path: root/Lib/xmlcore/dom
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Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/xmlcore/dom')
8 files changed, 4109 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# This is the Python mapping for interface NodeFilter from
+# DOM2-Traversal-Range. It contains only constants.
+class NodeFilter:
+ """
+ This is the DOM2 NodeFilter interface. It contains only constants.
+ """
+ SHOW_ELEMENT = 0x00000001
+ SHOW_ATTRIBUTE = 0x00000002
+ SHOW_TEXT = 0x00000004
+ SHOW_CDATA_SECTION = 0x00000008
+ SHOW_ENTITY = 0x00000020
+ SHOW_COMMENT = 0x00000080
+ SHOW_DOCUMENT = 0x00000100
+ SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 0x00000200
+ SHOW_NOTATION = 0x00000800
+ def acceptNode(self, node):
+ raise NotImplementedError
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+"""W3C Document Object Model implementation for Python.
+The Python mapping of the Document Object Model is documented in the
+Python Library Reference in the section on the xml.dom package.
+This package contains the following modules:
+minidom -- A simple implementation of the Level 1 DOM with namespace
+ support added (based on the Level 2 specification) and other
+ minor Level 2 functionality.
+pulldom -- DOM builder supporting on-demand tree-building for selected
+ subtrees of the document.
+class Node:
+ """Class giving the NodeType constants."""
+ # DOM implementations may use this as a base class for their own
+ # Node implementations. If they don't, the constants defined here
+ # should still be used as the canonical definitions as they match
+ # the values given in the W3C recommendation. Client code can
+ # safely refer to these values in all tests of Node.nodeType
+ # values.
+class DOMException(Exception):
+ """Abstract base class for DOM exceptions.
+ Exceptions with specific codes are specializations of this class."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ if self.__class__ is DOMException:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "DOMException should not be instantiated directly")
+ Exception.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ def _get_code(self):
+ return self.code
+class IndexSizeErr(DOMException):
+class DomstringSizeErr(DOMException):
+class HierarchyRequestErr(DOMException):
+class WrongDocumentErr(DOMException):
+class InvalidCharacterErr(DOMException):
+class NoDataAllowedErr(DOMException):
+class NoModificationAllowedErr(DOMException):
+class NotFoundErr(DOMException):
+ code = NOT_FOUND_ERR
+class NotSupportedErr(DOMException):
+class InuseAttributeErr(DOMException):
+class InvalidStateErr(DOMException):
+class SyntaxErr(DOMException):
+ code = SYNTAX_ERR
+class InvalidModificationErr(DOMException):
+class NamespaceErr(DOMException):
+class InvalidAccessErr(DOMException):
+class ValidationErr(DOMException):
+class UserDataHandler:
+ """Class giving the operation constants for UserDataHandler.handle()."""
+ # Based on DOM Level 3 (WD 9 April 2002)
+from domreg import getDOMImplementation,registerDOMImplementation
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+"""Registration facilities for DOM. This module should not be used
+directly. Instead, the functions getDOMImplementation and
+registerDOMImplementation should be imported from xml.dom."""
+from xmlcore.dom.minicompat import * # isinstance, StringTypes
+# This is a list of well-known implementations. Well-known names
+# should be published by posting to, and are
+# subsequently recorded in this file.
+well_known_implementations = {
+ 'minidom':'xml.dom.minidom',
+ '4DOM': 'xml.dom.DOMImplementation',
+ }
+# DOM implementations not officially registered should register
+# themselves with their
+registered = {}
+def registerDOMImplementation(name, factory):
+ """registerDOMImplementation(name, factory)
+ Register the factory function with the name. The factory function
+ should return an object which implements the DOMImplementation
+ interface. The factory function can either return the same object,
+ or a new one (e.g. if that implementation supports some
+ customization)."""
+ registered[name] = factory
+def _good_enough(dom, features):
+ "_good_enough(dom, features) -> Return 1 if the dom offers the features"
+ for f,v in features:
+ if not dom.hasFeature(f,v):
+ return 0
+ return 1
+def getDOMImplementation(name = None, features = ()):
+ """getDOMImplementation(name = None, features = ()) -> DOM implementation.
+ Return a suitable DOM implementation. The name is either
+ well-known, the module name of a DOM implementation, or None. If
+ it is not None, imports the corresponding module and returns
+ DOMImplementation object if the import succeeds.
+ If name is not given, consider the available implementations to
+ find one with the required feature set. If no implementation can
+ be found, raise an ImportError. The features list must be a sequence
+ of (feature, version) pairs which are passed to hasFeature."""
+ import os
+ creator = None
+ mod = well_known_implementations.get(name)
+ if mod:
+ mod = __import__(mod, {}, {}, ['getDOMImplementation'])
+ return mod.getDOMImplementation()
+ elif name:
+ return registered[name]()
+ elif os.environ.has_key("PYTHON_DOM"):
+ return getDOMImplementation(name = os.environ["PYTHON_DOM"])
+ # User did not specify a name, try implementations in arbitrary
+ # order, returning the one that has the required features
+ if isinstance(features, StringTypes):
+ features = _parse_feature_string(features)
+ for creator in registered.values():
+ dom = creator()
+ if _good_enough(dom, features):
+ return dom
+ for creator in well_known_implementations.keys():
+ try:
+ dom = getDOMImplementation(name = creator)
+ except StandardError: # typically ImportError, or AttributeError
+ continue
+ if _good_enough(dom, features):
+ return dom
+ raise ImportError,"no suitable DOM implementation found"
+def _parse_feature_string(s):
+ features = []
+ parts = s.split()
+ i = 0
+ length = len(parts)
+ while i < length:
+ feature = parts[i]
+ if feature[0] in "0123456789":
+ raise ValueError, "bad feature name: %r" % (feature,)
+ i = i + 1
+ version = None
+ if i < length:
+ v = parts[i]
+ if v[0] in "0123456789":
+ i = i + 1
+ version = v
+ features.append((feature, version))
+ return tuple(features)
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+"""Facility to use the Expat parser to load a minidom instance
+from a string or file.
+This avoids all the overhead of SAX and pulldom to gain performance.
+# Warning!
+# This module is tightly bound to the implementation details of the
+# minidom DOM and can't be used with other DOM implementations. This
+# is due, in part, to a lack of appropriate methods in the DOM (there is
+# no way to create Entity and Notation nodes via the DOM Level 2
+# interface), and for performance. The later is the cause of some fairly
+# cryptic code.
+# Performance hacks:
+# - .character_data_handler() has an extra case in which continuing
+# data is appended to an existing Text node; this can be a
+# speedup since pyexpat can break up character data into multiple
+# callbacks even though we set the buffer_text attribute on the
+# parser. This also gives us the advantage that we don't need a
+# separate normalization pass.
+# - Determining that a node exists is done using an identity comparison
+# with None rather than a truth test; this avoids searching for and
+# calling any methods on the node object if it exists. (A rather
+# nice speedup is achieved this way as well!)
+from xmlcore.dom import xmlbuilder, minidom, Node
+from xmlcore.parsers import expat
+from xmlcore.dom.minidom import _append_child, _set_attribute_node
+from xmlcore.dom.NodeFilter import NodeFilter
+from xmlcore.dom.minicompat import *
+FILTER_ACCEPT = xmlbuilder.DOMBuilderFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT
+FILTER_REJECT = xmlbuilder.DOMBuilderFilter.FILTER_REJECT
+FILTER_SKIP = xmlbuilder.DOMBuilderFilter.FILTER_SKIP
+theDOMImplementation = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
+# Expat typename -> TypeInfo
+_typeinfo_map = {
+ "CDATA": minidom.TypeInfo(None, "cdata"),
+ "ENUM": minidom.TypeInfo(None, "enumeration"),
+ "ENTITY": minidom.TypeInfo(None, "entity"),
+ "ENTITIES": minidom.TypeInfo(None, "entities"),
+ "ID": minidom.TypeInfo(None, "id"),
+ "IDREF": minidom.TypeInfo(None, "idref"),
+ "IDREFS": minidom.TypeInfo(None, "idrefs"),
+ "NMTOKEN": minidom.TypeInfo(None, "nmtoken"),
+ "NMTOKENS": minidom.TypeInfo(None, "nmtokens"),
+ }
+class ElementInfo(NewStyle):
+ __slots__ = '_attr_info', '_model', 'tagName'
+ def __init__(self, tagName, model=None):
+ self.tagName = tagName
+ self._attr_info = []
+ self._model = model
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return self._attr_info, self._model, self.tagName
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ self._attr_info, self._model, self.tagName = state
+ def getAttributeType(self, aname):
+ for info in self._attr_info:
+ if info[1] == aname:
+ t = info[-2]
+ if t[0] == "(":
+ return _typeinfo_map["ENUM"]
+ else:
+ return _typeinfo_map[info[-2]]
+ return minidom._no_type
+ def getAttributeTypeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ return minidom._no_type
+ def isElementContent(self):
+ if self._model:
+ type = self._model[0]
+ return type not in (expat.model.XML_CTYPE_ANY,
+ expat.model.XML_CTYPE_MIXED)
+ else:
+ return False
+ def isEmpty(self):
+ if self._model:
+ return self._model[0] == expat.model.XML_CTYPE_EMPTY
+ else:
+ return False
+ def isId(self, aname):
+ for info in self._attr_info:
+ if info[1] == aname:
+ return info[-2] == "ID"
+ return False
+ def isIdNS(self, euri, ename, auri, aname):
+ # not sure this is meaningful
+ return self.isId((auri, aname))
+def _intern(builder, s):
+ return builder._intern_setdefault(s, s)
+def _parse_ns_name(builder, name):
+ assert ' ' in name
+ parts = name.split(' ')
+ intern = builder._intern_setdefault
+ if len(parts) == 3:
+ uri, localname, prefix = parts
+ prefix = intern(prefix, prefix)
+ qname = "%s:%s" % (prefix, localname)
+ qname = intern(qname, qname)
+ localname = intern(localname, localname)
+ else:
+ uri, localname = parts
+ prefix = EMPTY_PREFIX
+ qname = localname = intern(localname, localname)
+ return intern(uri, uri), localname, prefix, qname
+class ExpatBuilder:
+ """Document builder that uses Expat to build a ParsedXML.DOM document
+ instance."""
+ def __init__(self, options=None):
+ if options is None:
+ options = xmlbuilder.Options()
+ self._options = options
+ if self._options.filter is not None:
+ self._filter = FilterVisibilityController(self._options.filter)
+ else:
+ self._filter = None
+ # This *really* doesn't do anything in this case, so
+ # override it with something fast & minimal.
+ self._finish_start_element = id
+ self._parser = None
+ self.reset()
+ def createParser(self):
+ """Create a new parser object."""
+ return expat.ParserCreate()
+ def getParser(self):
+ """Return the parser object, creating a new one if needed."""
+ if not self._parser:
+ self._parser = self.createParser()
+ self._intern_setdefault = self._parser.intern.setdefault
+ self._parser.buffer_text = True
+ self._parser.ordered_attributes = True
+ self._parser.specified_attributes = True
+ self.install(self._parser)
+ return self._parser
+ def reset(self):
+ """Free all data structures used during DOM construction."""
+ self.document = theDOMImplementation.createDocument(
+ self.curNode = self.document
+ self._elem_info = self.document._elem_info
+ self._cdata = False
+ def install(self, parser):
+ """Install the callbacks needed to build the DOM into the parser."""
+ # This creates circular references!
+ parser.StartDoctypeDeclHandler = self.start_doctype_decl_handler
+ parser.StartElementHandler = self.first_element_handler
+ parser.EndElementHandler = self.end_element_handler
+ parser.ProcessingInstructionHandler = self.pi_handler
+ if self._options.entities:
+ parser.EntityDeclHandler = self.entity_decl_handler
+ parser.NotationDeclHandler = self.notation_decl_handler
+ if self._options.comments:
+ parser.CommentHandler = self.comment_handler
+ if self._options.cdata_sections:
+ parser.StartCdataSectionHandler = self.start_cdata_section_handler
+ parser.EndCdataSectionHandler = self.end_cdata_section_handler
+ parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.character_data_handler_cdata
+ else:
+ parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.character_data_handler
+ parser.ExternalEntityRefHandler = self.external_entity_ref_handler
+ parser.XmlDeclHandler = self.xml_decl_handler
+ parser.ElementDeclHandler = self.element_decl_handler
+ parser.AttlistDeclHandler = self.attlist_decl_handler
+ def parseFile(self, file):
+ """Parse a document from a file object, returning the document
+ node."""
+ parser = self.getParser()
+ first_buffer = True
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ buffer =*1024)
+ if not buffer:
+ break
+ parser.Parse(buffer, 0)
+ if first_buffer and self.document.documentElement:
+ self._setup_subset(buffer)
+ first_buffer = False
+ parser.Parse("", True)
+ except ParseEscape:
+ pass
+ doc = self.document
+ self.reset()
+ self._parser = None
+ return doc
+ def parseString(self, string):
+ """Parse a document from a string, returning the document node."""
+ parser = self.getParser()
+ try:
+ parser.Parse(string, True)
+ self._setup_subset(string)
+ except ParseEscape:
+ pass
+ doc = self.document
+ self.reset()
+ self._parser = None
+ return doc
+ def _setup_subset(self, buffer):
+ """Load the internal subset if there might be one."""
+ if self.document.doctype:
+ extractor = InternalSubsetExtractor()
+ extractor.parseString(buffer)
+ subset = extractor.getSubset()
+ self.document.doctype.internalSubset = subset
+ def start_doctype_decl_handler(self, doctypeName, systemId, publicId,
+ has_internal_subset):
+ doctype = self.document.implementation.createDocumentType(
+ doctypeName, publicId, systemId)
+ doctype.ownerDocument = self.document
+ self.document.childNodes.append(doctype)
+ self.document.doctype = doctype
+ if self._filter and self._filter.acceptNode(doctype) == FILTER_REJECT:
+ self.document.doctype = None
+ del self.document.childNodes[-1]
+ doctype = None
+ self._parser.EntityDeclHandler = None
+ self._parser.NotationDeclHandler = None
+ if has_internal_subset:
+ if doctype is not None:
+ doctype.entities._seq = []
+ doctype.notations._seq = []
+ self._parser.CommentHandler = None
+ self._parser.ProcessingInstructionHandler = None
+ self._parser.EndDoctypeDeclHandler = self.end_doctype_decl_handler
+ def end_doctype_decl_handler(self):
+ if self._options.comments:
+ self._parser.CommentHandler = self.comment_handler
+ self._parser.ProcessingInstructionHandler = self.pi_handler
+ if not (self._elem_info or self._filter):
+ self._finish_end_element = id
+ def pi_handler(self, target, data):
+ node = self.document.createProcessingInstruction(target, data)
+ _append_child(self.curNode, node)
+ if self._filter and self._filter.acceptNode(node) == FILTER_REJECT:
+ self.curNode.removeChild(node)
+ def character_data_handler_cdata(self, data):
+ childNodes = self.curNode.childNodes
+ if self._cdata:
+ if ( self._cdata_continue
+ and childNodes[-1].nodeType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE):
+ childNodes[-1].appendData(data)
+ return
+ node = self.document.createCDATASection(data)
+ self._cdata_continue = True
+ elif childNodes and childNodes[-1].nodeType == TEXT_NODE:
+ node = childNodes[-1]
+ value = + data
+ d = node.__dict__
+ d['data'] = d['nodeValue'] = value
+ return
+ else:
+ node = minidom.Text()
+ d = node.__dict__
+ d['data'] = d['nodeValue'] = data
+ d['ownerDocument'] = self.document
+ _append_child(self.curNode, node)
+ def character_data_handler(self, data):
+ childNodes = self.curNode.childNodes
+ if childNodes and childNodes[-1].nodeType == TEXT_NODE:
+ node = childNodes[-1]
+ d = node.__dict__
+ d['data'] = d['nodeValue'] = + data
+ return
+ node = minidom.Text()
+ d = node.__dict__
+ d['data'] = d['nodeValue'] = + data
+ d['ownerDocument'] = self.document
+ _append_child(self.curNode, node)
+ def entity_decl_handler(self, entityName, is_parameter_entity, value,
+ base, systemId, publicId, notationName):
+ if is_parameter_entity:
+ # we don't care about parameter entities for the DOM
+ return
+ if not self._options.entities:
+ return
+ node = self.document._create_entity(entityName, publicId,
+ systemId, notationName)
+ if value is not None:
+ # internal entity
+ # node *should* be readonly, but we'll cheat
+ child = self.document.createTextNode(value)
+ node.childNodes.append(child)
+ self.document.doctype.entities._seq.append(node)
+ if self._filter and self._filter.acceptNode(node) == FILTER_REJECT:
+ del self.document.doctype.entities._seq[-1]
+ def notation_decl_handler(self, notationName, base, systemId, publicId):
+ node = self.document._create_notation(notationName, publicId, systemId)
+ self.document.doctype.notations._seq.append(node)
+ if self._filter and self._filter.acceptNode(node) == FILTER_ACCEPT:
+ del self.document.doctype.notations._seq[-1]
+ def comment_handler(self, data):
+ node = self.document.createComment(data)
+ _append_child(self.curNode, node)
+ if self._filter and self._filter.acceptNode(node) == FILTER_REJECT:
+ self.curNode.removeChild(node)
+ def start_cdata_section_handler(self):
+ self._cdata = True
+ self._cdata_continue = False
+ def end_cdata_section_handler(self):
+ self._cdata = False
+ self._cdata_continue = False
+ def external_entity_ref_handler(self, context, base, systemId, publicId):
+ return 1
+ def first_element_handler(self, name, attributes):
+ if self._filter is None and not self._elem_info:
+ self._finish_end_element = id
+ self.getParser().StartElementHandler = self.start_element_handler
+ self.start_element_handler(name, attributes)
+ def start_element_handler(self, name, attributes):
+ node = self.document.createElement(name)
+ _append_child(self.curNode, node)
+ self.curNode = node
+ if attributes:
+ for i in range(0, len(attributes), 2):
+ a = minidom.Attr(attributes[i], EMPTY_NAMESPACE,
+ value = attributes[i+1]
+ d = a.childNodes[0].__dict__
+ d['data'] = d['nodeValue'] = value
+ d = a.__dict__
+ d['value'] = d['nodeValue'] = value
+ d['ownerDocument'] = self.document
+ _set_attribute_node(node, a)
+ if node is not self.document.documentElement:
+ self._finish_start_element(node)
+ def _finish_start_element(self, node):
+ if self._filter:
+ # To be general, we'd have to call isSameNode(), but this
+ # is sufficient for minidom:
+ if node is self.document.documentElement:
+ return
+ filt = self._filter.startContainer(node)
+ if filt == FILTER_REJECT:
+ # ignore this node & all descendents
+ Rejecter(self)
+ elif filt == FILTER_SKIP:
+ # ignore this node, but make it's children become
+ # children of the parent node
+ Skipper(self)
+ else:
+ return
+ self.curNode = node.parentNode
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
+ node.unlink()
+ # If this ever changes, Namespaces.end_element_handler() needs to
+ # be changed to match.
+ #
+ def end_element_handler(self, name):
+ curNode = self.curNode
+ self.curNode = curNode.parentNode
+ self._finish_end_element(curNode)
+ def _finish_end_element(self, curNode):
+ info = self._elem_info.get(curNode.tagName)
+ if info:
+ self._handle_white_text_nodes(curNode, info)
+ if self._filter:
+ if curNode is self.document.documentElement:
+ return
+ if self._filter.acceptNode(curNode) == FILTER_REJECT:
+ self.curNode.removeChild(curNode)
+ curNode.unlink()
+ def _handle_white_text_nodes(self, node, info):
+ if (self._options.whitespace_in_element_content
+ or not info.isElementContent()):
+ return
+ # We have element type information and should remove ignorable
+ # whitespace; identify for text nodes which contain only
+ # whitespace.
+ L = []
+ for child in node.childNodes:
+ if child.nodeType == TEXT_NODE and not
+ L.append(child)
+ # Remove ignorable whitespace from the tree.
+ for child in L:
+ node.removeChild(child)
+ def element_decl_handler(self, name, model):
+ info = self._elem_info.get(name)
+ if info is None:
+ self._elem_info[name] = ElementInfo(name, model)
+ else:
+ assert info._model is None
+ info._model = model
+ def attlist_decl_handler(self, elem, name, type, default, required):
+ info = self._elem_info.get(elem)
+ if info is None:
+ info = ElementInfo(elem)
+ self._elem_info[elem] = info
+ info._attr_info.append(
+ [None, name, None, None, default, 0, type, required])
+ def xml_decl_handler(self, version, encoding, standalone):
+ self.document.version = version
+ self.document.encoding = encoding
+ # This is still a little ugly, thanks to the pyexpat API. ;-(
+ if standalone >= 0:
+ if standalone:
+ self.document.standalone = True
+ else:
+ self.document.standalone = False
+# Don't include FILTER_INTERRUPT, since that's checked separately
+# where allowed.
+class FilterVisibilityController(NewStyle):
+ """Wrapper around a DOMBuilderFilter which implements the checks
+ to make the whatToShow filter attribute work."""
+ __slots__ = 'filter',
+ def __init__(self, filter):
+ self.filter = filter
+ def startContainer(self, node):
+ mask = self._nodetype_mask[node.nodeType]
+ if self.filter.whatToShow & mask:
+ val = self.filter.startContainer(node)
+ raise ParseEscape
+ if val not in _ALLOWED_FILTER_RETURNS:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ "startContainer() returned illegal value: " + repr(val)
+ return val
+ else:
+ def acceptNode(self, node):
+ mask = self._nodetype_mask[node.nodeType]
+ if self.filter.whatToShow & mask:
+ val = self.filter.acceptNode(node)
+ raise ParseEscape
+ if val == FILTER_SKIP:
+ # move all child nodes to the parent, and remove this node
+ parent = node.parentNode
+ for child in node.childNodes[:]:
+ parent.appendChild(child)
+ # node is handled by the caller
+ if val not in _ALLOWED_FILTER_RETURNS:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ "acceptNode() returned illegal value: " + repr(val)
+ return val
+ else:
+ _nodetype_mask = {
+ Node.TEXT_NODE: NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT,
+ }
+class FilterCrutch(NewStyle):
+ __slots__ = '_builder', '_level', '_old_start', '_old_end'
+ def __init__(self, builder):
+ self._level = 0
+ self._builder = builder
+ parser = builder._parser
+ self._old_start = parser.StartElementHandler
+ self._old_end = parser.EndElementHandler
+ parser.StartElementHandler = self.start_element_handler
+ parser.EndElementHandler = self.end_element_handler
+class Rejecter(FilterCrutch):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __init__(self, builder):
+ FilterCrutch.__init__(self, builder)
+ parser = builder._parser
+ for name in ("ProcessingInstructionHandler",
+ "CommentHandler",
+ "CharacterDataHandler",
+ "StartCdataSectionHandler",
+ "EndCdataSectionHandler",
+ "ExternalEntityRefHandler",
+ ):
+ setattr(parser, name, None)
+ def start_element_handler(self, *args):
+ self._level = self._level + 1
+ def end_element_handler(self, *args):
+ if self._level == 0:
+ # restore the old handlers
+ parser = self._builder._parser
+ self._builder.install(parser)
+ parser.StartElementHandler = self._old_start
+ parser.EndElementHandler = self._old_end
+ else:
+ self._level = self._level - 1
+class Skipper(FilterCrutch):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def start_element_handler(self, *args):
+ node = self._builder.curNode
+ self._old_start(*args)
+ if self._builder.curNode is not node:
+ self._level = self._level + 1
+ def end_element_handler(self, *args):
+ if self._level == 0:
+ # We're popping back out of the node we're skipping, so we
+ # shouldn't need to do anything but reset the handlers.
+ self._builder._parser.StartElementHandler = self._old_start
+ self._builder._parser.EndElementHandler = self._old_end
+ self._builder = None
+ else:
+ self._level = self._level - 1
+ self._old_end(*args)
+# framework document used by the fragment builder.
+# Takes a string for the doctype, subset string, and namespace attrs string.
+ ""
+ '''\
+<!DOCTYPE wrapper
+ %%s [
+ <!ENTITY fragment-builder-internal
+ SYSTEM "%s">
+<wrapper %%s
+class FragmentBuilder(ExpatBuilder):
+ """Builder which constructs document fragments given XML source
+ text and a context node.
+ The context node is expected to provide information about the
+ namespace declarations which are in scope at the start of the
+ fragment.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, context, options=None):
+ if context.nodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ self.originalDocument = context
+ self.context = context
+ else:
+ self.originalDocument = context.ownerDocument
+ self.context = context
+ ExpatBuilder.__init__(self, options)
+ def reset(self):
+ ExpatBuilder.reset(self)
+ self.fragment = None
+ def parseFile(self, file):
+ """Parse a document fragment from a file object, returning the
+ fragment node."""
+ return self.parseString(
+ def parseString(self, string):
+ """Parse a document fragment from a string, returning the
+ fragment node."""
+ self._source = string
+ parser = self.getParser()
+ doctype = self.originalDocument.doctype
+ ident = ""
+ if doctype:
+ subset = doctype.internalSubset or self._getDeclarations()
+ if doctype.publicId:
+ ident = ('PUBLIC "%s" "%s"'
+ % (doctype.publicId, doctype.systemId))
+ elif doctype.systemId:
+ ident = 'SYSTEM "%s"' % doctype.systemId
+ else:
+ subset = ""
+ nsattrs = self._getNSattrs() # get ns decls from node's ancestors
+ document = _FRAGMENT_BUILDER_TEMPLATE % (ident, subset, nsattrs)
+ try:
+ parser.Parse(document, 1)
+ except:
+ self.reset()
+ raise
+ fragment = self.fragment
+ self.reset()
+## self._parser = None
+ return fragment
+ def _getDeclarations(self):
+ """Re-create the internal subset from the DocumentType node.
+ This is only needed if we don't already have the
+ internalSubset as a string.
+ """
+ doctype = self.context.ownerDocument.doctype
+ s = ""
+ if doctype:
+ for i in range(doctype.notations.length):
+ notation = doctype.notations.item(i)
+ if s:
+ s = s + "\n "
+ s = "%s<!NOTATION %s" % (s, notation.nodeName)
+ if notation.publicId:
+ s = '%s PUBLIC "%s"\n "%s">' \
+ % (s, notation.publicId, notation.systemId)
+ else:
+ s = '%s SYSTEM "%s">' % (s, notation.systemId)
+ for i in range(doctype.entities.length):
+ entity = doctype.entities.item(i)
+ if s:
+ s = s + "\n "
+ s = "%s<!ENTITY %s" % (s, entity.nodeName)
+ if entity.publicId:
+ s = '%s PUBLIC "%s"\n "%s"' \
+ % (s, entity.publicId, entity.systemId)
+ elif entity.systemId:
+ s = '%s SYSTEM "%s"' % (s, entity.systemId)
+ else:
+ s = '%s "%s"' % (s,
+ if entity.notationName:
+ s = "%s NOTATION %s" % (s, entity.notationName)
+ s = s + ">"
+ return s
+ def _getNSattrs(self):
+ return ""
+ def external_entity_ref_handler(self, context, base, systemId, publicId):
+ # this entref is the one that we made to put the subtree
+ # in; all of our given input is parsed in here.
+ old_document = self.document
+ old_cur_node = self.curNode
+ parser = self._parser.ExternalEntityParserCreate(context)
+ # put the real document back, parse into the fragment to return
+ self.document = self.originalDocument
+ self.fragment = self.document.createDocumentFragment()
+ self.curNode = self.fragment
+ try:
+ parser.Parse(self._source, 1)
+ finally:
+ self.curNode = old_cur_node
+ self.document = old_document
+ self._source = None
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return ExpatBuilder.external_entity_ref_handler(
+ self, context, base, systemId, publicId)
+class Namespaces:
+ """Mix-in class for builders; adds support for namespaces."""
+ def _initNamespaces(self):
+ # list of (prefix, uri) ns declarations. Namespace attrs are
+ # constructed from this and added to the element's attrs.
+ self._ns_ordered_prefixes = []
+ def createParser(self):
+ """Create a new namespace-handling parser."""
+ parser = expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator=" ")
+ parser.namespace_prefixes = True
+ return parser
+ def install(self, parser):
+ """Insert the namespace-handlers onto the parser."""
+ ExpatBuilder.install(self, parser)
+ if self._options.namespace_declarations:
+ parser.StartNamespaceDeclHandler = (
+ self.start_namespace_decl_handler)
+ def start_namespace_decl_handler(self, prefix, uri):
+ """Push this namespace declaration on our storage."""
+ self._ns_ordered_prefixes.append((prefix, uri))
+ def start_element_handler(self, name, attributes):
+ if ' ' in name:
+ uri, localname, prefix, qname = _parse_ns_name(self, name)
+ else:
+ qname = name
+ localname = None
+ prefix = EMPTY_PREFIX
+ node = minidom.Element(qname, uri, prefix, localname)
+ node.ownerDocument = self.document
+ _append_child(self.curNode, node)
+ self.curNode = node
+ if self._ns_ordered_prefixes:
+ for prefix, uri in self._ns_ordered_prefixes:
+ if prefix:
+ a = minidom.Attr(_intern(self, 'xmlns:' + prefix),
+ XMLNS_NAMESPACE, prefix, "xmlns")
+ else:
+ a = minidom.Attr("xmlns", XMLNS_NAMESPACE,
+ "xmlns", EMPTY_PREFIX)
+ d = a.childNodes[0].__dict__
+ d['data'] = d['nodeValue'] = uri
+ d = a.__dict__
+ d['value'] = d['nodeValue'] = uri
+ d['ownerDocument'] = self.document
+ _set_attribute_node(node, a)
+ del self._ns_ordered_prefixes[:]
+ if attributes:
+ _attrs = node._attrs
+ _attrsNS = node._attrsNS
+ for i in range(0, len(attributes), 2):
+ aname = attributes[i]
+ value = attributes[i+1]
+ if ' ' in aname:
+ uri, localname, prefix, qname = _parse_ns_name(self, aname)
+ a = minidom.Attr(qname, uri, localname, prefix)
+ _attrs[qname] = a
+ _attrsNS[(uri, localname)] = a
+ else:
+ a = minidom.Attr(aname, EMPTY_NAMESPACE,
+ aname, EMPTY_PREFIX)
+ _attrs[aname] = a
+ _attrsNS[(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, aname)] = a
+ d = a.childNodes[0].__dict__
+ d['data'] = d['nodeValue'] = value
+ d = a.__dict__
+ d['ownerDocument'] = self.document
+ d['value'] = d['nodeValue'] = value
+ d['ownerElement'] = node
+ if __debug__:
+ # This only adds some asserts to the original
+ # end_element_handler(), so we only define this when -O is not
+ # used. If changing one, be sure to check the other to see if
+ # it needs to be changed as well.
+ #
+ def end_element_handler(self, name):
+ curNode = self.curNode
+ if ' ' in name:
+ uri, localname, prefix, qname = _parse_ns_name(self, name)
+ assert (curNode.namespaceURI == uri
+ and curNode.localName == localname
+ and curNode.prefix == prefix), \
+ "element stack messed up! (namespace)"
+ else:
+ assert curNode.nodeName == name, \
+ "element stack messed up - bad nodeName"
+ assert curNode.namespaceURI == EMPTY_NAMESPACE, \
+ "element stack messed up - bad namespaceURI"
+ self.curNode = curNode.parentNode
+ self._finish_end_element(curNode)
+class ExpatBuilderNS(Namespaces, ExpatBuilder):
+ """Document builder that supports namespaces."""
+ def reset(self):
+ ExpatBuilder.reset(self)
+ self._initNamespaces()
+class FragmentBuilderNS(Namespaces, FragmentBuilder):
+ """Fragment builder that supports namespaces."""
+ def reset(self):
+ FragmentBuilder.reset(self)
+ self._initNamespaces()
+ def _getNSattrs(self):
+ """Return string of namespace attributes from this element and
+ ancestors."""
+ # XXX This needs to be re-written to walk the ancestors of the
+ # context to build up the namespace information from
+ # declarations, elements, and attributes found in context.
+ # Otherwise we have to store a bunch more data on the DOM
+ # (though that *might* be more reliable -- not clear).
+ attrs = ""
+ context = self.context
+ L = []
+ while context:
+ if hasattr(context, '_ns_prefix_uri'):
+ for prefix, uri in context._ns_prefix_uri.items():
+ # add every new NS decl from context to L and attrs string
+ if prefix in L:
+ continue
+ L.append(prefix)
+ if prefix:
+ declname = "xmlns:" + prefix
+ else:
+ declname = "xmlns"
+ if attrs:
+ attrs = "%s\n %s='%s'" % (attrs, declname, uri)
+ else:
+ attrs = " %s='%s'" % (declname, uri)
+ context = context.parentNode
+ return attrs
+class ParseEscape(Exception):
+ """Exception raised to short-circuit parsing in InternalSubsetExtractor."""
+ pass
+class InternalSubsetExtractor(ExpatBuilder):
+ """XML processor which can rip out the internal document type subset."""
+ subset = None
+ def getSubset(self):
+ """Return the internal subset as a string."""
+ return self.subset
+ def parseFile(self, file):
+ try:
+ ExpatBuilder.parseFile(self, file)
+ except ParseEscape:
+ pass
+ def parseString(self, string):
+ try:
+ ExpatBuilder.parseString(self, string)
+ except ParseEscape:
+ pass
+ def install(self, parser):
+ parser.StartDoctypeDeclHandler = self.start_doctype_decl_handler
+ parser.StartElementHandler = self.start_element_handler
+ def start_doctype_decl_handler(self, name, publicId, systemId,
+ has_internal_subset):
+ if has_internal_subset:
+ parser = self.getParser()
+ self.subset = []
+ parser.DefaultHandler = self.subset.append
+ parser.EndDoctypeDeclHandler = self.end_doctype_decl_handler
+ else:
+ raise ParseEscape()
+ def end_doctype_decl_handler(self):
+ s = ''.join(self.subset).replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
+ self.subset = s
+ raise ParseEscape()
+ def start_element_handler(self, name, attrs):
+ raise ParseEscape()
+def parse(file, namespaces=1):
+ """Parse a document, returning the resulting Document node.
+ 'file' may be either a file name or an open file object.
+ """
+ if namespaces:
+ builder = ExpatBuilderNS()
+ else:
+ builder = ExpatBuilder()
+ if isinstance(file, StringTypes):
+ fp = open(file, 'rb')
+ try:
+ result = builder.parseFile(fp)
+ finally:
+ fp.close()
+ else:
+ result = builder.parseFile(file)
+ return result
+def parseString(string, namespaces=1):
+ """Parse a document from a string, returning the resulting
+ Document node.
+ """
+ if namespaces:
+ builder = ExpatBuilderNS()
+ else:
+ builder = ExpatBuilder()
+ return builder.parseString(string)
+def parseFragment(file, context, namespaces=1):
+ """Parse a fragment of a document, given the context from which it
+ was originally extracted. context should be the parent of the
+ node(s) which are in the fragment.
+ 'file' may be either a file name or an open file object.
+ """
+ if namespaces:
+ builder = FragmentBuilderNS(context)
+ else:
+ builder = FragmentBuilder(context)
+ if isinstance(file, StringTypes):
+ fp = open(file, 'rb')
+ try:
+ result = builder.parseFile(fp)
+ finally:
+ fp.close()
+ else:
+ result = builder.parseFile(file)
+ return result
+def parseFragmentString(string, context, namespaces=1):
+ """Parse a fragment of a document from a string, given the context
+ from which it was originally extracted. context should be the
+ parent of the node(s) which are in the fragment.
+ """
+ if namespaces:
+ builder = FragmentBuilderNS(context)
+ else:
+ builder = FragmentBuilder(context)
+ return builder.parseString(string)
+def makeBuilder(options):
+ """Create a builder based on an Options object."""
+ if options.namespaces:
+ return ExpatBuilderNS(options)
+ else:
+ return ExpatBuilder(options)
diff --git a/Lib/xmlcore/dom/ b/Lib/xmlcore/dom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..364ca45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/xmlcore/dom/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+"""Python version compatibility support for minidom."""
+# This module should only be imported using "import *".
+# The following names are defined:
+# isinstance -- version of the isinstance() function that accepts
+# tuples as the second parameter regardless of the
+# Python version
+# NodeList -- lightest possible NodeList implementation
+# EmptyNodeList -- lightest possible NodeList that is guarateed to
+# remain empty (immutable)
+# StringTypes -- tuple of defined string types
+# GetattrMagic -- base class used to make _get_<attr> be magically
+# invoked when available
+# defproperty -- function used in conjunction with GetattrMagic;
+# using these together is needed to make them work
+# as efficiently as possible in both Python 2.2+
+# and older versions. For example:
+# class MyClass(GetattrMagic):
+# def _get_myattr(self):
+# return something
+# defproperty(MyClass, "myattr",
+# "return some value")
+# For Python 2.2 and newer, this will construct a
+# property object on the class, which avoids
+# needing to override __getattr__(). It will only
+# work for read-only attributes.
+# For older versions of Python, inheriting from
+# GetattrMagic will use the traditional
+# __getattr__() hackery to achieve the same effect,
+# but less efficiently.
+# defproperty() should be used for each version of
+# the relevant _get_<property>() function.
+# NewStyle -- base class to cause __slots__ to be honored in
+# the new world
+# True, False -- only for Python 2.2 and earlier
+__all__ = ["NodeList", "EmptyNodeList", "NewStyle",
+ "StringTypes", "defproperty", "GetattrMagic"]
+import xmlcore.dom
+ unicode
+except NameError:
+ StringTypes = type(''),
+ StringTypes = type(''), type(unicode(''))
+# define True and False only if not defined as built-ins
+ True
+except NameError:
+ True = 1
+ False = 0
+ __all__.extend(["True", "False"])
+ isinstance('', StringTypes)
+except TypeError:
+ #
+ # Wrap isinstance() to make it compatible with the version in
+ # Python 2.2 and newer.
+ #
+ _isinstance = isinstance
+ def isinstance(obj, type_or_seq):
+ try:
+ return _isinstance(obj, type_or_seq)
+ except TypeError:
+ for t in type_or_seq:
+ if _isinstance(obj, t):
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ __all__.append("isinstance")
+if list is type([]):
+ class NodeList(list):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def item(self, index):
+ if 0 <= index < len(self):
+ return self[index]
+ def _get_length(self):
+ return len(self)
+ def _set_length(self, value):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr(
+ "attempt to modify read-only attribute 'length'")
+ length = property(_get_length, _set_length,
+ doc="The number of nodes in the NodeList.")
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return list(self)
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ self[:] = state
+ class EmptyNodeList(tuple):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ NL = NodeList()
+ NL.extend(other)
+ return NL
+ def __radd__(self, other):
+ NL = NodeList()
+ NL.extend(other)
+ return NL
+ def item(self, index):
+ return None
+ def _get_length(self):
+ return 0
+ def _set_length(self, value):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr(
+ "attempt to modify read-only attribute 'length'")
+ length = property(_get_length, _set_length,
+ doc="The number of nodes in the NodeList.")
+ def NodeList():
+ return []
+ def EmptyNodeList():
+ return []
+ property
+except NameError:
+ def defproperty(klass, name, doc):
+ # taken care of by the base __getattr__()
+ pass
+ class GetattrMagic:
+ def __getattr__(self, key):
+ if key.startswith("_"):
+ raise AttributeError, key
+ try:
+ get = getattr(self, "_get_" + key)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise AttributeError, key
+ return get()
+ class NewStyle:
+ pass
+ def defproperty(klass, name, doc):
+ get = getattr(klass, ("_get_" + name)).im_func
+ def set(self, value, name=name):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr(
+ "attempt to modify read-only attribute " + repr(name))
+ assert not hasattr(klass, "_set_" + name), \
+ "expected not to find _set_" + name
+ prop = property(get, set, doc=doc)
+ setattr(klass, name, prop)
+ class GetattrMagic:
+ pass
+ NewStyle = object
diff --git a/Lib/xmlcore/dom/ b/Lib/xmlcore/dom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54620e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/xmlcore/dom/
@@ -0,0 +1,1938 @@
+"""\ -- a lightweight DOM implementation.
+ * convenience methods for getting elements and text.
+ * more testing
+ * bring some of the writer and linearizer code into conformance with this
+ interface
+ * SAX 2 namespaces
+import xmlcore.dom
+from xmlcore.dom import EMPTY_NAMESPACE, EMPTY_PREFIX, XMLNS_NAMESPACE, domreg
+from xmlcore.dom.minicompat import *
+from xmlcore.dom.xmlbuilder import DOMImplementationLS, DocumentLS
+_TupleType = type(())
+# This is used by the ID-cache invalidation checks; the list isn't
+# actually complete, since the nodes being checked will never be the
+# DOCUMENT_NODE or DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE. (The node being checked is
+# the node being added or removed, not the node being modified.)
+_nodeTypes_with_children = (xmlcore.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
+ xmlcore.dom.Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE)
+class Node(xmlcore.dom.Node, GetattrMagic):
+ namespaceURI = None # this is non-null only for elements and attributes
+ parentNode = None
+ ownerDocument = None
+ nextSibling = None
+ previousSibling = None
+ prefix = EMPTY_PREFIX # non-null only for NS elements and attributes
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return True
+ def toxml(self, encoding = None):
+ return self.toprettyxml("", "", encoding)
+ def toprettyxml(self, indent="\t", newl="\n", encoding = None):
+ # indent = the indentation string to prepend, per level
+ # newl = the newline string to append
+ writer = _get_StringIO()
+ if encoding is not None:
+ import codecs
+ # Can't use codecs.getwriter to preserve 2.0 compatibility
+ writer = codecs.lookup(encoding)[3](writer)
+ if self.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ # Can pass encoding only to document, to put it into XML header
+ self.writexml(writer, "", indent, newl, encoding)
+ else:
+ self.writexml(writer, "", indent, newl)
+ return writer.getvalue()
+ def hasChildNodes(self):
+ if self.childNodes:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def _get_childNodes(self):
+ return self.childNodes
+ def _get_firstChild(self):
+ if self.childNodes:
+ return self.childNodes[0]
+ def _get_lastChild(self):
+ if self.childNodes:
+ return self.childNodes[-1]
+ def insertBefore(self, newChild, refChild):
+ if newChild.nodeType == self.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
+ for c in tuple(newChild.childNodes):
+ self.insertBefore(c, refChild)
+ ### The DOM does not clearly specify what to return in this case
+ return newChild
+ if newChild.nodeType not in self._child_node_types:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ "%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(newChild), repr(self)))
+ if newChild.parentNode is not None:
+ newChild.parentNode.removeChild(newChild)
+ if refChild is None:
+ self.appendChild(newChild)
+ else:
+ try:
+ index = self.childNodes.index(refChild)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr()
+ if newChild.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children:
+ _clear_id_cache(self)
+ self.childNodes.insert(index, newChild)
+ newChild.nextSibling = refChild
+ refChild.previousSibling = newChild
+ if index:
+ node = self.childNodes[index-1]
+ node.nextSibling = newChild
+ newChild.previousSibling = node
+ else:
+ newChild.previousSibling = None
+ newChild.parentNode = self
+ return newChild
+ def appendChild(self, node):
+ if node.nodeType == self.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
+ for c in tuple(node.childNodes):
+ self.appendChild(c)
+ ### The DOM does not clearly specify what to return in this case
+ return node
+ if node.nodeType not in self._child_node_types:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ "%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(node), repr(self)))
+ elif node.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children:
+ _clear_id_cache(self)
+ if node.parentNode is not None:
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
+ _append_child(self, node)
+ node.nextSibling = None
+ return node
+ def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild):
+ if newChild.nodeType == self.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
+ refChild = oldChild.nextSibling
+ self.removeChild(oldChild)
+ return self.insertBefore(newChild, refChild)
+ if newChild.nodeType not in self._child_node_types:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ "%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(newChild), repr(self)))
+ if newChild is oldChild:
+ return
+ if newChild.parentNode is not None:
+ newChild.parentNode.removeChild(newChild)
+ try:
+ index = self.childNodes.index(oldChild)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr()
+ self.childNodes[index] = newChild
+ newChild.parentNode = self
+ oldChild.parentNode = None
+ if (newChild.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children
+ or oldChild.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children):
+ _clear_id_cache(self)
+ newChild.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling
+ newChild.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling
+ oldChild.nextSibling = None
+ oldChild.previousSibling = None
+ if newChild.previousSibling:
+ newChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild
+ if newChild.nextSibling:
+ newChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild
+ return oldChild
+ def removeChild(self, oldChild):
+ try:
+ self.childNodes.remove(oldChild)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr()
+ if oldChild.nextSibling is not None:
+ oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling
+ if oldChild.previousSibling is not None:
+ oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling
+ oldChild.nextSibling = oldChild.previousSibling = None
+ if oldChild.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children:
+ _clear_id_cache(self)
+ oldChild.parentNode = None
+ return oldChild
+ def normalize(self):
+ L = []
+ for child in self.childNodes:
+ if child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
+ data =
+ if data and L and L[-1].nodeType == child.nodeType:
+ # collapse text node
+ node = L[-1]
+ = +
+ node.nextSibling = child.nextSibling
+ child.unlink()
+ elif data:
+ if L:
+ L[-1].nextSibling = child
+ child.previousSibling = L[-1]
+ else:
+ child.previousSibling = None
+ L.append(child)
+ else:
+ # empty text node; discard
+ child.unlink()
+ else:
+ if L:
+ L[-1].nextSibling = child
+ child.previousSibling = L[-1]
+ else:
+ child.previousSibling = None
+ L.append(child)
+ if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ child.normalize()
+ self.childNodes[:] = L
+ def cloneNode(self, deep):
+ return _clone_node(self, deep, self.ownerDocument or self)
+ def isSupported(self, feature, version):
+ return self.ownerDocument.implementation.hasFeature(feature, version)
+ def _get_localName(self):
+ # Overridden in Element and Attr where localName can be Non-Null
+ return None
+ # Node interfaces from Level 3 (WD 9 April 2002)
+ def isSameNode(self, other):
+ return self is other
+ def getInterface(self, feature):
+ if self.isSupported(feature, None):
+ return self
+ else:
+ return None
+ # The "user data" functions use a dictionary that is only present
+ # if some user data has been set, so be careful not to assume it
+ # exists.
+ def getUserData(self, key):
+ try:
+ return self._user_data[key][0]
+ except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+ return None
+ def setUserData(self, key, data, handler):
+ old = None
+ try:
+ d = self._user_data
+ except AttributeError:
+ d = {}
+ self._user_data = d
+ if d.has_key(key):
+ old = d[key][0]
+ if data is None:
+ # ignore handlers passed for None
+ handler = None
+ if old is not None:
+ del d[key]
+ else:
+ d[key] = (data, handler)
+ return old
+ def _call_user_data_handler(self, operation, src, dst):
+ if hasattr(self, "_user_data"):
+ for key, (data, handler) in self._user_data.items():
+ if handler is not None:
+ handler.handle(operation, key, data, src, dst)
+ # minidom-specific API:
+ def unlink(self):
+ self.parentNode = self.ownerDocument = None
+ if self.childNodes:
+ for child in self.childNodes:
+ child.unlink()
+ self.childNodes = NodeList()
+ self.previousSibling = None
+ self.nextSibling = None
+defproperty(Node, "firstChild", doc="First child node, or None.")
+defproperty(Node, "lastChild", doc="Last child node, or None.")
+defproperty(Node, "localName", doc="Namespace-local name of this node.")
+def _append_child(self, node):
+ # fast path with less checks; usable by DOM builders if careful
+ childNodes = self.childNodes
+ if childNodes:
+ last = childNodes[-1]
+ node.__dict__["previousSibling"] = last
+ last.__dict__["nextSibling"] = node
+ childNodes.append(node)
+ node.__dict__["parentNode"] = self
+def _in_document(node):
+ # return True iff node is part of a document tree
+ while node is not None:
+ if node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ return True
+ node = node.parentNode
+ return False
+def _write_data(writer, data):
+ "Writes datachars to writer."
+ data = data.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;")
+ data = data.replace("\"", "&quot;").replace(">", "&gt;")
+ writer.write(data)
+def _get_elements_by_tagName_helper(parent, name, rc):
+ for node in parent.childNodes:
+ if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and \
+ (name == "*" or node.tagName == name):
+ rc.append(node)
+ _get_elements_by_tagName_helper(node, name, rc)
+ return rc
+def _get_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(parent, nsURI, localName, rc):
+ for node in parent.childNodes:
+ if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if ((localName == "*" or node.localName == localName) and
+ (nsURI == "*" or node.namespaceURI == nsURI)):
+ rc.append(node)
+ _get_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(node, nsURI, localName, rc)
+ return rc
+class DocumentFragment(Node):
+ nodeName = "#document-fragment"
+ nodeValue = None
+ attributes = None
+ parentNode = None
+ _child_node_types = (Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.childNodes = NodeList()
+class Attr(Node):
+ nodeType = Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE
+ attributes = None
+ ownerElement = None
+ specified = False
+ _is_id = False
+ _child_node_types = (Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE)
+ def __init__(self, qName, namespaceURI=EMPTY_NAMESPACE, localName=None,
+ prefix=None):
+ # skip setattr for performance
+ d = self.__dict__
+ d["nodeName"] = d["name"] = qName
+ d["namespaceURI"] = namespaceURI
+ d["prefix"] = prefix
+ d['childNodes'] = NodeList()
+ # Add the single child node that represents the value of the attr
+ self.childNodes.append(Text())
+ # nodeValue and value are set elsewhere
+ def _get_localName(self):
+ return self.nodeName.split(":", 1)[-1]
+ def _get_name(self):
+ return
+ def _get_specified(self):
+ return self.specified
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ d = self.__dict__
+ if name in ("value", "nodeValue"):
+ d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value
+ d2 = self.childNodes[0].__dict__
+ d2["data"] = d2["nodeValue"] = value
+ if self.ownerElement is not None:
+ _clear_id_cache(self.ownerElement)
+ elif name in ("name", "nodeName"):
+ d["name"] = d["nodeName"] = value
+ if self.ownerElement is not None:
+ _clear_id_cache(self.ownerElement)
+ else:
+ d[name] = value
+ def _set_prefix(self, prefix):
+ nsuri = self.namespaceURI
+ if prefix == "xmlns":
+ if nsuri and nsuri != XMLNS_NAMESPACE:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NamespaceErr(
+ "illegal use of 'xmlns' prefix for the wrong namespace")
+ d = self.__dict__
+ d['prefix'] = prefix
+ if prefix is None:
+ newName = self.localName
+ else:
+ newName = "%s:%s" % (prefix, self.localName)
+ if self.ownerElement:
+ _clear_id_cache(self.ownerElement)
+ d['nodeName'] = d['name'] = newName
+ def _set_value(self, value):
+ d = self.__dict__
+ d['value'] = d['nodeValue'] = value
+ if self.ownerElement:
+ _clear_id_cache(self.ownerElement)
+ self.childNodes[0].data = value
+ def unlink(self):
+ # This implementation does not call the base implementation
+ # since most of that is not needed, and the expense of the
+ # method call is not warranted. We duplicate the removal of
+ # children, but that's all we needed from the base class.
+ elem = self.ownerElement
+ if elem is not None:
+ del elem._attrs[self.nodeName]
+ del elem._attrsNS[(self.namespaceURI, self.localName)]
+ if self._is_id:
+ self._is_id = False
+ elem._magic_id_nodes -= 1
+ self.ownerDocument._magic_id_count -= 1
+ for child in self.childNodes:
+ child.unlink()
+ del self.childNodes[:]
+ def _get_isId(self):
+ if self._is_id:
+ return True
+ doc = self.ownerDocument
+ elem = self.ownerElement
+ if doc is None or elem is None:
+ return False
+ info = doc._get_elem_info(elem)
+ if info is None:
+ return False
+ if self.namespaceURI:
+ return info.isIdNS(self.namespaceURI, self.localName)
+ else:
+ return info.isId(self.nodeName)
+ def _get_schemaType(self):
+ doc = self.ownerDocument
+ elem = self.ownerElement
+ if doc is None or elem is None:
+ return _no_type
+ info = doc._get_elem_info(elem)
+ if info is None:
+ return _no_type
+ if self.namespaceURI:
+ return info.getAttributeTypeNS(self.namespaceURI, self.localName)
+ else:
+ return info.getAttributeType(self.nodeName)
+defproperty(Attr, "isId", doc="True if this attribute is an ID.")
+defproperty(Attr, "localName", doc="Namespace-local name of this attribute.")
+defproperty(Attr, "schemaType", doc="Schema type for this attribute.")
+class NamedNodeMap(NewStyle, GetattrMagic):
+ """The attribute list is a transient interface to the underlying
+ dictionaries. Mutations here will change the underlying element's
+ dictionary.
+ Ordering is imposed artificially and does not reflect the order of
+ attributes as found in an input document.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ('_attrs', '_attrsNS', '_ownerElement')
+ def __init__(self, attrs, attrsNS, ownerElement):
+ self._attrs = attrs
+ self._attrsNS = attrsNS
+ self._ownerElement = ownerElement
+ def _get_length(self):
+ return len(self._attrs)
+ def item(self, index):
+ try:
+ return self[self._attrs.keys()[index]]
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+ def items(self):
+ L = []
+ for node in self._attrs.values():
+ L.append((node.nodeName, node.value))
+ return L
+ def itemsNS(self):
+ L = []
+ for node in self._attrs.values():
+ L.append(((node.namespaceURI, node.localName), node.value))
+ return L
+ def has_key(self, key):
+ if isinstance(key, StringTypes):
+ return self._attrs.has_key(key)
+ else:
+ return self._attrsNS.has_key(key)
+ def keys(self):
+ return self._attrs.keys()
+ def keysNS(self):
+ return self._attrsNS.keys()
+ def values(self):
+ return self._attrs.values()
+ def get(self, name, value=None):
+ return self._attrs.get(name, value)
+ __len__ = _get_length
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ if self._attrs is getattr(other, "_attrs", None):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return cmp(id(self), id(other))
+ def __getitem__(self, attname_or_tuple):
+ if isinstance(attname_or_tuple, _TupleType):
+ return self._attrsNS[attname_or_tuple]
+ else:
+ return self._attrs[attname_or_tuple]
+ # same as set
+ def __setitem__(self, attname, value):
+ if isinstance(value, StringTypes):
+ try:
+ node = self._attrs[attname]
+ except KeyError:
+ node = Attr(attname)
+ node.ownerDocument = self._ownerElement.ownerDocument
+ self.setNamedItem(node)
+ node.value = value
+ else:
+ if not isinstance(value, Attr):
+ raise TypeError, "value must be a string or Attr object"
+ node = value
+ self.setNamedItem(node)
+ def getNamedItem(self, name):
+ try:
+ return self._attrs[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ def getNamedItemNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ try:
+ return self._attrsNS[(namespaceURI, localName)]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ def removeNamedItem(self, name):
+ n = self.getNamedItem(name)
+ if n is not None:
+ _clear_id_cache(self._ownerElement)
+ del self._attrs[n.nodeName]
+ del self._attrsNS[(n.namespaceURI, n.localName)]
+ if n.__dict__.has_key('ownerElement'):
+ n.__dict__['ownerElement'] = None
+ return n
+ else:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr()
+ def removeNamedItemNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ n = self.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName)
+ if n is not None:
+ _clear_id_cache(self._ownerElement)
+ del self._attrsNS[(n.namespaceURI, n.localName)]
+ del self._attrs[n.nodeName]
+ if n.__dict__.has_key('ownerElement'):
+ n.__dict__['ownerElement'] = None
+ return n
+ else:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr()
+ def setNamedItem(self, node):
+ if not isinstance(node, Attr):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ "%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(node), repr(self)))
+ old = self._attrs.get(
+ if old:
+ old.unlink()
+ self._attrs[] = node
+ self._attrsNS[(node.namespaceURI, node.localName)] = node
+ node.ownerElement = self._ownerElement
+ _clear_id_cache(node.ownerElement)
+ return old
+ def setNamedItemNS(self, node):
+ return self.setNamedItem(node)
+ def __delitem__(self, attname_or_tuple):
+ node = self[attname_or_tuple]
+ _clear_id_cache(node.ownerElement)
+ node.unlink()
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return self._attrs, self._attrsNS, self._ownerElement
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ self._attrs, self._attrsNS, self._ownerElement = state
+defproperty(NamedNodeMap, "length",
+ doc="Number of nodes in the NamedNodeMap.")
+AttributeList = NamedNodeMap
+class TypeInfo(NewStyle):
+ __slots__ = 'namespace', 'name'
+ def __init__(self, namespace, name):
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ = name
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.namespace:
+ return "<TypeInfo %r (from %r)>" % (, self.namespace)
+ else:
+ return "<TypeInfo %r>" %
+ def _get_name(self):
+ return
+ def _get_namespace(self):
+ return self.namespace
+_no_type = TypeInfo(None, None)
+class Element(Node):
+ nodeType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE
+ nodeValue = None
+ schemaType = _no_type
+ _magic_id_nodes = 0
+ _child_node_types = (Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
+ def __init__(self, tagName, namespaceURI=EMPTY_NAMESPACE, prefix=None,
+ localName=None):
+ self.tagName = self.nodeName = tagName
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ self.namespaceURI = namespaceURI
+ self.childNodes = NodeList()
+ self._attrs = {} # attributes are double-indexed:
+ self._attrsNS = {} # tagName -> Attribute
+ # URI,localName -> Attribute
+ # in the future: consider lazy generation
+ # of attribute objects this is too tricky
+ # for now because of headaches with
+ # namespaces.
+ def _get_localName(self):
+ return self.tagName.split(":", 1)[-1]
+ def _get_tagName(self):
+ return self.tagName
+ def unlink(self):
+ for attr in self._attrs.values():
+ attr.unlink()
+ self._attrs = None
+ self._attrsNS = None
+ Node.unlink(self)
+ def getAttribute(self, attname):
+ try:
+ return self._attrs[attname].value
+ except KeyError:
+ return ""
+ def getAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ try:
+ return self._attrsNS[(namespaceURI, localName)].value
+ except KeyError:
+ return ""
+ def setAttribute(self, attname, value):
+ attr = self.getAttributeNode(attname)
+ if attr is None:
+ attr = Attr(attname)
+ # for performance
+ d = attr.__dict__
+ d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value
+ d["ownerDocument"] = self.ownerDocument
+ self.setAttributeNode(attr)
+ elif value != attr.value:
+ d = attr.__dict__
+ d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value
+ if attr.isId:
+ _clear_id_cache(self)
+ def setAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value):
+ prefix, localname = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
+ attr = self.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localname)
+ if attr is None:
+ # for performance
+ attr = Attr(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, localname, prefix)
+ d = attr.__dict__
+ d["prefix"] = prefix
+ d["nodeName"] = qualifiedName
+ d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value
+ d["ownerDocument"] = self.ownerDocument
+ self.setAttributeNode(attr)
+ else:
+ d = attr.__dict__
+ if value != attr.value:
+ d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value
+ if attr.isId:
+ _clear_id_cache(self)
+ if attr.prefix != prefix:
+ d["prefix"] = prefix
+ d["nodeName"] = qualifiedName
+ def getAttributeNode(self, attrname):
+ return self._attrs.get(attrname)
+ def getAttributeNodeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ return self._attrsNS.get((namespaceURI, localName))
+ def setAttributeNode(self, attr):
+ if attr.ownerElement not in (None, self):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.InuseAttributeErr("attribute node already owned")
+ old1 = self._attrs.get(, None)
+ if old1 is not None:
+ self.removeAttributeNode(old1)
+ old2 = self._attrsNS.get((attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName), None)
+ if old2 is not None and old2 is not old1:
+ self.removeAttributeNode(old2)
+ _set_attribute_node(self, attr)
+ if old1 is not attr:
+ # It might have already been part of this node, in which case
+ # it doesn't represent a change, and should not be returned.
+ return old1
+ if old2 is not attr:
+ return old2
+ setAttributeNodeNS = setAttributeNode
+ def removeAttribute(self, name):
+ try:
+ attr = self._attrs[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr()
+ self.removeAttributeNode(attr)
+ def removeAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ try:
+ attr = self._attrsNS[(namespaceURI, localName)]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr()
+ self.removeAttributeNode(attr)
+ def removeAttributeNode(self, node):
+ if node is None:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr()
+ try:
+ self._attrs[]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr()
+ _clear_id_cache(self)
+ node.unlink()
+ # Restore this since the node is still useful and otherwise
+ # unlinked
+ node.ownerDocument = self.ownerDocument
+ removeAttributeNodeNS = removeAttributeNode
+ def hasAttribute(self, name):
+ return self._attrs.has_key(name)
+ def hasAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ return self._attrsNS.has_key((namespaceURI, localName))
+ def getElementsByTagName(self, name):
+ return _get_elements_by_tagName_helper(self, name, NodeList())
+ def getElementsByTagNameNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ return _get_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(
+ self, namespaceURI, localName, NodeList())
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<DOM Element: %s at %#x>" % (self.tagName, id(self))
+ def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
+ # indent = current indentation
+ # addindent = indentation to add to higher levels
+ # newl = newline string
+ writer.write(indent+"<" + self.tagName)
+ attrs = self._get_attributes()
+ a_names = attrs.keys()
+ a_names.sort()
+ for a_name in a_names:
+ writer.write(" %s=\"" % a_name)
+ _write_data(writer, attrs[a_name].value)
+ writer.write("\"")
+ if self.childNodes:
+ writer.write(">%s"%(newl))
+ for node in self.childNodes:
+ node.writexml(writer,indent+addindent,addindent,newl)
+ writer.write("%s</%s>%s" % (indent,self.tagName,newl))
+ else:
+ writer.write("/>%s"%(newl))
+ def _get_attributes(self):
+ return NamedNodeMap(self._attrs, self._attrsNS, self)
+ def hasAttributes(self):
+ if self._attrs:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ # DOM Level 3 attributes, based on the 22 Oct 2002 draft
+ def setIdAttribute(self, name):
+ idAttr = self.getAttributeNode(name)
+ self.setIdAttributeNode(idAttr)
+ def setIdAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ idAttr = self.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
+ self.setIdAttributeNode(idAttr)
+ def setIdAttributeNode(self, idAttr):
+ if idAttr is None or not self.isSameNode(idAttr.ownerElement):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr()
+ if _get_containing_entref(self) is not None:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr()
+ if not idAttr._is_id:
+ idAttr.__dict__['_is_id'] = True
+ self._magic_id_nodes += 1
+ self.ownerDocument._magic_id_count += 1
+ _clear_id_cache(self)
+defproperty(Element, "attributes",
+ doc="NamedNodeMap of attributes on the element.")
+defproperty(Element, "localName",
+ doc="Namespace-local name of this element.")
+def _set_attribute_node(element, attr):
+ _clear_id_cache(element)
+ element._attrs[] = attr
+ element._attrsNS[(attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName)] = attr
+ # This creates a circular reference, but Element.unlink()
+ # breaks the cycle since the references to the attribute
+ # dictionaries are tossed.
+ attr.__dict__['ownerElement'] = element
+class Childless:
+ """Mixin that makes childless-ness easy to implement and avoids
+ the complexity of the Node methods that deal with children.
+ """
+ attributes = None
+ childNodes = EmptyNodeList()
+ firstChild = None
+ lastChild = None
+ def _get_firstChild(self):
+ return None
+ def _get_lastChild(self):
+ return None
+ def appendChild(self, node):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ self.nodeName + " nodes cannot have children")
+ def hasChildNodes(self):
+ return False
+ def insertBefore(self, newChild, refChild):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ self.nodeName + " nodes do not have children")
+ def removeChild(self, oldChild):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr(
+ self.nodeName + " nodes do not have children")
+ def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ self.nodeName + " nodes do not have children")
+class ProcessingInstruction(Childless, Node):
+ def __init__(self, target, data):
+ = self.nodeName = target
+ = self.nodeValue = data
+ def _get_data(self):
+ return
+ def _set_data(self, value):
+ d = self.__dict__
+ d['data'] = d['nodeValue'] = value
+ def _get_target(self):
+ return
+ def _set_target(self, value):
+ d = self.__dict__
+ d['target'] = d['nodeName'] = value
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ if name == "data" or name == "nodeValue":
+ self.__dict__['data'] = self.__dict__['nodeValue'] = value
+ elif name == "target" or name == "nodeName":
+ self.__dict__['target'] = self.__dict__['nodeName'] = value
+ else:
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
+ writer.write("%s<?%s %s?>%s" % (indent,,, newl))
+class CharacterData(Childless, Node):
+ def _get_length(self):
+ return len(
+ __len__ = _get_length
+ def _get_data(self):
+ return self.__dict__['data']
+ def _set_data(self, data):
+ d = self.__dict__
+ d['data'] = d['nodeValue'] = data
+ _get_nodeValue = _get_data
+ _set_nodeValue = _set_data
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ if name == "data" or name == "nodeValue":
+ self.__dict__['data'] = self.__dict__['nodeValue'] = value
+ else:
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ data =
+ if len(data) > 10:
+ dotdotdot = "..."
+ else:
+ dotdotdot = ""
+ return "<DOM %s node \"%s%s\">" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, data[0:10], dotdotdot)
+ def substringData(self, offset, count):
+ if offset < 0:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative")
+ if offset >= len(
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data")
+ if count < 0:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("count cannot be negative")
+ return[offset:offset+count]
+ def appendData(self, arg):
+ = + arg
+ def insertData(self, offset, arg):
+ if offset < 0:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative")
+ if offset >= len(
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data")
+ if arg:
+ = "%s%s%s" % (
+[:offset], arg,[offset:])
+ def deleteData(self, offset, count):
+ if offset < 0:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative")
+ if offset >= len(
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data")
+ if count < 0:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("count cannot be negative")
+ if count:
+ =[:offset] +[offset+count:]
+ def replaceData(self, offset, count, arg):
+ if offset < 0:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative")
+ if offset >= len(
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data")
+ if count < 0:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("count cannot be negative")
+ if count:
+ = "%s%s%s" % (
+[:offset], arg,[offset+count:])
+defproperty(CharacterData, "length", doc="Length of the string data.")
+class Text(CharacterData):
+ # Make sure we don't add an instance __dict__ if we don't already
+ # have one, at least when that's possible:
+ # XXX this does not work, CharacterData is an old-style class
+ # __slots__ = ()
+ nodeType = Node.TEXT_NODE
+ nodeName = "#text"
+ attributes = None
+ def splitText(self, offset):
+ if offset < 0 or offset > len(
+ raise xmlcore.dom.IndexSizeErr("illegal offset value")
+ newText = self.__class__()
+ =[offset:]
+ newText.ownerDocument = self.ownerDocument
+ next = self.nextSibling
+ if self.parentNode and self in self.parentNode.childNodes:
+ if next is None:
+ self.parentNode.appendChild(newText)
+ else:
+ self.parentNode.insertBefore(newText, next)
+ =[:offset]
+ return newText
+ def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
+ _write_data(writer, "%s%s%s"%(indent,, newl))
+ # DOM Level 3 (WD 9 April 2002)
+ def _get_wholeText(self):
+ L = []
+ n = self.previousSibling
+ while n is not None:
+ if n.nodeType in (Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE):
+ L.insert(0,
+ n = n.previousSibling
+ else:
+ break
+ n = self.nextSibling
+ while n is not None:
+ if n.nodeType in (Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE):
+ L.append(
+ n = n.nextSibling
+ else:
+ break
+ return ''.join(L)
+ def replaceWholeText(self, content):
+ # XXX This needs to be seriously changed if minidom ever
+ # supports EntityReference nodes.
+ parent = self.parentNode
+ n = self.previousSibling
+ while n is not None:
+ if n.nodeType in (Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE):
+ next = n.previousSibling
+ parent.removeChild(n)
+ n = next
+ else:
+ break
+ n = self.nextSibling
+ if not content:
+ parent.removeChild(self)
+ while n is not None:
+ if n.nodeType in (Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE):
+ next = n.nextSibling
+ parent.removeChild(n)
+ n = next
+ else:
+ break
+ if content:
+ d = self.__dict__
+ d['data'] = content
+ d['nodeValue'] = content
+ return self
+ else:
+ return None
+ def _get_isWhitespaceInElementContent(self):
+ if
+ return False
+ elem = _get_containing_element(self)
+ if elem is None:
+ return False
+ info = self.ownerDocument._get_elem_info(elem)
+ if info is None:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return info.isElementContent()
+defproperty(Text, "isWhitespaceInElementContent",
+ doc="True iff this text node contains only whitespace"
+ " and is in element content.")
+defproperty(Text, "wholeText",
+ doc="The text of all logically-adjacent text nodes.")
+def _get_containing_element(node):
+ c = node.parentNode
+ while c is not None:
+ if c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ return c
+ c = c.parentNode
+ return None
+def _get_containing_entref(node):
+ c = node.parentNode
+ while c is not None:
+ if c.nodeType == Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE:
+ return c
+ c = c.parentNode
+ return None
+class Comment(Childless, CharacterData):
+ nodeType = Node.COMMENT_NODE
+ nodeName = "#comment"
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ = self.nodeValue = data
+ def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
+ writer.write("%s<!--%s-->%s" % (indent,, newl))
+class CDATASection(Text):
+ # Make sure we don't add an instance __dict__ if we don't already
+ # have one, at least when that's possible:
+ # XXX this does not work, Text is an old-style class
+ # __slots__ = ()
+ nodeType = Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
+ nodeName = "#cdata-section"
+ def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
+ if"]]>") >= 0:
+ raise ValueError("']]>' not allowed in a CDATA section")
+ writer.write("<![CDATA[%s]]>" %
+class ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap(NewStyle, GetattrMagic):
+ __slots__ = '_seq',
+ def __init__(self, seq=()):
+ # seq should be a list or tuple
+ self._seq = seq
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._seq)
+ def _get_length(self):
+ return len(self._seq)
+ def getNamedItem(self, name):
+ for n in self._seq:
+ if n.nodeName == name:
+ return n
+ def getNamedItemNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ for n in self._seq:
+ if n.namespaceURI == namespaceURI and n.localName == localName:
+ return n
+ def __getitem__(self, name_or_tuple):
+ if isinstance(name_or_tuple, _TupleType):
+ node = self.getNamedItemNS(*name_or_tuple)
+ else:
+ node = self.getNamedItem(name_or_tuple)
+ if node is None:
+ raise KeyError, name_or_tuple
+ return node
+ def item(self, index):
+ if index < 0:
+ return None
+ try:
+ return self._seq[index]
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+ def removeNamedItem(self, name):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr(
+ "NamedNodeMap instance is read-only")
+ def removeNamedItemNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr(
+ "NamedNodeMap instance is read-only")
+ def setNamedItem(self, node):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr(
+ "NamedNodeMap instance is read-only")
+ def setNamedItemNS(self, node):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr(
+ "NamedNodeMap instance is read-only")
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return [self._seq]
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ self._seq = state[0]
+defproperty(ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap, "length",
+ doc="Number of entries in the NamedNodeMap.")
+class Identified:
+ """Mix-in class that supports the publicId and systemId attributes."""
+ # XXX this does not work, this is an old-style class
+ # __slots__ = 'publicId', 'systemId'
+ def _identified_mixin_init(self, publicId, systemId):
+ self.publicId = publicId
+ self.systemId = systemId
+ def _get_publicId(self):
+ return self.publicId
+ def _get_systemId(self):
+ return self.systemId
+class DocumentType(Identified, Childless, Node):
+ nodeType = Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE
+ nodeValue = None
+ name = None
+ publicId = None
+ systemId = None
+ internalSubset = None
+ def __init__(self, qualifiedName):
+ self.entities = ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap()
+ self.notations = ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap()
+ if qualifiedName:
+ prefix, localname = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
+ = localname
+ self.nodeName =
+ def _get_internalSubset(self):
+ return self.internalSubset
+ def cloneNode(self, deep):
+ if self.ownerDocument is None:
+ # it's ok
+ clone = DocumentType(None)
+ =
+ clone.nodeName =
+ operation = xmlcore.dom.UserDataHandler.NODE_CLONED
+ if deep:
+ clone.entities._seq = []
+ clone.notations._seq = []
+ for n in self.notations._seq:
+ notation = Notation(n.nodeName, n.publicId, n.systemId)
+ clone.notations._seq.append(notation)
+ n._call_user_data_handler(operation, n, notation)
+ for e in self.entities._seq:
+ entity = Entity(e.nodeName, e.publicId, e.systemId,
+ e.notationName)
+ entity.actualEncoding = e.actualEncoding
+ entity.encoding = e.encoding
+ entity.version = e.version
+ clone.entities._seq.append(entity)
+ e._call_user_data_handler(operation, n, entity)
+ self._call_user_data_handler(operation, self, clone)
+ return clone
+ else:
+ return None
+ def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
+ writer.write("<!DOCTYPE ")
+ writer.write(
+ if self.publicId:
+ writer.write("%s PUBLIC '%s'%s '%s'"
+ % (newl, self.publicId, newl, self.systemId))
+ elif self.systemId:
+ writer.write("%s SYSTEM '%s'" % (newl, self.systemId))
+ if self.internalSubset is not None:
+ writer.write(" [")
+ writer.write(self.internalSubset)
+ writer.write("]")
+ writer.write(">"+newl)
+class Entity(Identified, Node):
+ attributes = None
+ nodeType = Node.ENTITY_NODE
+ nodeValue = None
+ actualEncoding = None
+ encoding = None
+ version = None
+ def __init__(self, name, publicId, systemId, notation):
+ self.nodeName = name
+ self.notationName = notation
+ self.childNodes = NodeList()
+ self._identified_mixin_init(publicId, systemId)
+ def _get_actualEncoding(self):
+ return self.actualEncoding
+ def _get_encoding(self):
+ return self.encoding
+ def _get_version(self):
+ return self.version
+ def appendChild(self, newChild):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ "cannot append children to an entity node")
+ def insertBefore(self, newChild, refChild):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ "cannot insert children below an entity node")
+ def removeChild(self, oldChild):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ "cannot remove children from an entity node")
+ def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ "cannot replace children of an entity node")
+class Notation(Identified, Childless, Node):
+ nodeType = Node.NOTATION_NODE
+ nodeValue = None
+ def __init__(self, name, publicId, systemId):
+ self.nodeName = name
+ self._identified_mixin_init(publicId, systemId)
+class DOMImplementation(DOMImplementationLS):
+ _features = [("core", "1.0"),
+ ("core", "2.0"),
+ ("core", "3.0"),
+ ("core", None),
+ ("xml", "1.0"),
+ ("xml", "2.0"),
+ ("xml", "3.0"),
+ ("xml", None),
+ ("ls-load", "3.0"),
+ ("ls-load", None),
+ ]
+ def hasFeature(self, feature, version):
+ if version == "":
+ version = None
+ return (feature.lower(), version) in self._features
+ def createDocument(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype):
+ if doctype and doctype.parentNode is not None:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.WrongDocumentErr(
+ "doctype object owned by another DOM tree")
+ doc = self._create_document()
+ add_root_element = not (namespaceURI is None
+ and qualifiedName is None
+ and doctype is None)
+ if not qualifiedName and add_root_element:
+ # The spec is unclear what to raise here; SyntaxErr
+ # would be the other obvious candidate. Since Xerces raises
+ # InvalidCharacterErr, and since SyntaxErr is not listed
+ # for createDocument, that seems to be the better choice.
+ # XXX: need to check for illegal characters here and in
+ # createElement.
+ # DOM Level III clears this up when talking about the return value
+ # of this function. If namespaceURI, qName and DocType are
+ # Null the document is returned without a document element
+ # Otherwise if doctype or namespaceURI are not None
+ # Then we go back to the above problem
+ raise xmlcore.dom.InvalidCharacterErr("Element with no name")
+ if add_root_element:
+ prefix, localname = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
+ if prefix == "xml" \
+ and namespaceURI != "":
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NamespaceErr("illegal use of 'xml' prefix")
+ if prefix and not namespaceURI:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NamespaceErr(
+ "illegal use of prefix without namespaces")
+ element = doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName)
+ if doctype:
+ doc.appendChild(doctype)
+ doc.appendChild(element)
+ if doctype:
+ doctype.parentNode = doctype.ownerDocument = doc
+ doc.doctype = doctype
+ doc.implementation = self
+ return doc
+ def createDocumentType(self, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId):
+ doctype = DocumentType(qualifiedName)
+ doctype.publicId = publicId
+ doctype.systemId = systemId
+ return doctype
+ # DOM Level 3 (WD 9 April 2002)
+ def getInterface(self, feature):
+ if self.hasFeature(feature, None):
+ return self
+ else:
+ return None
+ # internal
+ def _create_document(self):
+ return Document()
+class ElementInfo(NewStyle):
+ """Object that represents content-model information for an element.
+ This implementation is not expected to be used in practice; DOM
+ builders should provide implementations which do the right thing
+ using information available to it.
+ """
+ __slots__ = 'tagName',
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ self.tagName = name
+ def getAttributeType(self, aname):
+ return _no_type
+ def getAttributeTypeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ return _no_type
+ def isElementContent(self):
+ return False
+ def isEmpty(self):
+ """Returns true iff this element is declared to have an EMPTY
+ content model."""
+ return False
+ def isId(self, aname):
+ """Returns true iff the named attribte is a DTD-style ID."""
+ return False
+ def isIdNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ """Returns true iff the identified attribute is a DTD-style ID."""
+ return False
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return self.tagName
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ self.tagName = state
+def _clear_id_cache(node):
+ if node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ node._id_cache.clear()
+ node._id_search_stack = None
+ elif _in_document(node):
+ node.ownerDocument._id_cache.clear()
+ node.ownerDocument._id_search_stack= None
+class Document(Node, DocumentLS):
+ nodeType = Node.DOCUMENT_NODE
+ nodeName = "#document"
+ nodeValue = None
+ attributes = None
+ doctype = None
+ parentNode = None
+ previousSibling = nextSibling = None
+ implementation = DOMImplementation()
+ # Document attributes from Level 3 (WD 9 April 2002)
+ actualEncoding = None
+ encoding = None
+ standalone = None
+ version = None
+ strictErrorChecking = False
+ errorHandler = None
+ documentURI = None
+ _magic_id_count = 0
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.childNodes = NodeList()
+ # mapping of (namespaceURI, localName) -> ElementInfo
+ # and tagName -> ElementInfo
+ self._elem_info = {}
+ self._id_cache = {}
+ self._id_search_stack = None
+ def _get_elem_info(self, element):
+ if element.namespaceURI:
+ key = element.namespaceURI, element.localName
+ else:
+ key = element.tagName
+ return self._elem_info.get(key)
+ def _get_actualEncoding(self):
+ return self.actualEncoding
+ def _get_doctype(self):
+ return self.doctype
+ def _get_documentURI(self):
+ return self.documentURI
+ def _get_encoding(self):
+ return self.encoding
+ def _get_errorHandler(self):
+ return self.errorHandler
+ def _get_standalone(self):
+ return self.standalone
+ def _get_strictErrorChecking(self):
+ return self.strictErrorChecking
+ def _get_version(self):
+ return self.version
+ def appendChild(self, node):
+ if node.nodeType not in self._child_node_types:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ "%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(node), repr(self)))
+ if node.parentNode is not None:
+ # This needs to be done before the next test since this
+ # may *be* the document element, in which case it should
+ # end up re-ordered to the end.
+ node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
+ if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE \
+ and self._get_documentElement():
+ raise xmlcore.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
+ "two document elements disallowed")
+ return Node.appendChild(self, node)
+ def removeChild(self, oldChild):
+ try:
+ self.childNodes.remove(oldChild)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr()
+ oldChild.nextSibling = oldChild.previousSibling = None
+ oldChild.parentNode = None
+ if self.documentElement is oldChild:
+ self.documentElement = None
+ return oldChild
+ def _get_documentElement(self):
+ for node in self.childNodes:
+ if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ return node
+ def unlink(self):
+ if self.doctype is not None:
+ self.doctype.unlink()
+ self.doctype = None
+ Node.unlink(self)
+ def cloneNode(self, deep):
+ if not deep:
+ return None
+ clone = self.implementation.createDocument(None, None, None)
+ clone.encoding = self.encoding
+ clone.standalone = self.standalone
+ clone.version = self.version
+ for n in self.childNodes:
+ childclone = _clone_node(n, deep, clone)
+ assert childclone.ownerDocument.isSameNode(clone)
+ clone.childNodes.append(childclone)
+ if childclone.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ assert clone.documentElement is None
+ elif childclone.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
+ assert clone.doctype is None
+ clone.doctype = childclone
+ childclone.parentNode = clone
+ self._call_user_data_handler(xmlcore.dom.UserDataHandler.NODE_CLONED,
+ self, clone)
+ return clone
+ def createDocumentFragment(self):
+ d = DocumentFragment()
+ d.ownerDocument = self
+ return d
+ def createElement(self, tagName):
+ e = Element(tagName)
+ e.ownerDocument = self
+ return e
+ def createTextNode(self, data):
+ if not isinstance(data, StringTypes):
+ raise TypeError, "node contents must be a string"
+ t = Text()
+ = data
+ t.ownerDocument = self
+ return t
+ def createCDATASection(self, data):
+ if not isinstance(data, StringTypes):
+ raise TypeError, "node contents must be a string"
+ c = CDATASection()
+ = data
+ c.ownerDocument = self
+ return c
+ def createComment(self, data):
+ c = Comment(data)
+ c.ownerDocument = self
+ return c
+ def createProcessingInstruction(self, target, data):
+ p = ProcessingInstruction(target, data)
+ p.ownerDocument = self
+ return p
+ def createAttribute(self, qName):
+ a = Attr(qName)
+ a.ownerDocument = self
+ a.value = ""
+ return a
+ def createElementNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName):
+ prefix, localName = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
+ e = Element(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, prefix)
+ e.ownerDocument = self
+ return e
+ def createAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName):
+ prefix, localName = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
+ a = Attr(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, localName, prefix)
+ a.ownerDocument = self
+ a.value = ""
+ return a
+ # A couple of implementation-specific helpers to create node types
+ # not supported by the W3C DOM specs:
+ def _create_entity(self, name, publicId, systemId, notationName):
+ e = Entity(name, publicId, systemId, notationName)
+ e.ownerDocument = self
+ return e
+ def _create_notation(self, name, publicId, systemId):
+ n = Notation(name, publicId, systemId)
+ n.ownerDocument = self
+ return n
+ def getElementById(self, id):
+ if self._id_cache.has_key(id):
+ return self._id_cache[id]
+ if not (self._elem_info or self._magic_id_count):
+ return None
+ stack = self._id_search_stack
+ if stack is None:
+ # we never searched before, or the cache has been cleared
+ stack = [self.documentElement]
+ self._id_search_stack = stack
+ elif not stack:
+ # Previous search was completed and cache is still valid;
+ # no matching node.
+ return None
+ result = None
+ while stack:
+ node = stack.pop()
+ # add child elements to stack for continued searching
+ stack.extend([child for child in node.childNodes
+ if child.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children])
+ # check this node
+ info = self._get_elem_info(node)
+ if info:
+ # We have to process all ID attributes before
+ # returning in order to get all the attributes set to
+ # be IDs using Element.setIdAttribute*().
+ for attr in node.attributes.values():
+ if attr.namespaceURI:
+ if info.isIdNS(attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName):
+ self._id_cache[attr.value] = node
+ if attr.value == id:
+ result = node
+ elif not node._magic_id_nodes:
+ break
+ elif info.isId(
+ self._id_cache[attr.value] = node
+ if attr.value == id:
+ result = node
+ elif not node._magic_id_nodes:
+ break
+ elif attr._is_id:
+ self._id_cache[attr.value] = node
+ if attr.value == id:
+ result = node
+ elif node._magic_id_nodes == 1:
+ break
+ elif node._magic_id_nodes:
+ for attr in node.attributes.values():
+ if attr._is_id:
+ self._id_cache[attr.value] = node
+ if attr.value == id:
+ result = node
+ if result is not None:
+ break
+ return result
+ def getElementsByTagName(self, name):
+ return _get_elements_by_tagName_helper(self, name, NodeList())
+ def getElementsByTagNameNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
+ return _get_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(
+ self, namespaceURI, localName, NodeList())
+ def isSupported(self, feature, version):
+ return self.implementation.hasFeature(feature, version)
+ def importNode(self, node, deep):
+ if node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotSupportedErr("cannot import document nodes")
+ elif node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotSupportedErr("cannot import document type nodes")
+ return _clone_node(node, deep, self)
+ def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl="",
+ encoding = None):
+ if encoding is None:
+ writer.write('<?xml version="1.0" ?>'+newl)
+ else:
+ writer.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>%s' % (encoding, newl))
+ for node in self.childNodes:
+ node.writexml(writer, indent, addindent, newl)
+ # DOM Level 3 (WD 9 April 2002)
+ def renameNode(self, n, namespaceURI, name):
+ if n.ownerDocument is not self:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.WrongDocumentErr(
+ "cannot rename nodes from other documents;\n"
+ "expected %s,\nfound %s" % (self, n.ownerDocument))
+ if n.nodeType not in (Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotSupportedErr(
+ "renameNode() only applies to element and attribute nodes")
+ if namespaceURI != EMPTY_NAMESPACE:
+ if ':' in name:
+ prefix, localName = name.split(':', 1)
+ if ( prefix == "xmlns"
+ and namespaceURI != xmlcore.dom.XMLNS_NAMESPACE):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NamespaceErr(
+ "illegal use of 'xmlns' prefix")
+ else:
+ if ( name == "xmlns"
+ and namespaceURI != xmlcore.dom.XMLNS_NAMESPACE
+ and n.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE):
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NamespaceErr(
+ "illegal use of the 'xmlns' attribute")
+ prefix = None
+ localName = name
+ else:
+ prefix = None
+ localName = None
+ if n.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
+ element = n.ownerElement
+ if element is not None:
+ is_id = n._is_id
+ element.removeAttributeNode(n)
+ else:
+ element = None
+ # avoid __setattr__
+ d = n.__dict__
+ d['prefix'] = prefix
+ d['localName'] = localName
+ d['namespaceURI'] = namespaceURI
+ d['nodeName'] = name
+ if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ d['tagName'] = name
+ else:
+ # attribute node
+ d['name'] = name
+ if element is not None:
+ element.setAttributeNode(n)
+ if is_id:
+ element.setIdAttributeNode(n)
+ # It's not clear from a semantic perspective whether we should
+ # call the user data handlers for the NODE_RENAMED event since
+ # we're re-using the existing node. The draft spec has been
+ # interpreted as meaning "no, don't call the handler unless a
+ # new node is created."
+ return n
+defproperty(Document, "documentElement",
+ doc="Top-level element of this document.")
+def _clone_node(node, deep, newOwnerDocument):
+ """
+ Clone a node and give it the new owner document.
+ Called by Node.cloneNode and Document.importNode
+ """
+ if node.ownerDocument.isSameNode(newOwnerDocument):
+ operation = xmlcore.dom.UserDataHandler.NODE_CLONED
+ else:
+ operation = xmlcore.dom.UserDataHandler.NODE_IMPORTED
+ if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ clone = newOwnerDocument.createElementNS(node.namespaceURI,
+ node.nodeName)
+ for attr in node.attributes.values():
+ clone.setAttributeNS(attr.namespaceURI, attr.nodeName, attr.value)
+ a = clone.getAttributeNodeNS(attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName)
+ a.specified = attr.specified
+ if deep:
+ for child in node.childNodes:
+ c = _clone_node(child, deep, newOwnerDocument)
+ clone.appendChild(c)
+ elif node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
+ clone = newOwnerDocument.createDocumentFragment()
+ if deep:
+ for child in node.childNodes:
+ c = _clone_node(child, deep, newOwnerDocument)
+ clone.appendChild(c)
+ elif node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
+ clone = newOwnerDocument.createTextNode(
+ elif node.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
+ clone = newOwnerDocument.createCDATASection(
+ elif node.nodeType == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE:
+ clone = newOwnerDocument.createProcessingInstruction(,
+ elif node.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE:
+ clone = newOwnerDocument.createComment(
+ elif node.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
+ clone = newOwnerDocument.createAttributeNS(node.namespaceURI,
+ node.nodeName)
+ clone.specified = True
+ clone.value = node.value
+ elif node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
+ assert node.ownerDocument is not newOwnerDocument
+ operation = xmlcore.dom.UserDataHandler.NODE_IMPORTED
+ clone = newOwnerDocument.implementation.createDocumentType(
+, node.publicId, node.systemId)
+ clone.ownerDocument = newOwnerDocument
+ if deep:
+ clone.entities._seq = []
+ clone.notations._seq = []
+ for n in node.notations._seq:
+ notation = Notation(n.nodeName, n.publicId, n.systemId)
+ notation.ownerDocument = newOwnerDocument
+ clone.notations._seq.append(notation)
+ if hasattr(n, '_call_user_data_handler'):
+ n._call_user_data_handler(operation, n, notation)
+ for e in node.entities._seq:
+ entity = Entity(e.nodeName, e.publicId, e.systemId,
+ e.notationName)
+ entity.actualEncoding = e.actualEncoding
+ entity.encoding = e.encoding
+ entity.version = e.version
+ entity.ownerDocument = newOwnerDocument
+ clone.entities._seq.append(entity)
+ if hasattr(e, '_call_user_data_handler'):
+ e._call_user_data_handler(operation, n, entity)
+ else:
+ # Note the cloning of Document and DocumentType nodes is
+ # implemenetation specific. minidom handles those cases
+ # directly in the cloneNode() methods.
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotSupportedErr("Cannot clone node %s" % repr(node))
+ # Check for _call_user_data_handler() since this could conceivably
+ # used with other DOM implementations (one of the FourThought
+ # DOMs, perhaps?).
+ if hasattr(node, '_call_user_data_handler'):
+ node._call_user_data_handler(operation, node, clone)
+ return clone
+def _nssplit(qualifiedName):
+ fields = qualifiedName.split(':', 1)
+ if len(fields) == 2:
+ return fields
+ else:
+ return (None, fields[0])
+def _get_StringIO():
+ # we can't use cStringIO since it doesn't support Unicode strings
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+ return StringIO()
+def _do_pulldom_parse(func, args, kwargs):
+ events = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ toktype, rootNode = events.getEvent()
+ events.expandNode(rootNode)
+ events.clear()
+ return rootNode
+def parse(file, parser=None, bufsize=None):
+ """Parse a file into a DOM by filename or file object."""
+ if parser is None and not bufsize:
+ from xmlcore.dom import expatbuilder
+ return expatbuilder.parse(file)
+ else:
+ from xmlcore.dom import pulldom
+ return _do_pulldom_parse(pulldom.parse, (file,),
+ {'parser': parser, 'bufsize': bufsize})
+def parseString(string, parser=None):
+ """Parse a file into a DOM from a string."""
+ if parser is None:
+ from xmlcore.dom import expatbuilder
+ return expatbuilder.parseString(string)
+ else:
+ from xmlcore.dom import pulldom
+ return _do_pulldom_parse(pulldom.parseString, (string,),
+ {'parser': parser})
+def getDOMImplementation(features=None):
+ if features:
+ if isinstance(features, StringTypes):
+ features = domreg._parse_feature_string(features)
+ for f, v in features:
+ if not Document.implementation.hasFeature(f, v):
+ return None
+ return Document.implementation
diff --git a/Lib/xmlcore/dom/ b/Lib/xmlcore/dom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dad3718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/xmlcore/dom/
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+import xmlcore.sax
+import xmlcore.sax.handler
+import types
+ _StringTypes = [types.StringType, types.UnicodeType]
+except AttributeError:
+ _StringTypes = [types.StringType]
+class PullDOM(xmlcore.sax.ContentHandler):
+ _locator = None
+ document = None
+ def __init__(self, documentFactory=None):
+ from xmlcore.dom import XML_NAMESPACE
+ self.documentFactory = documentFactory
+ self.firstEvent = [None, None]
+ self.lastEvent = self.firstEvent
+ self.elementStack = []
+ self.push = self.elementStack.append
+ try:
+ self.pop = self.elementStack.pop
+ except AttributeError:
+ # use class' pop instead
+ pass
+ self._ns_contexts = [{XML_NAMESPACE:'xml'}] # contains uri -> prefix dicts
+ self._current_context = self._ns_contexts[-1]
+ self.pending_events = []
+ def pop(self):
+ result = self.elementStack[-1]
+ del self.elementStack[-1]
+ return result
+ def setDocumentLocator(self, locator):
+ self._locator = locator
+ def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_xmlns_attrs'):
+ self._xmlns_attrs = []
+ self._xmlns_attrs.append((prefix or 'xmlns', uri))
+ self._ns_contexts.append(self._current_context.copy())
+ self._current_context[uri] = prefix or None
+ def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix):
+ self._current_context = self._ns_contexts.pop()
+ def startElementNS(self, name, tagName , attrs):
+ # Retrieve xml namespace declaration attributes.
+ xmlns_uri = ''
+ xmlns_attrs = getattr(self, '_xmlns_attrs', None)
+ if xmlns_attrs is not None:
+ for aname, value in xmlns_attrs:
+ attrs._attrs[(xmlns_uri, aname)] = value
+ self._xmlns_attrs = []
+ uri, localname = name
+ if uri:
+ # When using namespaces, the reader may or may not
+ # provide us with the original name. If not, create
+ # *a* valid tagName from the current context.
+ if tagName is None:
+ prefix = self._current_context[uri]
+ if prefix:
+ tagName = prefix + ":" + localname
+ else:
+ tagName = localname
+ if self.document:
+ node = self.document.createElementNS(uri, tagName)
+ else:
+ node = self.buildDocument(uri, tagName)
+ else:
+ # When the tagname is not prefixed, it just appears as
+ # localname
+ if self.document:
+ node = self.document.createElement(localname)
+ else:
+ node = self.buildDocument(None, localname)
+ for aname,value in attrs.items():
+ a_uri, a_localname = aname
+ if a_uri == xmlns_uri:
+ if a_localname == 'xmlns':
+ qname = a_localname
+ else:
+ qname = 'xmlns:' + a_localname
+ attr = self.document.createAttributeNS(a_uri, qname)
+ node.setAttributeNodeNS(attr)
+ elif a_uri:
+ prefix = self._current_context[a_uri]
+ if prefix:
+ qname = prefix + ":" + a_localname
+ else:
+ qname = a_localname
+ attr = self.document.createAttributeNS(a_uri, qname)
+ node.setAttributeNodeNS(attr)
+ else:
+ attr = self.document.createAttribute(a_localname)
+ node.setAttributeNode(attr)
+ attr.value = value
+ self.lastEvent[1] = [(START_ELEMENT, node), None]
+ self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1]
+ self.push(node)
+ def endElementNS(self, name, tagName):
+ self.lastEvent[1] = [(END_ELEMENT, self.pop()), None]
+ self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1]
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ if self.document:
+ node = self.document.createElement(name)
+ else:
+ node = self.buildDocument(None, name)
+ for aname,value in attrs.items():
+ attr = self.document.createAttribute(aname)
+ attr.value = value
+ node.setAttributeNode(attr)
+ self.lastEvent[1] = [(START_ELEMENT, node), None]
+ self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1]
+ self.push(node)
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ self.lastEvent[1] = [(END_ELEMENT, self.pop()), None]
+ self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1]
+ def comment(self, s):
+ if self.document:
+ node = self.document.createComment(s)
+ self.lastEvent[1] = [(COMMENT, node), None]
+ self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1]
+ else:
+ event = [(COMMENT, s), None]
+ self.pending_events.append(event)
+ def processingInstruction(self, target, data):
+ if self.document:
+ node = self.document.createProcessingInstruction(target, data)
+ self.lastEvent[1] = [(PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, node), None]
+ self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1]
+ else:
+ event = [(PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, target, data), None]
+ self.pending_events.append(event)
+ def ignorableWhitespace(self, chars):
+ node = self.document.createTextNode(chars)
+ self.lastEvent[1] = [(IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE, node), None]
+ self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1]
+ def characters(self, chars):
+ node = self.document.createTextNode(chars)
+ self.lastEvent[1] = [(CHARACTERS, node), None]
+ self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1]
+ def startDocument(self):
+ if self.documentFactory is None:
+ import xmlcore.dom.minidom
+ self.documentFactory = xmlcore.dom.minidom.Document.implementation
+ def buildDocument(self, uri, tagname):
+ # Can't do that in startDocument, since we need the tagname
+ # XXX: obtain DocumentType
+ node = self.documentFactory.createDocument(uri, tagname, None)
+ self.document = node
+ self.lastEvent[1] = [(START_DOCUMENT, node), None]
+ self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1]
+ self.push(node)
+ # Put everything we have seen so far into the document
+ for e in self.pending_events:
+ _,target,data = e[0]
+ n = self.document.createProcessingInstruction(target, data)
+ elif e[0][0] == COMMENT:
+ n = self.document.createComment(e[0][1])
+ e[0] = (COMMENT, n)
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("Unknown pending event ",e[0][0])
+ self.lastEvent[1] = e
+ self.lastEvent = e
+ self.pending_events = None
+ return node.firstChild
+ def endDocument(self):
+ self.lastEvent[1] = [(END_DOCUMENT, self.document), None]
+ self.pop()
+ def clear(self):
+ "clear(): Explicitly release parsing structures"
+ self.document = None
+class ErrorHandler:
+ def warning(self, exception):
+ print exception
+ def error(self, exception):
+ raise exception
+ def fatalError(self, exception):
+ raise exception
+class DOMEventStream:
+ def __init__(self, stream, parser, bufsize):
+ = stream
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.bufsize = bufsize
+ if not hasattr(self.parser, 'feed'):
+ self.getEvent = self._slurp
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ self.pulldom = PullDOM()
+ # This content handler relies on namespace support
+ self.parser.setFeature(xmlcore.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, 1)
+ self.parser.setContentHandler(self.pulldom)
+ def __getitem__(self, pos):
+ rc = self.getEvent()
+ if rc:
+ return rc
+ raise IndexError
+ def next(self):
+ rc = self.getEvent()
+ if rc:
+ return rc
+ raise StopIteration
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def expandNode(self, node):
+ event = self.getEvent()
+ parents = [node]
+ while event:
+ token, cur_node = event
+ if cur_node is node:
+ return
+ if token != END_ELEMENT:
+ parents[-1].appendChild(cur_node)
+ if token == START_ELEMENT:
+ parents.append(cur_node)
+ elif token == END_ELEMENT:
+ del parents[-1]
+ event = self.getEvent()
+ def getEvent(self):
+ # use IncrementalParser interface, so we get the desired
+ # pull effect
+ if not self.pulldom.firstEvent[1]:
+ self.pulldom.lastEvent = self.pulldom.firstEvent
+ while not self.pulldom.firstEvent[1]:
+ buf =
+ if not buf:
+ self.parser.close()
+ return None
+ self.parser.feed(buf)
+ rc = self.pulldom.firstEvent[1][0]
+ self.pulldom.firstEvent[1] = self.pulldom.firstEvent[1][1]
+ return rc
+ def _slurp(self):
+ """ Fallback replacement for getEvent() using the
+ standard SAX2 interface, which means we slurp the
+ SAX events into memory (no performance gain, but
+ we are compatible to all SAX parsers).
+ """
+ self.parser.parse(
+ self.getEvent = self._emit
+ return self._emit()
+ def _emit(self):
+ """ Fallback replacement for getEvent() that emits
+ the events that _slurp() read previously.
+ """
+ rc = self.pulldom.firstEvent[1][0]
+ self.pulldom.firstEvent[1] = self.pulldom.firstEvent[1][1]
+ return rc
+ def clear(self):
+ """clear(): Explicitly release parsing objects"""
+ self.pulldom.clear()
+ del self.pulldom
+ self.parser = None
+ = None
+class SAX2DOM(PullDOM):
+ def startElementNS(self, name, tagName , attrs):
+ PullDOM.startElementNS(self, name, tagName, attrs)
+ curNode = self.elementStack[-1]
+ parentNode = self.elementStack[-2]
+ parentNode.appendChild(curNode)
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ PullDOM.startElement(self, name, attrs)
+ curNode = self.elementStack[-1]
+ parentNode = self.elementStack[-2]
+ parentNode.appendChild(curNode)
+ def processingInstruction(self, target, data):
+ PullDOM.processingInstruction(self, target, data)
+ node = self.lastEvent[0][1]
+ parentNode = self.elementStack[-1]
+ parentNode.appendChild(node)
+ def ignorableWhitespace(self, chars):
+ PullDOM.ignorableWhitespace(self, chars)
+ node = self.lastEvent[0][1]
+ parentNode = self.elementStack[-1]
+ parentNode.appendChild(node)
+ def characters(self, chars):
+ PullDOM.characters(self, chars)
+ node = self.lastEvent[0][1]
+ parentNode = self.elementStack[-1]
+ parentNode.appendChild(node)
+default_bufsize = (2 ** 14) - 20
+def parse(stream_or_string, parser=None, bufsize=None):
+ if bufsize is None:
+ bufsize = default_bufsize
+ if type(stream_or_string) in _StringTypes:
+ stream = open(stream_or_string)
+ else:
+ stream = stream_or_string
+ if not parser:
+ parser = xmlcore.sax.make_parser()
+ return DOMEventStream(stream, parser, bufsize)
+def parseString(string, parser=None):
+ try:
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+ except ImportError:
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+ bufsize = len(string)
+ buf = StringIO(string)
+ if not parser:
+ parser = xmlcore.sax.make_parser()
+ return DOMEventStream(buf, parser, bufsize)
diff --git a/Lib/xmlcore/dom/ b/Lib/xmlcore/dom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d58c723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/xmlcore/dom/
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+"""Implementation of the DOM Level 3 'LS-Load' feature."""
+import copy
+import xmlcore.dom
+from xmlcore.dom.minicompat import *
+from xmlcore.dom.NodeFilter import NodeFilter
+__all__ = ["DOMBuilder", "DOMEntityResolver", "DOMInputSource"]
+class Options:
+ """Features object that has variables set for each DOMBuilder feature.
+ The DOMBuilder class uses an instance of this class to pass settings to
+ the ExpatBuilder class.
+ """
+ # Note that the DOMBuilder class in LoadSave constrains which of these
+ # values can be set using the DOM Level 3 LoadSave feature.
+ namespaces = 1
+ namespace_declarations = True
+ validation = False
+ external_parameter_entities = True
+ external_general_entities = True
+ external_dtd_subset = True
+ validate_if_schema = False
+ validate = False
+ datatype_normalization = False
+ create_entity_ref_nodes = True
+ entities = True
+ whitespace_in_element_content = True
+ cdata_sections = True
+ comments = True
+ charset_overrides_xml_encoding = True
+ infoset = False
+ supported_mediatypes_only = False
+ errorHandler = None
+ filter = None
+class DOMBuilder:
+ entityResolver = None
+ errorHandler = None
+ filter = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._options = Options()
+ def _get_entityResolver(self):
+ return self.entityResolver
+ def _set_entityResolver(self, entityResolver):
+ self.entityResolver = entityResolver
+ def _get_errorHandler(self):
+ return self.errorHandler
+ def _set_errorHandler(self, errorHandler):
+ self.errorHandler = errorHandler
+ def _get_filter(self):
+ return self.filter
+ def _set_filter(self, filter):
+ self.filter = filter
+ def setFeature(self, name, state):
+ if self.supportsFeature(name):
+ state = state and 1 or 0
+ try:
+ settings = self._settings[(_name_xform(name), state)]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotSupportedErr(
+ "unsupported feature: %r" % (name,))
+ else:
+ for name, value in settings:
+ setattr(self._options, name, value)
+ else:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr("unknown feature: " + repr(name))
+ def supportsFeature(self, name):
+ return hasattr(self._options, _name_xform(name))
+ def canSetFeature(self, name, state):
+ key = (_name_xform(name), state and 1 or 0)
+ return self._settings.has_key(key)
+ # This dictionary maps from (feature,value) to a list of
+ # (option,value) pairs that should be set on the Options object.
+ # If a (feature,value) setting is not in this dictionary, it is
+ # not supported by the DOMBuilder.
+ #
+ _settings = {
+ ("namespace_declarations", 0): [
+ ("namespace_declarations", 0)],
+ ("namespace_declarations", 1): [
+ ("namespace_declarations", 1)],
+ ("validation", 0): [
+ ("validation", 0)],
+ ("external_general_entities", 0): [
+ ("external_general_entities", 0)],
+ ("external_general_entities", 1): [
+ ("external_general_entities", 1)],
+ ("external_parameter_entities", 0): [
+ ("external_parameter_entities", 0)],
+ ("external_parameter_entities", 1): [
+ ("external_parameter_entities", 1)],
+ ("validate_if_schema", 0): [
+ ("validate_if_schema", 0)],
+ ("create_entity_ref_nodes", 0): [
+ ("create_entity_ref_nodes", 0)],
+ ("create_entity_ref_nodes", 1): [
+ ("create_entity_ref_nodes", 1)],
+ ("entities", 0): [
+ ("create_entity_ref_nodes", 0),
+ ("entities", 0)],
+ ("entities", 1): [
+ ("entities", 1)],
+ ("whitespace_in_element_content", 0): [
+ ("whitespace_in_element_content", 0)],
+ ("whitespace_in_element_content", 1): [
+ ("whitespace_in_element_content", 1)],
+ ("cdata_sections", 0): [
+ ("cdata_sections", 0)],
+ ("cdata_sections", 1): [
+ ("cdata_sections", 1)],
+ ("comments", 0): [
+ ("comments", 0)],
+ ("comments", 1): [
+ ("comments", 1)],
+ ("charset_overrides_xml_encoding", 0): [
+ ("charset_overrides_xml_encoding", 0)],
+ ("charset_overrides_xml_encoding", 1): [
+ ("charset_overrides_xml_encoding", 1)],
+ ("infoset", 0): [],
+ ("infoset", 1): [
+ ("namespace_declarations", 0),
+ ("validate_if_schema", 0),
+ ("create_entity_ref_nodes", 0),
+ ("entities", 0),
+ ("cdata_sections", 0),
+ ("datatype_normalization", 1),
+ ("whitespace_in_element_content", 1),
+ ("comments", 1),
+ ("charset_overrides_xml_encoding", 1)],
+ ("supported_mediatypes_only", 0): [
+ ("supported_mediatypes_only", 0)],
+ ("namespaces", 0): [
+ ("namespaces", 0)],
+ ("namespaces", 1): [
+ ("namespaces", 1)],
+ }
+ def getFeature(self, name):
+ xname = _name_xform(name)
+ try:
+ return getattr(self._options, xname)
+ except AttributeError:
+ if name == "infoset":
+ options = self._options
+ return (options.datatype_normalization
+ and options.whitespace_in_element_content
+ and options.comments
+ and options.charset_overrides_xml_encoding
+ and not (options.namespace_declarations
+ or options.validate_if_schema
+ or options.create_entity_ref_nodes
+ or options.entities
+ or options.cdata_sections))
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotFoundErr("feature %s not known" % repr(name))
+ def parseURI(self, uri):
+ if self.entityResolver:
+ input = self.entityResolver.resolveEntity(None, uri)
+ else:
+ input = DOMEntityResolver().resolveEntity(None, uri)
+ return self.parse(input)
+ def parse(self, input):
+ options = copy.copy(self._options)
+ options.filter = self.filter
+ options.errorHandler = self.errorHandler
+ fp = input.byteStream
+ if fp is None and options.systemId:
+ import urllib2
+ fp = urllib2.urlopen(input.systemId)
+ return self._parse_bytestream(fp, options)
+ def parseWithContext(self, input, cnode, action):
+ if action not in self._legal_actions:
+ raise ValueError("not a legal action")
+ raise NotImplementedError("Haven't written this yet...")
+ def _parse_bytestream(self, stream, options):
+ import xmlcore.dom.expatbuilder
+ builder = xmlcore.dom.expatbuilder.makeBuilder(options)
+ return builder.parseFile(stream)
+def _name_xform(name):
+ return name.lower().replace('-', '_')
+class DOMEntityResolver(NewStyle):
+ __slots__ = '_opener',
+ def resolveEntity(self, publicId, systemId):
+ assert systemId is not None
+ source = DOMInputSource()
+ source.publicId = publicId
+ source.systemId = systemId
+ source.byteStream = self._get_opener().open(systemId)
+ # determine the encoding if the transport provided it
+ source.encoding = self._guess_media_encoding(source)
+ # determine the base URI is we can
+ import posixpath, urlparse
+ parts = urlparse.urlparse(systemId)
+ scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = parts
+ # XXX should we check the scheme here as well?
+ if path and not path.endswith("/"):
+ path = posixpath.dirname(path) + "/"
+ parts = scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment
+ source.baseURI = urlparse.urlunparse(parts)
+ return source
+ def _get_opener(self):
+ try:
+ return self._opener
+ except AttributeError:
+ self._opener = self._create_opener()
+ return self._opener
+ def _create_opener(self):
+ import urllib2
+ return urllib2.build_opener()
+ def _guess_media_encoding(self, source):
+ info =
+ if info.has_key("Content-Type"):
+ for param in info.getplist():
+ if param.startswith("charset="):
+ return param.split("=", 1)[1].lower()
+class DOMInputSource(NewStyle):
+ __slots__ = ('byteStream', 'characterStream', 'stringData',
+ 'encoding', 'publicId', 'systemId', 'baseURI')
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.byteStream = None
+ self.characterStream = None
+ self.stringData = None
+ self.encoding = None
+ self.publicId = None
+ self.systemId = None
+ self.baseURI = None
+ def _get_byteStream(self):
+ return self.byteStream
+ def _set_byteStream(self, byteStream):
+ self.byteStream = byteStream
+ def _get_characterStream(self):
+ return self.characterStream
+ def _set_characterStream(self, characterStream):
+ self.characterStream = characterStream
+ def _get_stringData(self):
+ return self.stringData
+ def _set_stringData(self, data):
+ self.stringData = data
+ def _get_encoding(self):
+ return self.encoding
+ def _set_encoding(self, encoding):
+ self.encoding = encoding
+ def _get_publicId(self):
+ return self.publicId
+ def _set_publicId(self, publicId):
+ self.publicId = publicId
+ def _get_systemId(self):
+ return self.systemId
+ def _set_systemId(self, systemId):
+ self.systemId = systemId
+ def _get_baseURI(self):
+ return self.baseURI
+ def _set_baseURI(self, uri):
+ self.baseURI = uri
+class DOMBuilderFilter:
+ """Element filter which can be used to tailor construction of
+ a DOM instance.
+ """
+ # There's really no need for this class; concrete implementations
+ # should just implement the endElement() and startElement()
+ # methods as appropriate. Using this makes it easy to only
+ # implement one of them.
+ whatToShow = NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL
+ def _get_whatToShow(self):
+ return self.whatToShow
+ def acceptNode(self, element):
+ return self.FILTER_ACCEPT
+ def startContainer(self, element):
+ return self.FILTER_ACCEPT
+del NodeFilter
+class DocumentLS:
+ """Mixin to create documents that conform to the load/save spec."""
+ async = False
+ def _get_async(self):
+ return False
+ def _set_async(self, async):
+ if async:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotSupportedErr(
+ "asynchronous document loading is not supported")
+ def abort(self):
+ # What does it mean to "clear" a document? Does the
+ # documentElement disappear?
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "haven't figured out what this means yet")
+ def load(self, uri):
+ raise NotImplementedError("haven't written this yet")
+ def loadXML(self, source):
+ raise NotImplementedError("haven't written this yet")
+ def saveXML(self, snode):
+ if snode is None:
+ snode = self
+ elif snode.ownerDocument is not self:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.WrongDocumentErr()
+ return snode.toxml()
+class DOMImplementationLS:
+ def createDOMBuilder(self, mode, schemaType):
+ if schemaType is not None:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotSupportedErr(
+ "schemaType not yet supported")
+ if mode == self.MODE_SYNCHRONOUS:
+ return DOMBuilder()
+ if mode == self.MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS:
+ raise xmlcore.dom.NotSupportedErr(
+ "asynchronous builders are not supported")
+ raise ValueError("unknown value for mode")
+ def createDOMWriter(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "the writer interface hasn't been written yet!")
+ def createDOMInputSource(self):
+ return DOMInputSource()