path: root/Lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib')
10 files changed, 861 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/lib-stdwin/ b/Lib/lib-stdwin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb0ae99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib-stdwin/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# DirList -- Directory Listing widget
+ import posix, path
+ os = posix
+except NameError:
+ import mac, macpath
+ os = mac
+ path = macpath
+import stdwin, rect
+from stdwinevents import *
+from Buttons import PushButton
+from WindowParent import WindowParent
+from HVSplit import HSplit, VSplit
+class DirList() = VSplit():
+ #
+ def create(self, (parent, dirname)):
+ self = VSplit.create(self, parent)
+ names = os.listdir(dirname)
+ for name in names:
+ if path.isdir(, name)):
+ fullname =, name)
+ btn = SubdirButton().definetext(self, fullname)
+ elif name[-3:] = '.py':
+ btn = ModuleButton().definetext(self, name)
+ else:
+ btn = FileButton().definetext(self, name)
+ return self
+ #
+class DirListWindow() = WindowParent():
+ #
+ def create(self, dirname):
+ self = WindowParent.create(self, (dirname, (0, 0)))
+ child = DirList().create(self, dirname)
+ self.realize()
+ return self
+ #
+class SubdirButton() = PushButton():
+ #
+ def drawpict(self, d):
+ PushButton.drawpict(self, d)
+, (3, 1)))
+ #
+ def up_trigger(self):
+ window = DirListWindow().create(self.text)
+ #
+class FileButton() = PushButton():
+ #
+ def up_trigger(self):
+ stdwin.fleep()
+ #
+class ModuleButton() = FileButton():
+ #
+ def drawpict(self, d):
+ PushButton.drawpict(self, d)
+, (1, 3)))
+ #
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index 0000000..4f0bd01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib-stdwin/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# A FormSplit lets you place its children exactly where you want them
+# (including silly places!).
+# It does no explicit geometry management except moving its children
+# when it is moved.
+# The interface to place children is as follows.
+# Before you add a child, you may specify its (left, top) position
+# relative to the FormSplit. If you don't specify a position for
+# a child, it goes right below the previous child; the first child
+# goes to (0, 0) by default.
+# NB: This places data attributes named form_* on its children.
+# XXX Yes, I know, there should be options to do all sorts of relative
+# placement, but for now this will do.
+from Split import Split
+class FormSplit() = Split():
+ #
+ def create(self, parent):
+ self.next_left = self.next_top = 0
+ self.last_child = None
+ return Split.create(self, parent)
+ #
+ def minsize(self, m):
+ max_width, max_height = 0, 0
+ for c in self.children:
+ c.form_width, c.form_height = c.minsize(m)
+ max_width = max(max_width, c.form_width + c.form_left)
+ max_height = max(max_height, c.form_height + c.form_top)
+ return max_width, max_height
+ #
+ def getbounds(self):
+ return self.bounds
+ #
+ def setbounds(self, bounds):
+ self.bounds = bounds
+ fleft, ftop = bounds[0]
+ for c in self.children:
+ left, top = c.form_left + fleft, c.form_top + ftop
+ right, bottom = left + c.form_width, top + c.form_height
+ c.setbounds((left, top), (right, bottom))
+ #
+ def placenext(self, (left, top)):
+ self.next_left = left
+ self.next_top = top
+ self.last_child = None
+ #
+ def addchild(self, child):
+ if self.last_child:
+ width, height = \
+ self.last_child.minsize(self.beginmeasuring())
+ self.next_top = self.next_top + height
+ child.form_left = self.next_left
+ child.form_top = self.next_top
+ Split.addchild(self, child)
+ self.last_child = child
+ #
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index 0000000..8d12465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib-stdwin/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Text editing widget
+from stdwinevents import *
+class TextEdit():
+ #
+ def create(self, (parent, (cols, rows))):
+ parent.addchild(self)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.cols = cols
+ self.rows = rows
+ self.text = ''
+ # Creation of the editor is done in realize()
+ self.editor = 0
+ return self
+ #
+ # Downcalls from parent to child
+ #
+ def destroy(self):
+ del self.parent
+ del self.editor
+ del self.window
+ #
+ def minsize(self, m):
+ return self.cols*m.textwidth('n'), self.rows*m.lineheight()
+ def setbounds(self, bounds):
+ self.bounds = bounds
+ if self.editor:
+ self.editor.move(bounds)
+ def getbounds(self, bounds):
+ if self.editor:
+ return self.editor.getrect()
+ else:
+ return self.bounds
+ def realize(self):
+ self.window = self.parent.getwindow()
+ self.editor = self.window.textcreate(self.bounds)
+ self.editor.replace(self.text)
+ self.parent.need_mouse(self)
+ self.parent.need_keybd(self)
+ self.parent.need_altdraw(self)
+ def draw(self, (d, area)):
+ pass
+ def altdraw(self, area):
+ self.editor.draw(area)
+ #
+ # Event downcalls
+ #
+ def mouse_down(self, detail):
+ x = self.editor.event(WE_MOUSE_DOWN, self.window, detail)
+ def mouse_move(self, detail):
+ x = self.editor.event(WE_MOUSE_MOVE, self.window, detail)
+ def mouse_up(self, detail):
+ x = self.editor.event(WE_MOUSE_UP, self.window, detail)
+ #
+ def keybd(self, (type, detail)):
+ x = self.editor.event(type, self.window, detail)
+ #
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19be2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/lib-stdwin/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Combine a real-time scheduling queue and stdwin event handling.
+# Uses the millisecond timer.
+import stdwin
+from stdwinevents import WE_TIMER
+import WindowParent
+import sched
+import time
+# Delay function called by the scheduler when it has nothing to do.
+# Return immediately when something is done, or when the delay is up.
+def delayfunc(msecs):
+ #
+ # Check for immediate stdwin event
+ #
+ event = stdwin.pollevent()
+ if event:
+ WindowParent.Dispatch(event)
+ return
+ #
+ # Use millisleep for very short delays or if there are no windows
+ #
+ if msecs < 100 or WindowParent.CountWindows() = 0:
+ time.millisleep(msecs)
+ return
+ #
+ # Post a timer event on an arbitrary window and wait for it
+ #
+ window = WindowParent.AnyWindow()
+ window.settimer(msecs/100)
+ event = stdwin.getevent()
+ window.settimer(0)
+ if event[0] <> WE_TIMER:
+ WindowParent.Dispatch(event)
+q = sched.scheduler().init(time.millitimer, delayfunc)
+# Export functions enter, enterabs and cancel just like a scheduler
+enter = q.enter
+enterabs = q.enterabs
+cancel = q.cancel
+# Emptiness check must check both queues
+def empty():
+ return q.empty() and WindowParent.CountWindows() = 0
+# Run until there is nothing left to do
+def run():
+ while not empty():
+ if q.empty():
+ WindowParent.Dispatch(stdwin.getevent())
+ else:
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bc91e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+# Implement limited persistence.
+# Simple interface:
+# save __main__ module on file (overwrite)
+# persist.load() load __main__ module from file (merge)
+# These use the filename persist.defaultfile, initialized to ''.
+# A raw interface also exists:
+# persist.writedict(dict, fp) save dictionary to open file
+# persist.readdict(dict, fp) read (merge) dictionary from open file
+# Internally, the function dump() and a whole bunch of support of functions
+# traverse a graph of objects and print them in a restorable form
+# (which happens to be a Python module).
+# XXX Limitations:
+# - Volatile objects are dumped as strings:
+# - open files, windows etc.
+# - Other 'obscure' objects are dumped as strings:
+# - classes, instances and methods
+# - compiled regular expressions
+# - anything else reasonably obscure (e.g., capabilities)
+# - type objects for obscure objects
+# - It's slow when there are many of lists or dictionaries
+# (This could be fixed if there were a quick way to compute a hash
+# function of any object, even if recursive)
+defaultfile = ''
+def save():
+ import __main__
+ import posix
+ # XXX On SYSV, if len(defaultfile) >= 14, this is wrong!
+ backup = defaultfile + '~'
+ try:
+ posix.unlink(backup)
+ except posix.error:
+ pass
+ try:
+ posix.rename(defaultfile, backup)
+ except posix.error:
+ pass
+ fp = open(defaultfile, 'w')
+ writedict(__main__.__dict__, fp)
+ fp.close()
+def load():
+ import __main__
+ fp = open(defaultfile, 'r')
+ readdict(__main__.__dict__, fp)
+def writedict(dict, fp):
+ import sys
+ savestdout = sys.stdout
+ try:
+ sys.stdout = fp
+ dump(dict) # Writes to sys.stdout
+ finally:
+ sys.stdout = savestdout
+def readdict(dict, fp):
+ contents = # Or: util.readopenfile(fp)
+ globals = {}
+ exec(contents, globals)
+ top = globals['top']
+ for key in top.keys():
+ if dict.has_key(key):
+ print 'warning:', key, 'not overwritten'
+ else:
+ dict[key] = top[key]
+# Function dump(x) prints (on sys.stdout!) a sequence of Python statements
+# that, when executed in an empty environment, will reconstruct the
+# contents of an arbitrary dictionary.
+import sys
+# Name used for objects dict on output.
+# Top-level function. Call with the object you want to dump.
+def dump(x):
+ types = {}
+ stack = [] # Used by test for recursive objects
+ print FN, '= {}'
+ topuid = dumpobject(x, types, stack)
+ print 'top =', FN, '[', `topuid`, ']'
+# Generic function to dump any object.
+dumpswitch = {}
+def dumpobject(x, types, stack):
+ typerepr = `type(x)`
+ if not types.has_key(typerepr):
+ types[typerepr] = {}
+ typedict = types[typerepr]
+ if dumpswitch.has_key(typerepr):
+ return dumpswitch[typerepr](x, typedict, types, stack)
+ else:
+ return dumpbadvalue(x, typedict, types, stack)
+# Generic function to dump unknown values.
+# This assumes that the Python interpreter prints such values as
+# <foo object at xxxxxxxx>.
+# The object will be read back as a string: '<foo object at xxxxxxxx>'.
+# In some cases it may be possible to fix the dump manually;
+# to ease the editing, these cases are labeled with an XXX comment.
+def dumpbadvalue(x, typedict, types, stack):
+ xrepr = `x`
+ if typedict.has_key(xrepr):
+ return typedict[xrepr]
+ uid = genuid()
+ typedict[xrepr] = uid
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] =', `xrepr`, '# XXX'
+ return uid
+# Generic function to dump pure, simple values, except strings
+def dumpvalue(x, typedict, types, stack):
+ xrepr = `x`
+ if typedict.has_key(xrepr):
+ return typedict[xrepr]
+ uid = genuid()
+ typedict[xrepr] = uid
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] =', `x`
+ return uid
+# Functions to dump string objects
+def dumpstring(x, typedict, types, stack):
+ # XXX This can break if strings have embedded '\0' bytes
+ # XXX because of a bug in the dictionary module
+ if typedict.has_key(x):
+ return typedict[x]
+ uid = genuid()
+ typedict[x] = uid
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] =', `x`
+ return uid
+# Function to dump type objects
+typeswitch = {}
+class some_class():
+ def method(self): pass
+some_instance = some_class()
+def dumptype(x, typedict, types, stack):
+ xrepr = `x`
+ if typedict.has_key(xrepr):
+ return typedict[xrepr]
+ uid = genuid()
+ typedict[xrepr] = uid
+ if typeswitch.has_key(xrepr):
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] =', typeswitch[xrepr]
+ elif x = type(sys):
+ print 'import sys'
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] = type(sys)'
+ elif x = type(sys.stderr):
+ print 'import sys'
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] = type(sys.stderr)'
+ elif x = type(dumptype):
+ print 'def some_function(): pass'
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] = type(some_function)'
+ elif x = type(some_class):
+ print 'class some_class(): pass'
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] = type(some_class)'
+ elif x = type(some_instance):
+ print 'class another_class(): pass'
+ print 'some_instance = another_class()'
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] = type(some_instance)'
+ elif x = type(some_instance.method):
+ print 'class yet_another_class():'
+ print ' def method(): pass'
+ print 'another_instance = yet_another_class()'
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] = type(another_instance.method)'
+ else:
+ # Unknown type
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] =', `xrepr`, '# XXX'
+ return uid
+# Initialize the typeswitch
+for x in None, 0, 0.0, '', (), [], {}:
+ typeswitch[`type(x)`] = 'type(' + `x` + ')'
+for s in 'type(0)', 'abs', '[].append':
+ typeswitch[`type(eval(s))`] = 'type(' + s + ')'
+# Dump a tuple object
+def dumptuple(x, typedict, types, stack):
+ item_uids = []
+ xrepr = ''
+ for item in x:
+ item_uid = dumpobject(item, types, stack)
+ item_uids.append(item_uid)
+ xrepr = xrepr + ' ' + item_uid
+ del stack[-1:]
+ if typedict.has_key(xrepr):
+ return typedict[xrepr]
+ uid = genuid()
+ typedict[xrepr] = uid
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] = (',
+ for item_uid in item_uids:
+ print FN, '[', `item_uid`, '],',
+ print ')'
+ return uid
+# Dump a list object
+def dumplist(x, typedict, types, stack):
+ # Check for recursion
+ for x1, uid1 in stack:
+ if x is x1: return uid1
+ # Check for occurrence elsewhere in the typedict
+ for uid1 in typedict.keys():
+ if x is typedict[uid1]: return uid1
+ # This uses typedict differently!
+ uid = genuid()
+ typedict[uid] = x
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] = []'
+ stack.append(x, uid)
+ item_uids = []
+ for item in x:
+ item_uid = dumpobject(item, types, stack)
+ item_uids.append(item_uid)
+ del stack[-1:]
+ for item_uid in item_uids:
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '].append(', FN, '[', `item_uid`, '])'
+ return uid
+# Dump a dictionary object
+def dumpdict(x, typedict, types, stack):
+ # Check for recursion
+ for x1, uid1 in stack:
+ if x is x1: return uid1
+ # Check for occurrence elsewhere in the typedict
+ for uid1 in typedict.keys():
+ if x is typedict[uid1]: return uid1
+ # This uses typedict differently!
+ uid = genuid()
+ typedict[uid] = x
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] = {}'
+ stack.append(x, uid)
+ item_uids = []
+ for key in x.keys():
+ val_uid = dumpobject(x[key], types, stack)
+ item_uids.append(key, val_uid)
+ del stack[-1:]
+ for key, val_uid in item_uids:
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '][', `key`, '] =',
+ print FN, '[', `val_uid`, ']'
+ return uid
+# Dump a module object
+def dumpmodule(x, typedict, types, stack):
+ xrepr = `x`
+ if typedict.has_key(xrepr):
+ return typedict[xrepr]
+ from string import split
+ # `x` has the form <module 'foo'>
+ name = xrepr[9:-2]
+ uid = genuid()
+ typedict[xrepr] = uid
+ print 'import', name
+ print FN, '[', `uid`, '] =', name
+ return uid
+# Initialize dumpswitch, a table of functions to dump various objects,
+# indexed by `type(x)`.
+for x in None, 0, 0.0:
+ dumpswitch[`type(x)`] = dumpvalue
+for x, f in ('', dumpstring), (type(0), dumptype), ((), dumptuple), \
+ ([], dumplist), ({}, dumpdict), (sys, dumpmodule):
+ dumpswitch[`type(x)`] = f
+# Generate the next unique id; a string consisting of digits.
+# The seed is stored as seed[0].
+seed = [0]
+def genuid():
+ x = seed[0]
+ seed[0] = seed[0] + 1
+ return `x`
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b70a998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Module sched -- a generally useful event scheduler class
+# Each instance of this class manages its own queue.
+# No multi-threading is implied; you are supposed to hack that
+# yourself, or use a single instance per application.
+# Each instance is parametrized with two functions, one that is
+# supposed to return the current time, one that is supposed to
+# implement a delay. You can implement fine- or course-grained
+# real-time scheduling by substituting time and sleep or millitimer
+# and millisleep from the built-in module time, or you can implement
+# simulated time by writing your own functions. This can also be
+# used to integrate scheduling with STDWIN events; the delay function
+# is allowed to modify the queue. Time can be expressed
+# as integers or floating point numbers, as long as it is consistent.
+# Events are specified by tuples (time, priority, action, argument).
+# As in UNIX, lower priority numbers mean higher priority; in this
+# way the queue can be maintained fully sorted. Execution of the
+# event means calling the action function, passing it the argument.
+# Remember that in Python, multiple function arguments can be packed
+# in a tuple. The action function may be an instance method so it
+# has another way to reference private data (besides global variables).
+# Parameterless functions or methods cannot be used, however.
+class scheduler():
+ #
+ # Initialize a new instance, passing the time and delay functions
+ #
+ def init(self, (timefunc, delayfunc)):
+ self.queue = []
+ self.timefunc = timefunc
+ self.delayfunc = delayfunc
+ return self
+ #
+ # Enter a new event in the queue at an absolute time.
+ # Returns an ID for the event which can be used
+ # to remove it, if necessary.
+ #
+ def enterabs(self, event):
+ time, priority, action, argument = event
+ q = self.queue
+ # XXX Could use bisection or linear interpolation?
+ for i in range(len(q)):
+ qtime, qpri, qact, qarg = q[i]
+ if time < qtime: break
+ if time = qtime and priority < qpri: break
+ else:
+ i = len(q)
+ q.insert(i, event)
+ return event # The ID
+ #
+ # A variant that specifies the time as a relative time.
+ # This is actually the more commonly used interface.
+ #
+ def enter(self, (delay, priority, action, argument)):
+ time = self.timefunc() + delay
+ return self.enterabs(time, priority, action, argument)
+ #
+ # Remove an event from the queue.
+ # This must be presented the ID as returned by enter().
+ # If the event is not in the queue, this raises RuntimeError.
+ #
+ def cancel(self, event):
+ self.queue.remove(event)
+ #
+ # Check whether the queue is empty.
+ #
+ def empty(self):
+ return len(self.queue) = 0
+ #
+ # Run: execute events until the queue is empty.
+ #
+ # When there is a positive delay until the first event, the
+ # delay function is called and the event is left in the queue;
+ # otherwise, the event is removed from the queue and executed
+ # (its action function is called, passing it the argument).
+ # If the delay function returns prematurely, it is simply
+ # restarted.
+ #
+ # It is legal for both the delay function and the action
+ # function to to modify the queue or to raise an exception;
+ # exceptions are not caught but the scheduler's state
+ # remains well-defined so run() may be called again.
+ #
+ def run(self):
+ q = self.queue
+ while q:
+ time, priority, action, argument = q[0]
+ now = self.timefunc()
+ if now < time:
+ self.delayfunc(time - now)
+ else:
+ del q[0]
+ void = action(argument)
+ #
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb0ae99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/stdwin/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# DirList -- Directory Listing widget
+ import posix, path
+ os = posix
+except NameError:
+ import mac, macpath
+ os = mac
+ path = macpath
+import stdwin, rect
+from stdwinevents import *
+from Buttons import PushButton
+from WindowParent import WindowParent
+from HVSplit import HSplit, VSplit
+class DirList() = VSplit():
+ #
+ def create(self, (parent, dirname)):
+ self = VSplit.create(self, parent)
+ names = os.listdir(dirname)
+ for name in names:
+ if path.isdir(, name)):
+ fullname =, name)
+ btn = SubdirButton().definetext(self, fullname)
+ elif name[-3:] = '.py':
+ btn = ModuleButton().definetext(self, name)
+ else:
+ btn = FileButton().definetext(self, name)
+ return self
+ #
+class DirListWindow() = WindowParent():
+ #
+ def create(self, dirname):
+ self = WindowParent.create(self, (dirname, (0, 0)))
+ child = DirList().create(self, dirname)
+ self.realize()
+ return self
+ #
+class SubdirButton() = PushButton():
+ #
+ def drawpict(self, d):
+ PushButton.drawpict(self, d)
+, (3, 1)))
+ #
+ def up_trigger(self):
+ window = DirListWindow().create(self.text)
+ #
+class FileButton() = PushButton():
+ #
+ def up_trigger(self):
+ stdwin.fleep()
+ #
+class ModuleButton() = FileButton():
+ #
+ def drawpict(self, d):
+ PushButton.drawpict(self, d)
+, (1, 3)))
+ #
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4f0bd01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/stdwin/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# A FormSplit lets you place its children exactly where you want them
+# (including silly places!).
+# It does no explicit geometry management except moving its children
+# when it is moved.
+# The interface to place children is as follows.
+# Before you add a child, you may specify its (left, top) position
+# relative to the FormSplit. If you don't specify a position for
+# a child, it goes right below the previous child; the first child
+# goes to (0, 0) by default.
+# NB: This places data attributes named form_* on its children.
+# XXX Yes, I know, there should be options to do all sorts of relative
+# placement, but for now this will do.
+from Split import Split
+class FormSplit() = Split():
+ #
+ def create(self, parent):
+ self.next_left = self.next_top = 0
+ self.last_child = None
+ return Split.create(self, parent)
+ #
+ def minsize(self, m):
+ max_width, max_height = 0, 0
+ for c in self.children:
+ c.form_width, c.form_height = c.minsize(m)
+ max_width = max(max_width, c.form_width + c.form_left)
+ max_height = max(max_height, c.form_height + c.form_top)
+ return max_width, max_height
+ #
+ def getbounds(self):
+ return self.bounds
+ #
+ def setbounds(self, bounds):
+ self.bounds = bounds
+ fleft, ftop = bounds[0]
+ for c in self.children:
+ left, top = c.form_left + fleft, c.form_top + ftop
+ right, bottom = left + c.form_width, top + c.form_height
+ c.setbounds((left, top), (right, bottom))
+ #
+ def placenext(self, (left, top)):
+ self.next_left = left
+ self.next_top = top
+ self.last_child = None
+ #
+ def addchild(self, child):
+ if self.last_child:
+ width, height = \
+ self.last_child.minsize(self.beginmeasuring())
+ self.next_top = self.next_top + height
+ child.form_left = self.next_left
+ child.form_top = self.next_top
+ Split.addchild(self, child)
+ self.last_child = child
+ #
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/stdwin/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Text editing widget
+from stdwinevents import *
+class TextEdit():
+ #
+ def create(self, (parent, (cols, rows))):
+ parent.addchild(self)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.cols = cols
+ self.rows = rows
+ self.text = ''
+ # Creation of the editor is done in realize()
+ self.editor = 0
+ return self
+ #
+ # Downcalls from parent to child
+ #
+ def destroy(self):
+ del self.parent
+ del self.editor
+ del self.window
+ #
+ def minsize(self, m):
+ return self.cols*m.textwidth('n'), self.rows*m.lineheight()
+ def setbounds(self, bounds):
+ self.bounds = bounds
+ if self.editor:
+ self.editor.move(bounds)
+ def getbounds(self, bounds):
+ if self.editor:
+ return self.editor.getrect()
+ else:
+ return self.bounds
+ def realize(self):
+ self.window = self.parent.getwindow()
+ self.editor = self.window.textcreate(self.bounds)
+ self.editor.replace(self.text)
+ self.parent.need_mouse(self)
+ self.parent.need_keybd(self)
+ self.parent.need_altdraw(self)
+ def draw(self, (d, area)):
+ pass
+ def altdraw(self, area):
+ self.editor.draw(area)
+ #
+ # Event downcalls
+ #
+ def mouse_down(self, detail):
+ x = self.editor.event(WE_MOUSE_DOWN, self.window, detail)
+ def mouse_move(self, detail):
+ x = self.editor.event(WE_MOUSE_MOVE, self.window, detail)
+ def mouse_up(self, detail):
+ x = self.editor.event(WE_MOUSE_UP, self.window, detail)
+ #
+ def keybd(self, (type, detail)):
+ x = self.editor.event(type, self.window, detail)
+ #
diff --git a/Lib/stdwin/ b/Lib/stdwin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..19be2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/stdwin/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Combine a real-time scheduling queue and stdwin event handling.
+# Uses the millisecond timer.
+import stdwin
+from stdwinevents import WE_TIMER
+import WindowParent
+import sched
+import time
+# Delay function called by the scheduler when it has nothing to do.
+# Return immediately when something is done, or when the delay is up.
+def delayfunc(msecs):
+ #
+ # Check for immediate stdwin event
+ #
+ event = stdwin.pollevent()
+ if event:
+ WindowParent.Dispatch(event)
+ return
+ #
+ # Use millisleep for very short delays or if there are no windows
+ #
+ if msecs < 100 or WindowParent.CountWindows() = 0:
+ time.millisleep(msecs)
+ return
+ #
+ # Post a timer event on an arbitrary window and wait for it
+ #
+ window = WindowParent.AnyWindow()
+ window.settimer(msecs/100)
+ event = stdwin.getevent()
+ window.settimer(0)
+ if event[0] <> WE_TIMER:
+ WindowParent.Dispatch(event)
+q = sched.scheduler().init(time.millitimer, delayfunc)
+# Export functions enter, enterabs and cancel just like a scheduler
+enter = q.enter
+enterabs = q.enterabs
+cancel = q.cancel
+# Emptiness check must check both queues
+def empty():
+ return q.empty() and WindowParent.CountWindows() = 0
+# Run until there is nothing left to do
+def run():
+ while not empty():
+ if q.empty():
+ WindowParent.Dispatch(stdwin.getevent())
+ else: