path: root/PC/os2emx/getpathp.c
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1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PC/os2emx/getpathp.c b/PC/os2emx/getpathp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cb8278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PC/os2emx/getpathp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+/* Return the initial module search path. */
+/* This version used by OS/2+EMX */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ This describes how sys.path is formed on OS/2+EMX. It describes the
+ functionality, not the implementation (ie, the order in which these
+ are actually fetched is different)
+ * Python always adds an empty entry at the start, which corresponds
+ to the current directory.
+ * If the PYTHONPATH env. var. exists, it's entries are added next.
+ * We attempt to locate the "Python Home" - if the PYTHONHOME env var
+ is set, we believe it. Otherwise, we use the path of our host .EXE's
+ to try and locate our "landmark" (lib\\ and deduce our home.
+ - If we DO have a Python Home: The relevant sub-directories (Lib,
+ plat-win, lib-tk, etc) are based on the Python Home
+ - If we DO NOT have a Python Home, the core Python Path is
+ loaded from the registry. This is the main PythonPath key,
+ and both HKLM and HKCU are combined to form the path)
+ * Iff - we can not locate the Python Home, and have not had a PYTHONPATH
+ specified (ie, we have _nothing_ we can assume is a good path), a
+ default path with relative entries is used (eg. .\Lib;.\plat-win, etc)
+ The end result of all this is:
+ * When running python.exe, or any other .exe in the main Python directory
+ (either an installed version, or directly from the PCbuild directory),
+ the core path is deduced.
+ * When Python is hosted in another exe (different directory, embedded via
+ COM, etc), the Python Home will not be deduced, so the core path from
+ the registry is used. Other "application paths "in the registry are
+ always read.
+ * If Python can't find its home and there is no registry (eg, frozen
+ exe, some very strange installation setup) you get a path with
+ some default, but relative, paths.
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "Python.h"
+#include "osdefs.h"
+#ifndef PYOS_OS2
+#error This file only compilable on OS/2
+#define INCL_DOS
+#include <os2.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
+/* Search in some common locations for the associated Python libraries.
+ *
+ * Py_GetPath() tries to return a sensible Python module search path.
+ *
+ * The approach is an adaptation for Windows of the strategy used in
+ * ../Modules/getpath.c; it uses the Windows Registry as one of its
+ * information sources.
+ */
+#ifndef LANDMARK
+#if defined(PYCC_GCC)
+#define LANDMARK "lib/"
+#define LANDMARK "lib\\"
+static char prefix[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+static char progpath[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+static char *module_search_path = NULL;
+static int
+is_sep(char ch) /* determine if "ch" is a separator character */
+#ifdef ALTSEP
+ return ch == SEP || ch == ALTSEP;
+ return ch == SEP;
+/* assumes 'dir' null terminated in bounds. Never writes
+ beyond existing terminator.
+static void
+reduce(char *dir)
+ size_t i = strlen(dir);
+ while (i > 0 && !is_sep(dir[i]))
+ --i;
+ dir[i] = '\0';
+static int
+exists(char *filename)
+ struct stat buf;
+ return stat(filename, &buf) == 0;
+/* Assumes 'filename' MAXPATHLEN+1 bytes long -
+ may extend 'filename' by one character.
+static int
+ismodule(char *filename) /* Is module -- check for .pyc/.pyo too */
+ if (exists(filename))
+ return 1;
+ /* Check for the compiled version of prefix. */
+ if (strlen(filename) < MAXPATHLEN) {
+ strcat(filename, Py_OptimizeFlag ? "o" : "c");
+ if (exists(filename))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* guarantees buffer will never overflow MAXPATHLEN+1 bytes */
+static void
+join(char *buffer, char *stuff)
+ size_t n, k;
+ if (is_sep(stuff[0]))
+ n = 0;
+ else {
+ n = strlen(buffer);
+ if (n > 0 && !is_sep(buffer[n-1]) && n < MAXPATHLEN)
+ buffer[n++] = SEP;
+ }
+ k = strlen(stuff);
+ if (n + k > MAXPATHLEN)
+ k = MAXPATHLEN - n;
+ strncpy(buffer+n, stuff, k);
+ buffer[n+k] = '\0';
+/* gotlandmark only called by search_for_prefix, which ensures
+ 'prefix' is null terminated in bounds. join() ensures
+ 'landmark' can not overflow prefix if too long.
+static int
+gotlandmark(char *landmark)
+ int n, ok;
+ n = strlen(prefix);
+ join(prefix, landmark);
+ ok = ismodule(prefix);
+ prefix[n] = '\0';
+ return ok;
+/* assumes argv0_path is MAXPATHLEN+1 bytes long, already \0 term'd.
+ assumption provided by only caller, calculate_path() */
+static int
+search_for_prefix(char *argv0_path, char *landmark)
+ /* Search from argv0_path, until landmark is found */
+ strcpy(prefix, argv0_path);
+ do {
+ if (gotlandmark(landmark))
+ return 1;
+ reduce(prefix);
+ } while (prefix[0]);
+ return 0;
+static void
+ extern char *Py_GetProgramName(void);
+ char *path = getenv("PATH");
+ char *prog = Py_GetProgramName();
+ PPIB pib;
+ if ((DosGetInfoBlocks(NULL, &pib) == 0) &&
+ (DosQueryModuleName(pib->pib_hmte, sizeof(progpath), progpath) == 0))
+ return;
+ if (prog == NULL || *prog == '\0')
+ prog = "python";
+ /* If there is no slash in the argv0 path, then we have to
+ * assume python is on the user's $PATH, since there's no
+ * other way to find a directory to start the search from. If
+ * $PATH isn't exported, you lose.
+ */
+#ifdef ALTSEP
+ if (strchr(prog, SEP) || strchr(prog, ALTSEP))
+ if (strchr(prog, SEP))
+ strncpy(progpath, prog, MAXPATHLEN);
+ else if (path) {
+ while (1) {
+ char *delim = strchr(path, DELIM);
+ if (delim) {
+ size_t len = delim - path;
+ /* ensure we can't overwrite buffer */
+#if !defined(PYCC_GCC)
+ len = min(MAXPATHLEN,len);
+ len = MAXPATHLEN < len ? MAXPATHLEN : len;
+ strncpy(progpath, path, len);
+ *(progpath + len) = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ strncpy(progpath, path, MAXPATHLEN);
+ /* join() is safe for MAXPATHLEN+1 size buffer */
+ join(progpath, prog);
+ if (exists(progpath))
+ break;
+ if (!delim) {
+ progpath[0] = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ path = delim + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ progpath[0] = '\0';
+static void
+ char argv0_path[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+ char *buf;
+ size_t bufsz;
+ char *pythonhome = Py_GetPythonHome();
+ char *envpath = getenv("PYTHONPATH");
+ get_progpath();
+ /* progpath guaranteed \0 terminated in MAXPATH+1 bytes. */
+ strcpy(argv0_path, progpath);
+ reduce(argv0_path);
+ if (pythonhome == NULL || *pythonhome == '\0') {
+ if (search_for_prefix(argv0_path, LANDMARK))
+ pythonhome = prefix;
+ else
+ pythonhome = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ strncpy(prefix, pythonhome, MAXPATHLEN);
+ if (envpath && *envpath == '\0')
+ envpath = NULL;
+ /* We need to construct a path from the following parts.
+ (1) the PYTHONPATH environment variable, if set;
+ (2) the PYTHONPATH config macro, with the leading "."
+ of each component replaced with pythonhome, if set;
+ (3) the directory containing the executable (argv0_path).
+ The length calculation calculates #2 first.
+ */
+ /* Calculate size of return buffer */
+ if (pythonhome != NULL) {
+ char *p;
+ bufsz = 1;
+ for (p = PYTHONPATH; *p; p++) {
+ if (*p == DELIM)
+ bufsz++; /* number of DELIM plus one */
+ }
+ bufsz *= strlen(pythonhome);
+ }
+ else
+ bufsz = 0;
+ bufsz += strlen(PYTHONPATH) + 1;
+ bufsz += strlen(argv0_path) + 1;
+ if (envpath != NULL)
+ bufsz += strlen(envpath) + 1;
+ module_search_path = buf = malloc(bufsz);
+ if (buf == NULL) {
+ /* We can't exit, so print a warning and limp along */
+ fprintf(stderr, "Can't malloc dynamic PYTHONPATH.\n");
+ if (envpath) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Using environment $PYTHONPATH.\n");
+ module_search_path = envpath;
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Using default static path.\n");
+ module_search_path = PYTHONPATH;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (envpath) {
+ strcpy(buf, envpath);
+ buf = strchr(buf, '\0');
+ *buf++ = DELIM;
+ }
+ if (pythonhome == NULL) {
+ strcpy(buf, PYTHONPATH);
+ buf = strchr(buf, '\0');
+ }
+ else {
+ char *p = PYTHONPATH;
+ char *q;
+ size_t n;
+ for (;;) {
+ q = strchr(p, DELIM);
+ if (q == NULL)
+ n = strlen(p);
+ else
+ n = q-p;
+ if (p[0] == '.' && is_sep(p[1])) {
+ strcpy(buf, pythonhome);
+ buf = strchr(buf, '\0');
+ p++;
+ n--;
+ }
+ strncpy(buf, p, n);
+ buf += n;
+ if (q == NULL)
+ break;
+ *buf++ = DELIM;
+ p = q+1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (argv0_path) {
+ *buf++ = DELIM;
+ strcpy(buf, argv0_path);
+ buf = strchr(buf, '\0');
+ }
+ *buf = '\0';
+/* External interface */
+char *
+ if (!module_search_path)
+ calculate_path();
+ return module_search_path;
+char *
+ if (!module_search_path)
+ calculate_path();
+ return prefix;
+char *
+ return Py_GetPrefix();
+char *
+ if (!module_search_path)
+ calculate_path();
+ return progpath;