path: root/PC/setup_nt
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Diffstat (limited to 'PC/setup_nt')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 534 deletions
diff --git a/PC/setup_nt/readme.txt b/PC/setup_nt/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e35b01..0000000
--- a/PC/setup_nt/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-(I had no time to update and test this directory. It is provided
-for your information only.)
-Python 1.4beta3 for Windows NT 3.5 and Windows 95
-The zip file contains a preliminary binary release of
-Python 1.4beta3 for Windows NT 3.5 and Windows '95, with Tcl/Tk
-support. The installation has not been tested on Windows 3.1 with
-Win32s. For general information on Python, see
-To install
-Unzip the archive on a file system with enough space. It will create
-a directory Python1.4b3 containing subdirectories Bin and Lib and some
-files, including setup.bat,, uninstall.bat, and
-(If you don't have a zip program that supports long filenames, get the
-file winzip95.exe and install it -- this is WinZip 6.1 for 32-bit
-Windows systems.)
-Run the SETUP.BAT file found in directory just created. When it is
-done, press Enter.
-Tcl/Tk support requires additional installation steps, see below.
-To use
-Python runs in a console (DOS) window. From the File Manager, run the
-file python.exe found in the Bin subdirectory. You can also drag it
-to a program group of your choice for easier access. Opening any file
-ending in .py from the file manager should run it.
-To use with Tkinter
-Get the file win41p1.exe from /pub/python/nt/ on or
-from ftp site, directory /pub/tcl/. This is a
-self-extracting archive containing the Tcl/Tk distribution for Windows
-NT. Don't use an older version.
-Using the control panel, set the TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY
-environment variables. E.g. if you installed Tcl/Tk in C:\TCL (the
-default suggested by the installer), set TCL_LIBRARY to
-"C:\TCL\lib\tcl7.5" and set TK_LIBRARY to "C:\TCL\lib\tk4.1". Also
-add the directory "C:\TCL\bin" (or whereever the Tcl bin directory
-ended up) to the PATH environment variable.
-On Windows '95, you need to edit AUTOEXEC.BAT for this, e.g. by adding
-the lines
- SET TCL_LIBRARY=C:\Program Files\TCL\lib\tcl7.5
- SET TK_LIBRARY=C:\Program Files\TCL\lib\tk4.1
- SET PATH="%PATH%";"C:\Program Files\TCL\bin"
-(substituting the actual location of the TCL installation directory).
-Once Tcl/Tk is installed, you should be able to type the following
-commands in Python:
- >>> import Tkinter
- >>> Tkinter._test()
-This creates a simple test dialog box (you may have to move the Python
-window a bit to see it). Click on OK to get the Python prompt back.
-The following procedure will test successive components required for
-successful use of Python and Tkinter. The steps before "import
-_tkinter" can be used to verify the proper installation of the Python
-- First, run the Python interpreter (python.exe). This should give
-you a ">>>" prompt in a "MS-DOS console" window. This may fail with a
-complaint about being unable to find the file MSVC40RT.DLL. This file
-(along with several other files) is included in the MSOFTDLL.EXE
-self-extracting archive available in the /pub/python/wpy directory on After extraction, move MSVCRT40.NT to
-\Windows\System\MSVCRT40.DLL (note the change of extension).
-- If you can't get a ">>>" prompt, your core Python installation may
-be botched. Reinstall from the ZIP file (see above) and run
-- At the ">>>" prompt, type a few commands. Each command should
-succeed without complaints. Remember that Python is a case sensitive
-language, so type the commands exactly as shown ("tkinter" and
-"Tkinter" are two very different things).
->>> import sys
- If this fails, you can't type :-) (Explanation: this is a
- built-in module that is pre-initialized before the first ">>>"
- prompt is printed. There is no way that this import can fail
- except by a typo.)
->>> import string
- If this fails, the Python library cannot be found. Reinstall
- Python. (Explanation: the registry entry for PythonPath is
- botched. Inspect sys.path to see what it is. If it is
- something like ['.', '.\\lib', '.\\lib\\win'], the
- script has not run successfully and you may get away with
- rerunning the SETUP.BAT file.)
->>> import _tkinter
- This can fail in a number of ways:
- ImportError: No module named _tkinter
- The Python module file _tkinter.dll can't be found.
- Since it is installed by default, the installation is
- probably botched. Reinstall Python.
- ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not
- be found. (Possibly with a dialog box explaining that
- TCL75.DLL or TK41.DLL could not be found.)
- Probably a Tcl/Tk installation error. Reinstall Tcl/Tk.
- Note that on Windows '95, you may need to add the Tcl
- bin directory to the PATH environment variable.
- Other failures:
- It may be possible that you have an early prerelease
- TCL75.DLL or TK41.DLL, which is incompatible with the
- _tkinter module in the Python distribution. This will
- most likely result in error messages that don't make a
- lot of sense. Try installing Tcl/Tk from the
- win41p1.exe self-extracting archive found in
- /pub/python/nt on
->>> import Tkinter
- If this fails, your Python library or sys.path is botched.
- Your best bet, again, is to reinstall Python.
->>> Tkinter._test()
- This should pop up a window with a label ("Proof-of-existence
- test for TK") and two buttons ("Click me!" and "QUIT").
- If you get nothing at all (not even a ">>>" prompt), the
- window is probably hiding behind the Python console window.
- Move the console window around to reveal the test window.
- If you get an exception instead, it is most likely a verbose
- complaint from Tcl/Tk about improper installation. This is
- usually caused by bad or missing values for the environment
- variables TK_LIBRARY or TCL_LIBRARY. See the installation
- instructions above.
-To uninstall
-Run the batch file UNINSTALL.BAT. This will run the Python script, which undoes the registry additions and removes most
-installed files. The batch file then proceed to remove some files
-that the Python script can't remove (because it's using them). The
-batch file ends with an error because it deletes itself. Hints on how
-to avoid this (and also on how to remove the installation directory
-itself) are gracefully accepted.
-September 3, 1996
---Guido van Rossum (home page:
diff --git a/PC/setup_nt/setup.bat b/PC/setup_nt/setup.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c6effc..0000000
--- a/PC/setup_nt/setup.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-bin\python.exe -i .\
diff --git a/PC/setup_nt/ b/PC/setup_nt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 52d266b..0000000
--- a/PC/setup_nt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-"""Setup script for Windows NT 3.5 and Windows 95.
-Run this with the current directory set to the Python ``root''.
-import sys
-import strop
-del sys.path[1:]
- import nt
-except ImportError:
- print "This script should only be run on a Windows (NT or '95) system."
- sys.exit(1)
- sys.winver
- print "This Python version appears to be", sys.winver
-except NameError:
- print "Huh? sys.winver is not defined!"
- sys.exit(1)
-# Try to import a common module that *should* work.
-print "Looking for Python root directory..."
-while 1:
- pwd = nt.getcwd()
- ##print "Could it be", `pwd`, "?"
- try:
- open("Lib\\").close()
- ##print "It appears so."
- break
- except IOError:
- ##print "Hm, it doesn't appear to be. Try the parent directory."
- try:
- opwd = pwd
- nt.chdir("..")
- pwd = nt.getcwd()
- if opwd == pwd:
- ##print "Seems like we're in the root already."
- raise nt.error
- except nt.error:
- ##print "Can't chdir to the parent -- we're stuck."
- pass
- else:
- ##print "Try again one level higher."
- continue
- print "Hey, would you like to help?"
- print "Please enter the pathname of the Python root."
- while 1:
- try:
- dirname = raw_input("Python root: ")
- except EOFError:
- print "OK, I give up."
- sys.exit(1)
- if not dirname:
- continue
- try:
- nt.chdir(dirname)
- except nt.error:
- print "That directory doesn't seem to exist."
- print "Please try again."
- else:
- break
-pwd = nt.getcwd()
-print "Python root directory is", pwd
-sys.path[1:] = [".\\Lib", ".\\Lib\win", ".\\Bin", ".\\vc40"]
-# Now we should be in a position to import win32api and win32con
- import win32api
-except ImportError:
- print "Blech. We *still* can't import win32api."
- print "Giving up."
- sys.exit(1)
- import win32con
-except ImportError:
- print "Beh. We have win32api but not win32con."
- print "Making do with a dummy."
- class win32con:
- REG_NONE = 0
- REG_SZ = 1
- REG_LINK = 6
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = 0x80000000
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER = 0x80000001
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002
- HKEY_USERS = 0x80000003
-def listtree(handle, level=0):
- i = 0
- while 1:
- try:
- key = win32api.RegEnumKey(handle, i)
- except win32api.error:
- break
- try:
- value = win32api.RegQueryValue(handle, key)
- except win32api.error, msg:
- try:
- msg = msg[2]
- except:
- pass
- value = "*** Error: %s" % str(msg)
- print " "*level + "%s: %s" % (key, value)
- subhandle = win32api.RegOpenKey(handle, key)
- listtree(subhandle, level+1)
- win32api.RegCloseKey(subhandle)
- i = i+1
-roothandle = win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
-pythonkey = "Software\\Python"
- pythonhandle = win32api.RegOpenKey(roothandle, pythonkey)
-except win32api.error:
- pythonhandle = win32api.RegCreateKey(roothandle, pythonkey)
-## listtree(pythonhandle)
-## try:
-## handle = win32api.RegOpenKey(pythonhandle, "JustTesting")
-## except win32api.error, msg:
-## try: msg = msg[2]
-## except: pass
-## ##print "Error opening, try creating instead:", msg
-## handle = win32api.RegCreateKey(pythonhandle, "JustTesting")
-## win32api.RegSetValue(handle, "test1", win32con.REG_SZ, "NO!")
-## win32api.RegSetValue(handle, "test2", win32con.REG_SZ, "YES!")
-## win32api.RegDeleteKey(handle, "test1")
-## win32api.RegDeleteKey(handle, "test2")
-## win32api.RegCloseKey(handle)
-## win32api.RegDeleteKey(pythonhandle, "JustTesting")
-## listtree(pythonhandle)
-print "Setting PythonPath..."
-corekey = "PythonCore\\%s" % sys.winver
- corehandle = win32api.RegOpenKey(pythonhandle, corekey)
-except win32api.error, msg:
- corehandle = win32api.RegCreateKey(pythonhandle, corekey)
-path = []
-pwd = nt.getcwd()
-for i in ["Bin",
- "Lib",
- "Lib\\win",
- "Lib\\tkinter",
- "Lib\\test",
- "Lib\\dos_8x3"]:
- i = pwd + "\\" + i
- path.append(i)
-sys.path[1:] = path
-pathvalue = strop.join(path, ";")
-#print "Setting PythonPath to", pathvalue
-win32api.RegSetValue(corehandle, "PythonPath", win32con.REG_SZ, pathvalue)
-print "Registering uninstaller..."
-pwd = nt.getcwd()
-uninstaller = '"%s\\uninstall.bat" "%s"' % (pwd, pwd)
-uninstallkey = \
- "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Python"+sys.winver
- uihandle = win32api.RegOpenKey(roothandle, uninstallkey)
-except win32api.error, msg:
- uihandle = win32api.RegCreateKey(roothandle, uninstallkey)
-win32api.RegSetValueEx(uihandle, "DisplayName", None, win32con.REG_SZ,
- "Python "+sys.winver)
-win32api.RegSetValueEx(uihandle, "UninstallString", None, win32con.REG_SZ,
- uninstaller)
-print "Registering Python Interpreter as shell for *.py files..."
-pwd = nt.getcwd()
-interpreter = '"%s\\Bin\\python.exe" -i "%%1"' % pwd
-print "Interpreter command is", interpreter
-root = win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
-sz = win32con.REG_SZ
-win32api.RegSetValue(root, ".py", sz, "Python.Script")
-win32api.RegSetValue(root , "Python.Script", sz, "Python Script")
-win32api.RegSetValue(root , "Python.Script\\Shell\\Open\\Command", sz,
- interpreter)
-import compileall
-print "Compiling all library modules..."
-print "Installation complete."
-envkeys = map(strop.upper, nt.environ.keys())
-if 'PYTHONPATH' in envkeys:
- print """
-You have set the environment variable PYTHONPATH.
-This will override the default Python module search path
-and probably cause you to use an old or broken Python installation.
-Go into your control panel *now* and delete PYTHONPATH!
-raw_input("Press Enter to exit: ")
-registry_doc = """Summary of the Win32 API Registry interfaces.
- A _directory_ is a collection of key/value pairs.
- You need a _handle_ for a directory to do anything with it.
- There are some predefined keys, e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
- A _key_ is an ASCII string; NT file system conventions apply.
- A _value_ has a type and some data; there are predefined types
- (e.g. REG_SZ is a string, REG_DWORD is a 4-byte integer).
- There's some fishiness in that in fact multiple, named values
- can appear under each key, but this seems little used (in this
- case, the value is best seen as a structured value).
- A key can also refer to a _subdirectory_. In this case the
- associated value is typically empty. To get a handle for a
- subdirectory, use RegOpenKey(handle, key). The key can also
- be a backslash-separated path, so you can go directly from one of
- the predefined keys to the directory you are interested in.
-Most common functions:
- RegOpenKey(handle, keypath) -> handle
- Get a handle for an existing subdirectory
- RegCreateKey(handle, keypath) -> handle
- Get a handle for a new subdirectory
- RegDeleteKey(handle, key)
- Delete the given subdirectory -- must be empty
- RegCloseKey(handle)
- Close a handle
- RegGetValue(handle, subkey) -> string
- Get the (unnamed) value stored as key in handle
- RegSetValue(handle, subkey, type, value)
- Set the (unnamed) value stored as key in handle, with given
- type; type should be REG_SZ
- RegSetValueEx(handle, name, reserved, type, value)
- Set the value with given name to the given type and value;
- currently reserved is ignored and type should be REG_SZ
-Functions to list directory contents (start counting at 0, fail if done):
- RegEnumKey(handle, i)
- Return the i'th subkey
- RegEnumValue(handle, i)
- Return the i'th name and value
-Lesser used functions:
- RegFlushKey(handle)
- Flush the changes to the handle to disk (like Unix sync())
- RegSaveKey(handle, filename, reserved)
- Save the contents to a disk file (broken?!)
- RegLoadKey(handle, keypath, filename)
- Load the contents from a disk file (lots of restrictions!)
diff --git a/PC/setup_nt/uninstall.bat b/PC/setup_nt/uninstall.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 2806285..0000000
--- a/PC/setup_nt/uninstall.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-cd "%1"
-del lib\win\*.pyc
-del lib\win\*.pyd
-del lib\win\*.py
-rd lib\win
-rd lib
-del bin\*.exe
-del bin\*.dll
-rd bin
-del uninstall.*
diff --git a/PC/setup_nt/ b/PC/setup_nt/
deleted file mode 100644
index f147729..0000000
--- a/PC/setup_nt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-"""Uninstaller for Windows NT 3.5 and Windows 95.
-1. Remove our entries from the Registry:
- - Software\Python\PythonCore\<winver>
- - Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Python<winver>
- (Should we also remove the entry for .py and Python.Script?)
-2. Remove the installation tree -- this is assumed to be the directory
- whose path is both os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) and sys.path[0]
-import sys
-import nt
-import os
-import win32api
-import win32con
-def rmkey(parent, key, level=0):
- sep = " "*level
- try:
- handle = win32api.RegOpenKey(parent, key)
- except win32api.error, msg:
- print sep + "No key", `key`
- return
- print sep + "Removing key", key
- while 1:
- try:
- subkey = win32api.RegEnumKey(handle, 0)
- except win32api.error, msg:
- break
- rmkey(handle, subkey, level+1)
- win32api.RegCloseKey(handle)
- win32api.RegDeleteKey(parent, key)
- print sep + "Done with", key
-roothandle = win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
-pythonkey = "Software\\Python\\PythonCore\\" + sys.winver
-rmkey(roothandle, pythonkey)
-uninstallkey = \
- "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Python"+sys.winver
-rmkey(roothandle, uninstallkey)
-def rmtree(dir, level=0):
- sep = " "*level
- print sep+"rmtree", dir
- for name in os.listdir(dir):
- if level == 0 and \
- os.path.normcase(name) == os.path.normcase("uninstall.bat"):
- continue
- fn = os.path.join(dir, name)
- if os.path.isdir(fn):
- rmtree(fn, level+1)
- else:
- try:
- os.remove(fn)
- except os.error, msg:
- print sep+" can't remove", `fn`, msg
- else:
- print sep+" removed", `fn`
- try:
- os.rmdir(dir)
- except os.error, msg:
- print sep+"can't remove directory", `dir`, msg
- else:
- print sep+"removed directory", `dir`
-pwd = os.getcwd()
-scriptdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pwd, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
-pathdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pwd, sys.path[0]))
-if scriptdir == pathdir:
- rmtree(pathdir)
- print "inconsistend script directory, not removing any files."
- print "script directory =", `scriptdir`
- print "path directory =", `pathdir`