path: root/Mac/Modules/res
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Mac/Modules/res')
4 files changed, 1664 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Modules/res/Resmodule.c b/Mac/Modules/res/Resmodule.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..484bca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Modules/res/Resmodule.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1256 @@
+/* =========================== Module Res =========================== */
+#include "Python.h"
+#define SystemSevenOrLater 1
+#include "macglue.h"
+#include <Memory.h>
+#include <Dialogs.h>
+#include <Menus.h>
+#include <Controls.h>
+extern PyObject *ResObj_New(Handle);
+extern int ResObj_Convert(PyObject *, Handle *);
+extern PyObject *WinObj_New(WindowPtr);
+extern int WinObj_Convert(PyObject *, WindowPtr *);
+extern PyObject *DlgObj_New(DialogPtr);
+extern int DlgObj_Convert(PyObject *, DialogPtr *);
+extern PyTypeObject Dialog_Type;
+#define DlgObj_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &Dialog_Type)
+extern PyObject *MenuObj_New(MenuHandle);
+extern int MenuObj_Convert(PyObject *, MenuHandle *);
+extern PyObject *CtlObj_New(ControlHandle);
+extern int CtlObj_Convert(PyObject *, ControlHandle *);
+#include <Resources.h>
+#define resNotFound -192 /* Can't include <Errors.h> because of Python's "errors.h" */
+static PyObject *Res_Error;
+/* ---------------------- Object type Resource ---------------------- */
+PyTypeObject Resource_Type;
+#define ResObj_Check(x) ((x)->ob_type == &Resource_Type)
+typedef struct ResourceObject {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ Handle ob_itself;
+} ResourceObject;
+PyObject *ResObj_New(itself)
+ const Handle itself;
+ ResourceObject *it;
+ if (itself == NULL) return PyMac_Error(resNotFound);
+ it = PyObject_NEW(ResourceObject, &Resource_Type);
+ if (it == NULL) return NULL;
+ it->ob_itself = itself;
+ return (PyObject *)it;
+ResObj_Convert(v, p_itself)
+ PyObject *v;
+ Handle *p_itself;
+ if (!ResObj_Check(v))
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Resource required");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *p_itself = ((ResourceObject *)v)->ob_itself;
+ return 1;
+static void ResObj_dealloc(self)
+ ResourceObject *self;
+ /* Cleanup of self->ob_itself goes here */
+ PyMem_DEL(self);
+static PyObject *ResObj_HomeResFile(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = HomeResFile(_self->ob_itself);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_LoadResource(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ LoadResource(_self->ob_itself);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_ReleaseResource(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ ReleaseResource(_self->ob_itself);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_DetachResource(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ DetachResource(_self->ob_itself);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_GetResAttrs(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = GetResAttrs(_self->ob_itself);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_GetResInfo(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short theID;
+ ResType theType;
+ Str255 name;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ GetResInfo(_self->ob_itself,
+ &theID,
+ &theType,
+ name);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("hO&O&",
+ theID,
+ PyMac_BuildOSType, theType,
+ PyMac_BuildStr255, name);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_SetResInfo(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short theID;
+ Str255 name;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&",
+ &theID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, name))
+ return NULL;
+ SetResInfo(_self->ob_itself,
+ theID,
+ name);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_AddResource(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ ResType theType;
+ short theID;
+ Str255 name;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hO&",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
+ &theID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, name))
+ return NULL;
+ AddResource(_self->ob_itself,
+ theType,
+ theID,
+ name);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_SizeResource(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ long _rv;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = SizeResource(_self->ob_itself);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_MaxSizeRsrc(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ long _rv;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = MaxSizeRsrc(_self->ob_itself);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_RsrcMapEntry(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ long _rv;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = RsrcMapEntry(_self->ob_itself);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("l",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_SetResAttrs(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short attrs;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &attrs))
+ return NULL;
+ SetResAttrs(_self->ob_itself,
+ attrs);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_ChangedResource(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ ChangedResource(_self->ob_itself);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_RmveResource(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ RmveResource(_self->ob_itself);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_WriteResource(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ WriteResource(_self->ob_itself);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *ResObj_SetResourceSize(_self, _args)
+ ResourceObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ long newSize;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
+ &newSize))
+ return NULL;
+ SetResourceSize(_self->ob_itself,
+ newSize);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyMethodDef ResObj_methods[] = {
+ {"HomeResFile", (PyCFunction)ResObj_HomeResFile, 1,
+ "() -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"LoadResource", (PyCFunction)ResObj_LoadResource, 1,
+ "() -> None"},
+ {"ReleaseResource", (PyCFunction)ResObj_ReleaseResource, 1,
+ "() -> None"},
+ {"DetachResource", (PyCFunction)ResObj_DetachResource, 1,
+ "() -> None"},
+ {"GetResAttrs", (PyCFunction)ResObj_GetResAttrs, 1,
+ "() -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"GetResInfo", (PyCFunction)ResObj_GetResInfo, 1,
+ "() -> (short theID, ResType theType, Str255 name)"},
+ {"SetResInfo", (PyCFunction)ResObj_SetResInfo, 1,
+ "(short theID, Str255 name) -> None"},
+ {"AddResource", (PyCFunction)ResObj_AddResource, 1,
+ "(ResType theType, short theID, Str255 name) -> None"},
+ {"SizeResource", (PyCFunction)ResObj_SizeResource, 1,
+ "() -> (long _rv)"},
+ {"MaxSizeRsrc", (PyCFunction)ResObj_MaxSizeRsrc, 1,
+ "() -> (long _rv)"},
+ {"RsrcMapEntry", (PyCFunction)ResObj_RsrcMapEntry, 1,
+ "() -> (long _rv)"},
+ {"SetResAttrs", (PyCFunction)ResObj_SetResAttrs, 1,
+ "(short attrs) -> None"},
+ {"ChangedResource", (PyCFunction)ResObj_ChangedResource, 1,
+ "() -> None"},
+ {"RmveResource", (PyCFunction)ResObj_RmveResource, 1,
+ "() -> None"},
+ {"WriteResource", (PyCFunction)ResObj_WriteResource, 1,
+ "() -> None"},
+ {"SetResourceSize", (PyCFunction)ResObj_SetResourceSize, 1,
+ "(long newSize) -> None"},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+PyMethodChain ResObj_chain = { ResObj_methods, NULL };
+static PyObject *ResObj_getattr(self, name)
+ ResourceObject *self;
+ char *name;
+ if (strcmp(name, "size") == 0)
+ return PyInt_FromLong(GetHandleSize(self->ob_itself));
+ if (strcmp(name, "data") == 0) {
+ PyObject *res;
+ char state;
+ state = HGetState(self->ob_itself);
+ HLock(self->ob_itself);
+ res = PyString_FromStringAndSize(
+ *self->ob_itself,
+ GetHandleSize(self->ob_itself));
+ HUnlock(self->ob_itself);
+ HSetState(self->ob_itself, state);
+ return res;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(name, "__members__") == 0)
+ return Py_BuildValue("[ss]", "data", "size");
+ return Py_FindMethodInChain(&ResObj_chain, (PyObject *)self, name);
+#define ResObj_setattr NULL
+PyTypeObject Resource_Type = {
+ PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type)
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "Resource", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(ResourceObject), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ /* methods */
+ (destructor) ResObj_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ (getattrfunc) ResObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
+ (setattrfunc) ResObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
+/* -------------------- End object type Resource -------------------- */
+static PyObject *Res_InitResources(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = InitResources();
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_RsrcZoneInit(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ RsrcZoneInit();
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_CloseResFile(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short refNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &refNum))
+ return NULL;
+ CloseResFile(refNum);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_ResError(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = ResError();
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_CurResFile(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = CurResFile();
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_CreateResFile(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName))
+ return NULL;
+ CreateResFile(fileName);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_OpenResFile(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = OpenResFile(fileName);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_UseResFile(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short refNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &refNum))
+ return NULL;
+ UseResFile(refNum);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_CountTypes(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = CountTypes();
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_Count1Types(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = Count1Types();
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_GetIndType(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ ResType theType;
+ short index;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &index))
+ return NULL;
+ GetIndType(&theType,
+ index);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ PyMac_BuildOSType, theType);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_Get1IndType(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ ResType theType;
+ short index;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &index))
+ return NULL;
+ Get1IndType(&theType,
+ index);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ PyMac_BuildOSType, theType);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_SetResLoad(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ Boolean load;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
+ &load))
+ return NULL;
+ SetResLoad(load);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_CountResources(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ ResType theType;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = CountResources(theType);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_Count1Resources(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ ResType theType;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = Count1Resources(theType);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_GetIndResource(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ Handle _rv;
+ ResType theType;
+ short index;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
+ &index))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = GetIndResource(theType,
+ index);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ ResObj_New, _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_Get1IndResource(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ Handle _rv;
+ ResType theType;
+ short index;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
+ &index))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = Get1IndResource(theType,
+ index);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ ResObj_New, _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_GetResource(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ Handle _rv;
+ ResType theType;
+ short theID;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
+ &theID))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = GetResource(theType,
+ theID);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ ResObj_New, _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_Get1Resource(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ Handle _rv;
+ ResType theType;
+ short theID;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
+ &theID))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = Get1Resource(theType,
+ theID);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ ResObj_New, _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_GetNamedResource(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ Handle _rv;
+ ResType theType;
+ Str255 name;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, name))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = GetNamedResource(theType,
+ name);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ ResObj_New, _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_Get1NamedResource(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ Handle _rv;
+ ResType theType;
+ Str255 name;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, name))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = Get1NamedResource(theType,
+ name);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ ResObj_New, _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_UniqueID(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ ResType theType;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = UniqueID(theType);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_Unique1ID(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ ResType theType;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = Unique1ID(theType);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_UpdateResFile(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short refNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &refNum))
+ return NULL;
+ UpdateResFile(refNum);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_SetResPurge(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ Boolean install;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
+ &install))
+ return NULL;
+ SetResPurge(install);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_GetResFileAttrs(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ short refNum;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
+ &refNum))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = GetResFileAttrs(refNum);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_SetResFileAttrs(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short refNum;
+ short attrs;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hh",
+ &refNum,
+ &attrs))
+ return NULL;
+ SetResFileAttrs(refNum,
+ attrs);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_OpenRFPerm(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ short vRefNum;
+ char permission;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hc",
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName,
+ &vRefNum,
+ &permission))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = OpenRFPerm(fileName,
+ vRefNum,
+ permission);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_RGetResource(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ Handle _rv;
+ ResType theType;
+ short theID;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
+ &theID))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = RGetResource(theType,
+ theID);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
+ ResObj_New, _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_HOpenResFile(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ char permission;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&c",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName,
+ &permission))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = HOpenResFile(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName,
+ permission);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_HCreateResFile(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short vRefNum;
+ long dirID;
+ Str255 fileName;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hlO&",
+ &vRefNum,
+ &dirID,
+ PyMac_GetStr255, fileName))
+ return NULL;
+ HCreateResFile(vRefNum,
+ dirID,
+ fileName);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_FSpOpenResFile(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ short _rv;
+ FSSpec spec;
+ SignedByte permission;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&b",
+ PyMac_GetFSSpec, &spec,
+ &permission))
+ return NULL;
+ _rv = FSpOpenResFile(&spec,
+ permission);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ _res = Py_BuildValue("h",
+ _rv);
+ return _res;
+static PyObject *Res_FSpCreateResFile(_self, _args)
+ PyObject *_self;
+ PyObject *_args;
+ PyObject *_res = NULL;
+ FSSpec spec;
+ OSType creator;
+ OSType fileType;
+ ScriptCode scriptTag;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&h",
+ PyMac_GetFSSpec, &spec,
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
+ PyMac_GetOSType, &fileType,
+ &scriptTag))
+ return NULL;
+ FSpCreateResFile(&spec,
+ creator,
+ fileType,
+ scriptTag);
+ {
+ OSErr _err = ResError();
+ if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ _res = Py_None;
+ return _res;
+static PyMethodDef Res_methods[] = {
+ {"InitResources", (PyCFunction)Res_InitResources, 1,
+ "() -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"RsrcZoneInit", (PyCFunction)Res_RsrcZoneInit, 1,
+ "() -> None"},
+ {"CloseResFile", (PyCFunction)Res_CloseResFile, 1,
+ "(short refNum) -> None"},
+ {"ResError", (PyCFunction)Res_ResError, 1,
+ "() -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"CurResFile", (PyCFunction)Res_CurResFile, 1,
+ "() -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"CreateResFile", (PyCFunction)Res_CreateResFile, 1,
+ "(Str255 fileName) -> None"},
+ {"OpenResFile", (PyCFunction)Res_OpenResFile, 1,
+ "(Str255 fileName) -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"UseResFile", (PyCFunction)Res_UseResFile, 1,
+ "(short refNum) -> None"},
+ {"CountTypes", (PyCFunction)Res_CountTypes, 1,
+ "() -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"Count1Types", (PyCFunction)Res_Count1Types, 1,
+ "() -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"GetIndType", (PyCFunction)Res_GetIndType, 1,
+ "(short index) -> (ResType theType)"},
+ {"Get1IndType", (PyCFunction)Res_Get1IndType, 1,
+ "(short index) -> (ResType theType)"},
+ {"SetResLoad", (PyCFunction)Res_SetResLoad, 1,
+ "(Boolean load) -> None"},
+ {"CountResources", (PyCFunction)Res_CountResources, 1,
+ "(ResType theType) -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"Count1Resources", (PyCFunction)Res_Count1Resources, 1,
+ "(ResType theType) -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"GetIndResource", (PyCFunction)Res_GetIndResource, 1,
+ "(ResType theType, short index) -> (Handle _rv)"},
+ {"Get1IndResource", (PyCFunction)Res_Get1IndResource, 1,
+ "(ResType theType, short index) -> (Handle _rv)"},
+ {"GetResource", (PyCFunction)Res_GetResource, 1,
+ "(ResType theType, short theID) -> (Handle _rv)"},
+ {"Get1Resource", (PyCFunction)Res_Get1Resource, 1,
+ "(ResType theType, short theID) -> (Handle _rv)"},
+ {"GetNamedResource", (PyCFunction)Res_GetNamedResource, 1,
+ "(ResType theType, Str255 name) -> (Handle _rv)"},
+ {"Get1NamedResource", (PyCFunction)Res_Get1NamedResource, 1,
+ "(ResType theType, Str255 name) -> (Handle _rv)"},
+ {"UniqueID", (PyCFunction)Res_UniqueID, 1,
+ "(ResType theType) -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"Unique1ID", (PyCFunction)Res_Unique1ID, 1,
+ "(ResType theType) -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"UpdateResFile", (PyCFunction)Res_UpdateResFile, 1,
+ "(short refNum) -> None"},
+ {"SetResPurge", (PyCFunction)Res_SetResPurge, 1,
+ "(Boolean install) -> None"},
+ {"GetResFileAttrs", (PyCFunction)Res_GetResFileAttrs, 1,
+ "(short refNum) -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"SetResFileAttrs", (PyCFunction)Res_SetResFileAttrs, 1,
+ "(short refNum, short attrs) -> None"},
+ {"OpenRFPerm", (PyCFunction)Res_OpenRFPerm, 1,
+ "(Str255 fileName, short vRefNum, char permission) -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"RGetResource", (PyCFunction)Res_RGetResource, 1,
+ "(ResType theType, short theID) -> (Handle _rv)"},
+ {"HOpenResFile", (PyCFunction)Res_HOpenResFile, 1,
+ "(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName, char permission) -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"HCreateResFile", (PyCFunction)Res_HCreateResFile, 1,
+ "(short vRefNum, long dirID, Str255 fileName) -> None"},
+ {"FSpOpenResFile", (PyCFunction)Res_FSpOpenResFile, 1,
+ "(FSSpec spec, SignedByte permission) -> (short _rv)"},
+ {"FSpCreateResFile", (PyCFunction)Res_FSpCreateResFile, 1,
+ "(FSSpec spec, OSType creator, OSType fileType, ScriptCode scriptTag) -> None"},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0}
+void initRes()
+ PyObject *m;
+ PyObject *d;
+ m = Py_InitModule("Res", Res_methods);
+ d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
+ Res_Error = PyMac_GetOSErrException();
+ if (Res_Error == NULL ||
+ PyDict_SetItemString(d, "Error", Res_Error) != 0)
+ Py_FatalError("can't initialize Res.Error");
+/* ========================= End module Res ========================= */
diff --git a/Mac/Modules/res/ b/Mac/Modules/res/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3716e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Modules/res/
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# Generated from 'D:Development:THINK C:Mac #includes:Apple #includes:Resources.h'
+f = ResFunction(short, 'InitResources',
+f = ResFunction(void, 'RsrcZoneInit',
+f = ResFunction(void, 'CloseResFile',
+ (short, 'refNum', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(short, 'ResError',
+f = ResFunction(short, 'CurResFile',
+f = ResMethod(short, 'HomeResFile',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(void, 'CreateResFile',
+ (ConstStr255Param, 'fileName', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(short, 'OpenResFile',
+ (ConstStr255Param, 'fileName', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(void, 'UseResFile',
+ (short, 'refNum', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(short, 'CountTypes',
+f = ResFunction(short, 'Count1Types',
+f = ResFunction(void, 'GetIndType',
+ (ResType, 'theType', OutMode),
+ (short, 'index', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(void, 'Get1IndType',
+ (ResType, 'theType', OutMode),
+ (short, 'index', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(void, 'SetResLoad',
+ (Boolean, 'load', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(short, 'CountResources',
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(short, 'Count1Resources',
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(Handle, 'GetIndResource',
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+ (short, 'index', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(Handle, 'Get1IndResource',
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+ (short, 'index', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(Handle, 'GetResource',
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+ (short, 'theID', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(Handle, 'Get1Resource',
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+ (short, 'theID', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(Handle, 'GetNamedResource',
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+ (ConstStr255Param, 'name', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(Handle, 'Get1NamedResource',
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+ (ConstStr255Param, 'name', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(void, 'LoadResource',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(void, 'ReleaseResource',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(void, 'DetachResource',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(short, 'UniqueID',
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(short, 'Unique1ID',
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(short, 'GetResAttrs',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(void, 'GetResInfo',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+ (short, 'theID', OutMode),
+ (ResType, 'theType', OutMode),
+ (Str255, 'name', OutMode),
+f = ResMethod(void, 'SetResInfo',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+ (short, 'theID', InMode),
+ (ConstStr255Param, 'name', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(void, 'AddResource',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+ (short, 'theID', InMode),
+ (ConstStr255Param, 'name', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(long, 'SizeResource',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(long, 'MaxSizeRsrc',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(long, 'RsrcMapEntry',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(void, 'SetResAttrs',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+ (short, 'attrs', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(void, 'ChangedResource',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(void, 'RmveResource',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(void, 'UpdateResFile',
+ (short, 'refNum', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(void, 'WriteResource',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(void, 'SetResPurge',
+ (Boolean, 'install', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(short, 'GetResFileAttrs',
+ (short, 'refNum', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(void, 'SetResFileAttrs',
+ (short, 'refNum', InMode),
+ (short, 'attrs', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(short, 'OpenRFPerm',
+ (ConstStr255Param, 'fileName', InMode),
+ (short, 'vRefNum', InMode),
+ (char, 'permission', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(Handle, 'RGetResource',
+ (ResType, 'theType', InMode),
+ (short, 'theID', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(short, 'HOpenResFile',
+ (short, 'vRefNum', InMode),
+ (long, 'dirID', InMode),
+ (ConstStr255Param, 'fileName', InMode),
+ (char, 'permission', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(void, 'HCreateResFile',
+ (short, 'vRefNum', InMode),
+ (long, 'dirID', InMode),
+ (ConstStr255Param, 'fileName', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(short, 'FSpOpenResFile',
+ (FSSpec_ptr, 'spec', InMode),
+ (SignedByte, 'permission', InMode),
+f = ResFunction(void, 'FSpCreateResFile',
+ (FSSpec_ptr, 'spec', InMode),
+ (OSType, 'creator', InMode),
+ (OSType, 'fileType', InMode),
+ (ScriptCode, 'scriptTag', InMode),
+f = ResMethod(void, 'SetResourceSize',
+ (Handle, 'theResource', InMode),
+ (long, 'newSize', InMode),
diff --git a/Mac/Modules/res/ b/Mac/Modules/res/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42bb389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Modules/res/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Scan Resources.h header file, generate and files.
+# Then run ressupport to generate Resmodule.c.
+# (Should learn how to tell the compiler to compile it as well.)
+import sys
+import os
+import string
+import regex
+import regsub
+import MacOS
+from scantools import Scanner
+def main():
+ input = "Resources.h"
+ output = ""
+ defsoutput = ""
+ scanner = ResourcesScanner(input, output, defsoutput)
+ scanner.scan()
+ scanner.close()
+ print "=== Done scanning and generating, now doing 'import ressupport' ==="
+ import ressupport
+ print "=== Done 'import ressupport'. It's up to you to compile Resmodule.c ==="
+class ResourcesScanner(Scanner):
+ def destination(self, type, name, arglist):
+ classname = "ResFunction"
+ listname = "functions"
+ if arglist:
+ t, n, m = arglist[0]
+ if t == "Handle" and m == "InMode":
+ classname = "ResMethod"
+ listname = "resmethods"
+ return classname, listname
+ def makeblacklistnames(self):
+ return [
+ "ReadPartialResource",
+ "WritePartialResource",
+ ]
+ def makerepairinstructions(self):
+ return [
+ ([("Str255", "*", "InMode")],
+ [("*", "*", "OutMode")]),
+ ([("void_ptr", "*", "InMode"), ("long", "*", "InMode")],
+ [("InBuffer", "*", "*")]),
+ ([("void", "*", "OutMode"), ("long", "*", "InMode")],
+ [("InOutBuffer", "*", "*")]),
+ ([("void", "*", "OutMode"), ("long", "*", "InMode"),
+ ("long", "*", "OutMode")],
+ [("OutBuffer", "*", "InOutMode")]),
+ ]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/Mac/Modules/res/ b/Mac/Modules/res/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c0d70f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Modules/res/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# This script will generate the Resources interface for Python.
+# It uses the "bgen" package to generate C code.
+# It execs the file which contain the function definitions
+# ( was generated by, scanning the <Resources.h> header file).
+from macsupport import *
+class ResMixIn:
+ def checkit(self):
+ OutLbrace()
+ Output("OSErr _err = ResError();")
+ Output("if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);")
+ OutRbrace()
+ FunctionGenerator.checkit(self) # XXX
+class ResFunction(ResMixIn, FunctionGenerator): pass
+class ResMethod(ResMixIn, MethodGenerator): pass
+# includestuff etc. are imported from macsupport
+includestuff = includestuff + """
+#include <Resources.h>
+#define resNotFound -192 /* Can't include <Errors.h> because of Python's "errors.h" */
+finalstuff = finalstuff + """
+initstuff = initstuff + """
+module = MacModule('Res', 'Res', includestuff, finalstuff, initstuff)
+getattrHookCode = """
+if (strcmp(name, "size") == 0)
+ return PyInt_FromLong(GetHandleSize(self->ob_itself));
+if (strcmp(name, "data") == 0) {
+ PyObject *res;
+ char state;
+ state = HGetState(self->ob_itself);
+ HLock(self->ob_itself);
+ res = PyString_FromStringAndSize(
+ *self->ob_itself,
+ GetHandleSize(self->ob_itself));
+ HUnlock(self->ob_itself);
+ HSetState(self->ob_itself, state);
+ return res;
+if (strcmp(name, "__members__") == 0)
+ return Py_BuildValue("[ss]", "data", "size");
+class ResDefiniton(GlobalObjectDefinition):
+ def outputCheckNewArg(self):
+ Output("if (itself == NULL) return PyMac_Error(resNotFound);")
+ def outputGetattrHook(self):
+ Output(getattrHookCode)
+resobject = ResDefiniton('Resource', 'ResObj', 'Handle')
+functions = []
+resmethods = []
+for f in functions: module.add(f)
+for f in resmethods: resobject.add(f)