path: root/Mac/Tools/IDE/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Mac/Tools/IDE/')
1 files changed, 611 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/IDE/ b/Mac/Tools/IDE/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c16794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/IDE/
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+import Qd
+import Win
+import Evt
+import Fm
+import FrameWork
+import Windows
+import Events
+import Wbase
+import Dlg
+import MacOS
+import Menu
+import struct
+import traceback
+from types import *
+class Window(FrameWork.Window, Wbase.SelectableWidget):
+ windowkind = Windows.documentProc
+ def __init__(self, possize, title = "", minsize = None, maxsize = None, tabbable = 1, show = 1):
+ import W
+ W.SelectableWidget.__init__(self, possize)
+ self._globalbounds = l, t, r, b = self.getwindowbounds(possize, minsize)
+ self._bounds = (0, 0, r - l, b - t)
+ self._tabchain = []
+ self._currentwidget = None
+ self.title = title
+ self._parentwindow = self
+ self._tabbable = tabbable
+ self._defaultbutton = None
+ self._drawwidgetbounds = 0
+ self._show = show
+ self._lastrollover = None
+ # XXX the following is not really compatible with the
+ # new (system >= 7.5) window procs.
+ if minsize:
+ self._hasgrowbox = 1
+ self.windowkind = self.windowkind | 8
+ l, t = minsize
+ if maxsize:
+ r, b = maxsize[0] + 1, maxsize[1] + 1
+ else:
+ r, b = 32000, 32000
+ self.growlimit = (l, t, r, b)
+ else:
+ self._hasgrowbox = 0
+ if (self.windowkind == 0 or self.windowkind >= 8) and self.windowkind < 1000:
+ self.windowkind = self.windowkind | 4
+ FrameWork.Window.__init__(self, W.getapplication())
+ def gettitle(self):
+ return self.title
+ def settitle(self, title):
+ self.title = title
+ if self.wid:
+ self.wid.SetWTitle(title)
+ def getwindowbounds(self, size, minsize = None):
+ return windowbounds(size, minsize)
+ def getcurrentwidget(self):
+ return self._currentwidget
+ def show(self, onoff):
+ if onoff:
+ self.wid.ShowWindow()
+ else:
+ self.wid.HideWindow()
+ def isvisible(self):
+ return self.wid.IsWindowVisible()
+ def getbounds(self):
+ if 0: #self.isvisible():
+ self.wid.GetWindowContentRgn(scratchRegion)
+ self._globalbounds = GetRgnBounds(scratchRegion)
+ return self._globalbounds
+ def select(self):
+ self.wid.SelectWindow()
+ # not sure if this is the best place, I need it when
+ # an editor gets selected, and immediately scrolled
+ # to a certain line, waste scroll assumes everything
+ # to be in tact.
+ self.do_rawupdate(self.wid, "DummyEvent")
+ def open(self):
+ self.wid = Win.NewCWindow(self._globalbounds, self.title, self._show,
+ self.windowkind, -1, 1, 0)
+ self.SetPort()
+ fnum = Fm.GetFNum("Python-Sans")
+ if fnum == 0:
+ fnum = Fm.GetFNum("Geneva")
+ Qd.TextFont(fnum) # XXX font&size from a function?
+ Qd.TextSize(9) # XXX font&size from a function?
+ if self._bindings.has_key("<open>"):
+ callback = self._bindings["<open>"]
+ callback()
+ for w in self._widgets:
+ w.forall_frombottom("open")
+ self._maketabchain()
+ if self._tabchain:
+ self._tabchain[0].select(1)
+ if self._tabbable:
+ self.bind('tab', self.nextwidget)
+ self.bind('shifttab', self.previouswidget)
+ self.do_postopen()
+ def close(self):
+ if not self.wid:
+ return # we are already closed
+ if self._bindings.has_key("<close>"):
+ callback = self._bindings["<close>"]
+ try:
+ rv = callback()
+ except:
+ print 'error in <close> callback'
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ else:
+ if rv:
+ return rv
+ #for key in self._widgetsdict.keys():
+ # self._removewidget(key)
+ self.forall_butself("close")
+ Wbase.SelectableWidget.close(self)
+ self._tabchain = []
+ self._currentwidget = None
+ self.wid.HideWindow()
+ self.do_postclose()
+ def domenu_close(self, *args):
+ self.close()
+ def move(self, x, y = None):
+ """absolute move"""
+ if y == None:
+ x, y = x
+ self.wid.MoveWindow(x, y, 0)
+ def resize(self, x, y = None):
+ if y == None:
+ x, y = x
+ if self._hasgrowbox:
+ self.SetPort()
+ Win.InvalRect(self.getgrowrect())
+ self.wid.SizeWindow(x, y, 1)
+ self._calcbounds()
+ def test(self, point):
+ return 1
+ def draw(self, visRgn = None):
+ if self._hasgrowbox:
+ self.tempcliprect(self.getgrowrect())
+ self.wid.DrawGrowIcon()
+ self.restoreclip()
+ def idle(self, *args):
+ self.SetPort()
+ point = Evt.GetMouse()
+ widget = self.findwidget(point, 0)
+ if self._bindings.has_key("<idle>"):
+ callback = self._bindings["<idle>"]
+ if callback():
+ return
+ if self._currentwidget is not None and hasattr(self._currentwidget, "idle"):
+ if self._currentwidget._bindings.has_key("<idle>"):
+ callback = self._currentwidget._bindings["<idle>"]
+ if callback():
+ return
+ if self._currentwidget.idle():
+ return
+ if widget is not None and hasattr(widget, "rollover"):
+ if 1: #self._lastrollover <> widget:
+ if self._lastrollover:
+ self._lastrollover.rollover(point, 0)
+ self._lastrollover = widget
+ self._lastrollover.rollover(point, 1)
+ else:
+ if self._lastrollover:
+ self._lastrollover.rollover(point, 0)
+ self._lastrollover = None
+ Wbase.SetCursor("arrow")
+ def xxx___select(self, widget):
+ if self._currentwidget == widget:
+ return
+ if self._bindings.has_key("<select>"):
+ callback = self._bindings["<select>"]
+ if callback(widget):
+ return
+ if widget is None:
+ if self._currentwidget is not None:
+ elif type(widget) == InstanceType and widget._selectable:
+ elif widget == -1 or widget == 1:
+ if len(self._tabchain) <= 1:
+ return
+ temp = self._tabchain[(self._tabchain.index(self._currentwidget) + widget) % len(self._tabchain)]
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "Widget is not selectable"
+ def setdefaultbutton(self, newdefaultbutton = None, *keys):
+ if newdefaultbutton == self._defaultbutton:
+ return
+ if self._defaultbutton:
+ self._defaultbutton._setdefault(0)
+ if not newdefaultbutton:
+ self.bind("return", None)
+ self.bind("enter", None)
+ return
+ import Wcontrols
+ if not isinstance(newdefaultbutton, Wcontrols.Button):
+ raise TypeError, "widget is not a button"
+ self._defaultbutton = newdefaultbutton
+ self._defaultbutton._setdefault(1)
+ if not keys:
+ self.bind("return", self._defaultbutton.push)
+ self.bind("enter", self._defaultbutton.push)
+ else:
+ for key in keys:
+ self.bind(key, self._defaultbutton.push)
+ def nextwidget(self):
+ self.xxx___select(1)
+ def previouswidget(self):
+ self.xxx___select(-1)
+ def drawwidgetbounds(self, onoff):
+ self._drawwidgetbounds = onoff
+ self.SetPort()
+ Win.InvalRect(self._bounds)
+ def _drawbounds(self):
+ pass
+ def _maketabchain(self):
+ # XXX This has to change, it's no good when we are adding or deleting widgets.
+ # XXX Perhaps we shouldn't keep a "tabchain" at all.
+ self._hasselframes = 0
+ self._collectselectablewidgets(self._widgets)
+ if self._hasselframes and len(self._tabchain) > 1:
+ self._hasselframes = 1
+ else:
+ self._hasselframes = 0
+ def _collectselectablewidgets(self, widgets):
+ import W
+ for w in widgets:
+ if w._selectable:
+ self._tabchain.append(w)
+ if isinstance(w, W.List):
+ self._hasselframes = 1
+ self._collectselectablewidgets(w._widgets)
+ def _calcbounds(self):
+ self._possize = self.wid.GetWindowPort().portRect[2:]
+ w, h = self._possize
+ self._bounds = (0, 0, w, h)
+ self.wid.GetWindowContentRgn(scratchRegion)
+ l, t, r, b = GetRgnBounds(scratchRegion)
+ self._globalbounds = l, t, l + w, t + h
+ for w in self._widgets:
+ w._calcbounds()
+ # FrameWork override methods
+ def do_inDrag(self, partcode, window, event):
+ where = event[3]
+ self.wid.GetWindowContentRgn(scratchRegion)
+ was_l, was_t, r, b = GetRgnBounds(scratchRegion)
+ window.DragWindow(where, self.draglimit)
+ self.wid.GetWindowContentRgn(scratchRegion)
+ is_l, is_t, r, b = GetRgnBounds(scratchRegion)
+ self._globalbounds = Qd.OffsetRect(self._globalbounds,
+ is_l - was_l, is_t - was_t)
+ def do_char(self, char, event):
+ import Wkeys
+ (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+ key = char
+ if Wkeys.keynames.has_key(key):
+ key = Wkeys.keynames[char]
+ if modifiers & Events.shiftKey:
+ key = 'shift' + key
+ if modifiers & Events.cmdKey:
+ key = 'cmd' + key
+ if modifiers & Events.controlKey:
+ key = 'control' + key
+ if self._bindings.has_key("<key>"):
+ callback = self._bindings["<key>"]
+ if Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, char, event):
+ return
+ if self._bindings.has_key(key):
+ callback = self._bindings[key]
+ Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, char, event)
+ elif self._currentwidget is not None:
+ if self._currentwidget._bindings.has_key(key):
+ callback = self._currentwidget._bindings[key]
+ Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, char, event)
+ else:
+ if self._currentwidget._bindings.has_key("<key>"):
+ callback = self._currentwidget._bindings["<key>"]
+ if Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, char, event):
+ return
+ self._currentwidget.key(char, event)
+ def do_contentclick(self, point, modifiers, event):
+ widget = self.findwidget(point)
+ if widget is not None:
+ if self._bindings.has_key("<click>"):
+ callback = self._bindings["<click>"]
+ if Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, point, modifiers):
+ return
+ if widget._bindings.has_key("<click>"):
+ callback = widget._bindings["<click>"]
+ if Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, point, modifiers):
+ return
+ if widget._selectable:
+, 1)
+, modifiers)
+ def do_update(self, window, event):
+ Qd.EraseRgn(window.GetWindowPort().visRgn)
+ self.forall_frombottom("draw", window.GetWindowPort().visRgn)
+ if self._drawwidgetbounds:
+ self.forall_frombottom("_drawbounds")
+ def do_activate(self, onoff, event):
+ if not onoff:
+ if self._lastrollover:
+ self._lastrollover.rollover((0, 0), 0)
+ self._lastrollover = None
+ self.SetPort()
+ self.forall("activate", onoff)
+ self.draw()
+ def do_postresize(self, width, height, window):
+ Win.InvalRect(self.getgrowrect())
+ self._calcbounds()
+ def do_inGoAway(self, partcode, window, event):
+ where = event[3]
+ closeall = event[4] & Events.optionKey
+ if window.TrackGoAway(where):
+ if not closeall:
+ self.close()
+ else:
+ for window in self.parent._windows.values():
+ rv = window.close()
+ if rv and rv > 0:
+ return
+ # utilities
+ def tempcliprect(self, tempcliprect):
+ tempclip = Qd.NewRgn()
+ Qd.RectRgn(tempclip, tempcliprect)
+ self.tempclip(tempclip)
+ Qd.DisposeRgn(tempclip)
+ def tempclip(self, tempclip):
+ if not hasattr(self, "saveclip"):
+ self.saveclip = []
+ saveclip = Qd.NewRgn()
+ Qd.GetClip(saveclip)
+ self.saveclip.append(saveclip)
+ Qd.SetClip(tempclip)
+ def restoreclip(self):
+ Qd.SetClip(self.saveclip[-1])
+ Qd.DisposeRgn(self.saveclip[-1])
+ del self.saveclip[-1]
+ def getgrowrect(self):
+ l, t, r, b = self.wid.GetWindowPort().portRect
+ return (r - 15, b - 15, r, b)
+ def has_key(self, key):
+ return self._widgetsdict.has_key(key)
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ global _successcount, _failcount, _magiccount
+ if self._widgetsdict.has_key(attr):
+ _successcount = _successcount + 1
+ return self._widgetsdict[attr]
+ if self._currentwidget is None or (attr[:7] <> 'domenu_' and
+ attr[:4] <> 'can_' and attr <> 'insert'):
+ _failcount = _failcount + 1
+ raise AttributeError, attr
+ # special case: if a domenu_xxx, can_xxx or insert method is asked for,
+ # see if the active widget supports it
+ _magiccount = _magiccount + 1
+ return getattr(self._currentwidget, attr)
+_successcount = 0
+_failcount = 0
+_magiccount = 0
+class Dialog(Window):
+ windowkind = Windows.movableDBoxProc
+ # this __init__ seems redundant, but it's not: it has less args
+ def __init__(self, possize, title = ""):
+ Window.__init__(self, possize, title)
+ def can_close(self, *args):
+ return 0
+ def getwindowbounds(self, size, minsize = None):
+ screenbounds = sl, st, sr, sb = Qd.qd.screenBits.bounds
+ w, h = size
+ l = sl + (sr - sl - w) / 2
+ t = st + (sb - st - h) / 3
+ return l, t, l + w, t + h
+class ModalDialog(Dialog):
+ def __init__(self, possize, title = ""):
+ Dialog.__init__(self, possize, title)
+ if title:
+ self.windowkind = Windows.movableDBoxProc
+ else:
+ self.windowkind = Windows.dBoxProc
+ def open(self):
+ import W
+ = W.getapplication()
+ self.done = 0
+ Menu.HiliteMenu(0)
+ app = self.parent
+ app.enablemenubar(0)
+ try:
+ self.mainloop()
+ finally:
+ app.enablemenubar(1)
+ def close(self):
+ if not self.wid:
+ return # we are already closed
+ self.done = 1
+ del
+ Dialog.close(self)
+ def mainloop(self):
+ saveyield = MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
+ while not self.done:
+ #self.do1event()
+ self.do1event( Events.keyDownMask +
+ Events.autoKeyMask +
+ Events.activMask +
+ Events.updateMask +
+ Events.mDownMask +
+ Events.mUpMask,
+ 10)
+ MacOS.EnableAppswitch(saveyield)
+ def do1event(self, mask = Events.everyEvent, wait = 0):
+ ok, event =, wait)
+ if Dlg.IsDialogEvent(event):
+ if
+ return
+ if ok:
+ self.dispatch(event)
+ else:
+ def do_keyDown(self, event):
+ self.do_key(event)
+ def do_autoKey(self, event):
+ if not event[-1] & Events.cmdKey:
+ self.do_key(event)
+ def do_key(self, event):
+ (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+ w = Win.FrontWindow()
+ if w <> self.wid:
+ return
+ c = chr(message & Events.charCodeMask)
+ if modifiers & Events.cmdKey:
+ result = Menu.MenuKey(ord(c))
+ id = (result>>16) & 0xffff # Hi word
+ item = result & 0xffff # Lo word
+ if id:
+, item, None, event)
+ return
+ self.do_char(c, event)
+ def do_mouseDown(self, event):
+ (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+ partcode, wid = Win.FindWindow(where)
+ #
+ # Find the correct name.
+ #
+ if FrameWork.partname.has_key(partcode):
+ name = "do_" + FrameWork.partname[partcode]
+ else:
+ name = "do_%d" % partcode
+ if name == "do_inDesk":
+ MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
+ return
+ if wid == self.wid:
+ try:
+ handler = getattr(self, name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ handler =
+ else:
+ #MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
+ if name == 'do_inMenuBar':
+ handler = getattr(self.parent, name)
+ else:
+ return
+ handler(partcode, wid, event)
+ def dispatch(self, event):
+ (what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
+ if FrameWork.eventname.has_key(what):
+ name = "do_" + FrameWork.eventname[what]
+ else:
+ name = "do_%d" % what
+ try:
+ handler = getattr(self, name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ try:
+ handler = getattr(, name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ handler =
+ handler(event)
+def FrontWindowInsert(stuff):
+ if not stuff:
+ return
+ if type(stuff) <> StringType:
+ raise TypeError, 'string expected'
+ import W
+ app = W.getapplication()
+ wid = Win.FrontWindow()
+ if wid and app._windows.has_key(wid):
+ window = app._windows[wid]
+ if hasattr(window, "insert"):
+ try:
+ window.insert(stuff)
+ return
+ except:
+ pass
+ import EasyDialogs
+ if EasyDialogs.AskYesNoCancel(
+ "CanŐt find window or widget to insert text into; copy to clipboard instead?",
+ 1) == 1:
+ import Scrap
+ Scrap.ZeroScrap()
+ Scrap.PutScrap('TEXT', stuff)
+# not quite based on the same function in FrameWork
+_windowcounter = 0
+def getnextwindowpos():
+ global _windowcounter
+ rows = 8
+ l = 4 * (rows + 1 - (_windowcounter % rows) + _windowcounter / rows)
+ t = 44 + 20 * (_windowcounter % rows)
+ _windowcounter = _windowcounter + 1
+ return l, t
+def windowbounds(preferredsize, minsize = None):
+ "Return sensible window bounds"
+ global _windowcounter
+ if len(preferredsize) == 4:
+ bounds = l, t, r, b = preferredsize
+ union = Qd.UnionRect(bounds, Qd.qd.screenBits.bounds)
+ if union == Qd.qd.screenBits.bounds:
+ return bounds
+ else:
+ preferredsize = r - l, b - t
+ if not minsize:
+ minsize = preferredsize
+ minwidth, minheight = minsize
+ width, height = preferredsize
+ sl, st, sr, sb = screenbounds = Qd.InsetRect(Qd.qd.screenBits.bounds, 4, 4)
+ l, t = getnextwindowpos()
+ if (l + width) > sr:
+ _windowcounter = 0
+ l, t = getnextwindowpos()
+ r = l + width
+ b = t + height
+ if (t + height) > sb:
+ b = sb
+ if (b - t) < minheight:
+ b = t + minheight
+ return l, t, r, b
+scratchRegion = Qd.NewRgn()
+# util -- move somewhere convenient???
+def GetRgnBounds(the_Rgn):
+ (t, l, b, r) = struct.unpack("hhhh",[2:10])
+ return (l, t, r, b)