path: root/Mac/Demo/building.html
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-<TITLE>Building MacPython-OS9 from source</TITLE>
-<H1>Building MacPython-OS9 from source</H1>
-This document explains how to build MacPython-OS9 from source. This is
-necessary if you want to make modifications to the Python core. Building
-Python is not something to be undertaken lightly, you need a reasonable
-working knowledge of the CodeWarrior development environment, a good net
-connection and probably quite some time too. <p>
-Note that if you only want to build new extension modules you don't need to
-build Python from source, see the <a href="#extending">note on extending Python</a>.<p>
-The information density in this file is high, so you should probably
-print it and read it at your leasure. Most things are explained only
-once (and probably in the wrong place:-). <p>
-First a warning: this information may become outdated if a new CodeWarrior is
-released after MacPython. The
-<a href="">MacPython homepage</a> will
-hopefully have updated instructions in that case. These instructions are for CW7,
-it is rumoured you may encounter some problems with newer versions of CodeWarrior.
-I am interested in feedback on this document, send your
-comments to the <A
-HREF="">Mac Python Special
-Interest Group</A>.
-<H2>What you need.</H2>
-The following things you definitely need:
-<LI> You need a MacPython source distribution, of course. You can
-obtain one via <A HREF="">
-</A> (which has up-to-date links
-to the other packages needed too) and possibly also from the standard
-<A HREF=""> ftp
-site</A>. <BR>
-A better alternative is to check the sources straight out of the CVS
-repository, see below. Most of the packages mentioned here are also
-available through CVS. Check the section on <a href="#cvs">CVS
-repository use</a> below.
-<LI> You need MetroWerks CodeWarrior. The current distribution has
-been built with CodeWarrior Pro 7.1. Ordering information is
-available on the <A HREF="">MetroWerks
-homepage</A>. Building Python with MPW, Think/Symantec C or the OSX
-developer tools is impossible without major surgery.
-<LI> You need GUSI version 2, the Grand Unified Socket Interface, by
-Matthias Neeracher. The original GUSI is obtainable from <A
-</A>. At
-the moment Python is built with a modified version of GUSI
-with Carbon adaptations, so it may be better to check the <A
-HREF="">MacPython homepage</A>
-for a GUSI that is most easily used for building Python.
-<A NAME="optional">The MacPython project files are configured to
-include a plethora of optional modules</A>, and these modules need a
-number of extra packages. To use the project files as-is you have to
-download these packages too. Python has all such modules as
-dynamically loaded modules, so if you don't need a certain package it
-suffices to just refrain from builing the extension module.
-Here are the locations for the various things
-you need:
-<LI> Waste, a TextEdit replacement written by Marco Piovanelli, <A
-HREF="">&lt;;</A>. Python
-was built using version 2.0, which is included in the CodeWarrior
-package. You can also obtain it from <A
-and various other places.
-<LI> Gdbm library for the Mac. Available from Jack's Mac software page at
-<A HREF="">
-</A> and <A HREF="">
-<LI> JPEG library by the Independent JPEG Group. A version including
-Mac projects can be found at Jack's page mentioned above.
-The most recent JPEG library can always be obtained from <A
-<LI> The netpbm/pbmplus, libtiff, zlib and png libraries. The netpbm distribution
-(which includes libtiff) is generally available on Internet ftp
-servers. For Python pbmplus, an older incarnation of netpbm, is
-functionally identical to netpbm, since Python only uses the library
-and not the complete applications. A distribution with correct
-projects and library source only is available from, you guessed it, Jack's Mac software
-page mentioned above.
-<H2>Setting Up</H2>
-Now that you have collected everything you should start with building
-the various parts. If you don't want to fix
-access paths try to set things up as follows:
- imglibs
- jpeg
- netpbm
- libtiff
- zlib
- png
- gdbm
- Python
- Modules
- ...
- Mac
- Modules
- Build
- ...
-If your setup of the libraries is exactly the same as mine (which is
-not very likely, unless you happen to work from the same CVS
-repository) you can use the project <code>buildlibs.prj</code> in the
-<code>:Mac:Build</code> folder to build all needed libraries in one
-fell swoop, otherwise you will have to build the libraries one by
-one. <p>
-First build GUSI, the Carbon variant.
- <p>
-Next, in
-<code>libjpeg</code>, <code>pbmplus</code>,
-<code>zlib</code>, <code>libpng</code>, <code>gdbm</code>,
-and<code>libtiff</code> you build all projects. Usually the projects are in "mac"
-subfolders, sometimes they are in the main folder. Tcl/tk is a special
-case, see below.
-<H2>The organization of the Python source tree</H2>
-Time for a short break, while we have a look at the organization of
-the Python source tree. At the top level, we find the following
-<DT> Demo
-<DD> Demo programs that are not Mac-specific. Some of these may not
-<DT> Extensions
-<DD> Extensions to the interpreter that are not Mac-specific. Contains
-the <code>img</code>, <code>Imaging</code> and <code>Numerical</code> extensions
-in this distribution.
-<DT> Grammar
-<DD> The Python grammar. Included for reference only, you cannot build
-the parser on a Mac.
-<DT> Include
-<DD> Machine-independent header files.
-<DT> Modules
-<DD> Machine-independent optional modules. Not all of these will work
-on the Mac.
-<DT> Lib
-<DD> Machine-independent modules in Python.
-<DT> Lib:lib-dynload
-<DD> This is where the dynamically-loaded plugin modules live.
-<DT> Lib:plat-mac
-<DD> This is where most of the Mac-specific modules live. The modules here
-are available both in MacPython-OS9 and MacPython-OSX.
-<DT> Objects
-<DD> Machine-independent code for various object types. Most of these are
-not really optional: the interpreter will not function without them.
-<DT> Parser
-<DD> The Python parser (machine-independent).
-<DT> Python
-<DD> The core interpreter. Most files are machine-independent, some
-are unix-specific and not used on the Mac.
-<DT> Tools
-<DD> Tools for python developers. Contains <code>modulator</code> which
-builds skeleton C extension modules, <code>bgen</code> which generates
-complete interface modules from information in C header files and
-<code>freeze</code> which is used to turn Python scripts into real
-applications (used by MacFreeze and BuildApplication) There are some
-readme files, but more documentation is sorely needed.
-The mac-specific stuff lives in the <code>Mac</code> folder:
-<DT> Build
-<DD> This is where the project files live and where you build the
-libraries, shared libraries, executables and plugin modules. All the
-resulting binaries, except for intermedeate results, are deposited in
-the toplevel folder or the :Lib:lib-dynload folder (for plugin modules).
-<DT> Compat
-<DD> Unix-compatability routines. Most of these are not used anymore,
-since GUSI provides a rather complete emulation, but you may need
-these if you are trying to build a non-GUSI python.
-<DT> Demo
-<DD> Mac-specific demo programs, some of them annotated.
-<DT> Include
-<DD> Mac-specific but compiler-independent include files.
-<DT> Lib
-<DD> MacPython-OS9 specific standard modules which are not shared with
-<DT> Modules
-<DD> Mac-specific builtin modules. Theoretically these are all
-optional, but some are rather essential (like
-<code>macosmodule</code>). A lot of these modules are generated with
-<code>bgen</code>, in which case the bgen input files are included so
-you can attempt to regenerate them or extend them.
-<DD> MPW-specific files. These have not been used or kept up-to-date
-for a long time, so use at your own risk.
-<DT> mwerks
-<DD> Mwerks-specific sources and headers. Contains glue code for
-Pythons shared-library architecture, a replacement for
-<code>malloc</code> and a directory with various projects for building
-variations on the Python interpreter. The <code>mwerks_*.h</code>
-files here are the option-setting files for the various interpreters
-and such, comparable to the unix command-line <code>-D</code> options
-to the compiler. Each project uses the correct option file as its
-"prefix file" in the "C/C++ language" settings. Disabling optional
-modules (for the 68K interpreter), building non-GUSI interpreters and
-various other things are accomplished by modifying these files (and
-possibly changing the list of files included in the project window, of
-<DD> Specific to MacPython-OSX, not used by MacPython-OS9.
-<DT> OSXResources
-<DD> Specific to MacPython-OSX, not used by MacPython-OS9.
-<DT> Python
-<DD> Mac-specific parts of the core interpreter.
-<DT> Resources
-<DD> Resource files needed to build the interpreter.
-<DT> Scripts
-<DD> A collection of various mac-specific Python scripts. Some are
-essential, some are useful but few are documented, so you will have to
-use your imagination to work them out.
-<DT> Tools
-<DD> A collection of tools, usually bigger than those in the scripts
-folder. The important ones here are the IDE and macfreeze. The IDE is built
-with the script, which puts the resulting applet in the toplevel
-folder. Macfreeze is usually invoked through the BuildApplication script,
-but for more control over the freezing process you can run the main script here.
-<DT> Unsupported
-<DD> Modules that are not supported any longer but may still work with a little effort.
-<H2>Building the PPC interpreter</H2>
-First you optionally build the external libraries with buildlibs.prj. <p>
-Then, the <code>fullbuild</code> script can be used to build
-everything, but you need a fully-functional interpreter before you can
-use it (and one that isn't rebuilt in the process: you cannot rebuild
-a running program). You could copy the interpreter to a different
-place and use that to run fullbuild. The <code>PythonStandSmall.prj</code>
-project builds an interpreter that is suited to this, and it can also come
-in handy if you need to debug things (which is easier in a static program). <p>
-In case you want to build by hand, or in case the <code>fullbuild</code>
-script does not work, here is a breakdown of the various projects. <p>
-The projects for interpreter and core library are linked together, so
-building the PythonInterpreter target
-in <code>PythonInterpreter.prj</code>
-will result in the whole core being built, but not the extension modules. <p>
-You will get about 100 warnings on "missing prototype" for the various module init
-routines, ignore these. You will also get numerous warnings on functions from GUSI which
-override functions from MSL, ignore these too. <p>
-Here is a breakdown of the projects:
-<DT> PythonCore
-<DD> The shared library that contains the bulk of the interpreter and
-its resources.
-It is a good idea to immedeately put an alias to this
-shared library in the <code>Extensions</code> folder of your system
-folder. Do exactly that: put an <em>alias</em> there, copying or
-moving the file will cause you grief later if you rebuild the library and
-forget to copy it to the extensions folder again. The ConfigurePythonXXX applets
-will also do this. <br>
-<DT> PythonInterpeter
-<DD> The interpreter. This is basically a routine to call out to the
-shared library. <p>
-<DT> Plugin projects
-<DD> Each plugin module has a separate project, and these can be rebuilt on
-the fly. Fullbuild (or actually it's little helper genpluginprojects) takes
-care of this.
-After creating the alias to <code>PythonCore</code> you remove any old
-<code>Python XXXX Preferences</code> file from the <code>Preferences</code> folder
-(if you had python installed on your system before) and run the interpreter once
-to create the correct preferences file. <p>
-Next, you have to build the extension modules.
-If you don't use fullbuild simply open each project and build it.
-Finally, you must build the standard applets:
-<code>EditPythonPrefs</code>, <code>BuildApplet</code>, etc. For the N-th time:
-fullbuild does this for you, but you can also manually drag/drop them onto
-BuildApplet. <p>
-You are all set now, and should read the release notes and
-<code>ReadMe</code> file from the <code>Mac</code> folder.
-Rebuilding .exp files is no longer needed since CodeWarrior 7.
-<H2><a name="cvs">Using the CVS source archive</a></H2>
-It is possible (and probably best) to access the Python sources through remote CVS. The
-advantage of this is that you get the very latest sources, so any bug
-fixed or new features will be immedeately available. This is also the
-disadvantage, of course: as this is the same tree as is used for
-development it may sometimes be a little less stable. <p>
-The CVS client of choice is Alexandre Parenteau's MacCVS. It can be
-obtained through the <a href="">WinCVS
-homepage</a>. MacCVS uses Internet Config to set file types correctly
-based on the filename extension. In the maccvs preferences you should
-also set (in the "binary files" section) "use mac encoding:
-applesingle" and (in the "text files" section) "use ISO latin 1
-conversion". <p>
-It is a good idea to disable Quicktime Exchange in the Quicktime control
-panel if you are on OS9 or before. Quicktime Exchange will magically map
-some extensions to filetypes, and this can seriously hinder you if, for
-instance, <code>.bmp</code> is not a Windows bitmap file. <p>
-The Python sources are checked out from the main
-Python CVS archive on, see the <a
-href="">Source access via
-CVS</a> page for details. When you check the sources out you will get
-something like <code>Python:dist:src</code>, and under that the
-<code>Modules</code>, <code>Lib</code>, <code>Mac</code> etc hierarchy. The
-<code>src</code> folder can be renamed to <code>Python</code>, and
-is what this document refers to as the "toplevel Python folder". <P>
-The CVS repository does not contain all the projects for the plugin modules,
-these are built with <code></code> normally. For this reason
-it is probably a good idea to first build <code>PythonStandSmall.prj</code>,
-which builds a fairly minimal interpreter, and then follow the
-fullbuild instructions</a>.
-<H2>Odds and ends</H2>
-Some remarks that I could not fit in elsewhere:
-<LI> It may be possible to use the <code>PythonCore</code> shared
-library to embed Python in another program, if your program can live
-with using GUSI for I/O. Use PythonCore in stead of your MSL C library
-(or, at the very least, link it before the normal C library). Ask for help
-on PythonMac-SIG if you have problems with this.
-<LI> <a name="extending"></a>It is possible to build PPC extension
-modules without building a complete Python. The binary distribution
-installer can optionally install all the needed folders (the develop
-option). A template for a dynamic module can be found in
-<LI> The Python shared library architecture is a variant of the architecture
-described as "application with shared libraries and dropins" in the MetroWerks
-"Targeting MacOS" documentation. The Python Application and applet-template use
-the <code>MSL AppRuntime.Lib</code> runtime library (with properly set CFM
-initialization and termination routines). PythonCore uses <code>MSL Runtime.Lib</code>,
-which is really intended for standalone programs but which we fool into working by
-providing a dummy main program.
-It is linked statically into PythonCore (and exported to the applications and plugins)
-so we do not have to distribute yet another shared library. Plugin modules use
-<code>MSL ShlibRuntime.Lib</code> (not the dropin runtime: modules are never unloaded)
-and obtain the rest from PythonCore. PythonCore uses a
-non-standard initialization entry point, <code>__initialize_with_resources</code>, to
-be able to obtain resources from the library file later on. Plugins can do the same
-(_tkinter does) or use the standard <code>__initialize</code> entry point.