path: root/Mac/Modules/carbonevt/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Mac/Modules/carbonevt/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Modules/carbonevt/ b/Mac/Modules/carbonevt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2adc8cb..0000000
--- a/Mac/Modules/carbonevt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-from macsupport import *
-from CarbonEvtscan import RefObjectTypes
-# where should this go?
-CFStringRef = OpaqueByValueType('CFStringRef')
-for typ in RefObjectTypes:
- execstr = "%(name)s = OpaqueByValueType('%(name)s')" % {"name": typ}
- exec execstr
-if 0:
- # these types will have no methods and will merely be opaque blobs
- # should write getattr and setattr for them?
- StructObjectTypes = ["EventTypeSpec",
- "HIPoint",
- "HICommand",
- "EventHotKeyID",
- ]
- for typ in StructObjectTypes:
- execstr = "%(name)s = OpaqueType('%(name)s')" % {"name": typ}
- exec execstr
-EventHotKeyID = OpaqueByValueType("EventHotKeyID", "EventHotKeyID")
-EventTypeSpec_ptr = OpaqueType("EventTypeSpec", "EventTypeSpec")
-# is this the right type for the void * in GetEventParameter
-#void_ptr = FixedInputBufferType(1024)
-void_ptr = stringptr
-# here are some types that are really other types
-class MyVarInputBufferType(VarInputBufferType):
- def passInput(self, name):
- return "%s__len__, %s__in__" % (name, name)
-MyInBuffer = MyVarInputBufferType('char', 'long', 'l') # (buf, len)
-EventTime = double
-EventTimeout = EventTime
-EventTimerInterval = EventTime
-EventAttributes = UInt32
-EventParamName = OSType
-EventParamType = OSType
-EventPriority = SInt16
-EventMask = UInt16
-EventComparatorUPP = FakeType("(EventComparatorUPP)0")
-EventLoopTimerUPP = FakeType("(EventLoopTimerUPP)0")
-EventHandlerUPP = FakeType("(EventHandlerUPP)0")
-EventHandlerUPP = FakeType("(EventHandlerUPP)0")
-EventComparatorProcPtr = FakeType("(EventComparatorProcPtr)0")
-EventLoopTimerProcPtr = FakeType("(EventLoopTimerProcPtr)0")
-EventHandlerProcPtr = FakeType("(EventHandlerProcPtr)0")
-CarbonEventsFunction = OSErrFunctionGenerator
-CarbonEventsMethod = OSErrMethodGenerator
-class EventHandlerRefMethod(OSErrMethodGenerator):
- def precheck(self):
- OutLbrace('if (_self->ob_itself == NULL)')
- Output('PyErr_SetString(CarbonEvents_Error, "Handler has been removed");')
- Output('return NULL;')
- OutRbrace()
-RgnHandle = OpaqueByValueType("RgnHandle", "ResObj")
-GrafPtr = OpaqueByValueType("GrafPtr", "GrafObj")
-MouseTrackingResult = UInt16
-includestuff = includestuff + r"""
-#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
-extern int CFStringRef_New(CFStringRef *);
-extern int CFStringRef_Convert(PyObject *, CFStringRef *);
-extern int CFBundleRef_Convert(PyObject *, CFBundleRef *);
-int EventTargetRef_Convert(PyObject *, EventTargetRef *);
-PyObject *EventHandlerCallRef_New(EventHandlerCallRef itself);
-PyObject *EventRef_New(EventRef itself);
-/********** EventTypeSpec *******/
-static PyObject*
-EventTypeSpec_New(EventTypeSpec *in)
- return Py_BuildValue("ll", in->eventClass, in->eventKind);
-static int
-EventTypeSpec_Convert(PyObject *v, EventTypeSpec *out)
- if (PyArg_Parse(v, "(O&l)",
- PyMac_GetOSType, &(out->eventClass),
- &(out->eventKind)))
- return 1;
- return NULL;
-/********** end EventTypeSpec *******/
-/********** HIPoint *******/
-#if 0 /* XXX doesn't compile */
-static PyObject*
-HIPoint_New(HIPoint *in)
- return Py_BuildValue("ff", in->x, in->y);
-static int
-HIPoint_Convert(PyObject *v, HIPoint *out)
- if (PyArg_ParseTuple(v, "ff", &(out->x), &(out->y)))
- return 1;
- return NULL;
-/********** end HIPoint *******/
-/********** EventHotKeyID *******/
-static PyObject*
-EventHotKeyID_New(EventHotKeyID *in)
- return Py_BuildValue("ll", in->signature, in->id);
-static int
-EventHotKeyID_Convert(PyObject *v, EventHotKeyID *out)
- if (PyArg_ParseTuple(v, "ll", &out->signature, &out->id))
- return 1;
- return NULL;
-/********** end EventHotKeyID *******/
-/******** myEventHandler ***********/
-static EventHandlerUPP myEventHandlerUPP;
-static pascal OSStatus
-myEventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef handlerRef, EventRef event, void *outPyObject) {
- PyObject *retValue;
- int status;
- retValue = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)outPyObject, "O&O&",
- EventHandlerCallRef_New, handlerRef,
- EventRef_New, event);
- if (retValue == NULL) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("Error in event handler callback:\n");
- PyErr_Print(); /* this also clears the error */
- status = noErr; /* complain? how? */
- } else {
- if (retValue == Py_None)
- status = noErr;
- else if (PyInt_Check(retValue)) {
- status = PyInt_AsLong(retValue);
- } else
- status = noErr; /* wrong object type, complain? */
- Py_DECREF(retValue);
- }
- return status;
-/******** end myEventHandler ***********/
-initstuff = initstuff + """
-myEventHandlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(myEventHandler);
-module = MacModule('_CarbonEvt', 'CarbonEvents', includestuff, finalstuff, initstuff)
-class EventHandlerRefObjectDefinition(PEP253Mixin, GlobalObjectDefinition):
- def outputStructMembers(self):
- Output("%s ob_itself;", self.itselftype)
- Output("PyObject *ob_callback;")
- def outputInitStructMembers(self):
- Output("it->ob_itself = %sitself;", self.argref)
- Output("it->ob_callback = NULL;")
- def outputFreeIt(self, name):
- OutLbrace("if (self->ob_itself != NULL)")
- Output("RemoveEventHandler(self->ob_itself);")
- Output("Py_DECREF(self->ob_callback);")
- OutRbrace()
-class MyGlobalObjectDefinition(PEP253Mixin, GlobalObjectDefinition):
- pass
-for typ in RefObjectTypes:
- if typ == 'EventHandlerRef':
- EventHandlerRefobject = EventHandlerRefObjectDefinition('EventHandlerRef')
- else:
- execstr = typ + 'object = MyGlobalObjectDefinition(typ)'
- exec execstr
- module.addobject(eval(typ + 'object'))
-functions = []
-for typ in RefObjectTypes: ## go thru all ObjectTypes as defined in
- # initialize the lists for carbongen to fill
- execstr = typ + 'methods = []'
- exec execstr
-for f in functions: module.add(f) # add all the functions carboneventsgen put in the list
-for typ in RefObjectTypes: ## go thru all ObjectTypes as defined in
- methods = eval(typ + 'methods') ## get a reference to the method list from the main namespace
- obj = eval(typ + 'object') ## get a reference to the object
- for m in methods: obj.add(m) ## add each method in the list to the object
-removeeventhandler = """
-OSStatus _err;
-if (_self->ob_itself == NULL) {
- PyErr_SetString(CarbonEvents_Error, "Handler has been removed");
- return NULL;
-if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
- return NULL;
-_err = RemoveEventHandler(_self->ob_itself);
-if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
-_self->ob_itself = NULL;
-_self->ob_callback = NULL;
-_res = Py_None;
-return _res;"""
-f = ManualGenerator("RemoveEventHandler", removeeventhandler);
-f.docstring = lambda: "() -> None"
-installeventhandler = """
-EventTypeSpec inSpec;
-PyObject *callback;
-EventHandlerRef outRef;
-OSStatus _err;
-if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O", EventTypeSpec_Convert, &inSpec, &callback))
- return NULL;
-_err = InstallEventHandler(_self->ob_itself, myEventHandlerUPP, 1, &inSpec, (void *)callback, &outRef);
-if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
-_res = EventHandlerRef_New(outRef);
-if (_res != NULL) {
- ((EventHandlerRefObject*)_res)->ob_callback = callback;
- Py_INCREF(callback);
-return _res;"""
-f = ManualGenerator("InstallEventHandler", installeventhandler);
-f.docstring = lambda: "(EventTypeSpec inSpec, Method callback) -> (EventHandlerRef outRef)"
-# This may not be the best, but at least it lets you get the raw data back into python as a string. You'll have to cut it up yourself and parse the result.
-geteventparameter = """
-UInt32 bufferSize;
-EventParamName inName;
-EventParamType inType;
-OSErr _err;
-void * buffer;
-if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&", PyMac_GetOSType, &inName, PyMac_GetOSType, &inType))
- return NULL;
-/* Figure out the size by passing a null buffer to GetEventParameter */
-_err = GetEventParameter(_self->ob_itself, inName, inType, NULL, 0, &bufferSize, NULL);
-if (_err != noErr)
- return PyMac_Error(_err);
-buffer = PyMem_NEW(char, bufferSize);
-if (buffer == NULL)
- return PyErr_NoMemory();
-_err = GetEventParameter(_self->ob_itself, inName, inType, NULL, bufferSize, NULL, buffer);
-if (_err != noErr) {
- PyMem_DEL(buffer);
- return PyMac_Error(_err);
-_res = Py_BuildValue("s#", buffer, bufferSize);
-return _res;
-f = ManualGenerator("GetEventParameter", geteventparameter);
-f.docstring = lambda: "(EventParamName eventName, EventParamType eventType) -> (String eventParamData)"
-##import os
-##os.system("python build")