path: root/Mac
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Mac')
8 files changed, 1007 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/Mac/BuildScript/resources/Welcome.rtf b/Mac/BuildScript/resources/Welcome.rtf
index d07e104..96944d3 100644
--- a/Mac/BuildScript/resources/Welcome.rtf
+++ b/Mac/BuildScript/resources/Welcome.rtf
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;}
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 This package will install
-\f1\b MacPython $FULL_VERSION
-\f0\b0 for
-\f0\b0 .\
+\b MacPython $FULL_VERSION
+\b0 for
+\b0 .\
MacPython consists of the Python programming language interpreter, plus a set of programs to allow easy access to it for Mac users (an integrated development environment, an applet builder), plus a set of pre-built extension modules that open up specific Macintosh technologies to Python programs (Carbon, AppleScript, Quicktime, more).\
See the ReadMe file for more information.\
-This package will by default update your shell profile to ensure that this version of Python is on the search path of your shell. Please deselect the "Shell profile updater" package on the package customization screen if you want to avoid this modification. } \ No newline at end of file
+\b NOTE:
+\b0 This package will by default update your shell profile to ensure that this version of Python is on the search path of your shell. Please deselect the "Shell profile updater" package on the package customization screen if you want to avoid this modification. } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mac/IDLE/ b/Mac/IDLE/
index a097c1a..89513b6 100644
--- a/Mac/IDLE/
+++ b/Mac/IDLE/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
- <string>2.6.0, © 001-2006 Python Software Foundation</string>
+ <string>%version%, © 2001-2008 Python Software Foundation</string>
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
- <string>2.6.0</string>
+ <string>%version%</string>
- <string>2.6.0</string>
+ <string>%version%</string>
diff --git a/Mac/IDLE/ b/Mac/IDLE/
index 15afffa..ecf29bf 100755
--- a/Mac/IDLE/
+++ b/Mac/IDLE/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import sys, os
execdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
diff --git a/Mac/ b/Mac/
index 2e0d62d..a5cb362 100644
--- a/Mac/
+++ b/Mac/
@@ -216,8 +216,10 @@ install_Python4way: install_Python
+ cp -PR "$(srcdir)/IDLE/" "$(DESTDIR)$(PYTHONAPPSDIR)"
+ sed "s!%prefix%!$(prefix)!g" < "$(srcdir)/IDLE/" > "$(DESTDIR)$(PYTHONAPPSDIR)/"
+ sed "s!%version%!`$(RUNSHARED) $(BUILDPYTHON) -c 'import platform; print(platform.python_version())'`!g" < "$(srcdir)/IDLE/" > "$(DESTDIR)$(PYTHONAPPSDIR)/"
$(INSTALLED_PYTHONAPP): install_Python
diff --git a/Mac/PythonLauncher/ b/Mac/PythonLauncher/
index 3c726d7..bd442f5 100644
--- a/Mac/PythonLauncher/
+++ b/Mac/PythonLauncher/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
- <string>%VERSION%, © 001-2006 Python Software Foundation</string>
+ <string>%VERSION%, © 2001-2008 Python Software Foundation</string>
diff --git a/Mac/PythonLauncher/ b/Mac/PythonLauncher/
index 0b09e2a..2d8da33 100644
--- a/Mac/PythonLauncher/
+++ b/Mac/PythonLauncher/
OBJECTS=FileSettings.o MyAppDelegate.o MyDocument.o PreferencesWindowController.o doscript.o main.o
+install: Python\
-test -d "$(DESTDIR)$(PYTHONAPPSDIR)/Python" && rm -r "$(DESTDIR)$(PYTHONAPPSDIR)/Python"
cp -r "Python" "$(DESTDIR)$(PYTHONAPPSDIR)"
+ rm -f *.o "Python Launcher"
+ rm -rf "Python"
+Python\ Info.plist \
+ Python\ Launcher $(srcdir)/../Icons/PythonLauncher.icns \
+ $(srcdir)/../Icons/PythonSource.icns \
+ $(srcdir)/../Icons/PythonCompiled.icns \
+ $(srcdir)/factorySettings.plist
+ rm -fr "Python"
+ --builddir=. \
+ --name="Python Launcher" \
+ --executable="Python Launcher" \
+ --iconfile=$(srcdir)/../Icons/PythonLauncher.icns \
+ --bundle-id=org.python.PythonLauncher \
+ --resource=$(srcdir)/../Icons/PythonSource.icns \
+ --resource=$(srcdir)/../Icons/PythonCompiled.icns \
+ --resource=$(srcdir)/English.lproj \
+ --resource=$(srcdir)/factorySettings.plist \
+ --plist Info.plist \
+ build
+ find "Python" -name '.svn' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r
+FileSettings.o: $(srcdir)/FileSettings.m
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $(srcdir)/FileSettings.m
+MyAppDelegate.o: $(srcdir)/MyAppDelegate.m
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $(srcdir)/MyAppDelegate.m
+MyDocument.o: $(srcdir)/MyDocument.m
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $(srcdir)/MyDocument.m
+PreferencesWindowController.o: $(srcdir)/PreferencesWindowController.m
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $(srcdir)/PreferencesWindowController.m
+doscript.o: $(srcdir)/doscript.m
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $(srcdir)/doscript.m
+main.o: $(srcdir)/main.m
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $(srcdir)/main.m
+Python\ Launcher: $(OBJECTS)
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o "Python Launcher" $(OBJECTS) -framework AppKit -framework Carbon
+Info.plist: $(srcdir)/
+ sed 's/%VERSION%/'"`$(RUNSHARED) $(BUILDPYTHON) -c 'import platform; print(platform.python_version())'`"'/g' < $(srcdir)/ > Info.plist
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/ b/Mac/Tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a66801b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,934 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+"""\ -- Tools to assemble MacOS X (application) bundles.
+This module contains two classes to build so called "bundles" for
+MacOS X. BundleBuilder is a general tool, AppBuilder is a subclass
+specialized in building application bundles.
+[Bundle|App]Builder objects are instantiated with a bunch of keyword
+arguments, and have a build() method that will do all the work. See
+the class doc strings for a description of the constructor arguments.
+The module contains a main program that can be used in two ways:
+ % python [options] build
+ % python [options] build
+Where "" is a user-supplied script following
+this model:
+ from bundlebuilder import buildapp
+ buildapp(<lots-of-keyword-args>)
+__all__ = ["BundleBuilder", "BundleBuilderError", "AppBuilder", "buildapp"]
+import sys
+import os, errno, shutil
+import imp, marshal
+import re
+from copy import deepcopy
+import getopt
+from plistlib import Plist
+from types import FunctionType as function
+class BundleBuilderError(Exception): pass
+class Defaults:
+ """Class attributes that don't start with an underscore and are
+ not functions or classmethods are (deep)copied to self.__dict__.
+ This allows for mutable default values.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ defaults = self._getDefaults()
+ defaults.update(kwargs)
+ self.__dict__.update(defaults)
+ def _getDefaults(cls):
+ defaults = {}
+ for base in cls.__bases__:
+ if hasattr(base, "_getDefaults"):
+ defaults.update(base._getDefaults())
+ for name, value in list(cls.__dict__.items()):
+ if name[0] != "_" and not isinstance(value,
+ (function, classmethod)):
+ defaults[name] = deepcopy(value)
+ return defaults
+ _getDefaults = classmethod(_getDefaults)
+class BundleBuilder(Defaults):
+ """BundleBuilder is a barebones class for assembling bundles. It
+ knows nothing about executables or icons, it only copies files
+ and creates the PkgInfo and Info.plist files.
+ """
+ # (Note that Defaults.__init__ (deep)copies these values to
+ # instance variables. Mutable defaults are therefore safe.)
+ # Name of the bundle, with or without extension.
+ name = None
+ # The property list ("plist")
+ plist = Plist(CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = "English",
+ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion = "6.0")
+ # The type of the bundle.
+ type = "BNDL"
+ # The creator code of the bundle.
+ creator = None
+ # the CFBundleIdentifier (this is used for the preferences file name)
+ bundle_id = None
+ # List of files that have to be copied to <bundle>/Contents/Resources.
+ resources = []
+ # List of (src, dest) tuples; dest should be a path relative to the bundle
+ # (eg. "Contents/Resources/MyStuff/SomeFile.ext).
+ files = []
+ # List of shared libraries (dylibs, Frameworks) to bundle with the app
+ # will be placed in Contents/Frameworks
+ libs = []
+ # Directory where the bundle will be assembled.
+ builddir = "build"
+ # Make symlinks instead copying files. This is handy during debugging, but
+ # makes the bundle non-distributable.
+ symlink = 0
+ # Verbosity level.
+ verbosity = 1
+ # Destination root directory
+ destroot = ""
+ def setup(self):
+ # XXX rethink munging, this is brittle.
+, ext = os.path.splitext(
+ if not ext:
+ ext = ".bundle"
+ bundleextension = ext
+ # misc (derived) attributes
+ self.bundlepath = pathjoin(self.builddir, + bundleextension)
+ plist = self.plist
+ plist.CFBundleName =
+ plist.CFBundlePackageType = self.type
+ if self.creator is None:
+ if hasattr(plist, "CFBundleSignature"):
+ self.creator = plist.CFBundleSignature
+ else:
+ self.creator = "????"
+ plist.CFBundleSignature = self.creator
+ if self.bundle_id:
+ plist.CFBundleIdentifier = self.bundle_id
+ elif not hasattr(plist, "CFBundleIdentifier"):
+ plist.CFBundleIdentifier =
+ def build(self):
+ """Build the bundle."""
+ builddir = self.builddir
+ if builddir and not os.path.exists(builddir):
+ os.mkdir(builddir)
+ self.message("Building %s" % repr(self.bundlepath), 1)
+ if os.path.exists(self.bundlepath):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.bundlepath)
+ if os.path.exists(self.bundlepath + '~'):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.bundlepath + '~')
+ bp = self.bundlepath
+ # Create the app bundle in a temporary location and then
+ # rename the completed bundle. This way the Finder will
+ # never see an incomplete bundle (where it might pick up
+ # and cache the wrong meta data)
+ self.bundlepath = bp + '~'
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(self.bundlepath)
+ self.preProcess()
+ self._copyFiles()
+ self._addMetaFiles()
+ self.postProcess()
+ os.rename(self.bundlepath, bp)
+ finally:
+ self.bundlepath = bp
+ self.message("Done.", 1)
+ def preProcess(self):
+ """Hook for subclasses."""
+ pass
+ def postProcess(self):
+ """Hook for subclasses."""
+ pass
+ def _addMetaFiles(self):
+ contents = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, "Contents")
+ makedirs(contents)
+ #
+ # Write Contents/PkgInfo
+ assert len(self.type) == len(self.creator) == 4, \
+ "type and creator must be 4-byte strings."
+ pkginfo = pathjoin(contents, "PkgInfo")
+ f = open(pkginfo, "wb")
+ f.write((self.type + self.creator).encode('latin1'))
+ f.close()
+ #
+ # Write Contents/Info.plist
+ infoplist = pathjoin(contents, "Info.plist")
+ self.plist.write(infoplist)
+ def _copyFiles(self):
+ files = self.files[:]
+ for path in self.resources:
+ files.append((path, pathjoin("Contents", "Resources",
+ os.path.basename(path))))
+ for path in self.libs:
+ files.append((path, pathjoin("Contents", "Frameworks",
+ os.path.basename(path))))
+ if self.symlink:
+ self.message("Making symbolic links", 1)
+ msg = "Making symlink from"
+ else:
+ self.message("Copying files", 1)
+ msg = "Copying"
+ files.sort()
+ for src, dst in files:
+ if os.path.isdir(src):
+ self.message("%s %s/ to %s/" % (msg, src, dst), 2)
+ else:
+ self.message("%s %s to %s" % (msg, src, dst), 2)
+ dst = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, dst)
+ if self.symlink:
+ symlink(src, dst, mkdirs=1)
+ else:
+ copy(src, dst, mkdirs=1)
+ def message(self, msg, level=0):
+ if level <= self.verbosity:
+ indent = ""
+ if level > 1:
+ indent = (level - 1) * " "
+ sys.stderr.write(indent + msg + "\n")
+ def report(self):
+ # XXX something decent
+ pass
+if __debug__:
+ PYC_EXT = ".pyc"
+ PYC_EXT = ".pyo"
+MAGIC = imp.get_magic()
+USE_ZIPIMPORT = "zipimport" in sys.builtin_module_names
+# For standalone apps, we have our own minimal We don't need
+# all the cruft of the real
+SITE_PY = """\
+import sys
+if not %(semi_standalone)s:
+ del sys.path[1:] # sys.path[0] is Contents/Resources/
+ SITE_PY += "sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + '/%s')\n" % ZIP_ARCHIVE
+ def getPycData(fullname, code, ispkg):
+ if ispkg:
+ fullname += ".__init__"
+ path = fullname.replace(".", os.sep) + PYC_EXT
+ return path, MAGIC + '\0\0\0\0' + marshal.dumps(code)
+# Extension modules can't be in the modules zip archive, so a placeholder
+# is added instead, that loads the extension from a specified location.
+EXT_LOADER = """\
+def __load():
+ import imp, sys, os
+ for p in sys.path:
+ path = os.path.join(p, "%(filename)s")
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ break
+ else:
+ assert 0, "file not found: %(filename)s"
+ mod = imp.load_dynamic("%(name)s", path)
+del __load
+MAYMISS_MODULES = ['mac', 'os2', 'nt', 'ntpath', 'dos', 'dospath',
+ 'win32api', 'ce', '_winreg', 'nturl2path', 'sitecustomize',
+ 'org.python.core', 'riscos', 'riscosenviron', 'riscospath'
+STRIP_EXEC = "/usr/bin/strip"
+# We're using a stock interpreter to run the app, yet we need
+# a way to pass the Python main program to the interpreter. The
+# bootstrapping script fires up the interpreter with the right
+# arguments. os.execve() is used as OSX doesn't like us to
+# start a real new process. Also, the executable name must match
+# the CFBundleExecutable value in the Info.plist, so we lie
+# deliberately with argv[0]. The actual Python executable is
+# passed in an environment variable so we can "repair"
+# sys.executable later.
+import sys, os
+execdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+executable = os.path.join(execdir, "%(executable)s")
+resdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(execdir), "Resources")
+libdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(execdir), "Frameworks")
+mainprogram = os.path.join(resdir, "%(mainprogram)s")
+sys.argv.insert(1, mainprogram)
+if %(standalone)s or %(semi_standalone)s:
+ os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = resdir
+ if %(standalone)s:
+ os.environ["PYTHONHOME"] = resdir
+ pypath = os.getenv("PYTHONPATH", "")
+ if pypath:
+ pypath = ":" + pypath
+ os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = resdir + pypath
+os.environ["PYTHONEXECUTABLE"] = executable
+os.environ["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = libdir
+os.environ["DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH"] = libdir
+os.execve(executable, sys.argv, os.environ)
+# Optional wrapper that converts "dropped files" into sys.argv values.
+import argvemulator, os
+execfile(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "%(realmainprogram)s"))
+# When building a standalone app with Python.framework, we need to copy
+# a subset from Python.framework to the bundle. The following list
+# specifies exactly what items we'll copy.
+ "Python", # the Python core library
+ "Resources/English.lproj",
+ "Resources/Info.plist",
+ "Resources/version.plist",
+def isFramework():
+ return sys.exec_prefix.find("Python.framework") > 0
+LIB = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "lib", "python" + sys.version[:3])
+SITE_PACKAGES = os.path.join(LIB, "site-packages")
+class AppBuilder(BundleBuilder):
+ # Override type of the bundle.
+ type = "APPL"
+ # platform, name of the subfolder of Contents that contains the executable.
+ platform = "MacOS"
+ # A Python main program. If this argument is given, the main
+ # executable in the bundle will be a small wrapper that invokes
+ # the main program. (XXX Discuss why.)
+ mainprogram = None
+ # The main executable. If a Python main program is specified
+ # the executable will be copied to Resources and be invoked
+ # by the wrapper program mentioned above. Otherwise it will
+ # simply be used as the main executable.
+ executable = None
+ # The name of the main nib, for Cocoa apps. *Must* be specified
+ # when building a Cocoa app.
+ nibname = None
+ # The name of the icon file to be copied to Resources and used for
+ # the Finder icon.
+ iconfile = None
+ # Symlink the executable instead of copying it.
+ symlink_exec = 0
+ # If True, build standalone app.
+ standalone = 0
+ # If True, build semi-standalone app (only includes third-party modules).
+ semi_standalone = 0
+ # If set, use this for #! lines in stead of sys.executable
+ python = None
+ # If True, add a real main program that emulates sys.argv before calling
+ # mainprogram
+ argv_emulation = 0
+ # The following attributes are only used when building a standalone app.
+ # Exclude these modules.
+ excludeModules = []
+ # Include these modules.
+ includeModules = []
+ # Include these packages.
+ includePackages = []
+ # Strip binaries from debug info.
+ strip = 0
+ # Found Python modules: [(name, codeobject, ispkg), ...]
+ pymodules = []
+ # Modules that modulefinder couldn't find:
+ missingModules = []
+ maybeMissingModules = []
+ def setup(self):
+ if ((self.standalone or self.semi_standalone)
+ and self.mainprogram is None):
+ raise BundleBuilderError("must specify 'mainprogram' when "
+ "building a standalone application.")
+ if self.mainprogram is None and self.executable is None:
+ raise BundleBuilderError("must specify either or both of "
+ "'executable' and 'mainprogram'")
+ self.execdir = pathjoin("Contents", self.platform)
+ if is not None:
+ pass
+ elif self.mainprogram is not None:
+ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.mainprogram))[0]
+ elif executable is not None:
+ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.executable))[0]
+ if[-4:] != ".app":
+ += ".app"
+ if self.executable is None:
+ if not self.standalone and not isFramework():
+ self.symlink_exec = 1
+ if self.python:
+ self.executable = self.python
+ else:
+ self.executable = sys.executable
+ if self.nibname:
+ self.plist.NSMainNibFile = self.nibname
+ if not hasattr(self.plist, "NSPrincipalClass"):
+ self.plist.NSPrincipalClass = "NSApplication"
+ if self.standalone and isFramework():
+ self.addPythonFramework()
+ BundleBuilder.setup(self)
+ self.plist.CFBundleExecutable =
+ if self.standalone or self.semi_standalone:
+ self.findDependencies()
+ def preProcess(self):
+ resdir = "Contents/Resources"
+ if self.executable is not None:
+ if self.mainprogram is None:
+ execname =
+ else:
+ execname = os.path.basename(self.executable)
+ execpath = pathjoin(self.execdir, execname)
+ if not self.symlink_exec:
+ self.files.append((self.destroot + self.executable, execpath))
+ self.execpath = execpath
+ if self.mainprogram is not None:
+ mainprogram = os.path.basename(self.mainprogram)
+ self.files.append((self.mainprogram, pathjoin(resdir, mainprogram)))
+ if self.argv_emulation:
+ # Change the main program, and create the helper main program (which
+ # does argv collection and then calls the real main).
+ # Also update the included modules (if we're creating a standalone
+ # program) and the plist
+ realmainprogram = mainprogram
+ mainprogram = '__argvemulator_' + mainprogram
+ resdirpath = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, resdir)
+ mainprogrampath = pathjoin(resdirpath, mainprogram)
+ makedirs(resdirpath)
+ open(mainprogrampath, "w").write(ARGV_EMULATOR % locals())
+ if self.standalone or self.semi_standalone:
+ self.includeModules.append("argvemulator")
+ self.includeModules.append("os")
+ if "CFBundleDocumentTypes" not in self.plist:
+ self.plist["CFBundleDocumentTypes"] = [
+ { "CFBundleTypeOSTypes" : [
+ "****",
+ "fold",
+ "disk"],
+ "CFBundleTypeRole": "Viewer"}]
+ # Write bootstrap script
+ executable = os.path.basename(self.executable)
+ execdir = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, self.execdir)
+ bootstrappath = pathjoin(execdir,
+ makedirs(execdir)
+ if self.standalone or self.semi_standalone:
+ # XXX we're screwed when the end user has deleted
+ # /usr/bin/python
+ hashbang = "/usr/bin/python"
+ elif self.python:
+ hashbang = self.python
+ else:
+ hashbang = os.path.realpath(sys.executable)
+ standalone = self.standalone
+ semi_standalone = self.semi_standalone
+ open(bootstrappath, "w").write(BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT % locals())
+ os.chmod(bootstrappath, 0o775)
+ if self.iconfile is not None:
+ iconbase = os.path.basename(self.iconfile)
+ self.plist.CFBundleIconFile = iconbase
+ self.files.append((self.iconfile, pathjoin(resdir, iconbase)))
+ def postProcess(self):
+ if self.standalone or self.semi_standalone:
+ self.addPythonModules()
+ if self.strip and not self.symlink:
+ self.stripBinaries()
+ if self.symlink_exec and self.executable:
+ self.message("Symlinking executable %s to %s" % (self.executable,
+ self.execpath), 2)
+ dst = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, self.execpath)
+ makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst))
+ os.symlink(os.path.abspath(self.executable), dst)
+ if self.missingModules or self.maybeMissingModules:
+ self.reportMissing()
+ def addPythonFramework(self):
+ # If we're building a standalone app with Python.framework,
+ # include a minimal subset of Python.framework, *unless*
+ # Python.framework was specified manually in self.libs.
+ for lib in self.libs:
+ if os.path.basename(lib) == "Python.framework":
+ # a Python.framework was specified as a library
+ return
+ frameworkpath = sys.exec_prefix[:sys.exec_prefix.find(
+ "Python.framework") + len("Python.framework")]
+ version = sys.version[:3]
+ frameworkpath = pathjoin(frameworkpath, "Versions", version)
+ destbase = pathjoin("Contents", "Frameworks", "Python.framework",
+ "Versions", version)
+ src = pathjoin(frameworkpath, item)
+ dst = pathjoin(destbase, item)
+ self.files.append((src, dst))
+ def _getSiteCode(self):
+ return compile(SITE_PY % {"semi_standalone": self.semi_standalone},
+ "<>", "exec")
+ def addPythonModules(self):
+ self.message("Adding Python modules", 1)
+ # Create a zip file containing all modules as pyc.
+ import zipfile
+ relpath = pathjoin("Contents", "Resources", ZIP_ARCHIVE)
+ abspath = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, relpath)
+ zf = zipfile.ZipFile(abspath, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+ for name, code, ispkg in self.pymodules:
+ self.message("Adding Python module %s" % name, 2)
+ path, pyc = getPycData(name, code, ispkg)
+ zf.writestr(path, pyc)
+ zf.close()
+ # add site.pyc
+ sitepath = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, "Contents", "Resources",
+ "site" + PYC_EXT)
+ writePyc(self._getSiteCode(), sitepath)
+ else:
+ # Create individual .pyc files.
+ for name, code, ispkg in self.pymodules:
+ if ispkg:
+ name += ".__init__"
+ path = name.split(".")
+ path = pathjoin("Contents", "Resources", *path) + PYC_EXT
+ if ispkg:
+ self.message("Adding Python package %s" % path, 2)
+ else:
+ self.message("Adding Python module %s" % path, 2)
+ abspath = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, path)
+ makedirs(os.path.dirname(abspath))
+ writePyc(code, abspath)
+ def stripBinaries(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(STRIP_EXEC):
+ self.message("Error: can't strip binaries: no strip program at "
+ "%s" % STRIP_EXEC, 0)
+ else:
+ import stat
+ self.message("Stripping binaries", 1)
+ def walk(top):
+ for name in os.listdir(top):
+ path = pathjoin(top, name)
+ if os.path.islink(path):
+ continue
+ if os.path.isdir(path):
+ walk(path)
+ else:
+ mod = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE]
+ if not (mod & 0o100):
+ continue
+ relpath = path[len(self.bundlepath):]
+ self.message("Stripping %s" % relpath, 2)
+ inf, outf = os.popen4("%s -S \"%s\"" %
+ (STRIP_EXEC, path))
+ output =
+ if output:
+ # usually not a real problem, like when we're
+ # trying to strip a script
+ self.message("Problem stripping %s:" % relpath, 3)
+ self.message(output, 3)
+ walk(self.bundlepath)
+ def findDependencies(self):
+ self.message("Finding module dependencies", 1)
+ import modulefinder
+ mf = modulefinder.ModuleFinder(excludes=self.excludeModules)
+ # zipimport imports zlib, must add it manually
+ mf.import_hook("zlib")
+ # manually add our own
+ site = mf.add_module("site")
+ site.__code__ = self._getSiteCode()
+ mf.scan_code(site.__code__, site)
+ # gets imported implicitly from C
+ mf.import_hook("warnings")
+ includeModules = self.includeModules[:]
+ for name in self.includePackages:
+ includeModules.extend(list(findPackageContents(name).keys()))
+ for name in includeModules:
+ try:
+ mf.import_hook(name)
+ except ImportError:
+ self.missingModules.append(name)
+ mf.run_script(self.mainprogram)
+ modules = list(mf.modules.items())
+ modules.sort()
+ for name, mod in modules:
+ path = mod.__file__
+ if path and self.semi_standalone:
+ # skip the standard library
+ if path.startswith(LIB) and not path.startswith(SITE_PACKAGES):
+ continue
+ if path and mod.__code__ is None:
+ # C extension
+ filename = os.path.basename(path)
+ pathitems = name.split(".")[:-1] + [filename]
+ dstpath = pathjoin(*pathitems)
+ if name != "zlib":
+ # neatly pack all extension modules in a subdirectory,
+ # except zlib, since it's neccesary for bootstrapping.
+ dstpath = pathjoin("ExtensionModules", dstpath)
+ # Python modules are stored in a Zip archive, but put
+ # extensions in Contents/Resources/. Add a tiny "loader"
+ # program in the Zip archive. Due to Thomas Heller.
+ source = EXT_LOADER % {"name": name, "filename": dstpath}
+ code = compile(source, "<dynloader for %s>" % name, "exec")
+ mod.__code__ = code
+ self.files.append((path, pathjoin("Contents", "Resources", dstpath)))
+ if mod.__code__ is not None:
+ ispkg = mod.__path__ is not None
+ if not USE_ZIPIMPORT or name != "site":
+ # Our is doing the bootstrapping, so we must
+ # include a real .pyc file if USE_ZIPIMPORT is True.
+ self.pymodules.append((name, mod.__code__, ispkg))
+ if hasattr(mf, "any_missing_maybe"):
+ missing, maybe = mf.any_missing_maybe()
+ else:
+ missing = mf.any_missing()
+ maybe = []
+ self.missingModules.extend(missing)
+ self.maybeMissingModules.extend(maybe)
+ def reportMissing(self):
+ missing = [name for name in self.missingModules
+ if name not in MAYMISS_MODULES]
+ if self.maybeMissingModules:
+ maybe = self.maybeMissingModules
+ else:
+ maybe = [name for name in missing if "." in name]
+ missing = [name for name in missing if "." not in name]
+ missing.sort()
+ maybe.sort()
+ if maybe:
+ self.message("Warning: couldn't find the following submodules:", 1)
+ self.message(" (Note that these could be false alarms -- "
+ "it's not always", 1)
+ self.message(" possible to distinguish between \"from package "
+ "import submodule\" ", 1)
+ self.message(" and \"from package import name\")", 1)
+ for name in maybe:
+ self.message(" ? " + name, 1)
+ if missing:
+ self.message("Warning: couldn't find the following modules:", 1)
+ for name in missing:
+ self.message(" ? " + name, 1)
+ def report(self):
+ # XXX something decent
+ import pprint
+ pprint.pprint(self.__dict__)
+ if self.standalone or self.semi_standalone:
+ self.reportMissing()
+# Utilities.
+SUFFIXES = [_suf for _suf, _mode, _tp in imp.get_suffixes()]
+identifierRE = re.compile(r"[_a-zA-z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$")
+def findPackageContents(name, searchpath=None):
+ head = name.split(".")[-1]
+ if identifierRE.match(head) is None:
+ return {}
+ try:
+ fp, path, (ext, mode, tp) = imp.find_module(head, searchpath)
+ except ImportError:
+ return {}
+ modules = {name: None}
+ if tp == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY and path:
+ files = os.listdir(path)
+ for sub in files:
+ sub, ext = os.path.splitext(sub)
+ fullname = name + "." + sub
+ if sub != "__init__" and fullname not in modules:
+ modules.update(findPackageContents(fullname, [path]))
+ return modules
+def writePyc(code, path):
+ f = open(path, "wb")
+ f.write(MAGIC)
+ f.write("\0" * 4) # don't bother about a time stamp
+ marshal.dump(code, f)
+ f.close()
+def copy(src, dst, mkdirs=0):
+ """Copy a file or a directory."""
+ if mkdirs:
+ makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst))
+ if os.path.isdir(src):
+ shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlinks=1)
+ else:
+ shutil.copy2(src, dst)
+def copytodir(src, dstdir):
+ """Copy a file or a directory to an existing directory."""
+ dst = pathjoin(dstdir, os.path.basename(src))
+ copy(src, dst)
+def makedirs(dir):
+ """Make all directories leading up to 'dir' including the leaf
+ directory. Don't moan if any path element already exists."""
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir)
+ except OSError as why:
+ if why.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+def symlink(src, dst, mkdirs=0):
+ """Copy a file or a directory."""
+ if not os.path.exists(src):
+ raise IOError("No such file or directory: '%s'" % src)
+ if mkdirs:
+ makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst))
+ os.symlink(os.path.abspath(src), dst)
+def pathjoin(*args):
+ """Safe wrapper for os.path.join: asserts that all but the first
+ argument are relative paths."""
+ for seg in args[1:]:
+ assert seg[0] != "/"
+ return os.path.join(*args)
+cmdline_doc = """\
+ python [options] command
+ python [options] command
+ build build the application
+ report print a report
+ -b, --builddir=DIR the build directory; defaults to "build"
+ -n, --name=NAME application name
+ -r, --resource=FILE extra file or folder to be copied to Resources
+ -f, --file=SRC:DST extra file or folder to be copied into the bundle;
+ DST must be a path relative to the bundle root
+ -e, --executable=FILE the executable to be used
+ -m, --mainprogram=FILE the Python main program
+ -a, --argv add a wrapper main program to create sys.argv
+ -p, --plist=FILE .plist file (default: generate one)
+ --nib=NAME main nib name
+ -c, --creator=CCCC 4-char creator code (default: '????')
+ --iconfile=FILE filename of the icon (an .icns file) to be used
+ as the Finder icon
+ --bundle-id=ID the CFBundleIdentifier, in reverse-dns format
+ (eg. org.python.BuildApplet; this is used for
+ the preferences file name)
+ -l, --link symlink files/folder instead of copying them
+ --link-exec symlink the executable instead of copying it
+ --standalone build a standalone application, which is fully
+ independent of a Python installation
+ --semi-standalone build a standalone application, which depends on
+ an installed Python, yet includes all third-party
+ modules.
+ --python=FILE Python to use in #! line in stead of current Python
+ --lib=FILE shared library or framework to be copied into
+ the bundle
+ -x, --exclude=MODULE exclude module (with --(semi-)standalone)
+ -i, --include=MODULE include module (with --(semi-)standalone)
+ --package=PACKAGE include a whole package (with --(semi-)standalone)
+ --strip strip binaries (remove debug info)
+ -v, --verbose increase verbosity level
+ -q, --quiet decrease verbosity level
+ -h, --help print this message
+def usage(msg=None):
+ if msg:
+ print(msg)
+ print(cmdline_doc)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def main(builder=None):
+ if builder is None:
+ builder = AppBuilder(verbosity=1)
+ shortopts = "b:n:r:f:e:m:c:p:lx:i:hvqa"
+ longopts = ("builddir=", "name=", "resource=", "file=", "executable=",
+ "mainprogram=", "creator=", "nib=", "plist=", "link",
+ "link-exec", "help", "verbose", "quiet", "argv", "standalone",
+ "exclude=", "include=", "package=", "strip", "iconfile=",
+ "lib=", "python=", "semi-standalone", "bundle-id=", "destroot=")
+ try:
+ options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopts, longopts)
+ except getopt.error:
+ usage()
+ for opt, arg in options:
+ if opt in ('-b', '--builddir'):
+ builder.builddir = arg
+ elif opt in ('-n', '--name'):
+ = arg
+ elif opt in ('-r', '--resource'):
+ builder.resources.append(os.path.normpath(arg))
+ elif opt in ('-f', '--file'):
+ srcdst = arg.split(':')
+ if len(srcdst) != 2:
+ usage("-f or --file argument must be two paths, "
+ "separated by a colon")
+ builder.files.append(srcdst)
+ elif opt in ('-e', '--executable'):
+ builder.executable = arg
+ elif opt in ('-m', '--mainprogram'):
+ builder.mainprogram = arg
+ elif opt in ('-a', '--argv'):
+ builder.argv_emulation = 1
+ elif opt in ('-c', '--creator'):
+ builder.creator = arg
+ elif opt == '--bundle-id':
+ builder.bundle_id = arg
+ elif opt == '--iconfile':
+ builder.iconfile = arg
+ elif opt == "--lib":
+ builder.libs.append(os.path.normpath(arg))
+ elif opt == "--nib":
+ builder.nibname = arg
+ elif opt in ('-p', '--plist'):
+ builder.plist = Plist.fromFile(arg)
+ elif opt in ('-l', '--link'):
+ builder.symlink = 1
+ elif opt == '--link-exec':
+ builder.symlink_exec = 1
+ elif opt in ('-h', '--help'):
+ usage()
+ elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
+ builder.verbosity += 1
+ elif opt in ('-q', '--quiet'):
+ builder.verbosity -= 1
+ elif opt == '--standalone':
+ builder.standalone = 1
+ elif opt == '--semi-standalone':
+ builder.semi_standalone = 1
+ elif opt == '--python':
+ builder.python = arg
+ elif opt in ('-x', '--exclude'):
+ builder.excludeModules.append(arg)
+ elif opt in ('-i', '--include'):
+ builder.includeModules.append(arg)
+ elif opt == '--package':
+ builder.includePackages.append(arg)
+ elif opt == '--strip':
+ builder.strip = 1
+ elif opt == '--destroot':
+ builder.destroot = arg
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ usage("Must specify one command ('build', 'report' or 'help')")
+ command = args[0]
+ if command == "build":
+ builder.setup()
+ elif command == "report":
+ builder.setup()
+ elif command == "help":
+ usage()
+ else:
+ usage("Unknown command '%s'" % command)
+def buildapp(**kwargs):
+ builder = AppBuilder(**kwargs)
+ main(builder)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/Mac/Tools/ b/Mac/Tools/
index a6db699..18b95b3 100644
--- a/Mac/Tools/
+++ b/Mac/Tools/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ status also when nothing needs to be fixed.
import sys
import os
-import gestalt as _gestalt
+import platform
@@ -99,11 +99,12 @@ def main():
print("fixapplypython23: no fix is needed on MacOSX on Intel")
- if gestalt.gestalt('sysv') < 0x1030:
+ osver = platform.mac_ver()
+ if osver != '10.3' and os.ver < '10.3.':
print('fixapplepython23: no fix needed on MacOSX < 10.3')
- if gestalt.gestalt('sysv') >= 0x1040:
+ if osver >= '10.4':
print('fixapplepython23: no fix needed on MacOSX >= 10.4')