path: root/Mac/Lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Mac/Lib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 521 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Lib/ b/Mac/Lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b5392..0000000
--- a/Mac/Lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
-"""tools for BuildApplet and BuildApplication"""
-import sys
-import os
-import string
-import imp
-import marshal
-import macfs
-from Carbon import Res
-import MACFS
-import MacOS
-import macostools
-import macresource
-import EasyDialogs
-import shutil
-BuildError = "BuildError"
-# .pyc file (and 'PYC ' resource magic number)
-MAGIC = imp.get_magic()
-# Template file (searched on sys.path)
-TEMPLATE = "PythonInterpreter"
-# Specification of our resource
-RESNAME = '__main__'
-# A resource with this name sets the "owner" (creator) of the destination
-# It should also have ID=0. Either of these alone is not enough.
-OWNERNAME = "owner resource"
-# Default applet creator code
-# OpenResFile mode parameters
-READ = 1
-WRITE = 2
-def findtemplate(template=None):
- """Locate the applet template along sys.path"""
- if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'macho':
- if template:
- return template
- return findtemplate_macho()
- if not template:
- template=TEMPLATE
- for p in sys.path:
- file = os.path.join(p, template)
- try:
- file, d1, d2 = macfs.ResolveAliasFile(file)
- break
- except (macfs.error, ValueError):
- continue
- else:
- raise BuildError, "Template %s not found on sys.path" % `template`
- file = file.as_pathname()
- return file
-def findtemplate_macho():
- execpath = sys.executable.split('/')
- if not 'Contents' in execpath:
- raise BuildError, "Not running from a .app bundle: %s" % sys.executable
- i = execpath.index('Contents')
- return '/'.join(execpath[:i])
-def process(template, filename, destname, copy_codefragment,
- rsrcname=None, others=[], raw=0, progress="default"):
- if progress == "default":
- progress = EasyDialogs.ProgressBar("Processing %s..."%os.path.split(filename)[1], 120)
- progress.label("Compiling...")
- # check for the script name being longer than 32 chars. This may trigger a bug
- # on OSX that can destroy your sourcefile.
- if '#' in os.path.split(filename)[1]:
- raise BuildError, "BuildApplet could destroy your sourcefile on OSX, please rename: %s" % filename
- # Read the source and compile it
- # (there's no point overwriting the destination if it has a syntax error)
- fp = open(filename, 'rU')
- text =
- fp.close()
- try:
- code = compile(text, filename, "exec")
- except SyntaxError, arg:
- raise BuildError, "Syntax error in script %s: %s" % (filename, arg)
- except EOFError:
- raise BuildError, "End-of-file in script %s" % (filename,)
- # Set the destination file name. Note that basename
- # does contain the whole filepath, only a .py is stripped.
- if string.lower(filename[-3:]) == ".py":
- basename = filename[:-3]
- if MacOS.runtimemodel != 'macho' and not destname:
- destname = basename
- else:
- basename = filename
- if not destname:
- if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'macho':
- destname = basename + '.app'
- else:
- destname = basename + '.applet'
- if not rsrcname:
- rsrcname = basename + '.rsrc'
- # Try removing the output file. This fails in MachO, but it should
- # do any harm.
- try:
- os.remove(destname)
- except os.error:
- pass
- process_common(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, 0,
- copy_codefragment, raw, others)
-def update(template, filename, output):
- if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'macho':
- raise BuildError, "No updating yet for MachO applets"
- if progress:
- progress = EasyDialogs.ProgressBar("Updating %s..."%os.path.split(filename)[1], 120)
- else:
- progress = None
- if not output:
- output = filename + ' (updated)'
- # Try removing the output file
- try:
- os.remove(output)
- except os.error:
- pass
- process_common(template, progress, None, filename, output, 1, 1)
-def process_common(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update,
- copy_codefragment, raw=0, others=[]):
- if MacOS.runtimemodel == 'macho':
- return process_common_macho(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname,
- is_update, raw, others)
- if others:
- raise BuildError, "Extra files only allowed for MachoPython applets"
- # Create FSSpecs for the various files
- template_fss = macfs.FSSpec(template)
- template_fss, d1, d2 = macfs.ResolveAliasFile(template_fss)
- dest_fss = macfs.FSSpec(destname)
- # Copy data (not resources, yet) from the template
- if progress:
- progress.label("Copy data fork...")
- progress.set(10)
- if copy_codefragment:
- tmpl = open(template, "rb")
- dest = open(destname, "wb")
- data =
- if data:
- dest.write(data)
- dest.close()
- tmpl.close()
- del dest
- del tmpl
- # Open the output resource fork
- if progress:
- progress.label("Copy resources...")
- progress.set(20)
- try:
- output = Res.FSpOpenResFile(dest_fss, WRITE)
- except MacOS.Error:
- Res.FSpCreateResFile(destname, '????', 'APPL', MACFS.smAllScripts)
- output = Res.FSpOpenResFile(dest_fss, WRITE)
- # Copy the resources from the target specific resource template, if any
- typesfound, ownertype = [], None
- try:
- input = Res.FSpOpenResFile(rsrcname, READ)
- except (MacOS.Error, ValueError):
- pass
- if progress:
- else:
- if is_update:
- skip_oldfile = ['cfrg']
- else:
- skip_oldfile = []
- typesfound, ownertype = copyres(input, output, skip_oldfile, 0, progress)
- Res.CloseResFile(input)
- # Check which resource-types we should not copy from the template
- skiptypes = []
- if 'vers' in typesfound: skiptypes.append('vers')
- if 'SIZE' in typesfound: skiptypes.append('SIZE')
- if 'BNDL' in typesfound: skiptypes = skiptypes + ['BNDL', 'FREF', 'icl4',
- 'icl8', 'ics4', 'ics8', 'ICN#', 'ics#']
- if not copy_codefragment:
- skiptypes.append('cfrg')
-## skipowner = (ownertype <> None)
- # Copy the resources from the template
- input = Res.FSpOpenResFile(template_fss, READ)
- dummy, tmplowner = copyres(input, output, skiptypes, 1, progress)
- Res.CloseResFile(input)
-## if ownertype == None:
-## raise BuildError, "No owner resource found in either resource file or template"
- # Make sure we're manipulating the output resource file now
- Res.UseResFile(output)
- if ownertype == None:
- # No owner resource in the template. We have skipped the
- # Python owner resource, so we have to add our own. The relevant
- # bundle stuff is already included in the interpret/applet template.
- newres = Res.Resource('\0')
- newres.AddResource(DEFAULT_APPLET_CREATOR, 0, "Owner resource")
- if code:
- # Delete any existing 'PYC ' resource named __main__
- try:
- res = Res.Get1NamedResource(RESTYPE, RESNAME)
- res.RemoveResource()
- except Res.Error:
- pass
- # Create the raw data for the resource from the code object
- if progress:
- progress.label("Write PYC resource...")
- progress.set(120)
- data = marshal.dumps(code)
- del code
- data = (MAGIC + '\0\0\0\0') + data
- # Create the resource and write it
- id = 0
- while id < 128:
- id = Res.Unique1ID(RESTYPE)
- res = Res.Resource(data)
- res.AddResource(RESTYPE, id, RESNAME)
- attrs = res.GetResAttrs()
- attrs = attrs | 0x04 # set preload
- res.SetResAttrs(attrs)
- res.WriteResource()
- res.ReleaseResource()
- # Close the output file
- Res.CloseResFile(output)
- # Now set the creator, type and bundle bit of the destination
- dest_finfo = dest_fss.GetFInfo()
- dest_finfo.Creator = ownertype
- dest_finfo.Type = 'APPL'
- dest_finfo.Flags = dest_finfo.Flags | MACFS.kHasBundle | MACFS.kIsShared
- dest_finfo.Flags = dest_finfo.Flags & ~MACFS.kHasBeenInited
- dest_fss.SetFInfo(dest_finfo)
- macostools.touched(dest_fss)
- if progress:
- progress.label("Done.")
-def process_common_macho(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update, raw=0, others=[]):
- # First make sure the name ends in ".app"
- if destname[-4:] != '.app':
- destname = destname + '.app'
- # Now deduce the short name
- shortname = os.path.split(destname)[1]
- if shortname[-4:] == '.app':
- # Strip the .app suffix
- shortname = shortname[:-4]
- # And deduce the .plist and .icns names
- plistname = None
- icnsname = None
- if rsrcname and rsrcname[-5:] == '.rsrc':
- tmp = rsrcname[:-5]
- plistname = tmp + '.plist'
- if os.path.exists(plistname):
- icnsname = tmp + '.icns'
- if not os.path.exists(icnsname):
- icnsname = None
- else:
- plistname = None
- # Start with copying the .app framework
- if not is_update:
- exceptlist = ["Contents/Info.plist",
- "Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings",
- "Contents/Resources/English.lproj/Documentation",
- "Contents/Resources/python.rsrc",
- ]
- copyapptree(template, destname, exceptlist, progress)
- # SERIOUS HACK. If we've just copied a symlink as the
- # executable we assume we're running from the MacPython addon
- # to 10.2 python. We remove the symlink again and install
- # the appletrunner script.
- executable = os.path.join(destname, "Contents/MacOS/python")
- if os.path.islink(executable):
- os.remove(executable)
- dummyfp, appletrunner, d2 = imp.find_module('appletrunner')
- del dummyfp
- shutil.copy2(appletrunner, executable)
- os.chmod(executable, 0775)
- # Now either use the .plist file or the default
- if progress:
- progress.label('Create info.plist')
- if plistname:
- shutil.copy2(plistname, os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Info.plist'))
- if icnsname:
- icnsdest = os.path.split(icnsname)[1]
- icnsdest = os.path.join(destname,
- os.path.join('Contents', 'Resources', icnsdest))
- shutil.copy2(icnsname, icnsdest)
- # XXXX Wrong. This should be parsed from plist file. Also a big hack:-)
- if shortname == 'PythonIDE':
- ownertype = 'Pide'
- else:
- ownertype = 'PytA'
- # XXXX Should copy .icns file
- else:
- cocoainfo = ''
- for o in others:
- if o[-4:] == '.nib':
- nibname = os.path.split(o)[1][:-4]
- cocoainfo = """
- <key>NSMainNibFile</key>
- <string>%s</string>
- <key>NSPrincipalClass</key>
- <string>NSApplication</string>""" % nibname
- elif o[-6:] == '.lproj':
- files = os.listdir(o)
- for f in files:
- if f[-4:] == '.nib':
- nibname = os.path.split(f)[1][:-4]
- cocoainfo = """
- <key>NSMainNibFile</key>
- <string>%s</string>
- <key>NSPrincipalClass</key>
- <string>NSApplication</string>""" % nibname
- plistname = os.path.join(template, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'Applet-Info.plist')
- plistdata = open(plistname).read()
- plistdata = plistdata % {'appletname':shortname, 'cocoainfo':cocoainfo}
- ofp = open(os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Info.plist'), 'w')
- ofp.write(plistdata)
- ofp.close()
- ownertype = 'PytA'
- # Create the PkgInfo file
- if progress:
- progress.label('Create PkgInfo')
- ofp = open(os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'PkgInfo'), 'wb')
- ofp.write('APPL' + ownertype)
- ofp.close()
- # Copy the resources from the target specific resource template, if any
- typesfound, ownertype = [], None
- try:
- input = macresource.open_pathname(rsrcname)
- except (MacOS.Error, ValueError):
- if progress:
- else:
- if progress:
- progress.label("Copy resources...")
- progress.set(20)
- resfilename = 'python.rsrc' # XXXX later: '%s.rsrc' % shortname
- try:
- output = Res.FSOpenResourceFile(
- os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Resources', resfilename),
- u'', WRITE)
- except MacOS.Error:
- fsr, dummy = Res.FSCreateResourceFile(
- os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Resources'),
- unicode(resfilename), '')
- output = Res.FSOpenResourceFile(fsr, u'', WRITE)
- typesfound, ownertype = copyres(input, output, [], 0, progress)
- Res.CloseResFile(input)
- Res.CloseResFile(output)
- if code:
- if raw:
- pycname = '__rawmain__.pyc'
- else:
- pycname = '__main__.pyc'
- # And we also create __rawmain__.pyc
- outputfilename = os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Resources', '__rawmain__.pyc')
- if progress:
- progress.label('Creating __rawmain__.pyc')
- rawsourcefp, rawsourcefile, d2 = imp.find_module('appletrawmain')
- rawsource =
- rawcode = compile(rawsource, rawsourcefile, 'exec')
- writepycfile(rawcode, outputfilename)
- outputfilename = os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Resources', pycname)
- if progress:
- progress.label('Creating '+pycname)
- writepycfile(code, outputfilename)
- # Copy other files the user asked for
- for osrc in others:
- oname = os.path.split(osrc)[1]
- odst = os.path.join(destname, 'Contents', 'Resources', oname)
- if progress:
- progress.label('Copy ' + oname)
- if os.path.isdir(osrc):
- copyapptree(osrc, odst)
- else:
- shutil.copy2(osrc, odst)
- if progress:
- progress.label('Done.')
-## macostools.touched(dest_fss)
-# Copy resources between two resource file descriptors.
-# skip a resource named '__main__' or (if skipowner is set) with ID zero.
-# Also skip resources with a type listed in skiptypes.
-def copyres(input, output, skiptypes, skipowner, progress=None):
- ctor = None
- alltypes = []
- Res.UseResFile(input)
- ntypes = Res.Count1Types()
- progress_type_inc = 50/ntypes
- for itype in range(1, 1+ntypes):
- type = Res.Get1IndType(itype)
- if type in skiptypes:
- continue
- alltypes.append(type)
- nresources = Res.Count1Resources(type)
- progress_cur_inc = progress_type_inc/nresources
- for ires in range(1, 1+nresources):
- res = Res.Get1IndResource(type, ires)
- id, type, name = res.GetResInfo()
- lcname = string.lower(name)
- if lcname == OWNERNAME and id == 0:
- if skipowner:
- continue # Skip this one
- else:
- ctor = type
- size = res.size
- attrs = res.GetResAttrs()
- if progress:
- progress.label("Copy %s %d %s"%(type, id, name))
- res.LoadResource()
- res.DetachResource()
- Res.UseResFile(output)
- try:
- res2 = Res.Get1Resource(type, id)
- except MacOS.Error:
- res2 = None
- if res2:
- if progress:
- progress.label("Overwrite %s %d %s"%(type, id, name))
- res2.RemoveResource()
- res.AddResource(type, id, name)
- res.WriteResource()
- attrs = attrs | res.GetResAttrs()
- res.SetResAttrs(attrs)
- Res.UseResFile(input)
- return alltypes, ctor
-def copyapptree(srctree, dsttree, exceptlist=[], progress=None):
- names = []
- if os.path.exists(dsttree):
- shutil.rmtree(dsttree)
- os.mkdir(dsttree)
- todo = os.listdir(srctree)
- while todo:
- this, todo = todo[0], todo[1:]
- if this in exceptlist:
- continue
- thispath = os.path.join(srctree, this)
- if os.path.isdir(thispath):
- thiscontent = os.listdir(thispath)
- for t in thiscontent:
- todo.append(os.path.join(this, t))
- names.append(this)
- for this in names:
- srcpath = os.path.join(srctree, this)
- dstpath = os.path.join(dsttree, this)
- if os.path.isdir(srcpath):
- os.mkdir(dstpath)
- elif os.path.islink(srcpath):
- endpoint = os.readlink(srcpath)
- os.symlink(endpoint, dstpath)
- else:
- if progress:
- progress.label('Copy '+this)
- shutil.copy2(srcpath, dstpath)
-def writepycfile(codeobject, cfile):
- import marshal
- fc = open(cfile, 'wb')
- fc.write('\0\0\0\0') # MAGIC placeholder, written later
- fc.write('\0\0\0\0') # Timestap placeholder, not needed
- marshal.dump(codeobject, fc)
- fc.flush()
-, 0)
- fc.write(MAGIC)
- fc.close()