path: root/Lib/test/
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1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 8959ffb..67c0801 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -919,5 +919,84 @@ class PyLongModuleTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(n, int(sn))
bits <<= 1
+ @support.requires_resource('cpu')
+ def test_pylong_roundtrip_huge(self):
+ # k blocks of 1234567890
+ k = 1_000_000 # so 10 million digits in all
+ tentoten = 10**10
+ n = 1234567890 * ((tentoten**k - 1) // (tentoten - 1))
+ sn = "1234567890" * k
+ self.assertEqual(n, int(sn))
+ self.assertEqual(sn, str(n))
+ @support.requires_resource('cpu')
+ @unittest.skipUnless(_pylong, "_pylong module required")
+ def test_whitebox_dec_str_to_int_inner_failsafe(self):
+ # While I believe the number of GUARD digits in this function is
+ # always enough so that no more than one correction step is ever
+ # needed, the code has a "failsafe" path that takes over if I'm
+ # wrong about that. We have no input that reaches that block.
+ # Here we test a contrived input that _does_ reach that block,
+ # provided the number of guard digits is reduced to 1.
+ sn = "9" * 2000156
+ n = 10**len(sn) - 1
+ orig_spread = _pylong._spread.copy()
+ _pylong._spread.clear()
+ try:
+ self.assertEqual(n, _pylong._dec_str_to_int_inner(sn, GUARD=1))
+ self.assertIn(999, _pylong._spread)
+ finally:
+ _pylong._spread.clear()
+ _pylong._spread.update(orig_spread)
+ @unittest.skipUnless(_pylong, "pylong module required")
+ def test_whitebox_dec_str_to_int_inner_monster(self):
+ # I don't think anyone has enough RAM to build a string long enough
+ # for this function to complain. So lie about the string length.
+ class LyingStr(str):
+ def __len__(self):
+ return int((1 << 47) / _pylong._LOG_10_BASE_256)
+ liar = LyingStr("42")
+ # We have to pass the liar directly to the complaining function. If we
+ # just try `int(liar)`, earlier layers will replace it with plain old
+ # "43".
+ # Embedding `len(liar)` into the f-string failed on the WASI testbot
+ # (don't know what that is):
+ # OverflowError: cannot fit 'int' into an index-sized integer
+ # So a random stab at worming around that.
+ self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ f"^cannot convert string of len {liar.__len__()} to int$",
+ _pylong._dec_str_to_int_inner,
+ liar)
+ @unittest.skipUnless(_pylong, "_pylong module required")
+ def test_pylong_compute_powers(self):
+ # Basic sanity tests. See end of for manual heavy tests.
+ def consumer(w, base, limit, need_hi):
+ seen = set()
+ need = set()
+ def inner(w):
+ if w <= limit or w in seen:
+ return
+ seen.add(w)
+ lo = w >> 1
+ hi = w - lo
+ need.add(hi if need_hi else lo)
+ inner(lo)
+ inner(hi)
+ inner(w)
+ d = _pylong.compute_powers(w, base, limit, need_hi=need_hi)
+ self.assertEqual(d.keys(), need)
+ for k, v in d.items():
+ self.assertEqual(v, base ** k)
+ for base in 2, 5:
+ for need_hi in False, True:
+ for limit in 1, 11:
+ for w in range(250, 550):
+ consumer(w, base, limit, need_hi)
if __name__ == "__main__":