path: root/Mac/Tools/IDE/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Mac/Tools/IDE/')
1 files changed, 455 insertions, 456 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/IDE/ b/Mac/Tools/IDE/
index 553391e..4cfc77b 100644
--- a/Mac/Tools/IDE/
+++ b/Mac/Tools/IDE/
@@ -11,472 +11,471 @@ import macresource
from Carbon import File
if hasattr(Win, "FrontNonFloatingWindow"):
- MyFrontWindow = Win.FrontNonFloatingWindow
+ MyFrontWindow = Win.FrontNonFloatingWindow
- MyFrontWindow = Win.FrontWindow
+ MyFrontWindow = Win.FrontWindow
KILLUNKNOWNWINDOWS = 0 # Set to 0 for debugging.
class Application(FrameWork.Application):
- def __init__(self, signature='Pyth'):
- # Open our resource file, if it is not open yet
- macresource.need('CURS', 468, "Widgets.rsrc")
- import W
- W.setapplication(self, signature)
- FrameWork.Application.__init__(self)
- self._suspended = 0
- self.quitting = 0
- self.debugger_quitting = 1
- self.DebuggerQuit = 'DebuggerQuitDummyException'
- self._idlefuncs = []
- # map certain F key codes to equivalent command-letter combos (JJS)
- self.fkeymaps = {122:"z", 120:"x", 99:"c", 118:"v"}
- def mainloop(self, mask=FrameWork.everyEvent, wait=None):
- import W
- self.quitting = 0
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- saveyield = MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
- try:
- while not self.quitting:
- try:
- self.do1event(mask, wait)
- except W.AlertError, detail:
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
- W.Message(detail)
- except self.DebuggerQuit:
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
- except:
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
- import PyEdit
- PyEdit.tracebackwindow.traceback()
- finally:
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- MacOS.EnableAppswitch(1)
- def debugger_mainloop(self, mask=FrameWork.everyEvent, wait=None):
- import W
- self.debugger_quitting = 0
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- saveyield = MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
- try:
- while not self.quitting and not self.debugger_quitting:
- try:
- self.do1event(mask, wait)
- except W.AlertError, detail:
- W.Message(detail)
- except:
- import PyEdit
- PyEdit.tracebackwindow.traceback()
- finally:
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- MacOS.EnableAppswitch(saveyield)
- def breathe(self, wait=1):
- import W
- ok, event = Evt.WaitNextEvent(FrameWork.updateMask |
- FrameWork.mDownMask | FrameWork.osMask |
- FrameWork.activMask,
- wait)
- if ok:
- (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
- #print FrameWork.eventname[what]
- if FrameWork.eventname[what] == 'mouseDown':
- partcode, wid = Win.FindWindow(where)
- if FrameWork.partname[partcode] <> 'inDesk':
- return
- else:
- W.SetCursor('watch')
- self.dispatch(event)
- def refreshwindows(self, wait=1):
- import W
- while 1:
- ok, event = Evt.WaitNextEvent(FrameWork.updateMask, wait)
- if not ok:
- break
- self.dispatch(event)
- def addidlefunc(self, func):
- self._idlefuncs.append(func)
- def removeidlefunc(self, func):
- self._idlefuncs.remove(func)
- def idle(self, event):
- if not self._suspended:
- if not self.do_frontWindowMethod("idle", event):
- Qd.InitCursor()
- if self._idlefuncs:
- for func in self._idlefuncs:
- try:
- func()
- except:
- import sys
- sys.stderr.write("exception in idle function %r; killed:\n" % (func,))
- traceback.print_exc()
- self._idlefuncs.remove(func)
- break
- def do_frontWindowMethod(self, attr, *args):
- wid = MyFrontWindow()
- if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
- window = self._windows[wid]
- if hasattr(window, attr):
- handler = getattr(window, attr)
- apply(handler, args)
- return 1
- def getfrontwindow(self):
- wid = MyFrontWindow()
- if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
- return self._windows[wid]
- return None
- def appendwindow(self, wid, window):
- self._windows[wid] = window
- self.makeopenwindowsmenu()
- def removewindow(self, wid):
- del self._windows[wid]
- self.makeopenwindowsmenu()
- def makeopenwindowsmenu(self):
- # dummy; could be the full version from
- self._openwindows = {}
- self._openwindowscheckmark = 0
- if not hasattr(self, "_menustocheck"):
- self._menustocheck = []
- def do_key(self, event):
- (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
- ch = chr(message & FrameWork.charCodeMask)
- rest = message & ~FrameWork.charCodeMask
- keycode = (message & FrameWork.keyCodeMask) >> 8
- if keycode in self.fkeymaps.keys(): # JJS
- ch = self.fkeymaps[keycode]
- modifiers = modifiers | FrameWork.cmdKey
- wid = MyFrontWindow()
- if modifiers & FrameWork.cmdKey and not modifiers & FrameWork.shiftKey:
- if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
- self.checkmenus(self._windows[wid])
- else:
- self.checkmenus(None)
- event = (what, ord(ch) | rest, when, where, modifiers)
- result = MenuToolbox.MenuKey(ord(ch))
- id = (result>>16) & 0xffff # Hi word
- item = result & 0xffff # Lo word
- if id:
- self.do_rawmenu(id, item, None, event)
- return # here! we had a menukey!
- #else:
- # print "XXX Command-%r" % ch
- # See whether the front window wants it
- if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
- window = self._windows[wid]
- try:
- do_char = window.do_char
- except AttributeError:
- do_char = self.do_char
- do_char(ch, event)
- # else it wasn't for us, sigh...
- def do_inMenuBar(self, partcode, window, event):
- Qd.InitCursor()
- (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
- self.checkopenwindowsmenu()
- wid = MyFrontWindow()
- if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
- self.checkmenus(self._windows[wid])
- else:
- self.checkmenus(None)
- result = MenuToolbox.MenuSelect(where)
- id = (result>>16) & 0xffff # Hi word
- if id >= 0x8000:
- id = -0x10000 + id
- item = result & 0xffff # Lo word
- self.do_rawmenu(id, item, window, event)
- def do_updateEvt(self, event):
- (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
- wid = Win.WhichWindow(message)
- if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
- window = self._windows[wid]
- window.do_rawupdate(wid, event)
- else:
- wid.HideWindow()
- import sys
- sys.stderr.write("XXX killed unknown (crashed?) Python window.\n")
- else:
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'HandleEvent'):
- MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
- else:
- print 'Unexpected updateEvent:', event
- def suspendresume(self, onoff):
- pass
- def do_suspendresume(self, event):
- self._suspended = not event[1] & 1
- FrameWork.Application.do_suspendresume(self, event)
- def checkopenwindowsmenu(self):
- if self._openwindowscheckmark:
-, 0)
- window = MyFrontWindow()
- if window:
- for item, wid in self._openwindows.items():
- if wid == window:
- #self.pythonwindowsmenuitem.check(1)
-, 1)
- self._openwindowscheckmark = item
- break
- else:
- self._openwindowscheckmark = 0
- #if self._openwindows:
- # self.pythonwindowsmenuitem.enable(1)
- #else:
- # self.pythonwindowsmenuitem.enable(0)
- def checkmenus(self, window):
- for item in self._menustocheck:
- callback =[item.item-1][2]
- if type(callback) <> StringType:
- item.enable(1)
- elif hasattr(window, "domenu_" + callback):
- if hasattr(window, "can_" + callback):
- canhandler = getattr(window, "can_" + callback)
- if canhandler(item):
- item.enable(1)
- else:
- item.enable(0)
- else:
- item.enable(1)
- else:
- item.enable(0)
- def enablemenubar(self, onoff):
- for m in self.menubar.menus.values():
- if onoff:
- elif <> 'Cut': # ew...
- MenuToolbox.DrawMenuBar()
- def makemenubar(self):
- self.menubar = MenuBar(self)
- FrameWork.AppleMenu(self.menubar, self.getabouttext(), self.do_about)
- self.makeusermenus()
- def scriptswalk(self, top, menu, done=None):
- if > 200:
- import W
- W.Message("Scripts folder not completely traversed: running out of menus")
- return False
- if done is None:
- done = {}
- if done.has_key(top):
- return True
- done[top] = 1
- import os, string
- try:
- names = os.listdir(top)
- except os.error:
- FrameWork.MenuItem(menu, '(Scripts Folder not found)', None, None)
- return True
- savedir = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(top)
- for name in names:
- if name == "CVS":
- continue
- try:
- fsr, isdir, isalias = File.FSResolveAliasFile(name, 1)
- except:
- # maybe a broken alias
- continue
- path = fsr.as_pathname()
- if done.has_key(path):
- continue
- name = string.strip(name)
- if == "posix":
- name = unicode(name, "utf-8")
- if name[-3:] == '---':
- menu.addseparator()
- elif isdir:
- submenu = FrameWork.SubMenu(menu, name)
- if not self.scriptswalk(path, submenu, done):
- return False
- else:
- creator, type = MacOS.GetCreatorAndType(path)
- if type == 'TEXT':
- if name[-3:] == '.py':
- name = name[:-3]
- item = FrameWork.MenuItem(menu, name, None, self.domenu_script)
- self._scripts[(, item.item)] = path
- done[path] = 1
- os.chdir(savedir)
- return True
- def domenu_script(self, id, item, window, event):
- (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
- path = self._scripts[(id, item)]
- import os
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- self.makescriptsmenu()
- import W
- raise W.AlertError, "File not found."
- if ord(Evt.GetKeys()[7]) & 4:
- self.openscript(path)
- else:
- import W, MacOS, sys
- W.SetCursor("watch")
- sys.argv = [path]
- #cwd = os.getcwd()
- #os.chdir(os.path.dirname(path) + ':')
- try:
- # xxx if there is a script window for this file,
- # exec in that window's namespace.
- # xxx what to do when it's not saved???
- # promt to save?
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- MacOS.EnableAppswitch(0)
- execfile(path, {'__name__': '__main__', '__file__': path})
- except W.AlertError, detail:
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
- raise W.AlertError, detail
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
- except:
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
- import PyEdit
- PyEdit.tracebackwindow.traceback(1)
- else:
- if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
- MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
- #os.chdir(cwd)
- def openscript(self, filename, lineno=None, charoffset=0, modname=""):
- import os, PyEdit, W
- editor = self.getscript(filename)
- if editor:
- elif os.path.exists(filename):
- editor = PyEdit.Editor(filename)
- elif filename[-3:] == '.py' or filename[-4:] == '.pyc':
- import imp
- if not modname:
- if filename[-1] == 'c':
- modname = os.path.basename(filename)[:-4]
- else:
- modname = os.path.basename(filename)[:-3]
- try:
- # XXX This does not work correctly with packages!
- # XXX The docs say we should do it manually, pack, then sub, then sub2 etc.
- # XXX It says we should use imp.load_module(), but that *reloads* a package,
- # XXX and that's the last thing we want here.
- f, filename, (suff, mode, dummy) = imp.find_module(modname)
- except ImportError:
- raise W.AlertError, "Can't find file for \"%s\"" % modname
- else:
- if not f:
- raise W.AlertError, "Can't find file for \"%s\"" % modname
- f.close()
- if suff == '.py':
- self.openscript(filename, lineno, charoffset)
- return
- else:
- raise W.AlertError, "Can't find file for \"%s\"" % modname
- else:
- raise W.AlertError, "Can't find file \"%s\"" % filename
- if lineno is not None:
- editor.selectline(lineno, charoffset)
- return editor
- def getscript(self, filename):
- if filename[:1] == '<' and filename[-1:] == '>':
- filename = filename[1:-1]
- import string
- lowpath = string.lower(filename)
- for wid, window in self._windows.items():
- if hasattr(window, "path") and type(window.path) == StringType and \
- lowpath == string.lower(window.path):
- return window
- elif hasattr(window, "path") and filename == wid.GetWTitle():
- return window
- def getprefs(self):
- import MacPrefs
- return MacPrefs.GetPrefs(self.preffilepath)
- def do_editorprefs(self, *args):
- import PyEdit
- PyEdit.EditorDefaultSettings()
- def do_setwindowfont(self, *args):
- import FontSettings, W
- prefs = self.getprefs()
- settings = FontSettings.FontDialog(prefs.defaultfont)
- if settings:
- prefs.defaultfont, tabsettings = settings
- raise W.AlertError, "Note that changes will only affect new windows!"
+ def __init__(self, signature='Pyth'):
+ # Open our resource file, if it is not open yet
+ macresource.need('CURS', 468, "Widgets.rsrc")
+ import W
+ W.setapplication(self, signature)
+ FrameWork.Application.__init__(self)
+ self._suspended = 0
+ self.quitting = 0
+ self.debugger_quitting = 1
+ self.DebuggerQuit = 'DebuggerQuitDummyException'
+ self._idlefuncs = []
+ # map certain F key codes to equivalent command-letter combos (JJS)
+ self.fkeymaps = {122:"z", 120:"x", 99:"c", 118:"v"}
+ def mainloop(self, mask=FrameWork.everyEvent, wait=None):
+ import W
+ self.quitting = 0
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ saveyield = MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
+ try:
+ while not self.quitting:
+ try:
+ self.do1event(mask, wait)
+ except W.AlertError, detail:
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
+ W.Message(detail)
+ except self.DebuggerQuit:
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
+ except:
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
+ import PyEdit
+ PyEdit.tracebackwindow.traceback()
+ finally:
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ MacOS.EnableAppswitch(1)
+ def debugger_mainloop(self, mask=FrameWork.everyEvent, wait=None):
+ import W
+ self.debugger_quitting = 0
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ saveyield = MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
+ try:
+ while not self.quitting and not self.debugger_quitting:
+ try:
+ self.do1event(mask, wait)
+ except W.AlertError, detail:
+ W.Message(detail)
+ except:
+ import PyEdit
+ PyEdit.tracebackwindow.traceback()
+ finally:
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ MacOS.EnableAppswitch(saveyield)
+ def breathe(self, wait=1):
+ import W
+ ok, event = Evt.WaitNextEvent(FrameWork.updateMask |
+ FrameWork.mDownMask | FrameWork.osMask |
+ FrameWork.activMask,
+ wait)
+ if ok:
+ (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+ #print FrameWork.eventname[what]
+ if FrameWork.eventname[what] == 'mouseDown':
+ partcode, wid = Win.FindWindow(where)
+ if FrameWork.partname[partcode] <> 'inDesk':
+ return
+ else:
+ W.SetCursor('watch')
+ self.dispatch(event)
+ def refreshwindows(self, wait=1):
+ import W
+ while 1:
+ ok, event = Evt.WaitNextEvent(FrameWork.updateMask, wait)
+ if not ok:
+ break
+ self.dispatch(event)
+ def addidlefunc(self, func):
+ self._idlefuncs.append(func)
+ def removeidlefunc(self, func):
+ self._idlefuncs.remove(func)
+ def idle(self, event):
+ if not self._suspended:
+ if not self.do_frontWindowMethod("idle", event):
+ Qd.InitCursor()
+ if self._idlefuncs:
+ for func in self._idlefuncs:
+ try:
+ func()
+ except:
+ import sys
+ sys.stderr.write("exception in idle function %r; killed:\n" % (func,))
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self._idlefuncs.remove(func)
+ break
+ def do_frontWindowMethod(self, attr, *args):
+ wid = MyFrontWindow()
+ if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
+ window = self._windows[wid]
+ if hasattr(window, attr):
+ handler = getattr(window, attr)
+ apply(handler, args)
+ return 1
+ def getfrontwindow(self):
+ wid = MyFrontWindow()
+ if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
+ return self._windows[wid]
+ return None
+ def appendwindow(self, wid, window):
+ self._windows[wid] = window
+ self.makeopenwindowsmenu()
+ def removewindow(self, wid):
+ del self._windows[wid]
+ self.makeopenwindowsmenu()
+ def makeopenwindowsmenu(self):
+ # dummy; could be the full version from
+ self._openwindows = {}
+ self._openwindowscheckmark = 0
+ if not hasattr(self, "_menustocheck"):
+ self._menustocheck = []
+ def do_key(self, event):
+ (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+ ch = chr(message & FrameWork.charCodeMask)
+ rest = message & ~FrameWork.charCodeMask
+ keycode = (message & FrameWork.keyCodeMask) >> 8
+ if keycode in self.fkeymaps.keys(): # JJS
+ ch = self.fkeymaps[keycode]
+ modifiers = modifiers | FrameWork.cmdKey
+ wid = MyFrontWindow()
+ if modifiers & FrameWork.cmdKey and not modifiers & FrameWork.shiftKey:
+ if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
+ self.checkmenus(self._windows[wid])
+ else:
+ self.checkmenus(None)
+ event = (what, ord(ch) | rest, when, where, modifiers)
+ result = MenuToolbox.MenuKey(ord(ch))
+ id = (result>>16) & 0xffff # Hi word
+ item = result & 0xffff # Lo word
+ if id:
+ self.do_rawmenu(id, item, None, event)
+ return # here! we had a menukey!
+ #else:
+ # print "XXX Command-%r" % ch
+ # See whether the front window wants it
+ if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
+ window = self._windows[wid]
+ try:
+ do_char = window.do_char
+ except AttributeError:
+ do_char = self.do_char
+ do_char(ch, event)
+ # else it wasn't for us, sigh...
+ def do_inMenuBar(self, partcode, window, event):
+ Qd.InitCursor()
+ (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+ self.checkopenwindowsmenu()
+ wid = MyFrontWindow()
+ if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
+ self.checkmenus(self._windows[wid])
+ else:
+ self.checkmenus(None)
+ result = MenuToolbox.MenuSelect(where)
+ id = (result>>16) & 0xffff # Hi word
+ if id >= 0x8000:
+ id = -0x10000 + id
+ item = result & 0xffff # Lo word
+ self.do_rawmenu(id, item, window, event)
+ def do_updateEvt(self, event):
+ (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+ wid = Win.WhichWindow(message)
+ if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
+ window = self._windows[wid]
+ window.do_rawupdate(wid, event)
+ else:
+ wid.HideWindow()
+ import sys
+ sys.stderr.write("XXX killed unknown (crashed?) Python window.\n")
+ else:
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'HandleEvent'):
+ MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
+ else:
+ print 'Unexpected updateEvent:', event
+ def suspendresume(self, onoff):
+ pass
+ def do_suspendresume(self, event):
+ self._suspended = not event[1] & 1
+ FrameWork.Application.do_suspendresume(self, event)
+ def checkopenwindowsmenu(self):
+ if self._openwindowscheckmark:
+, 0)
+ window = MyFrontWindow()
+ if window:
+ for item, wid in self._openwindows.items():
+ if wid == window:
+ #self.pythonwindowsmenuitem.check(1)
+, 1)
+ self._openwindowscheckmark = item
+ break
+ else:
+ self._openwindowscheckmark = 0
+ #if self._openwindows:
+ # self.pythonwindowsmenuitem.enable(1)
+ #else:
+ # self.pythonwindowsmenuitem.enable(0)
+ def checkmenus(self, window):
+ for item in self._menustocheck:
+ callback =[item.item-1][2]
+ if type(callback) <> StringType:
+ item.enable(1)
+ elif hasattr(window, "domenu_" + callback):
+ if hasattr(window, "can_" + callback):
+ canhandler = getattr(window, "can_" + callback)
+ if canhandler(item):
+ item.enable(1)
+ else:
+ item.enable(0)
+ else:
+ item.enable(1)
+ else:
+ item.enable(0)
+ def enablemenubar(self, onoff):
+ for m in self.menubar.menus.values():
+ if onoff:
+ elif <> 'Cut': # ew...
+ MenuToolbox.DrawMenuBar()
+ def makemenubar(self):
+ self.menubar = MenuBar(self)
+ FrameWork.AppleMenu(self.menubar, self.getabouttext(), self.do_about)
+ self.makeusermenus()
+ def scriptswalk(self, top, menu, done=None):
+ if > 200:
+ import W
+ W.Message("Scripts folder not completely traversed: running out of menus")
+ return False
+ if done is None:
+ done = {}
+ if done.has_key(top):
+ return True
+ done[top] = 1
+ import os, string
+ try:
+ names = os.listdir(top)
+ except os.error:
+ FrameWork.MenuItem(menu, '(Scripts Folder not found)', None, None)
+ return True
+ savedir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(top)
+ for name in names:
+ if name == "CVS":
+ continue
+ try:
+ fsr, isdir, isalias = File.FSResolveAliasFile(name, 1)
+ except:
+ # maybe a broken alias
+ continue
+ path = fsr.as_pathname()
+ if done.has_key(path):
+ continue
+ name = string.strip(name)
+ if == "posix":
+ name = unicode(name, "utf-8")
+ if name[-3:] == '---':
+ menu.addseparator()
+ elif isdir:
+ submenu = FrameWork.SubMenu(menu, name)
+ if not self.scriptswalk(path, submenu, done):
+ return False
+ else:
+ creator, type = MacOS.GetCreatorAndType(path)
+ if type == 'TEXT':
+ if name[-3:] == '.py':
+ name = name[:-3]
+ item = FrameWork.MenuItem(menu, name, None, self.domenu_script)
+ self._scripts[(, item.item)] = path
+ done[path] = 1
+ os.chdir(savedir)
+ return True
+ def domenu_script(self, id, item, window, event):
+ (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+ path = self._scripts[(id, item)]
+ import os
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ self.makescriptsmenu()
+ import W
+ raise W.AlertError, "File not found."
+ if ord(Evt.GetKeys()[7]) & 4:
+ self.openscript(path)
+ else:
+ import W, MacOS, sys
+ W.SetCursor("watch")
+ sys.argv = [path]
+ #cwd = os.getcwd()
+ #os.chdir(os.path.dirname(path) + ':')
+ try:
+ # xxx if there is a script window for this file,
+ # exec in that window's namespace.
+ # xxx what to do when it's not saved???
+ # promt to save?
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ MacOS.EnableAppswitch(0)
+ execfile(path, {'__name__': '__main__', '__file__': path})
+ except W.AlertError, detail:
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
+ raise W.AlertError, detail
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
+ except:
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
+ import PyEdit
+ PyEdit.tracebackwindow.traceback(1)
+ else:
+ if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'):
+ MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
+ #os.chdir(cwd)
+ def openscript(self, filename, lineno=None, charoffset=0, modname=""):
+ import os, PyEdit, W
+ editor = self.getscript(filename)
+ if editor:
+ elif os.path.exists(filename):
+ editor = PyEdit.Editor(filename)
+ elif filename[-3:] == '.py' or filename[-4:] == '.pyc':
+ import imp
+ if not modname:
+ if filename[-1] == 'c':
+ modname = os.path.basename(filename)[:-4]
+ else:
+ modname = os.path.basename(filename)[:-3]
+ try:
+ # XXX This does not work correctly with packages!
+ # XXX The docs say we should do it manually, pack, then sub, then sub2 etc.
+ # XXX It says we should use imp.load_module(), but that *reloads* a package,
+ # XXX and that's the last thing we want here.
+ f, filename, (suff, mode, dummy) = imp.find_module(modname)
+ except ImportError:
+ raise W.AlertError, "Can't find file for \"%s\"" % modname
+ else:
+ if not f:
+ raise W.AlertError, "Can't find file for \"%s\"" % modname
+ f.close()
+ if suff == '.py':
+ self.openscript(filename, lineno, charoffset)
+ return
+ else:
+ raise W.AlertError, "Can't find file for \"%s\"" % modname
+ else:
+ raise W.AlertError, "Can't find file \"%s\"" % filename
+ if lineno is not None:
+ editor.selectline(lineno, charoffset)
+ return editor
+ def getscript(self, filename):
+ if filename[:1] == '<' and filename[-1:] == '>':
+ filename = filename[1:-1]
+ import string
+ lowpath = string.lower(filename)
+ for wid, window in self._windows.items():
+ if hasattr(window, "path") and type(window.path) == StringType and \
+ lowpath == string.lower(window.path):
+ return window
+ elif hasattr(window, "path") and filename == wid.GetWTitle():
+ return window
+ def getprefs(self):
+ import MacPrefs
+ return MacPrefs.GetPrefs(self.preffilepath)
+ def do_editorprefs(self, *args):
+ import PyEdit
+ PyEdit.EditorDefaultSettings()
+ def do_setwindowfont(self, *args):
+ import FontSettings, W
+ prefs = self.getprefs()
+ settings = FontSettings.FontDialog(prefs.defaultfont)
+ if settings:
+ prefs.defaultfont, tabsettings = settings
+ raise W.AlertError, "Note that changes will only affect new windows!"
class MenuBar(FrameWork.MenuBar):
- possibleIDs = range(10, 256)
- def getnextid(self):
- id = self.possibleIDs[0]
- del self.possibleIDs[0]
- return id
- def __init__(self, parent = None):
- = MenuToolbox.GetMenuBar()
- MenuToolbox.ClearMenuBar()
- self.menus = {}
- self.parent = parent
- def dispatch(self, id, item, window, event):
- if self.menus.has_key(id):
- self.menus[id].dispatch(id, item, window, event)
- def delmenu(self, id):
- MenuToolbox.DeleteMenu(id)
- if id in self.possibleIDs:
- print "XXX duplicate menu ID!", id
- self.possibleIDs.append(id)
+ possibleIDs = range(10, 256)
+ def getnextid(self):
+ id = self.possibleIDs[0]
+ del self.possibleIDs[0]
+ return id
+ def __init__(self, parent = None):
+ = MenuToolbox.GetMenuBar()
+ MenuToolbox.ClearMenuBar()
+ self.menus = {}
+ self.parent = parent
+ def dispatch(self, id, item, window, event):
+ if self.menus.has_key(id):
+ self.menus[id].dispatch(id, item, window, event)
+ def delmenu(self, id):
+ MenuToolbox.DeleteMenu(id)
+ if id in self.possibleIDs:
+ print "XXX duplicate menu ID!", id
+ self.possibleIDs.append(id)
class Menu(FrameWork.Menu):
- def dispatch(self, id, item, window, event):
- title, shortcut, callback, kind = self.items[item-1]
- if type(callback) == StringType:
- callback = self._getmenuhandler(callback)
- if callback:
- import W
- W.CallbackCall(callback, 0, id, item, window, event)
- def _getmenuhandler(self, callback):
- menuhandler = None
- wid = MyFrontWindow()
- if wid and
- window =[wid]
- if hasattr(window, "domenu_" + callback):
- menuhandler = getattr(window, "domenu_" + callback)
- elif hasattr(, "domenu_" + callback):
- menuhandler = getattr(, "domenu_" + callback)
- elif hasattr(, "domenu_" + callback):
- menuhandler = getattr(, "domenu_" + callback)
- return menuhandler
+ def dispatch(self, id, item, window, event):
+ title, shortcut, callback, kind = self.items[item-1]
+ if type(callback) == StringType:
+ callback = self._getmenuhandler(callback)
+ if callback:
+ import W
+ W.CallbackCall(callback, 0, id, item, window, event)
+ def _getmenuhandler(self, callback):
+ menuhandler = None
+ wid = MyFrontWindow()
+ if wid and
+ window =[wid]
+ if hasattr(window, "domenu_" + callback):
+ menuhandler = getattr(window, "domenu_" + callback)
+ elif hasattr(, "domenu_" + callback):
+ menuhandler = getattr(, "domenu_" + callback)
+ elif hasattr(, "domenu_" + callback):
+ menuhandler = getattr(, "domenu_" + callback)
+ return menuhandler