path: root/Modules/syslogmodule.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Modules/syslogmodule.c')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/syslogmodule.c b/Modules/syslogmodule.c
index c6a3b36..2281c1d 100644
--- a/Modules/syslogmodule.c
+++ b/Modules/syslogmodule.c
Revision history:
+2010/04/20 (Sean Reifschneider)
+ - Use basename(sys.argv[0]) for the default "ident".
+ - Arguments to openlog() are now keyword args and are all optional.
+ - syslog() calls openlog() if it hasn't already been called.
1998/04/28 (Sean Reifschneider)
- When facility not specified to syslog() method, use default from openlog()
(This is how it was claimed to work in the documentation)
@@ -45,6 +50,7 @@ Revision history:
/* syslog module */
#include "Python.h"
+#include "osdefs.h"
#include <syslog.h>
@@ -52,30 +58,83 @@ Revision history:
static PyObject *S_ident_o = NULL; /* identifier, held by openlog() */
+static PyObject *
+ /* Figure out what to use for as the program "ident" for openlog().
+ * This swallows exceptions and continues rather than failing out,
+ * because the syslog module can still be used because openlog(3)
+ * is optional.
+ */
+ Py_ssize_t argv_len;
+ PyObject *scriptobj;
+ char *atslash;
+ PyObject *argv = PySys_GetObject("argv");
+ if (argv == NULL) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ argv_len = PyList_Size(argv);
+ if (argv_len == -1) {
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ if (argv_len == 0) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ scriptobj = PyList_GetItem(argv, 0);
+ if (!PyUnicode_Check(scriptobj)) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ if (PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(scriptobj) == 0) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ atslash = strrchr(_PyUnicode_AsString(scriptobj), SEP);
+ if (atslash) {
+ return(PyUnicode_FromString(atslash + 1));
+ } else {
+ Py_INCREF(scriptobj);
+ return(scriptobj);
+ }
+ return(NULL);
static PyObject *
-syslog_openlog(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
+syslog_openlog(PyObject * self, PyObject * args, PyObject *kwds)
long logopt = 0;
long facility = LOG_USER;
- PyObject *new_S_ident_o;
- const char *ident;
+ PyObject *new_S_ident_o = NULL;
+ static char *keywords[] = {"ident", "logoption", "facility", 0};
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,
- "U|ll;ident string [, logoption [, facility]]",
- &new_S_ident_o, &logopt, &facility))
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds,
+ "|Ull:openlog", keywords, &new_S_ident_o, &logopt, &facility))
return NULL;
- /* This is needed because openlog() does NOT make a copy
- * and syslog() later uses it.. cannot trash it.
- */
+ if (new_S_ident_o) {
+ Py_INCREF(new_S_ident_o);
+ }
+ /* get sys.argv[0] or NULL if we can't for some reason */
+ if (!new_S_ident_o) {
+ new_S_ident_o = syslog_get_argv();
+ }
S_ident_o = new_S_ident_o;
- Py_INCREF(S_ident_o);
- ident = _PyUnicode_AsString(S_ident_o);
- if (ident == NULL)
- return NULL;
- openlog(ident, logopt, facility);
+ /* At this point, S_ident_o should be INCREF()ed. openlog(3) does not
+ * make a copy, and syslog(3) later uses it. We can't garbagecollect it
+ * If NULL, just let openlog figure it out (probably using C argv[0]).
+ */
+ openlog(S_ident_o ? _PyUnicode_AsString(S_ident_o) : NULL, logopt, facility);
return Py_None;
@@ -100,6 +159,22 @@ syslog_syslog(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
message = _PyUnicode_AsString(message_object);
if (message == NULL)
return NULL;
+ /* call openlog if no current identifier */
+ if (!S_ident_o) {
+ PyObject *openargs;
+ /* Continue even if PyTuple_New fails, because openlog(3) is optional.
+ * So, we can still do loggin in the unlikely event things are so hosed
+ * that we can't do this tuple.
+ */
+ if ((openargs = PyTuple_New(0))) {
+ PyObject *openlog_ret = syslog_openlog(self, openargs, NULL);
+ Py_XDECREF(openlog_ret);
+ Py_DECREF(openargs);
+ }
+ }
syslog(priority, "%s", message);
@@ -152,7 +227,7 @@ syslog_log_upto(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
/* List of functions defined in the module */
static PyMethodDef syslog_methods[] = {
- {"openlog", syslog_openlog, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"openlog", (PyCFunction) syslog_openlog, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS},
{"closelog", syslog_closelog, METH_NOARGS},
{"syslog", syslog_syslog, METH_VARARGS},
{"setlogmask", syslog_setlogmask, METH_VARARGS},