path: root/Modules/_curses_panel.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Modules/_curses_panel.c')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/_curses_panel.c b/Modules/_curses_panel.c
index a98d2bf..609718f 100644
--- a/Modules/_curses_panel.c
+++ b/Modules/_curses_panel.c
@@ -162,38 +162,69 @@ find_po(PANEL *pan)
return temp->po;
-/* Function Prototype Macros - They are ugly but very, very useful. ;-)
- X - function name
- TYPE - parameter Type
- ERGSTR - format string for construction of the return value
- PARSESTR - format string for argument parsing */
-#define Panel_NoArgNoReturnFunction(X) \
-static PyObject *PyCursesPanel_##X(PyCursesPanelObject *self) \
-{ return PyCursesCheckERR(X(self->pan), # X); }
-#define Panel_NoArgTrueFalseFunction(X) \
-static PyObject *PyCursesPanel_##X(PyCursesPanelObject *self) \
-{ \
- if (X (self->pan) == FALSE) { Py_RETURN_FALSE; } \
- else { Py_RETURN_TRUE; } }
-#define Panel_TwoArgNoReturnFunction(X, TYPE, PARSESTR) \
-static PyObject *PyCursesPanel_##X(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *args) \
-{ \
- TYPE arg1, arg2; \
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, PARSESTR, &arg1, &arg2)) return NULL; \
- return PyCursesCheckERR(X(self->pan, arg1, arg2), # X); }
+/*[clinic input]
+module _curses_panel
+class _curses_panel.panel "PyCursesPanelObject *" "&PyCursesPanel_Type"
+[clinic start generated code]*/
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=da39a3ee5e6b4b0d input=2f4ef263ca850a31]*/
+#include "clinic/_curses_panel.c.h"
/* ------------- PANEL routines --------------- */
-Panel_TwoArgNoReturnFunction(move_panel, int, "ii;y,x")
+/*[clinic input]
+Push the panel to the bottom of the stack.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
+static PyObject *
+_curses_panel_panel_bottom_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=7aa7d14d7e1d1ce6 input=b6c920c071b61e2e]*/
+ return PyCursesCheckERR(bottom_panel(self->pan), "bottom");
+/*[clinic input]
+Hide the panel.
+This does not delete the object, it just makes the window on screen invisible.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
+static PyObject *
+_curses_panel_panel_hide_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=a7bbbd523e1eab49 input=f6ab884e99386118]*/
+ return PyCursesCheckERR(hide_panel(self->pan), "hide");
+/*[clinic input]
+Display the panel (which might have been hidden).
+[clinic start generated code]*/
+static PyObject *
+_curses_panel_panel_show_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=6b4553ab45c97769 input=57b167bbefaa3755]*/
+ return PyCursesCheckERR(show_panel(self->pan), "show");
+/*[clinic input]
+Push panel to the top of the stack.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
+static PyObject *
+_curses_panel_panel_top_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=0f5f2f8cdd2d1777 input=be33975ec3ca0e9a]*/
+ return PyCursesCheckERR(top_panel(self->pan), "top");
/* Allocation and deallocation of Panel Objects */
@@ -234,8 +265,15 @@ PyCursesPanel_Dealloc(PyCursesPanelObject *po)
/* panel_above(NULL) returns the bottom panel in the stack. To get
this behaviour we use curses.panel.bottom_panel(). */
+/*[clinic input]
+Return the panel above the current panel.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
-PyCursesPanel_above(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+_curses_panel_panel_above_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=70ac06d25fd3b4da input=c059994022976788]*/
PANEL *pan;
PyCursesPanelObject *po;
@@ -258,8 +296,15 @@ PyCursesPanel_above(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
/* panel_below(NULL) returns the top panel in the stack. To get
this behaviour we use curses.panel.top_panel(). */
+/*[clinic input]
+Return the panel below the current panel.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
-PyCursesPanel_below(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+_curses_panel_panel_below_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=282861122e06e3de input=cc08f61936d297c6]*/
PANEL *pan;
PyCursesPanelObject *po;
@@ -280,28 +325,70 @@ PyCursesPanel_below(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
return (PyObject *)po;
+/*[clinic input]
+Return True if the panel is hidden (not visible), False otherwise.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
-PyCursesPanel_window(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+_curses_panel_panel_hidden_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=66eebd1ab4501a71 input=453d4b4fce25e21a]*/
+ if (panel_hidden(self->pan))
+ else
+/*[clinic input]
+ y: int
+ x: int
+ /
+Move the panel to the screen coordinates (y, x).
+[clinic start generated code]*/
+static PyObject *
+_curses_panel_panel_move_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self, int y, int x)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=d867535a89777415 input=e0b36b78acc03fba]*/
+ return PyCursesCheckERR(move_panel(self->pan, y, x), "move_panel");
+/*[clinic input]
+Return the window object associated with the panel.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
+static PyObject *
+_curses_panel_panel_window_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=5f05940d4106b4cb input=6067353d2c307901]*/
return (PyObject *)self->wo;
+/*[clinic input]
+ win: object(type="PyCursesWindowObject *", subclass_of="&PyCursesWindow_Type")
+ /
+Change the window associated with the panel to the window win.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
-PyCursesPanel_replace_panel(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *args)
+_curses_panel_panel_replace_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self,
+ PyCursesWindowObject *win)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=2253a95f7b287255 input=4b1c4283987d9dfa]*/
PyCursesPanelObject *po;
- PyCursesWindowObject *temp;
int rtn;
- if (PyTuple_Size(args) != 1) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "replace requires one argument");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!;window object",
- &PyCursesWindow_Type, &temp))
- return NULL;
po = find_po(self->pan);
if (po == NULL) {
@@ -309,18 +396,28 @@ PyCursesPanel_replace_panel(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *args)
return NULL;
- rtn = replace_panel(self->pan, temp->win);
+ rtn = replace_panel(self->pan, win->win);
if (rtn == ERR) {
PyErr_SetString(_curses_panelstate_global->PyCursesError, "replace_panel() returned ERR");
return NULL;
- Py_INCREF(temp);
- Py_SETREF(po->wo, temp);
+ Py_INCREF(win);
+ Py_SETREF(po->wo, win);
+/*[clinic input]
+ obj: object
+ /
+Set the panel’s user pointer to obj.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
-PyCursesPanel_set_panel_userptr(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *obj)
+_curses_panel_panel_set_userptr(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *obj)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=6fb145b3af88cf4a input=2056be1cd148b05c]*/
PyObject *oldobj;
int rc;
@@ -336,8 +433,15 @@ PyCursesPanel_set_panel_userptr(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *obj)
return PyCursesCheckERR(rc, "set_panel_userptr");
+/*[clinic input]
+Return the user pointer for the panel.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
-PyCursesPanel_userptr(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+_curses_panel_panel_userptr_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=e849c307b5dc9237 input=f78b7a47aef0fd50]*/
PyObject *obj;
@@ -355,18 +459,18 @@ PyCursesPanel_userptr(PyCursesPanelObject *self)
/* Module interface */
static PyMethodDef PyCursesPanel_Methods[] = {
- {"above", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_above, METH_NOARGS},
- {"below", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_below, METH_NOARGS},
- {"bottom", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_bottom_panel, METH_NOARGS},
- {"hidden", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_panel_hidden, METH_NOARGS},
- {"hide", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_hide_panel, METH_NOARGS},
- {"move", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_move_panel, METH_VARARGS},
- {"replace", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_replace_panel, METH_VARARGS},
- {"set_userptr", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_set_panel_userptr, METH_O},
- {"show", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_show_panel, METH_NOARGS},
- {"top", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_top_panel, METH_NOARGS},
- {"userptr", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_userptr, METH_NOARGS},
- {"window", (PyCFunction)PyCursesPanel_window, METH_NOARGS},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
@@ -379,7 +483,7 @@ static PyType_Slot PyCursesPanel_Type_slots[] = {
static PyType_Spec PyCursesPanel_Type_spec = {
- "_curses_panel.curses panel",
+ "_curses_panel.panel",
@@ -390,8 +494,15 @@ static PyType_Spec PyCursesPanel_Type_spec = {
panel of the stack, so it's renamed to bottom_panel().
panel.above() *requires* a panel object in the first place which
may be undesirable. */
+/*[clinic input]
+Return the bottom panel in the panel stack.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
-PyCurses_bottom_panel(PyObject *self)
+_curses_panel_bottom_panel_impl(PyObject *module)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=3aba9f985f4c2bd0 input=634c2a8078b3d7e4]*/
PANEL *pan;
PyCursesPanelObject *po;
@@ -414,15 +525,20 @@ PyCurses_bottom_panel(PyObject *self)
return (PyObject *)po;
+/*[clinic input]
+ win: object(type="PyCursesWindowObject *", subclass_of="&PyCursesWindow_Type")
+ /
+Return a panel object, associating it with the given window win.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
-PyCurses_new_panel(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+_curses_panel_new_panel_impl(PyObject *module, PyCursesWindowObject *win)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=45e948e0176a9bd2 input=74d4754e0ebe4800]*/
- PyCursesWindowObject *win;
- PANEL *pan;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &PyCursesWindow_Type, &win))
- return NULL;
- pan = new_panel(win->win);
+ PANEL *pan = new_panel(win->win);
if (pan == NULL) {
PyErr_SetString(_curses_panelstate_global->PyCursesError, catchall_NULL);
return NULL;
@@ -435,8 +551,15 @@ PyCurses_new_panel(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
of the stack, so it's renamed to top_panel(). panel.below()
*requires* a panel object in the first place which may be
undesirable. */
+/*[clinic input]
+Return the top panel in the panel stack.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
-PyCurses_top_panel(PyObject *self)
+_curses_panel_top_panel_impl(PyObject *module)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=86704988bea8508e input=e62d6278dba39e79]*/
PANEL *pan;
PyCursesPanelObject *po;
@@ -459,7 +582,17 @@ PyCurses_top_panel(PyObject *self)
return (PyObject *)po;
-static PyObject *PyCurses_update_panels(PyObject *self)
+/*[clinic input]
+Updates the virtual screen after changes in the panel stack.
+This does not call curses.doupdate(), so you’ll have to do this yourself.
+[clinic start generated code]*/
+static PyObject *
+_curses_panel_update_panels_impl(PyObject *module)
+/*[clinic end generated code: output=2f3b4c2e03d90ded input=a127069202b0a097]*/
@@ -470,10 +603,10 @@ static PyObject *PyCurses_update_panels(PyObject *self)
/* List of functions defined in the module */
static PyMethodDef PyCurses_methods[] = {
- {"bottom_panel", (PyCFunction)PyCurses_bottom_panel, METH_NOARGS},
- {"new_panel", (PyCFunction)PyCurses_new_panel, METH_VARARGS},
- {"top_panel", (PyCFunction)PyCurses_top_panel, METH_NOARGS},
- {"update_panels", (PyCFunction)PyCurses_update_panels, METH_NOARGS},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
@@ -523,6 +656,9 @@ PyInit__curses_panel(void)
PyDict_SetItemString(d, "version", v);
PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__version__", v);
+ Py_INCREF(_curses_panelstate(m)->PyCursesPanel_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "panel", (PyObject *)_curses_panelstate(m)->PyCursesPanel_Type);
return m;