path: root/Lib/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index c7cd3a5..7e8dce6 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -1,43 +1,406 @@
-import socket
-import threading
+"""Test script for ftplib module."""
+# Modified by Giampaolo Rodola' to test FTP class and IPv6 environment
import ftplib
-import time
+import threading
+import asyncore
+import asynchat
+import socket
+import StringIO
from unittest import TestCase
from test import test_support
+from test.test_support import HOST
-HOST = test_support.HOST
-# This function sets the evt 3 times:
-# 1) when the connection is ready to be accepted.
-# 2) when it is safe for the caller to close the connection
-# 3) when we have closed the socket
-def server(evt, serv):
- serv.listen(5)
- # (1) Signal the caller that we are ready to accept the connection.
- evt.set()
- try:
- conn, addr = serv.accept()
- except socket.timeout:
- pass
- else:
- conn.send("1 Hola mundo\n")
- # (2) Signal the caller that it is safe to close the socket.
- evt.set()
+# the dummy data returned by server over the data channel when
+# RETR, LIST and NLST commands are issued
+RETR_DATA = 'abcde12345\r\n' * 1000
+LIST_DATA = 'foo\r\nbar\r\n'
+NLST_DATA = 'foo\r\nbar\r\n'
+class DummyDTPHandler(asynchat.async_chat):
+ def __init__(self, conn, baseclass):
+ asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, conn)
+ self.baseclass = baseclass
+ self.baseclass.last_received_data = ''
+ def handle_read(self):
+ self.baseclass.last_received_data += self.recv(1024)
+ def handle_close(self):
+ self.baseclass.push('226 transfer complete')
+ self.close()
+class DummyFTPHandler(asynchat.async_chat):
+ def __init__(self, conn):
+ asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, conn)
+ self.set_terminator("\r\n")
+ self.in_buffer = []
+ self.dtp = None
+ self.last_received_cmd = None
+ self.last_received_data = ''
+ self.next_response = ''
+ self.push('220 welcome')
+ def collect_incoming_data(self, data):
+ self.in_buffer.append(data)
+ def found_terminator(self):
+ line = ''.join(self.in_buffer)
+ self.in_buffer = []
+ if self.next_response:
+ self.push(self.next_response)
+ self.next_response = ''
+ cmd = line.split(' ')[0].lower()
+ self.last_received_cmd = cmd
+ space = line.find(' ')
+ if space != -1:
+ arg = line[space + 1:]
+ else:
+ arg = ""
+ if hasattr(self, 'cmd_' + cmd):
+ method = getattr(self, 'cmd_' + cmd)
+ method(arg)
+ else:
+ self.push('550 command "%s" not understood.' %cmd)
+ def handle_error(self):
+ raise
+ def push(self, data):
+ asynchat.async_chat.push(self, data + '\r\n')
+ def cmd_port(self, arg):
+ addr = map(int, arg.split(','))
+ ip = '%d.%d.%d.%d' %tuple(addr[:4])
+ port = (addr[4] * 256) + addr[5]
+ s = socket.create_connection((ip, port), timeout=2)
+ self.dtp = DummyDTPHandler(s, baseclass=self)
+ self.push('200 active data connection established')
+ def cmd_pasv(self, arg):
+ sock = socket.socket()
+ sock.bind((self.socket.getsockname()[0], 0))
+ sock.listen(5)
+ sock.settimeout(2)
+ ip, port = sock.getsockname()[:2]
+ ip = ip.replace('.', ','); p1 = port / 256; p2 = port % 256
+ self.push('227 entering passive mode (%s,%d,%d)' %(ip, p1, p2))
+ conn, addr = sock.accept()
+ self.dtp = DummyDTPHandler(conn, baseclass=self)
+ def cmd_eprt(self, arg):
+ af, ip, port = arg.split(arg[0])[1:-1]
+ port = int(port)
+ s = socket.create_connection((ip, port), timeout=2)
+ self.dtp = DummyDTPHandler(s, baseclass=self)
+ self.push('200 active data connection established')
+ def cmd_epsv(self, arg):
+ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6)
+ sock.bind((self.socket.getsockname()[0], 0))
+ sock.listen(5)
+ sock.settimeout(2)
+ port = sock.getsockname()[1]
+ self.push('229 entering extended passive mode (|||%d|)' %port)
+ conn, addr = sock.accept()
+ self.dtp = DummyDTPHandler(conn, baseclass=self)
+ def cmd_echo(self, arg):
+ # sends back the received string (used by the test suite)
+ self.push(arg)
+ def cmd_user(self, arg):
+ self.push('331 username ok')
+ def cmd_pass(self, arg):
+ self.push('230 password ok')
+ def cmd_acct(self, arg):
+ self.push('230 acct ok')
+ def cmd_rnfr(self, arg):
+ self.push('350 rnfr ok')
+ def cmd_rnto(self, arg):
+ self.push('250 rnto ok')
+ def cmd_dele(self, arg):
+ self.push('250 dele ok')
+ def cmd_cwd(self, arg):
+ self.push('250 cwd ok')
+ def cmd_size(self, arg):
+ self.push('250 1000')
+ def cmd_mkd(self, arg):
+ self.push('257 "%s"' %arg)
+ def cmd_rmd(self, arg):
+ self.push('250 rmd ok')
+ def cmd_pwd(self, arg):
+ self.push('257 "pwd ok"')
+ def cmd_type(self, arg):
+ self.push('200 type ok')
+ def cmd_quit(self, arg):
+ self.push('221 quit ok')
+ self.close()
+ def cmd_stor(self, arg):
+ self.push('125 stor ok')
+ def cmd_retr(self, arg):
+ self.push('125 retr ok')
+ self.dtp.push(RETR_DATA)
+ self.dtp.close_when_done()
+ def cmd_list(self, arg):
+ self.push('125 list ok')
+ self.dtp.push(LIST_DATA)
+ self.dtp.close_when_done()
+ def cmd_nlst(self, arg):
+ self.push('125 nlst ok')
+ self.dtp.push(NLST_DATA)
+ self.dtp.close_when_done()
+class DummyFTPServer(asyncore.dispatcher, threading.Thread):
+ handler = DummyFTPHandler
+ def __init__(self, address, af=socket.AF_INET):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self)
+ self.create_socket(af, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.bind(address)
+ self.listen(5)
+ = False
+ self.active_lock = threading.Lock()
+, self.port = self.socket.getsockname()[:2]
+ def start(self):
+ assert not
+ self.__flag = threading.Event()
+ threading.Thread.start(self)
+ self.__flag.wait()
+ def run(self):
+ = True
+ self.__flag.set()
+ while and asyncore.socket_map:
+ self.active_lock.acquire()
+ asyncore.loop(timeout=0.1, count=1)
+ self.active_lock.release()
+ asyncore.close_all(ignore_all=True)
+ def stop(self):
+ assert
+ = False
+ self.join()
+ def handle_accept(self):
+ conn, addr = self.accept()
+ self.handler = self.handler(conn)
+ def writable(self):
+ return 0
+ def handle_error(self):
+ raise
+class TestFTPClass(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.server = DummyFTPServer((HOST, 0))
+ self.server.start()
+ self.client = ftplib.FTP(timeout=2)
+ self.client.connect(, self.server.port)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.client.close()
+ self.server.stop()
+ def test_getwelcome(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.client.getwelcome(), '220 welcome')
+ def test_sanitize(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.client.sanitize('foo'), repr('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(self.client.sanitize('pass 12345'), repr('pass *****'))
+ self.assertEqual(self.client.sanitize('PASS 12345'), repr('PASS *****'))
+ def test_exceptions(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ftplib.error_temp, self.client.sendcmd, 'echo 400')
+ self.assertRaises(ftplib.error_temp, self.client.sendcmd, 'echo 499')
+ self.assertRaises(ftplib.error_perm, self.client.sendcmd, 'echo 500')
+ self.assertRaises(ftplib.error_perm, self.client.sendcmd, 'echo 599')
+ self.assertRaises(ftplib.error_proto, self.client.sendcmd, 'echo 999')
+ def test_all_errors(self):
+ exceptions = (ftplib.error_reply, ftplib.error_temp, ftplib.error_perm,
+ ftplib.error_proto, ftplib.Error, IOError, EOFError)
+ for x in exceptions:
+ try:
+ raise x('exception not included in all_errors set')
+ except ftplib.all_errors:
+ pass
+ def test_set_pasv(self):
+ # passive mode is supposed to be enabled by default
+ self.assertTrue(self.client.passiveserver)
+ self.client.set_pasv(True)
+ self.assertTrue(self.client.passiveserver)
+ self.client.set_pasv(False)
+ self.assertFalse(self.client.passiveserver)
+ def test_voidcmd(self):
+ self.client.voidcmd('echo 200')
+ self.client.voidcmd('echo 299')
+ self.assertRaises(ftplib.error_reply, self.client.voidcmd, 'echo 199')
+ self.assertRaises(ftplib.error_reply, self.client.voidcmd, 'echo 300')
+ def test_login(self):
+ self.client.login()
+ def test_acct(self):
+ self.client.acct('passwd')
+ def test_rename(self):
+ self.client.rename('a', 'b')
+ self.server.handler.next_response = '200'
+ self.assertRaises(ftplib.error_reply, self.client.rename, 'a', 'b')
+ def test_delete(self):
+ self.client.delete('foo')
+ self.server.handler.next_response = '199'
+ self.assertRaises(ftplib.error_reply, self.client.delete, 'foo')
+ def test_size(self):
+ self.client.size('foo')
+ def test_mkd(self):
+ dir = self.client.mkd('/foo')
+ self.assertEqual(dir, '/foo')
+ def test_rmd(self):
+ self.client.rmd('foo')
+ def test_pwd(self):
+ dir = self.client.pwd()
+ self.assertEqual(dir, 'pwd ok')
+ def test_quit(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.client.quit(), '221 quit ok')
+ # Ensure the connection gets closed; sock attribute should be None
+ self.assertEqual(self.client.sock, None)
+ def test_retrbinary(self):
+ received = []
+ self.client.retrbinary('retr', received.append)
+ self.assertEqual(''.join(received), RETR_DATA)
+ def test_retrlines(self):
+ received = []
+ self.client.retrlines('retr', received.append)
+ self.assertEqual(''.join(received), RETR_DATA.replace('\r\n', ''))
+ def test_storbinary(self):
+ f = StringIO.StringIO(RETR_DATA)
+ self.client.storbinary('stor', f)
+ self.assertEqual(self.server.handler.last_received_data, RETR_DATA)
+ # test new callback arg
+ flag = []
+ self.client.storbinary('stor', f, callback=lambda x: flag.append(None))
+ self.assertTrue(flag)
+ def test_storlines(self):
+ f = StringIO.StringIO(RETR_DATA.replace('\r\n', '\n'))
+ self.client.storlines('stor', f)
+ self.assertEqual(self.server.handler.last_received_data, RETR_DATA)
+ # test new callback arg
+ flag = []
+ self.client.storlines('stor foo', f, callback=lambda x: flag.append(None))
+ self.assertTrue(flag)
+ def test_nlst(self):
+ self.client.nlst()
+ self.assertEqual(self.client.nlst(), NLST_DATA.split('\r\n')[:-1])
+ def test_dir(self):
+ l = []
+ self.client.dir(lambda x: l.append(x))
+ self.assertEqual(''.join(l), LIST_DATA.replace('\r\n', ''))
+ def test_makeport(self):
+ self.client.makeport()
+ # IPv4 is in use, just make sure send_eprt has not been used
+ self.assertEqual(self.server.handler.last_received_cmd, 'port')
+ def test_makepasv(self):
+ host, port = self.client.makepasv()
+ conn = socket.create_connection((host, port), 2)
- finally:
- serv.close()
- # (3) Signal the caller that we are done.
- evt.set()
+ # IPv4 is in use, just make sure send_epsv has not been used
+ self.assertEqual(self.server.handler.last_received_cmd, 'pasv')
+class TestIPv6Environment(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.server = DummyFTPServer((HOST, 0), af=socket.AF_INET6)
+ self.server.start()
+ self.client = ftplib.FTP()
+ self.client.connect(, self.server.port)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.client.close()
+ self.server.stop()
+ def test_af(self):
+ self.assertEqual(, socket.AF_INET6)
+ def test_makeport(self):
+ self.client.makeport()
+ self.assertEqual(self.server.handler.last_received_cmd, 'eprt')
+ def test_makepasv(self):
+ host, port = self.client.makepasv()
+ conn = socket.create_connection((host, port), 2)
+ conn.close()
+ self.assertEqual(self.server.handler.last_received_cmd, 'epsv')
+ def test_transfer(self):
+ def retr():
+ received = []
+ self.client.retrbinary('retr', received.append)
+ self.assertEqual(''.join(received), RETR_DATA)
+ self.client.set_pasv(True)
+ retr()
+ self.client.set_pasv(False)
+ retr()
-class GeneralTests(TestCase):
+class TestTimeouts(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.evt = threading.Event()
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.port = test_support.bind_port(self.sock)
- threading.Thread(target=server, args=(self.evt,self.sock)).start()
+ threading.Thread(target=self.server, args=(self.evt,self.sock)).start()
# Wait for the server to be ready.
@@ -46,14 +409,27 @@ class GeneralTests(TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
- def testBasic(self):
- # do nothing
- ftplib.FTP()
- # connects
- ftp = ftplib.FTP(HOST)
- self.evt.wait()
- ftp.close()
+ def server(self, evt, serv):
+ # This method sets the evt 3 times:
+ # 1) when the connection is ready to be accepted.
+ # 2) when it is safe for the caller to close the connection
+ # 3) when we have closed the socket
+ serv.listen(5)
+ # (1) Signal the caller that we are ready to accept the connection.
+ evt.set()
+ try:
+ conn, addr = serv.accept()
+ except socket.timeout:
+ pass
+ else:
+ conn.send("1 Hola mundo\n")
+ # (2) Signal the caller that it is safe to close the socket.
+ evt.set()
+ conn.close()
+ finally:
+ serv.close()
+ # (3) Signal the caller that we are done.
+ evt.set()
def testTimeoutDefault(self):
# default -- use global socket timeout
@@ -109,8 +485,21 @@ class GeneralTests(TestCase):
-def test_main(verbose=None):
- test_support.run_unittest(GeneralTests)
+def test_main():
+ tests = [TestFTPClass, TestTimeouts]
+ if socket.has_ipv6:
+ try:
+ DummyFTPServer((HOST, 0), af=socket.AF_INET6)
+ except socket.error:
+ pass
+ else:
+ tests.append(TestIPv6Environment)
+ thread_info = test_support.threading_setup()
+ try:
+ test_support.run_unittest(*tests)
+ finally:
+ test_support.threading_cleanup(*thread_info)
if __name__ == '__main__':