path: root/Tools/faqwiz/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/faqwiz/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 577 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/faqwiz/ b/Tools/faqwiz/
deleted file mode 100644
index d1acd80..0000000
--- a/Tools/faqwiz/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
-"""FAQ Wizard customization module.
-Edit this file to customize the FAQ Wizard. For normal purposes, you
-should only have to change the FAQ section titles and the small group
-of parameters below it.
-# Titles of FAQ sections
- # SectionNumber : SectionTitle; need at least one entry
- 1: "General information and availability",
-# Parameters you definitely want to change
-SHORTNAME = "Generic" # FAQ name with "FAQ" omitted
-PASSWORD = "" # Password for editing
-OWNERNAME = "FAQ owner" # Name for feedback
-OWNEREMAIL = "" # Email for feedback
-HOMEURL = "" # Related home page
-HOMENAME = "Python home" # Name of related home page
-RCSBINDIR = "/usr/local/bin/" # Directory containing RCS commands
- # (must end in a slash)
-# Parameters you can normally leave alone
-MAXHITS = 10 # Max #hits to be shown directly
-COOKIE_LIFETIME = 28*24*3600 # Cookie expiration in seconds
- # (28*24*3600 = 28 days = 4 weeks)
-PROCESS_PREFORMAT = 1 # toggle whether preformatted text
- # will replace urls and emails with
- # HTML links
-# Markers appended to title to indicate recently change
-# (may contain HTML, e.g. <IMG>); and corresponding
-MARK_VERY_RECENT = " **" # Changed very recently
-MARK_RECENT = " *" # Changed recently
-DT_VERY_RECENT = 24*3600 # 24 hours
-DT_RECENT = 7*24*3600 # 7 days
-<P>(Entries marked with ** were changed within the last 24 hours;
-entries marked with * were changed within the last 7 days.)
-# Version -- don't change unless you edit
-WIZVERSION = "1.0.4" # FAQ Wizard version
-import os, sys
-if in ['nt',]:
- # On NT we'll probably be running python from a batch file,
- # so sys.argv[0] is not helpful
- FAQCGI = 'faq.bat' # Relative URL of the FAQ cgi script
- # LOGNAME is not typically set on NT
- os.environ[ 'LOGNAME' ] = "FAQWizard"
- # This parameter is normally overwritten with a dynamic value
- FAQCGI = '' # Relative URL of the FAQ cgi script
- FAQCGI = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) or FAQCGI
-del os, sys
-# Perl (re module) style regular expression to recognize FAQ entry
-# files: group(1) should be the section number, group(2) should be the
-# question number. Both should be fixed width so simple-minded
-# sorting yields the right order.
-OKFILENAME = r"^faq(\d\d)\.(\d\d\d)\.htp$"
-# Format to construct a FAQ entry file name
-NEWFILENAME = "faq%02d.%03d.htp"
-# Load local customizations on top of the previous parameters
- from faqcust import *
-except ImportError:
- pass
-# Calculated parameter names
-COOKIE_NAME = SHORTNAME + "-FAQ-Wizard" # Name used for Netscape cookie
-FAQNAME = SHORTNAME + " FAQ" # Name of the FAQ
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Anything below this point normally needn't be changed; you would
-# change this if you were to create e.g. a French translation or if
-# you just aren't happy with the text generated by the FAQ Wizard.
-# Most strings here are subject to substitution (string%dictionary)
-# RCS commands
-import os
-if in ['nt', ]:
- SH_RLOG = RCSBINDIR + "rlog %(file)s < NUL"
- SH_RLOG_H = RCSBINDIR + "rlog -h %(file)s < NUL"
- SH_RDIFF = RCSBINDIR + "rcsdiff -r%(prev)s -r%(rev)s %(file)s < NUL"
- SH_REVISION = RCSBINDIR + "co -p%(rev)s %(file)s < NUL"
- ### Have to use co -l, or the file is not marked rw on NT
- SH_LOCK = RCSBINDIR + "co -l %(file)s < NUL"
- SH_CHECKIN = RCSBINDIR + "ci -u %(file)s < %(tfn)s"
- SH_RLOG = RCSBINDIR + "rlog %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
- SH_RLOG_H = RCSBINDIR + "rlog -h %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
- SH_RDIFF = RCSBINDIR + "rcsdiff -r%(prev)s -r%(rev)s %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
- SH_REVISION = RCSBINDIR + "co -p%(rev)s %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
- SH_LOCK = RCSBINDIR + "rcs -l %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
- SH_CHECKIN = RCSBINDIR + "ci -u %(file)s <%(tfn)s 2>&1"
-del os
-# Titles for various output pages (not subject to substitution)
-T_ERROR = "Sorry, an error occurred"
-T_ROULETTE = FAQNAME + " Roulette"
-T_ALL = "The Whole " + FAQNAME
-T_INDEX = FAQNAME + " Index"
-T_SEARCH = FAQNAME + " Search Results"
-T_RECENT = "What's New in the " + FAQNAME
-T_SHOW = FAQNAME + " Entry"
-T_LOG = "RCS log for %s entry" % FAQNAME
-T_REVISION = "RCS revision for %s entry" % FAQNAME
-T_DIFF = "RCS diff for %s entry" % FAQNAME
-T_ADD = "Add an entry to the " + FAQNAME
-T_DELETE = "Deleting an entry from the " + FAQNAME
-T_EDIT = FAQNAME + " Edit Wizard"
-T_REVIEW = T_EDIT + " - Review Changes"
-T_COMMITTED = T_EDIT + " - Changes Committed"
-T_COMMITFAILED = T_EDIT + " - Commit Failed"
-T_CANTCOMMIT = T_EDIT + " - Commit Rejected"
-T_HELP = T_EDIT + " - Help"
-# Generic prologue and epilogue
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#AA0000"
- VLINK="#906A6A">
-<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=home">%(FAQNAME)s Wizard %(WIZVERSION)s</A> /
-Feedback to <A HREF="mailto:%(OWNEREMAIL)s">%(OWNERNAME)s</A>
-# Home page
-HOME = """
-<H2>Search the %(FAQNAME)s:</H2>
- <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=query>
- <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Search"><BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=querytype VALUE=simple CHECKED>
- Simple string
- /
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=querytype VALUE=regex>
- Regular expression
- /<BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=querytype VALUE=anykeywords>
- Keywords (any)
- /
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=querytype VALUE=allkeywords>
- Keywords (all)
- <BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=casefold VALUE=yes CHECKED>
- Fold case
- /
- <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=casefold VALUE=no>
- Case sensitive
- <BR>
- <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=req VALUE=search>
-<H2>Other forms of %(FAQNAME)s access:</H2>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=index">FAQ index</A>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=all">The whole FAQ</A>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent">What's new in the FAQ?</A>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=roulette">FAQ roulette</A>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=add">Add a FAQ entry</A>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=delete">Delete a FAQ entry</A>
-# Index formatting
-<H2>%(sec)s. %(title)s</H2>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=new&amp;section=%(sec)s">Add new entry</A>
-(at this point)
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=show&amp;file=%(file)s">%(title)s</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#%(sec)s.%(num)s">%(title)s</A>
-# Entry formatting
-<H2><A NAME="%(sec)s.%(num)s">%(title)s</A>\
-<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=edit&amp;file=%(file)s">Edit this entry</A> /
-<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=log&amp;file=%(file)s">Log info</A>
-/ Last changed on %(last_changed_date)s by
-<A HREF="mailto:%(last_changed_email)s">%(last_changed_author)s</A>
-# Search
-NO_HITS = """
-No hits.
-ONE_HIT = """
-Your search matched the following entry:
-FEW_HITS = """
-Your search matched the following %(count)s entries:
-MANY_HITS = """
-Your search matched more than %(MAXHITS)s entries.
-The %(count)s matching entries are presented here ordered by section:
-# RCS log and diff
-LOG = """
-Click on a revision line to see the diff between that revision and the
-previous one.
-<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=revision&amp;file=%(file)s&amp;rev=%(rev)s"
-DIFFLINK = """\
- (<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=diff&amp;file=%(file)s&amp;\
->diff -r%(prev)s -r%(rev)s</A>)\
-# Recently changed entries
-NO_RECENT = """
-No %(FAQNAME)s entries were changed in the last %(period)s.
-VIEW_MENU = """
-View entries changed in the last...
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&amp;days=1">24 hours</A>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&amp;days=2">2 days</A>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&amp;days=3">3 days</A>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&amp;days=7">week</A>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&amp;days=28">4 weeks</A>
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&amp;days=365250">millennium</A>
-The following %(FAQNAME)s entry was changed in the last %(period)s:
-The following %(count)s %(FAQNAME)s entries were changed
-in the last %(period)s, most recently changed shown first:
-# Last changed banner on "all" (strftime format)
-LAST_CHANGED = "Last changed on %c %Z"
-# "Compat" command prologue (this has no <BODY> tag)
-COMPAT = """
-<H1>The whole %(FAQNAME)s</H1>
-See also the <A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=home">%(FAQNAME)s Wizard</A>.
-# Editing
-<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=help">Click for Help</A>
-EDITFORM1 = """
-<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=req VALUE=review>
-<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=file VALUE=%(file)s>
-<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=editversion VALUE=%(editversion)s>
-EDITFORM2 = """
-Title: <INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=70 NAME=title VALUE="%(title)s"><BR>
-<TEXTAREA COLS=72 ROWS=20 NAME=body>%(body)s
-Log message (reason for the change):<BR>
-<TEXTAREA COLS=72 ROWS=5 NAME=log>%(log)s
-Please provide the following information for logging purposes:
- <TR>
- <TD>Name:
- <TD><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=40 NAME=author VALUE="%(author)s">
- <TR>
- <TD>Email:
- <TD><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=40 NAME=email VALUE="%(email)s">
- <TR>
- <TD>Password:
- <TD><INPUT TYPE=password SIZE=20 NAME=password VALUE="%(password)s">
-<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=review VALUE="Preview Edit">
-Click this button to preview your changes.
-EDITFORM3 = """
-COMMIT = """
-<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=commit VALUE="Commit">
-Click this button to commit your changes.
-To commit your changes, please correct the following errors in the
-form below and click the Preview Edit button.
-Some required information is missing:
-NEED_PASSWD = "<LI>You must provide the correct password.\n"
-NEED_AUTHOR = "<LI>You must enter your name.\n"
-NEED_EMAIL = "<LI>You must enter your email address.\n"
-NEED_LOG = "<LI>You must enter a log message.\n"
-Please use your browser's Back command to correct the form and commit
-You are creating a new entry, but the entry number specified is not
-The two most common causes of this problem are:
-<LI>After creating the entry yourself, you went back in your browser,
- edited the entry some more, and clicked Commit again.
-<LI>Someone else started creating a new entry in the same section and
- committed before you did.
-(It is also possible that the last entry in the section was physically
-deleted, but this should not happen except through manual intervention
-by the FAQ maintainer.)
-<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=new&amp;section=%(sec)s">Click here to try
-You edited version %(editversion)s but the current version is %(version)s.
-The two most common causes of this problem are:
-<LI>After committing a change, you went back in your browser,
- edited the entry some more, and clicked Commit again.
-<LI>Someone else started editing the same entry and committed
- before you did.
-<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=show&amp;file=%(file)s">Click here to reload
-the entry and try again.</A>
-Can't write file %(file)s (%(why)s).
-Title: %(title)s
-Last-Changed-Date: %(date)s
-Last-Changed-Author: %(author)s
-Last-Changed-Email: %(email)s
-Last-Changed-Remote-Host: %(REMOTE_HOST)s
-Last-Changed-Remote-Address: %(REMOTE_ADDR)s
-Last-Changed-Date: %(date)s
-Last-Changed-Author: %(author)s
-Last-Changed-Email: %(email)s
-Last-Changed-Remote-Host: %(REMOTE_HOST)s
-Last-Changed-Remote-Address: %(REMOTE_ADDR)s
-Your changes have been committed.
-Exit status %(sts)s.
-# Add/Delete
-ADD_HEAD = """
-At the moment, new entries can only be added at the end of a section.
-This is because the entry numbers are also their
-unique identifiers -- it's a bad idea to renumber entries.
-Click on the section to which you want to add a new entry:
-<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=new&amp;section=%(section)s">%(section)s. %(title)s</A>
-ADD_TAIL = """
-<P>Hit your browser's Reload button to play again.<P>
-DELETE = """
-At the moment, there's no direct way to delete entries.
-This is because the entry numbers are also their
-unique identifiers -- it's a bad idea to renumber entries.
-If you really think an entry needs to be deleted,
-change the title to "(deleted)" and make the body
-empty (keep the entry number in the title though).
-# Help file for the FAQ Edit Wizard
-HELP = """
-Using the %(FAQNAME)s Edit Wizard speaks mostly for itself. Here are
-some answers to questions you are likely to ask:
-<H2>I can review an entry but I can't commit it.</H2>
-The commit button only appears if the following conditions are met:
-<LI>The Name field is not empty.
-<LI>The Email field contains at least an @ character.
-<LI>The Log message box is not empty.
-<LI>The Password field contains the proper password.
-<H2>What is the password?</H2>
-At the moment, only PSA members will be told the password. This is a
-good time to join the PSA! See <A
-HREF="">the PSA home page</A>.
-<H2>Can I use HTML in the FAQ entry?</H2>
-Yes, if you include it in &lt;HTML&rt; and &lt;/HTML&gt; tags.
-Also, if you include a URL or an email address in the text it will
-automatigally become an anchor of the right type. Also, *word*
-is made italic (but only for single alphabetic words).
-<H2>How do I delineate paragraphs?</H2>
-Use blank lines to separate paragraphs.
-<H2>How do I enter example text?</H2>
-Any line that begins with a space or tab is assumed to be part of
-literal text. Blocks of literal text delineated by blank lines are
-placed inside &lt;PRE&gt;...&lt;/PRE&gt;.
-# Load local customizations again, in case they set some other variables
- from faqcust import *
-except ImportError:
- pass