path: root/Lib/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test/')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 1e4f887..03f814a 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ class TestMailbox(TestBase):
def test_add_invalid_8bit_bytes_header(self):
- key = self._box.add(self._nonascii_msg.encode('latin1'))
+ key = self._box.add(self._nonascii_msg.encode('latin-1'))
self.assertEqual(len(self._box), 1)
- self._nonascii_msg.encode('latin1'))
+ self._nonascii_msg.encode('latin-1'))
def test_invalid_nonascii_header_as_string(self):
subj = self._nonascii_msg.splitlines()[1]
- key = self._box.add(subj.encode('latin1'))
+ key = self._box.add(subj.encode('latin-1'))
'Subject: =?unknown-8bit?b?RmFsaW5hcHThciBo4Xpob3pzeuFsbO104XNz'
42'>142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229
from __future__ import with_statement
# XXX(nnorwitz): what versions of python is this file supposed to work with?
# It uses the old print statement not in py3k.

import keyword
import exceptions
import builtins
from string import Template
from sys import subversion

comment_header = '''" Auto-generated Vim syntax file for Python (%s: r%s).
" To use: copy or symlink to ~/.vim/syntax/python.vim'''

statement_header = """
if exists("b:current_syntax")

statement_footer = '''
" Uncomment the 'minlines' statement line and comment out the 'maxlines'
" statement line; changes behaviour to look at least 2000 lines previously for
" syntax matches instead of at most 200 lines
syn sync match pythonSync grouphere NONE "):$"
syn sync maxlines=200
"syn sync minlines=2000

let b:current_syntax = "python"'''

looping = ('for', 'while')
conditionals = ('if', 'elif', 'else')
boolean_ops = ('and', 'in', 'is', 'not', 'or')
import_stmts = ('import', 'from')
object_defs = ('def', 'class')

exception_names = sorted(exc for exc in dir(exceptions)
                                if not exc.startswith('__'))

# Need to include functions that start with '__' (e.g., __import__), but
# nothing that comes with modules (e.g., __name__), so just exclude anything in
# the 'exceptions' module since we want to ignore exceptions *and* what any
# module would have
builtin_names = sorted(builtin for builtin in dir(builtins)
                            if builtin not in dir(exceptions))

escapes = (r'+\\[abfnrtv\'"\\]+', r'"\\\o\{1,3}"', r'"\\x\x\{2}"',
            r'"\(\\u\x\{4}\|\\U\x\{8}\)"', r'"\\$"')

todos = ("TODO", "FIXME", "XXX")

# XXX codify?
numbers = (r'"\<0x\x\+[Ll]\=\>"', r'"\<\d\+[LljJ]\=\>"',

contained = lambda x: "%s contained" % x

def str_regexes():
    """Generator to yield various combinations of strings regexes"""
    regex_template = Template('matchgroup=Normal ' +
                                'start=+[uU]\=${raw}${sep}+ ' +
                                'end=+${sep}+ ' +
                                '${skip} ' +
    skip_regex = Template(r'skip=+\\\\\|\\${sep}+')
    for raw in ('', '[rR]'):
        for separator in ("'", '"', '"""', "'''"):
            if len(separator) == 1:
                skip = skip_regex.substitute(sep=separator)
                skip = ''
            contains = 'contains=pythonEscape' if not raw else ''
            yield regex_template.substitute(raw=raw, sep=separator, skip=skip,
                                            contains = contains)

space_errors = (r'excludenl "\S\s\+$"ms=s+1', r'" \+\t"', r'"\t\+ "')

statements = (
                    # XXX Might need to change pythonStatement since have
                    # specific Repeat, Conditional, Operator, etc. for 'while',
                    # etc.
                    [("Statement", "pythonStatement", "keyword",
                        (kw for kw in keyword.kwlist
                            if kw not in (looping + conditionals + boolean_ops +
                                        import_stmts + object_defs))
                     ("Statement", "pythonStatement", "keyword",
                         (' '.join(object_defs) +
                             ' nextgroup=pythonFunction skipwhite')),
                     ("Function","pythonFunction", "match",
                     ("Repeat", "pythonRepeat", "keyword", looping),
                     ("Conditional", "pythonConditional", "keyword",
                     ("Operator", "pythonOperator", "keyword", boolean_ops),
                     ("PreCondit", "pythonPreCondit", "keyword", import_stmts),
                     ("Comment", "pythonComment", "match",
                         '"#.*$" contains=pythonTodo'),
                     ("Todo", "pythonTodo", "keyword",
                         contained(' '.join(todos))),
                     ("String", "pythonString", "region", str_regexes()),
                     ("Special", "pythonEscape", "match",
                         (contained(esc) for esc in escapes
                             if not '$' in esc)),
                     ("Special", "pythonEscape", "match", r'"\\$"'),
                    [("Number", "pythonNumber", "match", numbers)]
                    [("Function", "pythonBuiltin", "keyword", builtin_names)]
                    [("Exception", "pythonException", "keyword",
                    [("Error", "pythonSpaceError", "match",
                        ("display " + err for err in space_errors))]

def syn_prefix(type_, kind):
    return 'syn %s %s    ' % (type_, kind)

def fill_stmt(iterable, fill_len):
    """Yield a string that fills at most fill_len characters with strings
    returned by 'iterable' and separated by a space"""
    # Deal with trailing char to handle ' '.join() calculation
    fill_len += 1
    overflow = None
    it = iter(iterable)
    while True:
        buffer_ = []
        total_len = 0
        if overflow:
            total_len += len(overflow) + 1
            overflow = None
        while total_len < fill_len:
                new_item = next(it)
                total_len += len(new_item) + 1
            except StopIteration:
                if buffer_:
                if overflow:
                    yield overflow
        if total_len > fill_len:
            overflow = buffer_.pop()
            total_len -= len(overflow) - 1
        ret = ' '.join(buffer_)
        assert len(ret) <= fill_len
        yield ret

FILL = 80

def main(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'w') as FILE:
        # Comment for file
        print>>FILE, comment_header % subversion[1:]
        print>>FILE, ''
        # Statements at start of file
        print>>FILE, statement_header
        print>>FILE, ''
        # Generate case for python_highlight_all
        print>>FILE, 'if exists("python_highlight_all")'
        for statement_var, statement_parts in statements:
            if statement_var:
                print>>FILE, '  let %s = 1' % statement_var
            print>>FILE, 'endif'
            print>>FILE, ''
        # Generate Python groups
        for statement_var, statement_parts in statements:
            if statement_var:
                print>>FILE, 'if exists("%s")' % statement_var
                indent = '  '
                indent = ''
            for colour_group, group, type_, arguments in statement_parts:
                if not isinstance(arguments, basestring):
                    prefix = syn_prefix(type_, group)
                    if type_ == 'keyword':
                        stmt_iter = fill_stmt(arguments,
                                            FILL - len(prefix) - len(indent))
                            while True:
                                print>>FILE, indent + prefix + next(stmt_iter)
                        except StopIteration:
                            print>>FILE, ''
                        for argument in arguments:
                            print>>FILE, indent + prefix + argument
                            print>>FILE, ''

                    print>>FILE, indent + syn_prefix(type_, group) + arguments
                    print>>FILE, ''
                if statement_var:
                    print>>FILE, 'endif'
                    print>>FILE, ''
            print>>FILE, ''
        # Associating Python group with Vim colour group
        for statement_var, statement_parts in statements:
            if statement_var:
                print>>FILE, '  if exists("%s")' % statement_var
                indent = '    '
                indent = '  '
            for colour_group, group, type_, arguments in statement_parts:
                print>>FILE, (indent + "hi def link %s %s" %
                                (group, colour_group))
                if statement_var:
                    print>>FILE, '  endif'
                print>>FILE, ''
        # Statements at the end of the file
        print>>FILE, statement_footer

if __name__ == '__main__':