path: root/Mac/Lib/toolbox
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Diffstat (limited to 'Mac/Lib/toolbox')
3 files changed, 898 insertions, 463 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Lib/toolbox/ b/Mac/Lib/toolbox/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c9def7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Lib/toolbox/
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+"""Tools for use in AppleEvent clients and servers:
+conversion between AE types and python types
+pack(x) converts a Python object to an AEDesc object
+unpack(desc) does the reverse
+coerce(x, wanted_sample) coerces a python object to another python object
+# This code was originally written by Guido, and modified/extended by Jack
+# to include the various types that were missing. The reference used is
+# Apple Event Registry, chapter 9.
+import struct
+import string
+import types
+from string import strip
+from types import *
+import AE
+from AppleEvents import *
+from AERegistry import *
+from AEObjects import *
+import MacOS
+import macfs
+import StringIO
+import aetypes
+from aetypes import mkenum, mktype
+# These ones seem to be missing from AppleEvents
+# (they're in AERegistry.h)
+#typeColorTable = 'clrt'
+#typeDrawingArea = 'cdrw'
+#typePixelMap = 'cpix'
+#typePixelMapMinus = 'tpmm'
+#typeRotation = 'trot'
+#typeTextStyles = 'tsty'
+#typeStyledText = 'STXT'
+#typeAEText = 'tTXT'
+#typeEnumeration = 'enum'
+# Some AE types are immedeately coerced into something
+# we like better (and which is equivalent)
+unpacker_coercions = {
+ typeComp : typeExtended,
+ typeColorTable : typeAEList,
+ typeDrawingArea : typeAERecord,
+ typeFixed : typeExtended,
+ typeFloat : typeExtended,
+ typePixelMap : typeAERecord,
+ typeRotation : typeAERecord,
+ typeStyledText : typeAERecord,
+ typeTextStyles : typeAERecord,
+# Some python types we need in the packer:
+AEDescType = type(AE.AECreateDesc('TEXT', ''))
+_sample_fss = macfs.FSSpec(':')
+_sample_alias = _sample_fss.NewAliasMinimal()
+FSSType = type(_sample_fss)
+AliasType = type(_sample_alias)
+def pack(x, forcetype = None):
+ """Pack a python object into an AE descriptor"""
+ if forcetype:
+ if type(x) is StringType:
+ return AE.AECreateDesc(forcetype, x)
+ else:
+ return pack(x).AECoerceDesc(forcetype)
+ if x == None:
+ return AE.AECreateDesc('null', '')
+ t = type(x)
+ if t == AEDescType:
+ return x
+ if t == FSSType:
+ return AE.AECreateDesc('fss ',
+ if t == AliasType:
+ return AE.AECreateDesc('alis',
+ if t == IntType:
+ return AE.AECreateDesc('long', struct.pack('l', x))
+ if t == FloatType:
+ #
+ # XXXX (note by Guido) Weird thing -- Think C's "double" is 10 bytes, but
+ # struct.pack('d') return 12 bytes (and struct.unpack requires
+ # them, too). The first 2 bytes seem to be repeated...
+ # Probably an alignment problem
+ # XXXX (note by Jack) haven't checked this under MW
+ #
+ return AE.AECreateDesc('exte', struct.pack('d', x)[2:])
+ if t == StringType:
+ return AE.AECreateDesc('TEXT', x)
+ if t == ListType:
+ list = AE.AECreateList('', 0)
+ for item in x:
+ list.AEPutDesc(0, pack(item))
+ return list
+ if t == DictionaryType:
+ record = AE.AECreateList('', 1)
+ for key, value in x.items():
+ record.AEPutParamDesc(key, pack(value))
+ return record
+ if t == InstanceType and hasattr(x, '__aepack__'):
+ return x.__aepack__()
+ return AE.AECreateDesc('TEXT', repr(x)) # Copout
+def unpack(desc):
+ """Unpack an AE descriptor to a python object"""
+ t = desc.type
+ if unpacker_coercions.has_key(t):
+ desc = desc.AECoerceDesc(unpacker_coercions[t])
+ if t == typeAEList:
+ l = []
+ for i in range(desc.AECountItems()):
+ keyword, item = desc.AEGetNthDesc(i+1, '****')
+ l.append(unpack(item))
+ return l
+ if t == typeAERecord:
+ d = {}
+ for i in range(desc.AECountItems()):
+ keyword, item = desc.AEGetNthDesc(i+1, '****')
+ d[keyword] = unpack(item)
+ return d
+ if t == typeAEText:
+ record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco')
+ return mkaetext(unpack(record))
+ if t == typeAlias:
+ return macfs.RawAlias(
+ # typeAppleEvent returned as unknown
+ if t == typeBoolean:
+ return struct.unpack('b',[0]
+ if t == typeChar:
+ return
+ # typeColorTable coerced to typeAEList
+ # typeComp coerced to extended
+ # typeData returned as unknown
+ # typeDrawingArea coerced to typeAERecord
+ if t == typeEnumeration:
+ return mkenum(
+ # typeEPS returned as unknown
+ if t == typeExtended:
+ data =
+ # XXX See corresponding note for pack()
+ return struct.unpack('d', data[:2] + data)[0]
+ if t == typeFalse:
+ return 0
+ # typeFixed coerced to extended
+ # typeFloat coerced to extended
+ if t == typeFSS:
+ return macfs.RawFSSpec(
+ if t == typeInsertionLoc:
+ record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco')
+ return mkinsertionloc(unpack(record))
+ # typeInteger equal to typeLongInteger
+ if t == typeIntlText:
+ script, language = struct.unpack('hh',[:4])
+ return aetypes.IntlText(script, language,[4:])
+ if t == typeIntlWritingCode:
+ script, language = struct.unpack('hh',
+ return aetypes.IntlWritingCode(script, language)
+ if t == typeKeyword:
+ return mkkeyword(
+ # typeLongFloat is equal to typeFloat
+ if t == typeLongInteger:
+ return struct.unpack('l',[0]
+ if t == typeNull:
+ return None
+ if t == typeMagnitude:
+ v = struct.unpack('l',
+ if v < 0:
+ v = 0x100000000L + v
+ return v
+ if t == typeObjectSpecifier:
+ record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco')
+ return mkobject(unpack(record))
+ # typePict returned as unknown
+ # typePixelMap coerced to typeAERecord
+ # typePixelMapMinus returned as unknown
+ # typeProcessSerialNumber returned as unknown
+ if t == typeQDPoint:
+ v, h = struct.unpack('hh',
+ return aetypes.QDPoint(v, h)
+ if t == typeQDRectangle:
+ v0, h0, v1, h1 = struct.unpack('hhhh',
+ return aetypes.QDRectangle(v0, h0, v1, h1)
+ if t == typeRGBColor:
+ r, g, b = struct.unpack('hhh',
+ return aetypes.RGBColor(r, g, b)
+ # typeRotation coerced to typeAERecord
+ # typeScrapStyles returned as unknown
+ # typeSessionID returned as unknown
+ if t == typeShortFloat:
+ return struct.unpack('f',[0]
+ if t == typeShortInteger:
+ return struct.unpack('h',[0]
+ # typeSMFloat identical to typeShortFloat
+ # typeSMInt indetical to typeShortInt
+ # typeStyledText coerced to typeAERecord
+ if t == typeTargetID:
+ return mktargetid(
+ # typeTextStyles coerced to typeAERecord
+ # typeTIFF returned as unknown
+ if t == typeTrue:
+ return 1
+ if t == typeType:
+ return mktype(
+ #
+ # The following are special
+ #
+ if t == 'rang':
+ record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco')
+ return mkrange(unpack(record))
+ if t == 'cmpd':
+ record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco')
+ return mkcomparison(unpack(record))
+ if t == 'logi':
+ record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco')
+ return mklogical(unpack(record))
+ return mkunknown(desc.type,
+def coerce(data, egdata):
+ """Coerce a python object to another type using the AE coercers"""
+ pdata = pack(data)
+ pegdata = pack(egdata)
+ pdata = pdata.AECoerceDesc(pegdata.type)
+ return unpack(pdata)
+# Helper routines for unpack
+def mktargetid(data):
+ sessionID = getlong(data[:4])
+ name = mkppcportrec(data[4:4+72])
+ location = mklocationnamerec(data[76:76+36])
+ rcvrName = mkppcportrec(data[112:112+72])
+ return sessionID, name, location, rcvrName
+def mkppcportrec(rec):
+ namescript = getword(rec[:2])
+ name = getpstr(rec[2:2+33])
+ portkind = getword(rec[36:38])
+ if portkind == 1:
+ ctor = rec[38:42]
+ type = rec[42:46]
+ identity = (ctor, type)
+ else:
+ identity = getpstr(rec[38:38+33])
+ return namescript, name, portkind, identity
+def mklocationnamerec(rec):
+ kind = getword(rec[:2])
+ stuff = rec[2:]
+ if kind == 0: stuff = None
+ if kind == 2: stuff = getpstr(stuff)
+ return kind, stuff
+def mkunknown(type, data):
+ return aetypes.Unknown(type, data)
+def getpstr(s):
+ return s[1:1+ord(s[0])]
+def getlong(s):
+ return (ord(s[0])<<24) | (ord(s[1])<<16) | (ord(s[2])<<8) | ord(s[3])
+def getword(s):
+ return (ord(s[0])<<8) | (ord(s[1])<<0)
+def mkkeyword(keyword):
+ return aetypes.Keyword(keyword)
+def mkrange(dict):
+ return aetypes.Range(dict['star'], dict['stop'])
+def mkcomparison(dict):
+ return aetypes.Comparison(dict['obj1'], dict['relo'].enum, dict['obj2'])
+def mklogical(dict):
+ return aetypes.Logical(dict['logc'], dict['term'])
+def mkstyledtext(dict):
+ return aetypes.StyledText(dict['ksty'], dict['ktxt'])
+def mkaetext(dict):
+ return aetypes.AEText(dict[keyAEScriptTag], dict[keyAEStyles], dict[keyAEText])
+def mkinsertionloc(dict):
+ return aetypes.InsertionLoc(dict[keyAEObject], dict[keyAEPosition])
+def mkobject(dict):
+ want = dict['want'].type
+ form = dict['form'].enum
+ seld = dict['seld']
+ fr = dict['from']
+ if form in ('name', 'indx', 'rang', 'test'):
+ if want == 'text': return aetypes.Text(seld, fr)
+ if want == 'cha ': return aetypes.Character(seld, fr)
+ if want == 'cwor': return aetypes.Word(seld, fr)
+ if want == 'clin': return aetypes.Line(seld, fr)
+ if want == 'cpar': return aetypes.Paragraph(seld, fr)
+ if want == 'cwin': return aetypes.Window(seld, fr)
+ if want == 'docu': return aetypes.Document(seld, fr)
+ if want == 'file': return aetypes.File(seld, fr)
+ if want == 'cins': return aetypes.InsertionPoint(seld, fr)
+ if want == 'prop' and form == 'prop' and aetypes.IsType(seld):
+ return aetypes.Property(seld.type, fr)
+ return aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want, form, seld, fr)
+def _test():
+ """Test program. Pack and unpack various things"""
+ objs = [
+ 'a string',
+ 12,
+ 12.0,
+ None,
+ ['a', 'list', 'of', 'strings'],
+ {'key1': 'value1', 'key2':'value2'},
+ macfs.FSSpec(':'),
+ macfs.FSSpec(':').NewAliasMinimal(),
+ aetypes.Enum('enum'),
+ aetypes.Type('type'),
+ aetypes.Keyword('kwrd'),
+ aetypes.Range(1, 10),
+ aetypes.Comparison(1, '< ', 10),
+ aetypes.Logical('not ', 1),
+ # Cannot do StyledText
+ # Cannot do AEText
+ aetypes.IntlText(0, 0, 'international text'),
+ aetypes.IntlWritingCode(0,0),
+ aetypes.QDPoint(50,100),
+ aetypes.QDRectangle(50,100,150,200),
+ aetypes.RGBColor(0x7000, 0x6000, 0x5000),
+ aetypes.Unknown('xxxx', 'unknown type data'),
+ aetypes.Character(1),
+ aetypes.Character(2, aetypes.Line(2)),
+ ]
+ for o in objs:
+ print 'BEFORE', o, `o`
+ packed = pack(o)
+ unpacked = unpack(packed)
+ print 'AFTER ', unpacked, `unpacked`
+ import sys
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ _test()
diff --git a/Mac/Lib/toolbox/ b/Mac/Lib/toolbox/
index bb0d20f..565cdec 100644
--- a/Mac/Lib/toolbox/
+++ b/Mac/Lib/toolbox/
@@ -15,477 +15,22 @@ and pack(x) will create an AE object reference equivalent to AppleScript's
character 1 of document "foobar"
+Some of the stuff that appears to be exported from this module comes from other
+files: the pack stuff from aepack, the objects from aetypes.
-import struct
-import string
-from string import strip
from types import *
import AE
+import AppleEvents
import MacOS
-import macfs
-import StringIO
-AEDescType = type(AE.AECreateDesc('TEXT', ''))
-FSSType = type(macfs.FSSpec(':'))
-def pack(x, forcetype = None):
- if forcetype:
- if type(x) is StringType:
- return AE.AECreateDesc(forcetype, x)
- else:
- return pack(x).AECoerceDesc(forcetype)
- if x == None:
- return AE.AECreateDesc('null', '')
- t = type(x)
- if t == AEDescType:
- return x
- if t == FSSType:
- vol, dir, filename = x.as_tuple()
- fnlen = len(filename)
- header = struct.pack('hlb', vol, dir, fnlen)
- padding = '\0'*(63-fnlen)
- return AE.AECreateDesc('fss ', header + filename + padding)
- if t == IntType:
- return AE.AECreateDesc('long', struct.pack('l', x))
- if t == FloatType:
- # XXX Weird thing -- Think C's "double" is 10 bytes, but
- # struct.pack('d') return 12 bytes (and struct.unpack requires
- # them, too). The first 2 bytes seem to be repeated...
- # Probably an alignment problem
- return AE.AECreateDesc('exte', struct.pack('d', x)[2:])
- if t == StringType:
- return AE.AECreateDesc('TEXT', x)
- if t == ListType:
- list = AE.AECreateList('', 0)
- for item in x:
- list.AEPutDesc(0, pack(item))
- return list
- if t == DictionaryType:
- record = AE.AECreateList('', 1)
- for key, value in x.items():
- record.AEPutParamDesc(key, pack(value))
- return record
- if t == InstanceType and hasattr(x, '__aepack__'):
- return x.__aepack__()
- return AE.AECreateDesc('TEXT', repr(x)) # Copout
-def unpack(desc):
- t = desc.type
- if t == 'TEXT':
- return
- if t == 'fals':
- return 0
- if t == 'true':
- return 1
- if t == 'enum':
- return mkenum(
- if t == 'type':
- return mktype(
- if t == 'long':
- return struct.unpack('l',[0]
- if t == 'shor':
- return struct.unpack('h',[0]
- if t == 'sing':
- return struct.unpack('f',[0]
- if t == 'exte':
- data =
- # XXX See corresponding note for pack()
- return struct.unpack('d', data[:2] + data)[0]
- if t in ('doub', 'comp', 'magn'):
- return unpack(desc.AECoerceDesc('exte'))
- if t == 'null':
- return None
- if t == 'list':
- l = []
- for i in range(desc.AECountItems()):
- keyword, item = desc.AEGetNthDesc(i+1, '****')
- l.append(unpack(item))
- return l
- if t == 'reco':
- d = {}
- for i in range(desc.AECountItems()):
- keyword, item = desc.AEGetNthDesc(i+1, '****')
- d[keyword] = unpack(item)
- return d
- if t == 'obj ':
- record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco')
- return mkobject(unpack(record))
- if t == 'rang':
- record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco')
- return mkrange(unpack(record))
- if t == 'cmpd':
- record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco')
- return mkcomparison(unpack(record))
- if t == 'logi':
- record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco')
- return mklogical(unpack(record))
- if t == 'targ':
- return mktargetid(
- if t == 'alis':
- # XXX Can't handle alias records yet, so coerce to FS spec...
- return unpack(desc.AECoerceDesc('fss '))
- if t == 'fss ':
- return mkfss(
- return mkunknown(desc.type,
-def mkfss(data):
- print "mkfss data =", `data`
- vol, dir, fnlen = struct.unpack('hlb', data[:7])
- filename = data[7:7+fnlen]
- print (vol, dir, fnlen, filename)
- return macfs.FSSpec((vol, dir, filename))
-def mktargetid(data):
- sessionID = getlong(data[:4])
- name = mkppcportrec(data[4:4+72])
- print len(name), `name`
- location = mklocationnamerec(data[76:76+36])
- rcvrName = mkppcportrec(data[112:112+72])
- return sessionID, name, location, rcvrName
-def mkppcportrec(rec):
- namescript = getword(rec[:2])
- name = getpstr(rec[2:2+33])
- portkind = getword(rec[36:38])
- if portkind == 1:
- ctor = rec[38:42]
- type = rec[42:46]
- identity = (ctor, type)
- else:
- identity = getpstr(rec[38:38+33])
- return namescript, name, portkind, identity
-def mklocationnamerec(rec):
- kind = getword(rec[:2])
- stuff = rec[2:]
- if kind == 0: stuff = None
- if kind == 2: stuff = getpstr(stuff)
- return kind, stuff
-def getpstr(s):
- return s[1:1+ord(s[0])]
-def getlong(s):
- return (ord(s[0])<<24) | (ord(s[1])<<16) | (ord(s[2])<<8) | ord(s[3])
-def getword(s):
- return (ord(s[0])<<8) | (ord(s[1])<<0)
-def mkunknown(type, data):
- return Unknown(type, data)
-class Unknown:
- def __init__(self, type, data):
- self.type = type
- = data
- def __repr__(self):
- return "Unknown(%s, %s)" % (`self.type`, ``)
- def __aepack__(self):
- return pack(, self.type)
-def IsSubclass(cls, base):
- """Test whether CLASS1 is the same as or a subclass of CLASS2"""
- # Loop to optimize for single inheritance
- while 1:
- if cls is base: return 1
- if len(cls.__bases__) <> 1: break
- cls = cls.__bases__[0]
- # Recurse to cope with multiple inheritance
- for c in cls.__bases__:
- if IsSubclass(c, base): return 1
- return 0
-def IsInstance(x, cls):
- """Test whether OBJECT is an instance of (a subclass of) CLASS"""
- return type(x) is InstanceType and IsSubclass(x.__class__, cls)
-def nice(s):
- if type(s) is StringType: return repr(s)
- else: return str(s)
-def mkenum(enum):
- if IsEnum(enum): return enum
- return Enum(enum)
-class Enum:
- def __init__(self, enum):
- self.enum = "%-4.4s" % str(enum)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "Enum(%s)" % `self.enum`
- def __str__(self):
- return strip(self.enum)
- def __aepack__(self):
- return pack(self.enum, 'enum')
-def IsEnum(x):
- return IsInstance(x, Enum)
-def mktype(type):
- if IsType(type): return type
- return Type(type)
-class Type:
- def __init__(self, type):
- self.type = "%-4.4s" % str(type)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "Type(%s)" % `self.type`
- def __str__(self):
- return strip(self.type)
- def __aepack__(self):
- return pack(self.type, 'type')
-def IsType(x):
- return IsInstance(x, Type)
-def mkrange(dict):
- return Range(dict['star'], dict['stop'])
-class Range:
- def __init__(self, start, stop):
- self.start = start
- self.stop = stop
- def __repr__(self):
- return "Range(%s, %s)" % (`self.start`, `self.stop`)
- def __str__(self):
- return "%s thru %s" % (nice(self.start), nice(self.stop))
- def __aepack__(self):
- return pack({'star': self.start, 'stop': self.stop}, 'rang')
-def IsRange(x):
- return IsInstance(x, Range)
-def mkcomparison(dict):
- return Comparison(dict['obj1'], dict['relo'].enum, dict['obj2'])
-class Comparison:
- def __init__(self, obj1, relo, obj2):
- self.obj1 = obj1
- self.relo = "%-4.4s" % str(relo)
- self.obj2 = obj2
- def __repr__(self):
- return "Comparison(%s, %s, %s)" % (`self.obj1`, `self.relo`, `self.obj2`)
- def __str__(self):
- return "%s %s %s" % (nice(self.obj1), strip(self.relo), nice(self.obj2))
- def __aepack__(self):
- return pack({'obj1': self.obj1,
- 'relo': mkenum(self.relo),
- 'obj2': self.obj2},
- 'cmpd')
-def IsComparison(x):
- return IsInstance(x, Comparison)
-def mklogical(dict):
- return Logical(dict['logc'], dict['term'])
-class Logical:
- def __init__(self, logc, term):
- self.logc = "%-4.4s" % str(logc)
- self.term = term
- def __repr__(self):
- return "Logical(%s, %s)" % (`self.logc`, `self.term`)
- def __str__(self):
- if type(self.term) == ListType and len(self.term) == 2:
- return "%s %s %s" % (nice(self.term[0]),
- strip(self.logc),
- nice(self.term[1]))
- else:
- return "%s(%s)" % (strip(self.logc), nice(self.term))
- def __aepack__(self):
- return pack({'logc': mkenum(self.logc), 'term': self.term}, 'logi')
-def IsLogical(x):
- return IsInstance(x, Logical)
-class ObjectSpecifier:
- """A class for constructing and manipulation AE object specifiers in python.
- An object specifier is actually a record with four fields:
- key type description
- --- ---- -----------
- 'want' type what kind of thing we want,
- e.g. word, paragraph or property
- 'form' enum how we specify the thing(s) we want,
- e.g. by index, by range, by name, or by property specifier
- 'seld' any which thing(s) we want,
- e.g. its index, its name, or its property specifier
- 'from' object the object in which it is contained,
- or null, meaning look for it in the application
- Note that we don't call this class plain "Object", since that name
- is likely to be used by the application.
- """
- def __init__(self, want, form, seld, fr = None):
- self.want = want
- self.form = form
- self.seld = seld
- = fr
- def __repr__(self):
- s = "ObjectSpecifier(%s, %s, %s" % (`self.want`, `self.form`, `self.seld`)
- if
- s = s + ", %s)" % ``
- else:
- s = s + ")"
- return s
- def __aepack__(self):
- return pack({'want': mktype(self.want),
- 'form': mkenum(self.form),
- 'seld': self.seld,
- 'from':},
- 'obj ')
-def IsObjectSpecifier(x):
- return IsInstance(x, ObjectSpecifier)
-class Property(ObjectSpecifier):
- def __init__(self, which, fr = None):
- ObjectSpecifier.__init__(self, 'prop', 'prop', mkenum(which), fr)
- def __repr__(self):
- if
- return "Property(%s, %s)" % (`self.seld.enum`, ``)
- else:
- return "Property(%s)" % `self.seld.enum`
- def __str__(self):
- if
- return "Property %s of %s" % (str(self.seld), str(
- else:
- return "Property %s" % str(self.seld)
-class SelectableItem(ObjectSpecifier):
- def __init__(self, want, seld, fr = None):
- t = type(seld)
- if t == StringType:
- form = 'name'
- elif IsRange(seld):
- form = 'rang'
- elif IsComparison(seld) or IsLogical(seld):
- form = 'test'
- else:
- form = 'indx'
- ObjectSpecifier.__init__(self, want, form, seld, fr)
-class ComponentItem(SelectableItem):
- # Derived classes *must* set the *class attribute* 'want' to some constant
- def __init__(self, which, fr = None):
- SelectableItem.__init__(self, self.want, which, fr)
- def __repr__(self):
- if not
- return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, `self.seld`)
- return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, `self.seld`, ``)
- def __str__(self):
- seld = self.seld
- if type(seld) == StringType:
- ss = repr(seld)
- elif IsRange(seld):
- start, stop = seld.start, seld.stop
- if type(start) == InstanceType == type(stop) and \
- start.__class__ == self.__class__ == stop.__class__:
- ss = str(start.seld) + " thru " + str(stop.seld)
- else:
- ss = str(seld)
- else:
- ss = str(seld)
- s = "%s %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, ss)
- if s = s + " of %s" % str(
- return s
-template = """
-class %s(ComponentItem): want = '%s'
-exec template % ("Text", 'text')
-exec template % ("Character", 'cha ')
-exec template % ("Word", 'cwor')
-exec template % ("Line", 'clin')
-exec template % ("Paragraph", 'cpar')
-exec template % ("Window", 'cwin')
-exec template % ("Document", 'docu')
-exec template % ("File", 'file')
-exec template % ("InsertionPoint", 'cins')
-def mkobject(dict):
- want = dict['want'].type
- form = dict['form'].enum
- seld = dict['seld']
- fr = dict['from']
- if form in ('name', 'indx', 'rang', 'test'):
- if want == 'text': return Text(seld, fr)
- if want == 'cha ': return Character(seld, fr)
- if want == 'cwor': return Word(seld, fr)
- if want == 'clin': return Line(seld, fr)
- if want == 'cpar': return Paragraph(seld, fr)
- if want == 'cwin': return Window(seld, fr)
- if want == 'docu': return Document(seld, fr)
- if want == 'file': return File(seld, fr)
- if want == 'cins': return InsertionPoint(seld, fr)
- if want == 'prop' and form == 'prop' and IsType(seld):
- return Property(seld.type, fr)
- return ObjectSpecifier(want, form, seld, fr)
+from aetypes import *
+from aepack import pack, unpack, coerce, AEDescType
# Special code to unpack an AppleEvent (which is *not* a disguised record!)
+# Note by Jack: No??!? If I read the docs correctly it *is*....
aekeywords = [
@@ -531,8 +76,90 @@ def packevent(ae, parameters = {}, attributes = {}):
for key, value in attributes.items():
ae.AEPutAttributeDesc(key, pack(value))
+# Support routine for automatically generated Suite interfaces
+def keysubst(arguments, keydict):
+ """Replace long name keys by their 4-char counterparts, and check"""
+ ok = keydict.values()
+ for k in arguments.keys():
+ if keydict.has_key(k):
+ v = arguments[k]
+ del arguments[k]
+ arguments[keydict[k]] = v
+ elif k != '----' and k not in ok:
+ raise TypeError, 'Unknown keyword argument: %s'%k
+def enumsubst(arguments, key, edict):
+ """Substitute a single enum keyword argument, if it occurs"""
+ if not arguments.has_key(key):
+ return
+ v = arguments[key]
+ ok = edict.values()
+ if edict.has_key(v):
+ arguments[key] = edict[v]
+ elif not v in ok:
+ raise TypeError, 'Unknown enumerator: %s'%v
+def decodeerror(arguments):
+ """Create the 'best' argument for a raise MacOS.Error"""
+ errn = arguments['errn']
+ errarg = (errn, MacOS.GetErrorString(errn))
+ if arguments.has_key('errs'):
+ errarg = errarg + (arguments['errs'],)
+ if arguments.has_key('erob'):
+ errarg = errarg + (arguments['erob'],)
+ return errarg
+class TalkTo:
+ """An AE connection to an application"""
+ def __init__(self, signature):
+ """Create a communication channel with a particular application.
+ Addressing the application is done by specifying either a
+ 4-byte signature, an AEDesc or an object that will __aepack__
+ to an AEDesc.
+ """
+ if type(signature) == AEDescType:
+ = signature
+ elif type(signature) == InstanceType and hasattr(signature, '__aepack__'):
+ = signature.__aepack__()
+ elif type(signature) == StringType and len(signature) != 4:
+ = AE.AECreateDesc(AppleEvents.typeApplSignature, signature)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "signature should be 4-char string or AEDesc"
+ self.send_flags = AppleEvents.kAEWaitReply
+ self.send_priority = AppleEvents.kAENormalPriority
+ self.send_timeout = AppleEvents.kAEDefaultTimeout
+ def newevent(self, code, subcode, parameters = {}, attributes = {}):
+ """Create a complete structure for an apple event"""
+ event = AE.AECreateAppleEvent(code, subcode,,
+ AppleEvents.kAutoGenerateReturnID, AppleEvents.kAnyTransactionID)
+ packevent(event, parameters, attributes)
+ return event
+ def sendevent(self, event):
+ """Send a pre-created appleevent, await the reply and unpack it"""
+ reply = event.AESend(self.send_flags, self.send_priority,
+ self.send_timeout)
+ parameters, attributes = unpackevent(reply)
+ return reply, parameters, attributes
+ def send(self, code, subcode, parameters = {}, attributes = {}):
+ """Send an appleevent given code/subcode/pars/attrs and unpack the reply"""
+ return self.sendevent(self.newevent(code, subcode, parameters, attributes))
+ def activate(self):
+ """Send 'activate' command"""
+ self.send('misc', 'actv')
# Test program
+# XXXX Should test more, really...
def test():
target = AE.AECreateDesc('sign', 'KAHL')
diff --git a/Mac/Lib/toolbox/ b/Mac/Lib/toolbox/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0a466f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Lib/toolbox/
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+"""aetypes - Python objects representing various AE types."""
+from AppleEvents import *
+from AERegistry import *
+from AEObjects import *
+import struct
+from types import *
+import string
+# convoluted, since there are cyclic dependencies between this file and
+# aetools_convert.
+def pack(*args):
+ from aepack import pack
+ return apply(pack, args)
+def IsSubclass(cls, base):
+ """Test whether CLASS1 is the same as or a subclass of CLASS2"""
+ # Loop to optimize for single inheritance
+ while 1:
+ if cls is base: return 1
+ if len(cls.__bases__) <> 1: break
+ cls = cls.__bases__[0]
+ # Recurse to cope with multiple inheritance
+ for c in cls.__bases__:
+ if IsSubclass(c, base): return 1
+ return 0
+def IsInstance(x, cls):
+ """Test whether OBJECT is an instance of (a subclass of) CLASS"""
+ return type(x) is InstanceType and IsSubclass(x.__class__, cls)
+def nice(s):
+ """'nice' representation of an object"""
+ if type(s) is StringType: return repr(s)
+ else: return str(s)
+class Unknown:
+ """An uninterpreted AE object"""
+ def __init__(self, type, data):
+ self.type = type
+ = data
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Unknown(%s, %s)" % (`self.type`, ``)
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack(, self.type)
+class Enum:
+ """An AE enumeration value"""
+ def __init__(self, enum):
+ self.enum = "%-4.4s" % str(enum)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Enum(%s)" % `self.enum`
+ def __str__(self):
+ return string.strip(self.enum)
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack(self.enum, typeEnumeration)
+def IsEnum(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, Enum)
+def mkenum(enum):
+ if IsEnum(enum): return enum
+ return Enum(enum)
+class Type:
+ """An AE 4-char typename object"""
+ def __init__(self, type):
+ self.type = "%-4.4s" % str(type)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Type(%s)" % `self.type`
+ def __str__(self):
+ return string.strip(self.type)
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack(self.type, typeType)
+def IsType(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, Type)
+def mktype(type):
+ if IsType(type): return type
+ return Type(type)
+class Keyword:
+ """An AE 4-char keyword object"""
+ def __init__(self, keyword):
+ self.keyword = "%-4.4s" % str(keyword)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Keyword(%s)" % `self.keyword`
+ def __str__(self):
+ return string.strip(self.keyword)
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack(self.keyword, typeKeyword)
+def IsKeyword(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, Keyword)
+class Range:
+ """An AE range object"""
+ def __init__(self, start, stop):
+ self.start = start
+ self.stop = stop
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Range(%s, %s)" % (`self.start`, `self.stop`)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s thru %s" % (nice(self.start), nice(self.stop))
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack({'star': self.start, 'stop': self.stop}, 'rang')
+def IsRange(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, Range)
+class Comparison:
+ """An AE Comparison"""
+ def __init__(self, obj1, relo, obj2):
+ self.obj1 = obj1
+ self.relo = "%-4.4s" % str(relo)
+ self.obj2 = obj2
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Comparison(%s, %s, %s)" % (`self.obj1`, `self.relo`, `self.obj2`)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s %s %s" % (nice(self.obj1), string.strip(self.relo), nice(self.obj2))
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack({'obj1': self.obj1,
+ 'relo': mkenum(self.relo),
+ 'obj2': self.obj2},
+ 'cmpd')
+def IsComparison(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, Comparison)
+class Logical:
+ """An AE logical expression object"""
+ def __init__(self, logc, term):
+ self.logc = "%-4.4s" % str(logc)
+ self.term = term
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Logical(%s, %s)" % (`self.logc`, `self.term`)
+ def __str__(self):
+ if type(self.term) == ListType and len(self.term) == 2:
+ return "%s %s %s" % (nice(self.term[0]),
+ string.strip(self.logc),
+ nice(self.term[1]))
+ else:
+ return "%s(%s)" % (string.strip(self.logc), nice(self.term))
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack({'logc': mkenum(self.logc), 'term': self.term}, 'logi')
+def IsLogical(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, Logical)
+class StyledText:
+ """An AE object respresenting text in a certain style"""
+ def __init__(self, style, text):
+ = style
+ self.text = text
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "StyledText(%s, %s)" % (``, `self.text`)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.text
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack({'ksty':, 'ktxt': self.text}, 'STXT')
+def IsStyledText(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, StyledText)
+class AEText:
+ """An AE text object with style, script and language specified"""
+ def __init__(self, script, style, text):
+ self.script = script
+ = style
+ self.text = text
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "AEText(%s, %s, %s)" % (`self.script`, ``, `self.text`)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.text
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack({keyAEScriptTag: self.script, keyAEStyles:,
+ keyAEText: self.text}, typeAEText)
+def IsAEText(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, AEText)
+class IntlText:
+ """A text object with script and language specified"""
+ def __init__(self, script, language, text):
+ self.script = script
+ self.language = language
+ self.text = text
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "IntlText(%s, %s, %s)" % (`self.script`, `self.language`, `self.text`)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.text
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack(struct.pack('hh', self.script, self.language)+self.text,
+ typeIntlText)
+def IsIntlText(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, IntlText)
+class IntlWritingCode:
+ """An object representing script and language"""
+ def __init__(self, script, language):
+ self.script = script
+ self.language = language
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "IntlWritingCode(%s, %s)" % (`self.script`, `self.language`)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "script system %d, language %d"%(self.script, self.language)
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack(struct.pack('hh', self.script, self.language),
+ typeIntlWritingCode)
+def IsIntlWritingCode(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, IntlWritingCode)
+class QDPoint:
+ """A point"""
+ def __init__(self, v, h):
+ self.v = v
+ self.h = h
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "QDPoint(%s, %s)" % (`self.v`, `self.h`)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "(%d, %d)"%(self.v, self.h)
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack(struct.pack('hh', self.v, self.h),
+ typeQDPoint)
+def IsQDPoint(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, QDPoint)
+class QDRectangle:
+ """A rectangle"""
+ def __init__(self, v0, h0, v1, h1):
+ self.v0 = v0
+ self.h0 = h0
+ self.v1 = v1
+ self.h1 = h1
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "QDRectangle(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (`self.v0`, `self.h0`,
+ `self.v1`, `self.h1`)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "(%d, %d)-(%d, %d)"%(self.v0, self.h0, self.v1, self.h1)
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack(struct.pack('hhhh', self.v0, self.h0, self.v1, self.h1),
+ typeQDRectangle)
+def IsQDRectangle(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, QDRectangle)
+class RGBColor:
+ """An RGB color"""
+ def __init__(self, r, g, b):
+ self.r = r
+ self.g = g
+ self.b = b
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "RGBColor(%s, %s, %s)" % (`self.r`, `self.g`, `self.b`)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "0x%x red, 0x%x green, 0x%x blue"% (self.r, self.g, self.b)
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack(struct.pack('hhh', self.r, self.g, self.b),
+ typeRGBColor)
+def IsRGBColor(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, RGBColor)
+class ObjectSpecifier:
+ """A class for constructing and manipulation AE object specifiers in python.
+ An object specifier is actually a record with four fields:
+ key type description
+ --- ---- -----------
+ 'want' type what kind of thing we want,
+ e.g. word, paragraph or property
+ 'form' enum how we specify the thing(s) we want,
+ e.g. by index, by range, by name, or by property specifier
+ 'seld' any which thing(s) we want,
+ e.g. its index, its name, or its property specifier
+ 'from' object the object in which it is contained,
+ or null, meaning look for it in the application
+ Note that we don't call this class plain "Object", since that name
+ is likely to be used by the application.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, want, form, seld, fr = None):
+ self.want = want
+ self.form = form
+ self.seld = seld
+ = fr
+ def __repr__(self):
+ s = "ObjectSpecifier(%s, %s, %s" % (`self.want`, `self.form`, `self.seld`)
+ if
+ s = s + ", %s)" % ``
+ else:
+ s = s + ")"
+ return s
+ def __aepack__(self):
+ return pack({'want': mktype(self.want),
+ 'form': mkenum(self.form),
+ 'seld': self.seld,
+ 'from':},
+ 'obj ')
+def IsObjectSpecifier(x):
+ return IsInstance(x, ObjectSpecifier)
+class Property(ObjectSpecifier):
+ def __init__(self, which, fr = None):
+ ObjectSpecifier.__init__(self, 'prop', 'prop', mkenum(which), fr)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if
+ return "Property(%s, %s)" % (`self.seld.enum`, ``)
+ else:
+ return "Property(%s)" % `self.seld.enum`
+ def __str__(self):
+ if
+ return "Property %s of %s" % (str(self.seld), str(
+ else:
+ return "Property %s" % str(self.seld)
+class SelectableItem(ObjectSpecifier):
+ def __init__(self, want, seld, fr = None):
+ t = type(seld)
+ if t == StringType:
+ form = 'name'
+ elif IsRange(seld):
+ form = 'rang'
+ elif IsComparison(seld) or IsLogical(seld):
+ form = 'test'
+ else:
+ form = 'indx'
+ ObjectSpecifier.__init__(self, want, form, seld, fr)
+class ComponentItem(SelectableItem):
+ # Derived classes *must* set the *class attribute* 'want' to some constant
+ def __init__(self, which, fr = None):
+ SelectableItem.__init__(self, self.want, which, fr)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if not
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, `self.seld`)
+ return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, `self.seld`, ``)
+ def __str__(self):
+ seld = self.seld
+ if type(seld) == StringType:
+ ss = repr(seld)
+ elif IsRange(seld):
+ start, stop = seld.start, seld.stop
+ if type(start) == InstanceType == type(stop) and \
+ start.__class__ == self.__class__ == stop.__class__:
+ ss = str(start.seld) + " thru " + str(stop.seld)
+ else:
+ ss = str(seld)
+ else:
+ ss = str(seld)
+ s = "%s %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, ss)
+ if s = s + " of %s" % str(
+ return s
+template = """
+class %s(ComponentItem): want = '%s'
+exec template % ("Text", 'text')
+exec template % ("Character", 'cha ')
+exec template % ("Word", 'cwor')
+exec template % ("Line", 'clin')
+exec template % ("Paragraph", 'cpar')
+exec template % ("Window", 'cwin')
+exec template % ("Document", 'docu')
+exec template % ("File", 'file')
+exec template % ("InsertionPoint", 'cins')