path: root/Mac/Unsupported/PythonScript/ReadMe.txt
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1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/Unsupported/PythonScript/ReadMe.txt b/Mac/Unsupported/PythonScript/ReadMe.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..455f12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Unsupported/PythonScript/ReadMe.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+v0.5 beta 1 24/04/98
+author: Bill Bedford, <>
+This suite of modules is a first attempt at writing a more user friendly
+python/appleevent interface. The files in the suite are:
+Loads three dictionaries generated by getaete into __dict__'s of three
+classes and thus gives us direct assess to all the methods in the aete.
+Each method now contains all the information needed to build apple events.
+The general usage is
+SIGNATURE is the target application
+TIMEOUT is in ticks
+and IGNORING is a boolean and determines whether the script waits for a reply
+from the target before going on to the next event
+>>>PythonScript.PyScript(Event, Object, keywdarg1..., keywdarg2...etc)
+Object is a appleevent object specifier and is of the form
+All applescript event, class and property names are capitalised to
+distinguish them from python methods.
+Reads the aete of the target application and returns it as a list of three
+dictionaries, which represent all the events, properties and enumeration in
+the aete. (the fourth dictionary, comparisons, has never been implemented
+in applescript so I have not used it) It also reads the applescript aeut
+and adds any suites that are missing (ie where the application author has
+set his suite to inherit from the aeut.) and the applescript suite, which
+gives the language methods
+Produces a text file with the aete set out in a human readable form,
+similar to the Open Dictionary command in the applescript editor.
+baetools, baepack, baetypes
+These are direct equivalents of aetools, aepack, aetypes in the standard
+distribution. Some methods and classes have been enhanced others are
+PyScriptTest, testeudora
+A couple of test scripts. Testeudora is an updated version of the one in
+the standard distribution.
+Still To Do (in no particular order)
+These modules are much slower than applescript. I believe they could be
+made faster by rewriting the aete parser in getaete and/or by putting in
+some form of persistent storage so that the class dictionaries can be cached.
+The parsing of the appleevent replies need rewriting.
+Support for the use of scripting additions.
+A Python aeut needs to be written, much of the applescript one is redundant
+in python.
+Probably a few other things I haven't thought of yet.