path: root/Mac/Lib/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Mac/Lib/test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 475 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Lib/test/ b/Mac/Lib/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3945a86..0000000
--- a/Mac/Lib/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-# Look for scriptable applications -- that is, applications with an 'aete' resource
-# Also contains (partially) reverse engineered 'aete' resource decoding
-import MacOS
-import os
-import string
-import sys
-import types
-import StringIO
-from Carbon.Res import *
-def main():
- filename = ""
- redirect(filename, realmain)
-def redirect(filename, func, *args):
- f = filename and open(filename, 'w')
- save_stdout = sys.stdout
- try:
- if f: sys.stdout = f
- return apply(func, args)
- finally:
- sys.stdout = save_stdout
- if f: f.close()
-def realmain():
- #list('C:System Folder:Extensions:AppleScript\252')
- #list('C:Tao AppleScript:Finder Liaison:Finder Liaison 1.0')
- list('C:Tao AppleScript:Scriptable Text Editor')
- #list('C:Internet:Eudora 1.4.2:Eudora1.4.2')
- #list('E:Excel 4.0:Microsoft Excel')
- #list('C:Internet:Netscape 1.0N:Netscape 1.0N')
- #find('C:')
- #find('D:')
- #find('E:')
- #find('F:')
-def find(dir, maxlevel = 5):
- hits = []
- cur = CurResFile()
- names = os.listdir(dir)
- tuples = map(lambda x: (os.path.normcase(x), x), names)
- tuples.sort()
- names = map(lambda (x, y): y, tuples)
- for name in names:
- if name in (os.curdir, os.pardir): continue
- fullname = os.path.join(dir, name)
- if os.path.islink(fullname):
- pass
- if os.path.isdir(fullname):
- if maxlevel > 0:
- sys.stderr.write(" %s\n" % `fullname`)
- hits = hits + find(fullname, maxlevel-1)
- else:
- ctor, type = MacOS.GetCreatorAndType(fullname)
- if type in ('APPL', 'FNDR', 'zsys', 'INIT', 'scri', 'cdev'):
- sys.stderr.write(" %s\n" % `fullname`)
- try:
- rf = OpenRFPerm(fullname, 0, '\1')
- except MacOS.Error, msg:
- print "Error:", fullname, msg
- continue
- UseResFile(rf)
- n = Count1Resources('aete')
- if rf <> cur:
- CloseResFile(rf)
- UseResFile(cur)
- if n > 1:
- hits.append(fullname)
- sys.stderr.write("YES! %d in %s\n" % (n, `fullname`))
- list(fullname)
- return hits
-def list(fullname):
- cur = CurResFile()
- rf = OpenRFPerm(fullname, 0, '\1')
- try:
- UseResFile(rf)
- resources = []
- for i in range(Count1Resources('aete')):
- res = Get1IndResource('aete', 1+i)
- resources.append(res)
- for i in range(Count1Resources('aeut')):
- res = Get1IndResource('aeut', 1+i)
- resources.append(res)
- print "\nLISTING aete+aeut RESOURCES IN", `fullname`
- for res in resources:
- print "decoding", res.GetResInfo(), "..."
- data =
- try:
- aete = decode(data)
- showaete(aete)
- print "Checking putaete..."
- f = StringIO.StringIO()
- putaete(f, aete)
- newdata = f.getvalue()
- if len(newdata) == len(data):
- if newdata == data:
- print "putaete created identical data"
- else:
- newaete = decode(newdata)
- if newaete == aete:
- print "putaete created equivalent data"
- else:
- print "putaete failed the test:"
- showaete(newaete)
- else:
- print "putaete created different data:"
- print `newdata`
- except:
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- sys.stdout.flush()
- finally:
- if rf <> cur:
- CloseResFile(rf)
- UseResFile(cur)
-def decode(data):
- f = StringIO.StringIO(data)
- aete = generic(getaete, f)
- aete = simplify(aete)
- processed = f.tell()
- unprocessed = len(
- total = f.tell()
- if unprocessed:
- sys.stderr.write("%d processed + %d unprocessed = %d total\n" %
- (processed, unprocessed, total))
- return aete
-def simplify(item):
- if type(item) is types.ListType:
- return map(simplify, item)
- elif type(item) == types.TupleType and len(item) == 2:
- return simplify(item[1])
- else:
- return item
-# Here follows the aete resource decoder.
-# It is presented bottom-up instead of top-down because there are direct
-# references to the lower-level part-decoders from the high-level part-decoders.
-def getbyte(f, *args):
- c =
- if not c:
- raise EOFError, 'in getbyte' + str(args)
- return ord(c)
-def getword(f, *args):
- getalign(f)
- s =
- if len(s) < 2:
- raise EOFError, 'in getword' + str(args)
- return (ord(s[0])<<8) | ord(s[1])
-def getlong(f, *args):
- getalign(f)
- s =
- if len(s) < 4:
- raise EOFError, 'in getlong' + str(args)
- return (ord(s[0])<<24) | (ord(s[1])<<16) | (ord(s[2])<<8) | ord(s[3])
-def getostype(f, *args):
- getalign(f)
- s =
- if len(s) < 4:
- raise EOFError, 'in getostype' + str(args)
- return s
-def getpstr(f, *args):
- c =
- if len(c) < 1:
- raise EOFError, 'in getpstr[1]' + str(args)
- nbytes = ord(c)
- if nbytes == 0: return ''
- s =
- if len(s) < nbytes:
- raise EOFError, 'in getpstr[2]' + str(args)
- return s
-def getalign(f):
- if f.tell() & 1:
- c =
- ##if c <> '\0':
- ## print 'align:', `c`
-def getlist(f, description, getitem):
- count = getword(f)
- list = []
- for i in range(count):
- list.append(generic(getitem, f))
- getalign(f)
- return list
-def alt_generic(what, f, *args):
- print "generic", `what`, args
- res = vageneric(what, f, args)
- print '->', `res`
- return res
-def generic(what, f, *args):
- if type(what) == types.FunctionType:
- return apply(what, (f,) + args)
- if type(what) == types.ListType:
- record = []
- for thing in what:
- item = apply(generic, thing[:1] + (f,) + thing[1:])
- record.append((thing[1], item))
- return record
- return "BAD GENERIC ARGS: %s" % `what`
-getdata = [
- (getostype, "type"),
- (getpstr, "description"),
- (getword, "flags")
- ]
-getargument = [
- (getpstr, "name"),
- (getostype, "keyword"),
- (getdata, "what")
- ]
-getevent = [
- (getpstr, "name"),
- (getpstr, "description"),
- (getostype, "suite code"),
- (getostype, "event code"),
- (getdata, "returns"),
- (getdata, "accepts"),
- (getlist, "optional arguments", getargument)
- ]
-getproperty = [
- (getpstr, "name"),
- (getostype, "code"),
- (getdata, "what")
- ]
-getelement = [
- (getostype, "type"),
- (getlist, "keyform", getostype)
- ]
-getclass = [
- (getpstr, "name"),
- (getostype, "class code"),
- (getpstr, "description"),
- (getlist, "properties", getproperty),
- (getlist, "elements", getelement)
- ]
-getcomparison = [
- (getpstr, "operator name"),
- (getostype, "operator ID"),
- (getpstr, "operator comment"),
- ]
-getenumerator = [
- (getpstr, "enumerator name"),
- (getostype, "enumerator ID"),
- (getpstr, "enumerator comment")
- ]
-getenumeration = [
- (getostype, "enumeration ID"),
- (getlist, "enumerator", getenumerator)
- ]
-getsuite = [
- (getpstr, "suite name"),
- (getpstr, "suite description"),
- (getostype, "suite ID"),
- (getword, "suite level"),
- (getword, "suite version"),
- (getlist, "events", getevent),
- (getlist, "classes", getclass),
- (getlist, "comparisons", getcomparison),
- (getlist, "enumerations", getenumeration)
- ]
-getaete = [
- (getword, "major/minor version in BCD"),
- (getword, "language code"),
- (getword, "script code"),
- (getlist, "suites", getsuite)
- ]
-# Display 'aete' resources in a friendly manner.
-# This one's done top-down again...
-def showaete(aete):
- [version, language, script, suites] = aete
- major, minor = divmod(version, 256)
- print "\nVersion %d/%d, language %d, script %d" % \
- (major, minor, language, script)
- for suite in suites:
- showsuite(suite)
-def showsuite(suite):
- [name, desc, code, level, version, events, classes, comps, enums] = suite
- print "\nSuite %s -- %s (%s)" % (`name`, `desc`, `code`)
- print "Level %d, version %d" % (level, version)
- for event in events:
- showevent(event)
- for cls in classes:
- showclass(cls)
- for comp in comps:
- showcomparison(comp)
- for enum in enums:
- showenumeration(enum)
-def showevent(event):
- [name, desc, code, subcode, returns, accepts, arguments] = event
- print "\n Command %s -- %s (%s, %s)" % (`name`, `desc`, `code`, `subcode`)
- print " returns", showdata(returns)
- print " accepts", showdata(accepts)
- for arg in arguments:
- showargument(arg)
-def showargument(arg):
- [name, keyword, what] = arg
- print " %s (%s)" % (name, `keyword`), showdata(what)
-def showclass(cls):
- [name, code, desc, properties, elements] = cls
- print "\n Class %s (%s) -- %s" % (`name`, `code`, `desc`)
- for prop in properties:
- showproperty(prop)
- for elem in elements:
- showelement(elem)
-def showproperty(prop):
- [name, code, what] = prop
- print " property %s (%s)" % (`name`, `code`), showdata(what)
-def showelement(elem):
- [code, keyform] = elem
- print " element %s" % `code`, "as", keyform
-def showcomparison(comp):
- [name, code, comment] = comp
- print " comparison %s (%s) -- %s" % (`name`, `code`, comment)
-def showenumeration(enum):
- [code, items] = enum
- print "\n Enum %s" % `code`
- for item in items:
- showenumerator(item)
-def showenumerator(item):
- [name, code, desc] = item
- print " %s (%s) -- %s" % (`name`, `code`, `desc`)
-def showdata(data):
- [type, description, flags] = data
- return "%s -- %s %s" % (`type`, `description`, showdataflags(flags))
-dataflagdict = {15: "optional", 14: "list", 13: "enum", 12: "mutable"}
-def showdataflags(flags):
- bits = []
- for i in range(16):
- if flags & (1<<i):
- if i in dataflagdict.keys():
- bits.append(dataflagdict[i])
- else:
- bits.append(`i`)
- return '[%s]' % string.join(bits)
-# Write an 'aete' resource.
-# Closedly modelled after showaete()...
-def putaete(f, aete):
- [version, language, script, suites] = aete
- putword(f, version)
- putword(f, language)
- putword(f, script)
- putlist(f, suites, putsuite)
-def putsuite(f, suite):
- [name, desc, code, level, version, events, classes, comps, enums] = suite
- putpstr(f, name)
- putpstr(f, desc)
- putostype(f, code)
- putword(f, level)
- putword(f, version)
- putlist(f, events, putevent)
- putlist(f, classes, putclass)
- putlist(f, comps, putcomparison)
- putlist(f, enums, putenumeration)
-def putevent(f, event):
- [name, desc, eventclass, eventid, returns, accepts, arguments] = event
- putpstr(f, name)
- putpstr(f, desc)
- putostype(f, eventclass)
- putostype(f, eventid)
- putdata(f, returns)
- putdata(f, accepts)
- putlist(f, arguments, putargument)
-def putargument(f, arg):
- [name, keyword, what] = arg
- putpstr(f, name)
- putostype(f, keyword)
- putdata(f, what)
-def putclass(f, cls):
- [name, code, desc, properties, elements] = cls
- putpstr(f, name)
- putostype(f, code)
- putpstr(f, desc)
- putlist(f, properties, putproperty)
- putlist(f, elements, putelement)
-putproperty = putargument
-def putelement(f, elem):
- [code, parts] = elem
- putostype(f, code)
- putlist(f, parts, putostype)
-def putcomparison(f, comp):
- [name, id, comment] = comp
- putpstr(f, name)
- putostype(f, id)
- putpstr(f, comment)
-def putenumeration(f, enum):
- [code, items] = enum
- putostype(f, code)
- putlist(f, items, putenumerator)
-def putenumerator(f, item):
- [name, code, desc] = item
- putpstr(f, name)
- putostype(f, code)
- putpstr(f, desc)
-def putdata(f, data):
- [type, description, flags] = data
- putostype(f, type)
- putpstr(f, description)
- putword(f, flags)
-def putlist(f, list, putitem):
- putword(f, len(list))
- for item in list:
- putitem(f, item)
- putalign(f)
-def putalign(f):
- if f.tell() & 1:
- f.write('\0')
-def putbyte(f, value):
- f.write(chr(value))
-def putword(f, value):
- putalign(f)
- f.write(chr((value>>8)&0xff))
- f.write(chr(value&0xff))
-def putostype(f, value):
- putalign(f)
- if type(value) != types.StringType or len(value) != 4:
- raise TypeError, "ostype must be 4-char string"
- f.write(value)
-def putpstr(f, value):
- if type(value) != types.StringType or len(value) > 255:
- raise TypeError, "pstr must be string <= 255 chars"
- f.write(chr(len(value)) + value)
-# Call the main program
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- realmain()