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diff --git a/Lib/test/README b/Lib/test/README
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-Writing Python Regression Tests
-:Author: Skip Montanaro
-If you add a new module to Python or modify the functionality of an existing
-module, you should write one or more test cases to exercise that new
-functionality. There are different ways to do this within the regression
-testing facility provided with Python; any particular test should use only
-one of these options. Each option requires writing a test module using the
-conventions of the selected option:
- - unittest_ based tests
- - doctest_ based tests
- - "traditional" Python test modules
-Regardless of the mechanics of the testing approach you choose,
-you will be writing unit tests (isolated tests of functions and objects
-defined by the module) using white box techniques. Unlike black box
-testing, where you only have the external interfaces to guide your test case
-writing, in white box testing you can see the code being tested and tailor
-your test cases to exercise it more completely. In particular, you will be
-able to refer to the C and Python code in the CVS repository when writing
-your regression test cases.
-.. _unittest:
-.. _doctest:
-unittest-based tests
-The unittest_ framework is based on the ideas of unit testing as espoused
-by Kent Beck and the `Extreme Programming`_ (XP) movement. The specific
-interface provided by the framework is tightly based on the JUnit_
-Java implementation of Beck's original SmallTalk test framework. Please
-see the documentation of the unittest_ module for detailed information on
-the interface and general guidelines on writing unittest-based tests.
-The test_support helper module provides a function for use by
-unittest-based tests in the Python regression testing framework,
-``run_unittest()``. This is the primary way of running tests in the
-standard library. You can pass it any number of the following:
-- classes derived from or instances of ``unittest.TestCase`` or
- ``unittest.TestSuite``. These will be handed off to unittest for
- converting into a proper TestSuite instance.
-- a string; this must be a key in sys.modules. The module associated with
- that string will be scanned by ``unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule``.
- This is usually seen as ``test_support.run_unittest(__name__)`` in a test
- module's ``test_main()`` function. This has the advantage of picking up
- new tests automatically, without you having to add each new test case
- manually.
-All test methods in the Python regression framework have names that
-start with "``test_``" and use lower-case names with words separated with
-Test methods should *not* have docstrings! The unittest module prints
-the docstring if there is one, but otherwise prints the function name
-and the full class name. When there's a problem with a test, the
-latter information makes it easier to find the source for the test
-than the docstring.
-All unittest-based tests in the Python test suite use boilerplate that
-looks like this (with minor variations)::
- import unittest
- from test import test_support
- class MyTestCase1(unittest.TestCase):
- # Define setUp and tearDown only if needed
- def setUp(self):
- unittest.TestCase.setUp(self)
- ... additional initialization...
- def tearDown(self):
- ... additional finalization...
- unittest.TestCase.tearDown(self)
- def test_feature_one(self):
- # Testing feature one
- ...unit test for feature one...
- def test_feature_two(self):
- # Testing feature two
- ...unit test for feature two...
- ...etc...
- class MyTestCase2(unittest.TestCase):
- ...same structure as MyTestCase1...
- ...etc...
- def test_main():
- test_support.run_unittest(__name__)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- test_main()
-This has the advantage that it allows the unittest module to be used
-as a script to run individual tests as well as working well with the
-regrtest framework.
-.. _Extreme Programming:
-.. _JUnit:
-doctest based tests
-Tests written to use doctest_ are actually part of the docstrings for
-the module being tested. Each test is written as a display of an
-interactive session, including the Python prompts, statements that would
-be typed by the user, and the output of those statements (including
-tracebacks, although only the exception msg needs to be retained then).
-The module in the test package is simply a wrapper that causes doctest
-to run over the tests in the module. The test for the difflib module
-provides a convenient example::
- import difflib
- from test import test_support
- test_support.run_doctest(difflib)
-If the test is successful, nothing is written to stdout (so you should not
-create a corresponding output/test_difflib file), but running regrtest
-with -v will give a detailed report, the same as if passing -v to doctest.
-A second argument can be passed to run_doctest to tell doctest to search
-``sys.argv`` for -v instead of using test_support's idea of verbosity. This
-is useful for writing doctest-based tests that aren't simply running a
-doctest'ed Lib module, but contain the doctests themselves. Then at
-times you may want to run such a test directly as a doctest, independent
-of the regrtest framework. The tail end of is a good
- def test_main(verbose=None):
- from test import test_support, test_descrtut
- test_support.run_doctest(test_descrtut, verbose)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- test_main(1)
-If run via regrtest, ``test_main()`` is called (by regrtest) without
-specifying verbose, and then test_support's idea of verbosity is used. But
-when run directly, ``test_main(1)`` is called, and then doctest's idea of
-verbosity is used.
-See the documentation for the doctest module for information on
-writing tests using the doctest framework.
-"traditional" Python test modules
-The mechanics of how the "traditional" test system operates are fairly
-straightforward. When a test case is run, the output is compared with the
-expected output that is stored in .../Lib/test/output. If the test runs to
-completion and the actual and expected outputs match, the test succeeds, if
-not, it fails. If an ``ImportError`` or ``test_support.TestSkipped`` error
-is raised, the test is not run.
-Executing Test Cases
-If you are writing test cases for module spam, you need to create a file
-in .../Lib/test named In addition, if the tests are expected
-to write to stdout during a successful run, you also need to create an
-expected output file in .../Lib/test/output named test_spam ("..."
-represents the top-level directory in the Python source tree, the directory
-containing the configure script). If needed, generate the initial version
-of the test output file by executing::
- ./python Lib/test/ -g
-from the top-level directory.
-Any time you modify you need to generate a new expected
-output file. Don't forget to desk check the generated output to make sure
-it's really what you expected to find! All in all it's usually better
-not to have an expected-out file (note that doctest- and unittest-based
-tests do not).
-To run a single test after modifying a module, simply run
-without the -g flag::
- ./python Lib/test/
-While debugging a regression test, you can of course execute it
-independently of the regression testing framework and see what it prints::
- ./python Lib/test/
-To run the entire test suite:
-- [UNIX, + other platforms where "make" works] Make the "test" target at the
- top level::
- make test
-- [WINDOWS] Run rt.bat from your PCBuild directory. Read the comments at
- the top of rt.bat for the use of special -d, -O and -q options processed
- by rt.bat.
-- [OTHER] You can simply execute the two runs of regrtest (optimized and
- non-optimized) directly::
- ./python Lib/test/
- ./python -O Lib/test/
-But note that this way picks up whatever .pyc and .pyo files happen to be
-around. The makefile and rt.bat ways run the tests twice, the first time
-removing all .pyc and .pyo files from the subtree rooted at Lib/.
-Test cases generate output based upon values computed by the test code.
-When executed, compares the actual output generated by executing
-the test case with the expected output and reports success or failure. It
-stands to reason that if the actual and expected outputs are to match, they
-must not contain any machine dependencies. This means your test cases
-should not print out absolute machine addresses (e.g. the return value of
-the id() builtin function) or floating point numbers with large numbers of
-significant digits (unless you understand what you are doing!).
-Test Case Writing Tips
-Writing good test cases is a skilled task and is too complex to discuss in
-detail in this short document. Many books have been written on the subject.
-I'll show my age by suggesting that Glenford Myers' `"The Art of Software
-Testing"`_, published in 1979, is still the best introduction to the subject
-available. It is short (177 pages), easy to read, and discusses the major
-elements of software testing, though its publication predates the
-object-oriented software revolution, so doesn't cover that subject at all.
-Unfortunately, it is very expensive (about $100 new). If you can borrow it
-or find it used (around $20), I strongly urge you to pick up a copy.
-The most important goal when writing test cases is to break things. A test
-case that doesn't uncover a bug is much less valuable than one that does.
-In designing test cases you should pay attention to the following:
- * Your test cases should exercise all the functions and objects defined
- in the module, not just the ones meant to be called by users of your
- module. This may require you to write test code that uses the module
- in ways you don't expect (explicitly calling internal functions, for
- example - see
- * You should consider any boundary values that may tickle exceptional
- conditions (e.g. if you were writing regression tests for division,
- you might well want to generate tests with numerators and denominators
- at the limits of floating point and integer numbers on the machine
- performing the tests as well as a denominator of zero).
- * You should exercise as many paths through the code as possible. This
- may not always be possible, but is a goal to strive for. In
- particular, when considering if statements (or their equivalent), you
- want to create test cases that exercise both the true and false
- branches. For loops, you should create test cases that exercise the
- loop zero, one and multiple times.
- * You should test with obviously invalid input. If you know that a
- function requires an integer input, try calling it with other types of
- objects to see how it responds.
- * You should test with obviously out-of-range input. If the domain of a
- function is only defined for positive integers, try calling it with a
- negative integer.
- * If you are going to fix a bug that wasn't uncovered by an existing
- test, try to write a test case that exposes the bug (preferably before
- fixing it).
- * If you need to create a temporary file, you can use the filename in
- ``test_support.TESTFN`` to do so. It is important to remove the file
- when done; other tests should be able to use the name without cleaning
- up after your test.
-.. _"The Art of Software Testing":
-Regression Test Writing Rules
-Each test case is different. There is no "standard" form for a Python
-regression test case, though there are some general rules (note that
-these mostly apply only to the "classic" tests; unittest_- and doctest_-
-based tests should follow the conventions natural to those frameworks)::
- * If your test case detects a failure, raise ``TestFailed`` (found in
- ``test.test_support``).
- * Import everything you'll need as early as possible.
- * If you'll be importing objects from a module that is at least
- partially platform-dependent, only import those objects you need for
- the current test case to avoid spurious ``ImportError`` exceptions
- that prevent the test from running to completion.
- * Print all your test case results using the ``print`` statement. For
- non-fatal errors, print an error message (or omit a successful
- completion print) to indicate the failure, but proceed instead of
- raising ``TestFailed``.
- * Use ``assert`` sparingly, if at all. It's usually better to just print
- what you got, and rely on regrtest's got-vs-expected comparison to
- catch deviations from what you expect. ``assert`` statements aren't
- executed at all when regrtest is run in -O mode; and, because they
- cause the test to stop immediately, can lead to a long & tedious
- test-fix, test-fix, test-fix, ... cycle when things are badly broken
- (and note that "badly broken" often includes running the test suite
- for the first time on new platforms or under new implementations of
- the language).
-There is a test_support module in the test package you can import for
-your test case. Import this module using either::
- import test.test_support
- from test import test_support
-test_support provides the following useful objects:
- * ``TestFailed`` - raise this exception when your regression test detects
- a failure.
- * ``TestSkipped`` - raise this if the test could not be run because the
- platform doesn't offer all the required facilities (like large
- file support), even if all the required modules are available.
- * ``ResourceDenied`` - this is raised when a test requires a resource that
- is not available. Primarily used by 'requires'.
- * ``verbose`` - you can use this variable to control print output. Many
- modules use it. Search for "verbose" in the test_*.py files to see
- lots of examples.
- * ``forget(module_name)`` - attempts to cause Python to "forget" that it
- loaded a module and erase any PYC files.
- * ``is_resource_enabled(resource)`` - Returns a boolean based on whether
- the resource is enabled or not.
- * ``requires(resource [, msg])`` - if the required resource is not
- available the ResourceDenied exception is raised.
- * ``verify(condition, reason='test failed')``. Use this instead of::
- assert condition[, reason]
- ``verify()`` has two advantages over ``assert``: it works even in -O
- mode, and it raises ``TestFailed`` on failure instead of
- ``AssertionError``.
- * ``have_unicode`` - true if Unicode is available, false otherwise.
- * ``is_jython`` - true if the interpreter is Jython, false otherwise.
- * ``TESTFN`` - a string that should always be used as the filename when
- you need to create a temp file. Also use ``try``/``finally`` to
- ensure that your temp files are deleted before your test completes.
- Note that you cannot unlink an open file on all operating systems, so
- also be sure to close temp files before trying to unlink them.
- * ``sortdict(dict)`` - acts like ``repr(dict.items())``, but sorts the
- items first. This is important when printing a dict value, because
- the order of items produced by ``dict.items()`` is not defined by the
- language.
- * ``findfile(file)`` - you can call this function to locate a file
- somewhere along sys.path or in the Lib/test tree - see
- for an example of its use.
- * ``fcmp(x,y)`` - you can call this function to compare two floating
- point numbers when you expect them to only be approximately equal
- withing a fuzz factor (``test_support.FUZZ``, which defaults to 1e-6).
- * ``check_syntax_error(testcase, statement)`` - make sure that the
- statement is *not* correct Python syntax.
-Some Non-Obvious regrtest Features
- * Automagic test detection: When you create a new test file
-, you do not need to modify regrtest (or anything else)
- to advertise its existence. regrtest searches for and runs all
- modules in the test directory with names of the form
- * Miranda output: If, when running, regrtest does not
- find an expected-output file test/output/test_spam, regrtest
- pretends that it did find one, containing the single line
- test_spam
- This allows new tests that don't expect to print anything to stdout
- to not bother creating expected-output files.
- * Two-stage testing: To run, regrtest imports test_spam
- as a module. Most tests run to completion as a side-effect of
- getting imported. After importing test_spam, regrtest also executes
- ``test_spam.test_main()``, if test_spam has a ``test_main`` attribute.
- This is rarely required with the "traditional" Python tests, and
- you shouldn't create a module global with name test_main unless
- you're specifically exploiting this gimmick. This usage does
- prove useful with unittest-based tests as well, however; defining
- a ``test_main()`` which is run by regrtest and a script-stub in the
- test module ("``if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()``") allows
- the test to be used like any other Python test and also work
- with the approach, allowing a developer
- to run specific tests from the command line.