f]+:
+(?: File ".*", line [0-9]+ in [_a-z]+
+){{1,3}} File "<string>", line 23 in run
+ File ".*", line [0-9]+ in _bootstrap_inner
+ File ".*", line [0-9]+ in _bootstrap
+Current thread XXX:
+ File "<string>", line {lineno} in dump
+ File "<string>", line 28 in <module>$
+ regex = regex.format(lineno=lineno)
+ self.assertRegex(output, regex)
+ self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
+ def test_dump_traceback_threads(self):
+ self.check_dump_traceback_threads(None)
+ def test_dump_traceback_threads_file(self):
+ with temporary_filename() as filename:
+ self.check_dump_traceback_threads(filename)
+ def _check_dump_tracebacks_later(self, repeat, cancel, filename, loops):
+ """
+ Check how many times the traceback is written in timeout x 2.5 seconds,
+ or timeout x 3.5 seconds if cancel is True: 1, 2 or 3 times depending
+ on repeat and cancel options.
+ Raise an error if the output doesn't match the expect format.
+ """
+ timeout_str = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=TIMEOUT))
+ code = """
+import faulthandler
+import time
+def func(timeout, repeat, cancel, file, loops):
+ for loop in range(loops):
+ faulthandler.dump_tracebacks_later(timeout, repeat=repeat, file=file)
+ if cancel:
+ faulthandler.cancel_dump_tracebacks_later()
+ time.sleep(timeout * 5)
+ faulthandler.cancel_dump_tracebacks_later()
+timeout = {timeout}
+repeat = {repeat}
+cancel = {cancel}
+loops = {loops}
+if {has_filename}:
+ file = open({filename}, "wb")
+ file = None
+func(timeout, repeat, cancel, file, loops)
+if file is not None:
+ file.close()
+ code = code.format(
+ timeout=TIMEOUT,
+ repeat=repeat,
+ cancel=cancel,
+ loops=loops,
+ has_filename=bool(filename),
+ filename=repr(filename),
+ )
+ trace, exitcode = self.get_output(code, filename)
+ trace = '\n'.join(trace)
+ if not cancel:
+ count = loops
+ if repeat:
+ count *= 2
+ header = r'Timeout \(%s\)!\nThread 0x[0-9a-f]+:\n' % timeout_str
+ regex = expected_traceback(9, 20, header, min_count=count)
+ self.assertRegex(trace, regex)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(trace, '')
+ self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
+ @unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(faulthandler, 'dump_tracebacks_later'),
+ 'need faulthandler.dump_tracebacks_later()')
+ def check_dump_tracebacks_later(self, repeat=False, cancel=False,
+ file=False, twice=False):
+ if twice:
+ loops = 2
+ else:
+ loops = 1
+ if file:
+ with temporary_filename() as filename:
+ self._check_dump_tracebacks_later(repeat, cancel,
+ filename, loops)
+ else:
+ self._check_dump_tracebacks_later(repeat, cancel, None, loops)
+ def test_dump_tracebacks_later(self):
+ self.check_dump_tracebacks_later()
+ def test_dump_tracebacks_later_repeat(self):
+ self.check_dump_tracebacks_later(repeat=True)
+ def test_dump_tracebacks_later_cancel(self):
+ self.check_dump_tracebacks_later(cancel=True)
+ def test_dump_tracebacks_later_file(self):
+ self.check_dump_tracebacks_later(file=True)
+ def test_dump_tracebacks_later_twice(self):
+ self.check_dump_tracebacks_later(twice=True)
+ @unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(faulthandler, "register"),
+ "need faulthandler.register")
+ def check_register(self, filename=False, all_threads=False,
+ unregister=False, chain=False):
+ """
+ Register a handler displaying the traceback on a user signal. Raise the
+ signal and check the written traceback.
+ If chain is True, check that the previous signal handler is called.
+ Raise an error if the output doesn't match the expected format.
+ """
+ signum = signal.SIGUSR1
+ code = """
+import faulthandler
+import os
+import signal
+import sys
+def func(signum):
+ os.kill(os.getpid(), signum)
+def handler(signum, frame):
+ handler.called = True
+handler.called = False
+exitcode = 0
+signum = {signum}
+unregister = {unregister}
+chain = {chain}
+if {has_filename}:
+ file = open({filename}, "wb")
+ file = None
+if chain:
+ signal.signal(signum, handler)
+faulthandler.register(signum, file=file,
+ all_threads={all_threads}, chain={chain})
+if unregister:
+ faulthandler.unregister(signum)
+if chain and not handler.called:
+ if file is not None:
+ output = file
+ else:
+ output = sys.stderr
+ print("Error: signal handler not called!", file=output)
+ exitcode = 1
+if file is not None:
+ file.close()
+ code = code.format(
+ filename=repr(filename),
+ has_filename=bool(filename),
+ all_threads=all_threads,
+ signum=signum,
+ unregister=unregister,
+ chain=chain,
+ )
+ trace, exitcode = self.get_output(code, filename)
+ trace = '\n'.join(trace)
+ if not unregister:
+ if all_threads:
+ regex = 'Current thread XXX:\n'
+ else:
+ regex = 'Traceback \(most recent call first\):\n'
+ regex = expected_traceback(7, 28, regex)
+ self.assertRegex(trace, regex)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(trace, '')
+ if unregister:
+ self.assertNotEqual(exitcode, 0)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0)
+ def test_register(self):
+ self.check_register()
+ def test_unregister(self):
+ self.check_register(unregister=True)
+ def test_register_file(self):
+ with temporary_filename() as filename:
+ self.check_register(filename=filename)
+ def test_register_threads(self):
+ self.check_register(all_threads=True)
+ def test_register_chain(self):
+ self.check_register(chain=True)
+def test_main():
+ support.run_unittest(FaultHandlerTests)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_main()