path: root/Lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'Lib')
7 files changed, 236 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index c3c31f0..ca40e5e 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -147,16 +147,13 @@ class DictWriter:
if wrong_fields:
raise ValueError("dict contains fields not in fieldnames: "
+ ", ".join([repr(x) for x in wrong_fields]))
- return [rowdict.get(key, self.restval) for key in self.fieldnames]
+ return (rowdict.get(key, self.restval) for key in self.fieldnames)
def writerow(self, rowdict):
return self.writer.writerow(self._dict_to_list(rowdict))
def writerows(self, rowdicts):
- rows = []
- for rowdict in rowdicts:
- rows.append(self._dict_to_list(rowdict))
- return self.writer.writerows(rows)
+ return self.writer.writerows(map(self._dict_to_list, rowdicts))
# Guard Sniffer's type checking against builds that exclude complex()
diff --git a/Lib/email/ b/Lib/email/
index 1806cac..a9bdf44 100644
--- a/Lib/email/
+++ b/Lib/email/
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ import re
import urllib # For urllib.parse.unquote
from string import hexdigits
from collections import OrderedDict
+from operator import itemgetter
from email import _encoded_words as _ew
from email import errors
from email import utils
@@ -1098,15 +1099,34 @@ class MimeParameters(TokenList):
params[name] = []
params[name].append((token.section_number, token))
for name, parts in params.items():
- parts = sorted(parts)
- # XXX: there might be more recovery we could do here if, for
- # example, this is really a case of a duplicate attribute name.
+ parts = sorted(parts, key=itemgetter(0))
+ first_param = parts[0][1]
+ charset = first_param.charset
+ # Our arbitrary error recovery is to ignore duplicate parameters,
+ # to use appearance order if there are duplicate rfc 2231 parts,
+ # and to ignore gaps. This mimics the error recovery of get_param.
+ if not first_param.extended and len(parts) > 1:
+ if parts[1][0] == 0:
+ parts[1][1].defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ 'duplicate parameter name; duplicate(s) ignored'))
+ parts = parts[:1]
+ # Else assume the *0* was missing...note that this is different
+ # from get_param, but we registered a defect for this earlier.
value_parts = []
- charset = parts[0][1].charset
- for i, (section_number, param) in enumerate(parts):
+ i = 0
+ for section_number, param in parts:
if section_number != i:
- param.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
- "inconsistent multipart parameter numbering"))
+ # We could get fancier here and look for a complete
+ # duplicate extended parameter and ignore the second one
+ # seen. But we're not doing that. The old code didn't.
+ if not param.extended:
+ param.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ 'duplicate parameter name; duplicate ignored'))
+ continue
+ else:
+ param.defects.append(errors.InvalidHeaderDefect(
+ "inconsistent RFC2231 parameter numbering"))
+ i += 1
value = param.param_value
if param.extended:
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index ea1287d..7123ffb 100755
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ class saved_test_environment:
# to a thread, so check processes first.
'multiprocessing.process._dangling', 'threading._dangling',
'sysconfig._CONFIG_VARS', 'sysconfig._INSTALL_SCHEMES',
- 'support.TESTFN', 'locale', 'warnings.showwarning',
+ 'files', 'locale', 'warnings.showwarning',
def get_sys_argv(self):
@@ -1187,20 +1187,16 @@ class saved_test_environment:
- def get_support_TESTFN(self):
- if os.path.isfile(support.TESTFN):
- result = 'f'
- elif os.path.isdir(support.TESTFN):
- result = 'd'
- else:
- result = None
- return result
- def restore_support_TESTFN(self, saved_value):
- if saved_value is None:
- if os.path.isfile(support.TESTFN):
- os.unlink(support.TESTFN)
- elif os.path.isdir(support.TESTFN):
- shutil.rmtree(support.TESTFN)
+ def get_files(self):
+ return sorted(fn + ('/' if os.path.isdir(fn) else '')
+ for fn in os.listdir())
+ def restore_files(self, saved_value):
+ fn = support.TESTFN
+ if fn not in saved_value and (fn + '/') not in saved_value:
+ if os.path.isfile(fn):
+ support.unlink(fn)
+ elif os.path.isdir(fn):
+ support.rmtree(fn)
_lc = [getattr(locale, lc) for lc in dir(locale)
if lc.startswith('LC_')]
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 41ef790..7be3cc3 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -186,6 +186,14 @@ class Test_Csv(unittest.TestCase):
self._write_test(['a',1,'p,q'], 'a,1,p\\,q',
escapechar='\\', quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONE)
+ def test_write_iterable(self):
+ self._write_test(iter(['a', 1, 'p,q']), 'a,1,"p,q"')
+ self._write_test(iter(['a', 1, None]), 'a,1,')
+ self._write_test(iter([]), '')
+ self._write_test(iter([None]), '""')
+ self._write_error_test(csv.Error, iter([None]), quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
+ self._write_test(iter([None, None]), ',')
def test_writerows(self):
class BrokenFile:
def write(self, buf):
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_email/ b/Lib/test/test_email/
index 5404d19..d028f74 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_email/
+++ b/Lib/test/test_email/
@@ -2456,6 +2456,115 @@ class TestParser(TestParserMixin, TestEmailBase):
";foo", ";foo", ";foo", [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*3
+class Test_parse_mime_parameters(TestParserMixin, TestEmailBase):
+ def mime_parameters_as_value(self,
+ value,
+ tl_str,
+ tl_value,
+ params,
+ defects):
+ mime_parameters = self._test_parse_x(parser.parse_mime_parameters,
+ value, tl_str, tl_value, defects)
+ self.assertEqual(mime_parameters.token_type, 'mime-parameters')
+ self.assertEqual(list(mime_parameters.params), params)
+ mime_parameters_params = {
+ 'simple': (
+ 'filename=""',
+ ' filename=""',
+ '',
+ [('filename', '')],
+ []),
+ 'multiple_keys': (
+ 'filename=""; xyz=abc',
+ ' filename=""; xyz="abc"',
+ '; xyz=abc',
+ [('filename', ''), ('xyz', 'abc')],
+ []),
+ 'split_value': (
+ "filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*1*=%74%69%66",
+ ' filename="201.tif"',
+ "filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*1*=%74%69%66",
+ [('filename', '201.tif')],
+ []),
+ # Note that it is undefined what we should do for error recovery when
+ # there are duplicate parameter names or duplicate parts in a split
+ # part. We choose to ignore all duplicate parameters after the first
+ # and to take duplicate or missing rfc 2231 parts in apperance order.
+ # This is backward compatible with get_param's behavior, but the
+ # decisions are arbitrary.
+ 'duplicate_key': (
+ 'filename=abc.gif; filename=def.tiff',
+ ' filename="abc.gif"',
+ "filename=abc.gif; filename=def.tiff",
+ [('filename', 'abc.gif')],
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]),
+ 'duplicate_key_with_split_value': (
+ "filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*1*=%74%69%66;"
+ " filename=abc.gif",
+ ' filename="201.tif"',
+ "filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*1*=%74%69%66;"
+ " filename=abc.gif",
+ [('filename', '201.tif')],
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]),
+ 'duplicate_key_with_split_value_other_order': (
+ "filename=abc.gif; "
+ " filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*1*=%74%69%66",
+ ' filename="abc.gif"',
+ "filename=abc.gif;"
+ " filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*1*=%74%69%66",
+ [('filename', 'abc.gif')],
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]),
+ 'duplicate_in_split_value': (
+ "filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*1*=%74%69%66;"
+ " filename*1*=abc.gif",
+ ' filename="201.tifabc.gif"',
+ "filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*1*=%74%69%66;"
+ " filename*1*=abc.gif",
+ [('filename', '201.tifabc.gif')],
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]),
+ 'missing_split_value': (
+ "filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*3*=%74%69%66;",
+ ' filename="201.tif"',
+ "filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*3*=%74%69%66;",
+ [('filename', '201.tif')],
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]),
+ 'duplicate_and_missing_split_value': (
+ "filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*3*=%74%69%66;"
+ " filename*3*=abc.gif",
+ ' filename="201.tifabc.gif"',
+ "filename*0*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*3*=%74%69%66;"
+ " filename*3*=abc.gif",
+ [('filename', '201.tifabc.gif')],
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*2),
+ # Here we depart from get_param and assume the *0* was missing.
+ 'duplicate_with_broken_split_value': (
+ "filename=abc.gif; "
+ " filename*2*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*3*=%74%69%66",
+ ' filename="abc.gif201.tif"',
+ "filename=abc.gif;"
+ " filename*2*=iso-8859-1''%32%30%31%2E; filename*3*=%74%69%66",
+ [('filename', 'abc.gif201.tif')],
+ # Defects are apparent missing *0*, and two 'out of sequence'.
+ [errors.InvalidHeaderDefect]*3),
+ }
class Test_parse_mime_version(TestParserMixin, TestEmailBase):
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index e1ea33f..5a2a357 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -272,9 +272,18 @@ class FormatTest(unittest.TestCase):
#test_exc(unicode('abc %\u3000','raw-unicode-escape'), 1, ValueError,
# "unsupported format character '?' (0x3000) at index 5")
test_exc('%d', '1', TypeError, "%d format: a number is required, not str")
+ test_exc('%x', '1', TypeError, "%x format: a number is required, not str")
+ test_exc('%x', 3.14, TypeError, "%x format: an integer is required, not float")
test_exc('%g', '1', TypeError, "a float is required")
test_exc('no format', '1', TypeError,
"not all arguments converted during string formatting")
+ test_exc('%c', -1, OverflowError, "%c arg not in range(0x110000)")
+ test_exc('%c', sys.maxunicode+1, OverflowError,
+ "%c arg not in range(0x110000)")
+ #test_exc('%c', 2**128, OverflowError, "%c arg not in range(0x110000)")
+ test_exc('%c', 3.14, TypeError, "%c requires int or char")
+ test_exc('%c', 'ab', TypeError, "%c requires int or char")
+ test_exc('%c', b'x', TypeError, "%c requires int or char")
if maxsize == 2**31-1:
# crashes 2.2.1 and earlier:
@@ -339,6 +348,8 @@ class FormatTest(unittest.TestCase):
"%d format: a number is required, not str")
test_exc(b'%d', b'1', TypeError,
"%d format: a number is required, not bytes")
+ test_exc(b'%x', 3.14, TypeError,
+ "%x format: an integer is required, not float")
test_exc(b'%g', '1', TypeError, "float argument required, not str")
test_exc(b'%g', b'1', TypeError, "float argument required, not bytes")
test_exc(b'no format', 7, TypeError,
@@ -347,11 +358,17 @@ class FormatTest(unittest.TestCase):
"not all arguments converted during bytes formatting")
test_exc(b'no format', bytearray(b'1'), TypeError,
"not all arguments converted during bytes formatting")
+ test_exc(b"%c", -1, TypeError,
+ "%c requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte")
test_exc(b"%c", 256, TypeError,
"%c requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte")
+ test_exc(b"%c", 2**128, TypeError,
+ "%c requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte")
test_exc(b"%c", b"Za", TypeError,
"%c requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte")
- test_exc(b"%c", "Yb", TypeError,
+ test_exc(b"%c", "Y", TypeError,
+ "%c requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte")
+ test_exc(b"%c", 3.14, TypeError,
"%c requires an integer in range(256) or a single byte")
test_exc(b"%b", "Xc", TypeError,
"%b requires bytes, or an object that implements __bytes__, not 'str'")
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index b0c97d5..4747cc6 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -24,17 +24,12 @@ TIME_MINYEAR = -TIME_MAXYEAR - 1
SEC_TO_NS = 10 ** 9
class _PyTime(enum.IntEnum):
- # Round towards zero
- # Round away from zero
- ROUND_UP = 1
- # Round towards -Infinity
+ # Round towards minus infinity (-inf)
+ # Round towards infinity (+inf)
- _PyTime.ROUND_UP,
class TimeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -614,24 +609,24 @@ class TestPytime(unittest.TestCase):
def test_time_t(self):
from _testcapi import pytime_object_to_time_t
for obj, time_t, rnd in (
- # Round towards zero
- (0, 0, _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (-1, -1, _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (-1.0, -1, _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (-1.9, -1, _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (1.0, 1, _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (1.9, 1, _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- # Round away from zero
- (0, 0, _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (-1, -1, _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (-1.0, -1, _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (-1.9, -2, _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (1.0, 1, _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (1.9, 2, _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
+ # Round towards minus infinity (-inf)
+ (0, 0, _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (-1, -1, _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (-1.0, -1, _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (-1.9, -2, _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (1.0, 1, _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (1.9, 1, _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ # Round towards infinity (+inf)
+ (0, 0, _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (-1, -1, _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (-1.0, -1, _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (-1.9, -1, _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (1.0, 1, _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (1.9, 2, _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
self.assertEqual(pytime_object_to_time_t(obj, rnd), time_t)
- rnd = _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN
+ rnd = _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR
for invalid in self.invalid_values:
pytime_object_to_time_t, invalid, rnd)
@@ -640,39 +635,39 @@ class TestPytime(unittest.TestCase):
def test_timespec(self):
from _testcapi import pytime_object_to_timespec
for obj, timespec, rnd in (
- # Round towards zero
- (0, (0, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (-1, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (-1.0, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (1e-9, (0, 1), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (1e-10, (0, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (-1e-9, (-1, 999999999), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (-1e-10, (-1, 999999999), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (-1.2, (-2, 800000000), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (0.9999999999, (0, 999999999), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (1.1234567890, (1, 123456789), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (1.1234567899, (1, 123456789), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (-1.1234567890, (-2, 876543211), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- (-1.1234567891, (-2, 876543210), _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN),
- # Round away from zero
- (0, (0, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (-1, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (-1.0, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (1e-9, (0, 1), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (1e-10, (0, 1), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (-1e-9, (-1, 999999999), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (-1e-10, (-1, 999999999), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (-1.2, (-2, 800000000), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (0.9999999999, (1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (1.1234567890, (1, 123456790), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (1.1234567899, (1, 123456790), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (-1.1234567890, (-2, 876543211), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
- (-1.1234567891, (-2, 876543210), _PyTime.ROUND_UP),
+ # Round towards minus infinity (-inf)
+ (0, (0, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (-1, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (-1.0, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (1e-9, (0, 1), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (1e-10, (0, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (-1e-9, (-1, 999999999), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (-1e-10, (-1, 999999999), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (-1.2, (-2, 800000000), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (0.9999999999, (0, 999999999), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (1.1234567890, (1, 123456789), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (1.1234567899, (1, 123456789), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (-1.1234567890, (-2, 876543211), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ (-1.1234567891, (-2, 876543210), _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR),
+ # Round towards infinity (+inf)
+ (0, (0, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (-1, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (-1.0, (-1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (1e-9, (0, 1), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (1e-10, (0, 1), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (-1e-9, (-1, 999999999), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (-1e-10, (0, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (-1.2, (-2, 800000000), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (0.9999999999, (1, 0), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (1.1234567890, (1, 123456790), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (1.1234567899, (1, 123456790), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (-1.1234567890, (-2, 876543211), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
+ (-1.1234567891, (-2, 876543211), _PyTime.ROUND_CEILING),
with self.subTest(obj=obj, round=rnd, timespec=timespec):
self.assertEqual(pytime_object_to_timespec(obj, rnd), timespec)
- rnd = _PyTime.ROUND_DOWN
+ rnd = _PyTime.ROUND_FLOOR
for invalid in self.invalid_values:
pytime_object_to_timespec, invalid, rnd)
@@ -791,33 +786,26 @@ class TestPyTime_t(unittest.TestCase):
PyTime_FromSecondsObject(-9223372037.0, rnd)
# Conversion giving different results depending on the rounding method
- UP = _PyTime.ROUND_UP
for obj, ts, rnd in (
# close to zero
- ( 1e-10, 1, UP),
- ( 1e-10, 0, DOWN),
( 1e-10, 0, FLOOR),
- (-1e-10, 0, DOWN),
- (-1e-10, -1, UP),
+ ( 1e-10, 1, CEILING),
(-1e-10, -1, FLOOR),
+ (-1e-10, 0, CEILING),
# test rounding of the last nanosecond
- ( 1.1234567899, 1123456790, UP),
- ( 1.1234567899, 1123456789, DOWN),
( 1.1234567899, 1123456789, FLOOR),
- (-1.1234567899, -1123456789, DOWN),
- (-1.1234567899, -1123456790, UP),
+ ( 1.1234567899, 1123456790, CEILING),
(-1.1234567899, -1123456790, FLOOR),
+ (-1.1234567899, -1123456789, CEILING),
# close to 1 second
- ( 0.9999999999, 1000000000, UP),
- ( 0.9999999999, 999999999, DOWN),
( 0.9999999999, 999999999, FLOOR),
- (-0.9999999999, -999999999, DOWN),
- (-0.9999999999, -1000000000, UP),
+ ( 0.9999999999, 1000000000, CEILING),
(-0.9999999999, -1000000000, FLOOR),
+ (-0.9999999999, -999999999, CEILING),
with self.subTest(obj=obj, round=rnd, timestamp=ts):
self.assertEqual(PyTime_FromSecondsObject(obj, rnd), ts)
@@ -887,25 +875,20 @@ class TestPyTime_t(unittest.TestCase):
with self.subTest(nanoseconds=ns, timeval=tv, round=rnd):
self.assertEqual(PyTime_AsTimeval(ns, rnd), tv)
- UP = _PyTime.ROUND_UP
for ns, tv, rnd in (
# nanoseconds
- (1, (0, 1), UP),
- (1, (0, 0), DOWN),
(1, (0, 0), FLOOR),
- (-1, (0, 0), DOWN),
- (-1, (-1, 999999), UP),
+ (1, (0, 1), CEILING),
(-1, (-1, 999999), FLOOR),
+ (-1, (0, 0), CEILING),
# seconds + nanoseconds
- (1234567001, (1, 234568), UP),
- (1234567001, (1, 234567), DOWN),
(1234567001, (1, 234567), FLOOR),
- (-1234567001, (-2, 765433), DOWN),
- (-1234567001, (-2, 765432), UP),
+ (1234567001, (1, 234568), CEILING),
(-1234567001, (-2, 765432), FLOOR),
+ (-1234567001, (-2, 765433), CEILING),
with self.subTest(nanoseconds=ns, timeval=tv, round=rnd):
self.assertEqual(PyTime_AsTimeval(ns, rnd), tv)