path: root/PC/layout/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PC/layout/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 612 deletions
diff --git a/PC/layout/ b/PC/layout/
deleted file mode 100644
index 82d0536..0000000
--- a/PC/layout/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
-Generates a layout of Python for Windows from a build.
-See python --help for usage.
-__author__ = "Steve Dower <>"
-__version__ = "3.8"
-import argparse
-import functools
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import zipfile
-from pathlib import Path
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Started directly, so enable relative imports
- __path__ = [str(Path(__file__).resolve().parent)]
-from .support.appxmanifest import *
-from .support.catalog import *
-from .support.constants import *
-from .support.filesets import *
-from .support.logging import *
-from .support.options import *
-from .support.pip import *
-from .support.props import *
-BDIST_WININST_FILES_ONLY = FileNameSet("wininst-*", "")
-BDIST_WININST_STUB = "PC/layout/support/"
-TEST_PYDS_ONLY = FileStemSet("xxlimited", "_ctypes_test", "_test*")
-TEST_DIRS_ONLY = FileNameSet("test", "tests")
-IDLE_DIRS_ONLY = FileNameSet("idlelib")
-TCLTK_PYDS_ONLY = FileStemSet("tcl*", "tk*", "_tkinter")
-TCLTK_DIRS_ONLY = FileNameSet("tkinter", "turtledemo")
-TCLTK_FILES_ONLY = FileNameSet("")
-VENV_DIRS_ONLY = FileNameSet("venv", "ensurepip")
-EXCLUDE_FROM_PYDS = FileStemSet("python*", "pyshellext")
-EXCLUDE_FROM_LIB = FileNameSet("*.pyc", "__pycache__", "*.pickle")
-EXCLUDE_FROM_PACKAGED_LIB = FileNameSet("readme.txt")
-EXCLUDE_FROM_COMPILE = FileNameSet("badsyntax_*", "bad_*")
-EXCLUDE_FROM_CATALOG = FileSuffixSet(".exe", ".pyd", ".dll")
-REQUIRED_DLLS = FileStemSet("libcrypto*", "libssl*")
-LIB2TO3_GRAMMAR_FILES = FileNameSet("Grammar.txt", "PatternGrammar.txt")
-PY_FILES = FileSuffixSet(".py")
-PYC_FILES = FileSuffixSet(".pyc")
-CAT_FILES = FileSuffixSet(".cat")
-CDF_FILES = FileSuffixSet(".cdf")
-DATA_DIRS = FileNameSet("data")
-TOOLS_DIRS = FileNameSet("scripts", "i18n", "pynche", "demo", "parser")
-TOOLS_FILES = FileSuffixSet(".py", ".pyw", ".txt")
-def get_lib_layout(ns):
- def _c(f):
- return False
- if f.is_dir():
- if f in TEST_DIRS_ONLY:
- return ns.include_tests
- if f in TCLTK_DIRS_ONLY:
- return ns.include_tcltk
- if f in IDLE_DIRS_ONLY:
- return ns.include_idle
- if f in VENV_DIRS_ONLY:
- return ns.include_venv
- else:
- return ns.include_tcltk
- return ns.include_bdist_wininst
- return True
- for dest, src in rglob(ns.source / "Lib", "**/*", _c):
- yield dest, src
- if not ns.include_bdist_wininst:
- src = ns.source / BDIST_WININST_STUB
- yield Path("distutils/command/"), src
-def get_tcltk_lib(ns):
- if not ns.include_tcltk:
- return
- tcl_lib = os.getenv("TCL_LIBRARY")
- if not tcl_lib or not os.path.isdir(tcl_lib):
- try:
- with open( / "TCL_LIBRARY.env", "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as f:
- tcl_lib =
- except FileNotFoundError:
- pass
- if not tcl_lib or not os.path.isdir(tcl_lib):
- warn("Failed to find TCL_LIBRARY")
- return
- for dest, src in rglob(Path(tcl_lib).parent, "**/*"):
- yield "tcl/{}".format(dest), src
-def get_layout(ns):
- def in_build(f, dest="", new_name=None):
- n, _, x = f.rpartition(".")
- n = new_name or n
- src = / f
- if ns.debug and src not in REQUIRED_DLLS:
- if not src.stem.endswith("_d"):
- src = src.parent / (src.stem + "_d" + src.suffix)
- if not n.endswith("_d"):
- n += "_d"
- f = n + "." + x
- yield dest + n + "." + x, src
- if ns.include_symbols:
- pdb = src.with_suffix(".pdb")
- if pdb.is_file():
- yield dest + n + ".pdb", pdb
- if ns.include_dev:
- lib = src.with_suffix(".lib")
- if lib.is_file():
- yield "libs/" + n + ".lib", lib
- yield from in_build("python_uwp.exe", new_name="python")
- yield from in_build("pythonw_uwp.exe", new_name="pythonw")
- yield from in_build(PYTHON_DLL_NAME)
- if ns.include_launchers:
- if ns.include_pip:
- yield from in_build("python_uwp.exe", new_name="pip")
- if ns.include_idle:
- yield from in_build("pythonw_uwp.exe", new_name="idle")
- if ns.include_stable:
- yield from in_build(PYTHON_STABLE_DLL_NAME)
- for dest, src in rglob(, "vcruntime*.dll"):
- yield dest, src
- for dest, src in rglob(, ("*.pyd", "*.dll")):
- if src.stem.endswith("_d") != bool(ns.debug) and src not in REQUIRED_DLLS:
- continue
- if src in EXCLUDE_FROM_PYDS:
- continue
- if src in TEST_PYDS_ONLY and not ns.include_tests:
- continue
- if src in TCLTK_PYDS_ONLY and not ns.include_tcltk:
- continue
- yield from in_build(, dest="" if ns.flat_dlls else "DLLs/")
- if ns.zip_lib:
- zip_name = PYTHON_ZIP_NAME
- yield zip_name, ns.temp / zip_name
- else:
- for dest, src in get_lib_layout(ns):
- yield "Lib/{}".format(dest), src
- if ns.include_venv:
- yield from in_build("venvlauncher.exe", "Lib/venv/scripts/nt/", "python")
- yield from in_build("venvwlauncher.exe", "Lib/venv/scripts/nt/", "pythonw")
- if ns.include_tools:
- def _c(d):
- if d.is_dir():
- return d in TOOLS_DIRS
- return d in TOOLS_FILES
- for dest, src in rglob(ns.source / "Tools", "**/*", _c):
- yield "Tools/{}".format(dest), src
- if ns.include_underpth:
- if ns.include_dev:
- def _c(d):
- if d.is_dir():
- return != "internal"
- return True
- for dest, src in rglob(ns.source / "Include", "**/*.h", _c):
- yield "include/{}".format(dest), src
- src = ns.source / "PC" / "pyconfig.h"
- yield "include/pyconfig.h", src
- for dest, src in get_tcltk_lib(ns):
- yield dest, src
- if ns.include_pip:
- pip_dir = get_pip_dir(ns)
- if not pip_dir.is_dir():
- log_warning("Failed to find {} - pip will not be included", pip_dir)
- else:
- pkg_root = "packages/{}" if ns.zip_lib else "Lib/site-packages/{}"
- for dest, src in rglob(pip_dir, "**/*"):
- continue
- yield pkg_root.format(dest), src
- if ns.include_chm:
- for dest, src in rglob(ns.doc_build / "htmlhelp", PYTHON_CHM_NAME):
- yield "Doc/{}".format(dest), src
- if ns.include_html_doc:
- for dest, src in rglob(ns.doc_build / "html", "**/*"):
- yield "Doc/html/{}".format(dest), src
- if ns.include_props:
- for dest, src in get_props_layout(ns):
- yield dest, src
- for dest, src in get_appx_layout(ns):
- yield dest, src
- if ns.include_cat:
- if ns.flat_dlls:
- yield, ns.include_cat
- else:
- yield "DLLs/{}".format(, ns.include_cat
-def _compile_one_py(src, dest, name, optimize):
- import py_compile
- if dest is not None:
- dest = str(dest)
- try:
- return Path(
- py_compile.compile(
- str(src),
- dest,
- str(name),
- doraise=True,
- optimize=optimize,
- invalidation_mode=py_compile.PycInvalidationMode.CHECKED_HASH,
- )
- )
- except py_compile.PyCompileError:
- log_warning("Failed to compile {}", src)
- return None
-def _py_temp_compile(src, ns, dest_dir=None):
- if not ns.precompile or src not in PY_FILES or src.parent in DATA_DIRS:
- return None
- dest = (dest_dir or ns.temp) / (src.stem + ".py")
- return _compile_one_py(src, dest.with_suffix(".pyc"), dest, optimize=2)
-def _write_to_zip(zf, dest, src, ns):
- pyc = _py_temp_compile(src, ns)
- if pyc:
- try:
- zf.write(str(pyc), dest.with_suffix(".pyc"))
- finally:
- try:
- pyc.unlink()
- except:
- log_exception("Failed to delete {}", pyc)
- return
- if src in LIB2TO3_GRAMMAR_FILES:
- from lib2to3.pgen2.driver import load_grammar
- tmp = ns.temp /
- try:
- shutil.copy(src, tmp)
- load_grammar(str(tmp))
- for f in ns.temp.glob(src.stem + "*.pickle"):
- zf.write(str(f), str(dest.parent /
- try:
- f.unlink()
- except:
- log_exception("Failed to delete {}", f)
- except:
- log_exception("Failed to compile {}", src)
- finally:
- try:
- tmp.unlink()
- except:
- log_exception("Failed to delete {}", tmp)
- zf.write(str(src), str(dest))
-def generate_source_files(ns):
- if ns.zip_lib:
- zip_name = PYTHON_ZIP_NAME
- zip_path = ns.temp / zip_name
- if zip_path.is_file():
- zip_path.unlink()
- elif zip_path.is_dir():
- log_error(
- "Cannot create zip file because a directory exists by the same name"
- )
- return
- log_info("Generating {} in {}", zip_name, ns.temp)
- ns.temp.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
- for dest, src in get_lib_layout(ns):
- _write_to_zip(zf, dest, src, ns)
- if ns.include_underpth:
- log_info("Generating {} in {}", PYTHON_PTH_NAME, ns.temp)
- ns.temp.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with open(ns.temp / PYTHON_PTH_NAME, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- if ns.zip_lib:
- print(PYTHON_ZIP_NAME, file=f)
- if ns.include_pip:
- print("packages", file=f)
- else:
- print("Lib", file=f)
- print("Lib/site-packages", file=f)
- if not ns.flat_dlls:
- print("DLLs", file=f)
- print(".", file=f)
- print(file=f)
- print("# Uncomment to run site.main() automatically", file=f)
- print("#import site", file=f)
- if ns.include_appxmanifest:
- log_info("Generating AppxManifest.xml in {}", ns.temp)
- ns.temp.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with open(ns.temp / "AppxManifest.xml", "wb") as f:
- f.write(get_appxmanifest(ns))
- with open(ns.temp / "_resources.xml", "wb") as f:
- f.write(get_resources_xml(ns))
- if ns.include_pip:
- pip_dir = get_pip_dir(ns)
- if not (pip_dir / "pip").is_dir():
- log_info("Extracting pip to {}", pip_dir)
- pip_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- extract_pip_files(ns)
- if ns.include_props:
- log_info("Generating {} in {}", PYTHON_PROPS_NAME, ns.temp)
- ns.temp.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with open(ns.temp / PYTHON_PROPS_NAME, "wb") as f:
- f.write(get_props(ns))
-def _create_zip_file(ns):
- if not
- return None
- if
- try:
- except OSError:
- log_exception("Unable to remove {}",
- sys.exit(8)
- elif
- log_error("Cannot create ZIP file because {} is a directory",
- sys.exit(8)
-, exist_ok=True)
- return zipfile.ZipFile(, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
-def copy_files(files, ns):
- if ns.copy:
- ns.copy.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- try:
- total = len(files)
- except TypeError:
- total = None
- count = 0
- zip_file = _create_zip_file(ns)
- try:
- need_compile = []
- in_catalog = []
- for dest, src in files:
- count += 1
- if count % 10 == 0:
- if total:
- log_info("Processed {:>4} of {} files", count, total)
- else:
- log_info("Processed {} files", count)
- log_debug("Processing {!s}", src)
- if (
- ns.precompile
- and src in PY_FILES
- and src not in EXCLUDE_FROM_COMPILE
- and src.parent not in DATA_DIRS
- and os.path.normcase(str(dest)).startswith(os.path.normcase("Lib"))
- ):
- if ns.copy:
- need_compile.append((dest, ns.copy / dest))
- else:
- (ns.temp / "Lib" / dest).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- shutil.copy2(src, ns.temp / "Lib" / dest)
- need_compile.append((dest, ns.temp / "Lib" / dest))
- if src not in EXCLUDE_FROM_CATALOG:
- in_catalog.append((, src))
- if ns.copy:
- log_debug("Copy {} -> {}", src, ns.copy / dest)
- (ns.copy / dest).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- try:
- shutil.copy2(src, ns.copy / dest)
- except shutil.SameFileError:
- pass
- if
- log_debug("Zip {} into {}", src,
- zip_file.write(src, str(dest))
- if need_compile:
- for dest, src in need_compile:
- compiled = [
- _compile_one_py(src, None, dest, optimize=0),
- _compile_one_py(src, None, dest, optimize=1),
- _compile_one_py(src, None, dest, optimize=2),
- ]
- for c in compiled:
- if not c:
- continue
- cdest = Path(dest).parent / Path(c).relative_to(src.parent)
- if
- log_debug("Zip {} into {}", c,
- zip_file.write(c, str(cdest))
- in_catalog.append((, cdest))
- if ns.catalog:
- # Just write out the CDF now. Compilation and signing is
- # an extra step
- log_info("Generating {}", ns.catalog)
- ns.catalog.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- write_catalog(ns.catalog, in_catalog)
- finally:
- if zip_file:
- zip_file.close()
-def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("-v", help="Increase verbosity", action="count")
- parser.add_argument(
- "-s",
- "--source",
- metavar="dir",
- help="The directory containing the repository root",
- type=Path,
- default=None,
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-b", "--build", metavar="dir", help="Specify the build directory", type=Path
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--doc-build",
- metavar="dir",
- help="Specify the docs build directory",
- type=Path,
- default=None,
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--copy",
- metavar="directory",
- help="The name of the directory to copy an extracted layout to",
- type=Path,
- default=None,
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--zip",
- metavar="file",
- help="The ZIP file to write all files to",
- type=Path,
- default=None,
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--catalog",
- metavar="file",
- help="The CDF file to write catalog entries to",
- type=Path,
- default=None,
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--log",
- metavar="file",
- help="Write all operations to the specified file",
- type=Path,
- default=None,
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-t",
- "--temp",
- metavar="file",
- help="A temporary working directory",
- type=Path,
- default=None,
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-d", "--debug", help="Include debug build", action="store_true"
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-p",
- "--precompile",
- help="Include .pyc files instead of .py",
- action="store_true",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-z", "--zip-lib", help="Include library in a ZIP file", action="store_true"
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--flat-dlls", help="Does not create a DLLs directory", action="store_true"
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-a",
- "--include-all",
- help="Include all optional components",
- action="store_true",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--include-cat",
- metavar="file",
- help="Specify the catalog file to include",
- type=Path,
- default=None,
- )
- for opt, help in get_argparse_options():
- parser.add_argument(opt, help=help, action="store_true")
- ns = parser.parse_args()
- update_presets(ns)
- ns.source = ns.source or (Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent)
- = or Path(sys.executable).parent
- ns.temp = ns.temp or Path(tempfile.mkdtemp())
- ns.doc_build = ns.doc_build or (ns.source / "Doc" / "build")
- if not ns.source.is_absolute():
- ns.source = (Path.cwd() / ns.source).resolve()
- if not
- = (Path.cwd() /
- if not ns.temp.is_absolute():
- ns.temp = (Path.cwd() / ns.temp).resolve()
- if not ns.doc_build.is_absolute():
- ns.doc_build = (Path.cwd() / ns.doc_build).resolve()
- if ns.include_cat and not ns.include_cat.is_absolute():
- ns.include_cat = (Path.cwd() / ns.include_cat).resolve()
- if ns.copy and not ns.copy.is_absolute():
- ns.copy = (Path.cwd() / ns.copy).resolve()
- if and not
- = (Path.cwd() /
- if ns.catalog and not ns.catalog.is_absolute():
- ns.catalog = (Path.cwd() / ns.catalog).resolve()
- configure_logger(ns)
- log_info(
-Source: {ns.source}
-Build: {}
-Temp: {ns.temp}
-Copy to: {ns.copy}
-Zip to: {}
-Catalog: {ns.catalog}""",
- ns=ns,
- )
- if ns.include_idle and not ns.include_tcltk:
- log_warning("Assuming --include-tcltk to support --include-idle")
- ns.include_tcltk = True
- try:
- generate_source_files(ns)
- files = list(get_layout(ns))
- copy_files(files, ns)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- log_info("Interrupted by Ctrl+C")
- return 3
- except SystemExit:
- raise
- except:
- log_exception("Unhandled error")
- if error_was_logged():
- log_error("Errors occurred.")
- return 1
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(int(main() or 0))