path: root/Lib/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test')
5 files changed, 130 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index cd92511..3a24b22 100755
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -588,10 +588,9 @@ def runtest_inner(test, generate, verbose, quiet,
abstest = 'test.' + test
the_package = __import__(abstest, globals(), locals(), [])
the_module = getattr(the_package, test)
- # Most tests run to completion simply as a side-effect of
- # being imported. For the benefit of tests that can't run
- # that way (like test_threaded_import), explicitly invoke
- # their test_main() function (if it exists).
+ # Old tests run to completion simply as a side-effect of
+ # being imported. For tests based on unittest or doctest,
+ # explicitly invoke their test_main() function (if it exists).
indirect_test = getattr(the_module, "test_main", None)
if indirect_test is not None:
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 961369f..1ea93bb 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -1984,6 +1984,71 @@ def properties():
p = property(_testcapi.test_with_docstring)
+def properties_plus():
+ class C:
+ foo = property(doc="hello")
+ @foo.getter
+ def foo(self):
+ return self._foo
+ @foo.setter
+ def foo(self, value):
+ self._foo = abs(value)
+ @foo.deleter
+ def foo(self):
+ del self._foo
+ c = C()
+ assert == "hello"
+ assert not hasattr(c, "foo")
+ = -42
+ assert == 42
+ del
+ assert not hasattr(c, "foo")
+ class D(C):
+ def foo(self):
+ try:
+ del self._foo
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ d = D()
+ = 24
+ assert == 24
+ del
+ del
+ class E:
+ @property
+ def foo(self):
+ return self._foo
+ @foo.setter
+ def foo (self, value):
+ raise RuntimeError
+ @foo.setter
+ @foo.deleter
+ def foo(self, value=None):
+ if value is None:
+ del self._foo
+ else:
+ self._foo = abs(value)
+ e = E()
+ = -42
+ assert == 42
+ del
+ class F(E):
+ def foo(self):
+ del self._foo
+ @foo.setter
+ def foo(self, value):
+ self._foo = max(0, value)
+ f = F()
+ = -10
+ assert == 0
+ del
def supers():
if verbose: print("Testing super...")
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 89c127a..56ce722 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -236,6 +236,10 @@ class DictTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(Exc, baddict2.fromkeys, [1])
+ # test fast path for dictionary inputs
+ d = dict(zip(range(6), range(6)))
+ self.assertEqual(dict.fromkeys(d, 0), dict(zip(range(6), [0]*6)))
def test_copy(self):
d = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
self.assertEqual(d.copy(), {1:1, 2:2, 3:3})
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 1e3520f..fb70ced 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -188,6 +188,17 @@ class BugsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, marshal.dumps, head)
+ def test_exact_type_match(self):
+ # Former bug:
+ # >>> class Int(int): pass
+ # >>> type(loads(dumps(Int())))
+ # <type 'int'>
+ for typ in (int, float, complex, tuple, list, dict, set, frozenset):
+ # Note: str sublclasses are not tested because they get handled
+ # by marshal's routines for objects supporting the buffer API.
+ subtyp = type('subtyp', (typ,), {})
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, marshal.dumps, subtyp())
def test_main():
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 86a5636..ba5801d 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -102,6 +102,20 @@ class TestJointOps(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.thetype('abcba').intersection(C('ccb')), set('bc'))
self.assertEqual(self.thetype('abcba').intersection(C('ef')), set(''))
+ def test_isdisjoint(self):
+ def f(s1, s2):
+ 'Pure python equivalent of isdisjoint()'
+ return not set(s1).intersection(s2)
+ for larg in '', 'a', 'ab', 'abc', 'ababac', 'cdc', 'cc', 'efgfe', 'ccb', 'ef':
+ s1 = self.thetype(larg)
+ for rarg in '', 'a', 'ab', 'abc', 'ababac', 'cdc', 'cc', 'efgfe', 'ccb', 'ef':
+ for C in set, frozenset, dict.fromkeys, str, list, tuple:
+ s2 = C(rarg)
+ actual = s1.isdisjoint(s2)
+ expected = f(s1, s2)
+ self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+ self.assert_(actual is True or actual is False)
def test_and(self):
i = self.s.intersection(self.otherword)
self.assertEqual(self.s & set(self.otherword), i)
@@ -701,6 +715,18 @@ class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
result = empty_set & self.set
self.assertEqual(result, empty_set)
+ def test_self_isdisjoint(self):
+ result = self.set.isdisjoint(self.set)
+ self.assertEqual(result, not self.set)
+ def test_empty_isdisjoint(self):
+ result = self.set.isdisjoint(empty_set)
+ self.assertEqual(result, True)
+ def test_isdisjoint_empty(self):
+ result = empty_set.isdisjoint(self.set)
+ self.assertEqual(result, True)
def test_self_symmetric_difference(self):
result = self.set ^ self.set
self.assertEqual(result, empty_set)
@@ -879,6 +905,22 @@ class TestBinaryOps(unittest.TestCase):
result = self.set & set([8])
self.assertEqual(result, empty_set)
+ def test_isdisjoint_subset(self):
+ result = self.set.isdisjoint(set((2, 4)))
+ self.assertEqual(result, False)
+ def test_isdisjoint_superset(self):
+ result = self.set.isdisjoint(set([2, 4, 6, 8]))
+ self.assertEqual(result, False)
+ def test_isdisjoint_overlap(self):
+ result = self.set.isdisjoint(set([3, 4, 5]))
+ self.assertEqual(result, False)
+ def test_isdisjoint_non_overlap(self):
+ result = self.set.isdisjoint(set([8]))
+ self.assertEqual(result, True)
def test_sym_difference_subset(self):
result = self.set ^ set((2, 4))
self.assertEqual(result, set([6]))
@@ -1497,11 +1539,14 @@ class TestVariousIteratorArgs(unittest.TestCase):
def test_inline_methods(self):
s = set('november')
for data in ("123", "", range(1000), ('do', 1.2), range(2000,2200,5), 'december'):
- for meth in (s.union, s.intersection, s.difference, s.symmetric_difference):
+ for meth in (s.union, s.intersection, s.difference, s.symmetric_difference, s.isdisjoint):
for g in (G, I, Ig, L, R):
expected = meth(data)
actual = meth(G(data))
- self.assertEqual(sorted(actual, key=repr), sorted(expected, key=repr))
+ if isinstance(expected, bool):
+ self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(actual, key=repr), sorted(expected, key=repr))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, meth, X(s))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, meth, N(s))
self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, meth, E(s))