path: root/Tools/faqwiz
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/faqwiz')
2 files changed, 1048 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/faqwiz/ b/Tools/faqwiz/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de82e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/faqwiz/
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+# Miscellaneous customization constants
+PASSWORD = "Spam" # Edit password. Change this!
+FAQCGI = '' # Relative URL of the FAQ cgi script
+FAQNAME = "Python FAQ" # Name of the FAQ
+OWNERNAME = "GvR" # Name for feedback
+OWNEREMAIL = "" # Email for feedback
+HOMEURL = "" # Related home page
+HOMENAME = "Python home" # Name of related home page
+MAXHITS = 10 # Max #hits to be shown directly
+COOKIE_NAME = "Python-FAQ-Wizard" # Name used for Netscape cookie
+COOKIE_LIFETIME = 4 *7 * 24 * 3600 # Cookie expiration in seconds
+# RCS commands
+RCSBINDIR = "/depot/gnu/plat/bin/" # Directory containing RCS commands
+SH_RLOG = RCSBINDIR + "rlog %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
+SH_RLOG_H = RCSBINDIR + "rlog -h %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
+SH_RDIFF = RCSBINDIR + "rcsdiff -r%(prev)s -r%(rev)s %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
+SH_LOCK = RCSBINDIR + "rcs -l %(file)s </dev/null 2>&1"
+SH_CHECKIN = RCSBINDIR + "ci -u %(file)s <%(tfn)s 2>&1"
+# Titles for various output pages
+T_HOME = FAQNAME + " Wizard 0.2 (alpha)"
+T_ERROR = "Sorry, an error occurred"
+T_ROULETTE = FAQNAME + " Roulette"
+T_ALL = "The Whole " + FAQNAME
+T_INDEX = FAQNAME + " Index"
+T_SEARCH = FAQNAME + " Search Results"
+T_RECENT = "Recently Changed %s Entries" % FAQNAME
+T_SHOW = FAQNAME + " Entry"
+T_LOG = "RCS log for %s entry" % FAQNAME
+T_DIFF = "RCS diff for %s entry" % FAQNAME
+T_ADD = "How to add an entry to the " + FAQNAME
+T_DELETE = "How to delete an entry from the " + FAQNAME
+T_EDIT = FAQNAME + " Edit Wizard"
+T_REVIEW = T_EDIT + " - Review Changes"
+T_COMMITTED = T_EDIT + " - Changes Committed"
+T_COMMITFAILED = T_EDIT + " - Commit Failed"
+T_CANTCOMMIT = T_EDIT + " - Commit Rejected"
+T_HELP = T_EDIT + " - Help"
+# Titles of FAQ sections
+ 1: "General information and availability",
+ 2: "Python in the real world",
+ 3: "Building Python and Other Known Bugs",
+ 4: "Programming in Python",
+ 5: "Extending Python",
+ 6: "Python's design",
+ 7: "Using Python on non-UNIX platforms",
+# Generic prologue and epilogue
+ TEXT="#000000"
+ LINK="#AA0000"
+ VLINK="#906A6A">
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=home">%(FAQNAME)s Wizard</A> /
+Feedback to <A HREF="mailto:%(OWNEREMAIL)s">%(OWNERNAME)s</A>
+# Home page
+HOME = """
+ <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=query>
+ <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Search"><BR>
+ (Case insensitive regular expressions.)
+ <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=req VALUE=search>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=index">FAQ index</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=all">The whole FAQ</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent">Recently changed FAQ entries</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=roulette">FAQ roulette</A>
+# Index formatting
+<H2>%(sec)d. %(title)s</H2>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=show&file=%(file)s">%(title)s</A><BR>
+# Entry formatting
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=edit&file=%(file)s">Edit this entry</A> /
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=log&file=%(file)s">Log info</A>
+/ Last changed on %(last_changed_date)s by
+<A HREF="mailto:%(last_changed_email)s">%(last_changed_author)s</A>
+# Search
+NO_HITS = """
+No hits.
+ONE_HIT = """
+Your search matched the following entry:
+FEW_HITS = """
+Your search matched the following %(count)d entries:
+MANY_HITS = """
+Your search matched more than %(MAXHITS)d entries.
+The %(count)d matching entries are presented here ordered by section:
+# RCS log and diff
+LOG = """
+Click on a revision line to see the diff between that revision and the
+previous one.
+DIFFLINK = """\
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=diff&file=%(file)s&rev=%(rev)s">%(line)s</A>
+# Recently changed entries
+NO_RECENT = """
+No %(FAQNAME)s entries were changed in the last %(period)s.
+View entries changed in the last:
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=1">24 hours</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=2">2 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=3">3 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=7">week</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=28">4 weeks</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=365250">millennium</A>
+The following %(FAQNAME)s entry was changed in the last %(period)s:
+View entries changed in the last:
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=1">24 hours</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=2">2 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=3">3 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=7">week</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=28">4 weeks</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=365250">millennium</A>
+The following %(count)d %(FAQNAME)s entries were changed
+in the last %(period)s, most recently changed shown first:
+View entries changed in the last:
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=1">24 hours</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=2">2 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=3">3 days</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=7">week</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=28">4 weeks</A>
+<LI><A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=recent&days=365250">millennium</A>
+# Last changed banner on "all" (strftime format)
+LAST_CHANGED = "Last changed on %c %Z"
+# "Compat" command prologue (no <BODY> tag)
+COMPAT = """
+<H1>The whole %(FAQNAME)s</H1>
+# Editing
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=help">Click for Help</A>
+EDITFORM1 = """
+<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=req VALUE=review>
+<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=file VALUE=%(file)s>
+<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=editversion VALUE=%(editversion)s>
+EDITFORM2 = """
+Title: <INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=70 NAME=title VALUE="%(title)s"><BR>
+<TEXTAREA COLS=72 ROWS=20 NAME=body>%(body)s
+Log message (reason for the change):<BR>
+<TEXTAREA COLS=72 ROWS=5 NAME=log>%(log)s
+Please provide the following information for logging purposes:
+ <TR>
+ <TD>Name:
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=40 NAME=author VALUE="%(author)s">
+ <TR>
+ <TD>Email:
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=40 NAME=email VALUE="%(email)s">
+ <TR>
+ <TD>Password:
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE=password SIZE=20 NAME=password VALUE="%(password)s">
+<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=review VALUE="Preview Edit">
+Click this button to preview your changes.
+EDITFORM3 = """
+COMMIT = """
+<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=commit VALUE="Commit">
+Click this button to commit your changes.
+You can't commit your changes unless you enter a log message, your
+name, email addres, and the correct password in the form below.
+Some required information is missing:
+NEED_PASSWD = "<LI>You must provide the correct passwd.\n"
+NEED_AUTHOR = "<LI>You must enter your name.\n"
+NEED_EMAIL = "<LI>You must enter your email address.\n"
+NEED_LOG = "<LI>You must enter a log message.\n"
+Please use your browser's Back command to correct the form and commit
+You edited version %(editversion)s but the current version is %(version)s.
+The two most common causes of this problem are:
+<LI>After committing a change, you went back in your browser,
+ edited the entry some more, and clicked Commit again.
+<LI>Someone else started editing the same entry and committed
+ before you did.
+<A HREF="%(FAQCGI)s?req=show&file=%(file)s">Click here to reload the entry
+and try again.</A>
+Can't write file %(file)s (%(why)s).
+Title: %(title)s
+Last-Changed-Date: %(date)s
+Last-Changed-Author: %(author)s
+Last-Changed-Email: %(email)s
+Last-Changed-Remote-Host: %(REMOTE_HOST)s
+Last-Changed-Remote-Address: %(REMOTE_ADDR)s
+Last-Changed-Date: %(date)s
+Last-Changed-Author: %(author)s
+Last-Changed-Email: %(email)s
+Last-Changed-Remote-Host: %(REMOTE_HOST)s
+Last-Changed-Remote-Address: %(REMOTE_ADDR)s
+Your changes have been committed.
+Exit status %(sts)04x.
+HELP = """
+Using the %(FAQNAME)s Edit Wizard speaks mostly for itself. Here are
+some answers to questions you are likely to ask:
+<H2>I can review an entry but I can't commit it.</H2>
+The commit button only appears if the following conditions are met:
+<LI>The Name field is not empty.
+<LI>The Email field contains at least an @ character.
+<LI>The Log message box is not empty.
+<LI>The Password field contains the proper password.
+<H2>What is the password?</H2>
+At the moment, only PSA members will be told the password. This is a
+good time to join the PSA! See <A
+HREF="">the PSA home page</A>.
+<H2>Can I use HTML in the FAQ entry?</H2>
+No, but if you include a URL or an email address in the text it will
+automatigally become an anchor of the right type. Also, *word*
+is made italic (but only for single alphabetic words).
+<H2>How do I delineate paragraphs?</H2>
+Use blank lines to separate paragraphs.
+<H2>How do I enter example text?</H2>
+Any line that begins with a space or tab is assumed to be part of
+literal text. Blocks of literal text delineated by blank lines are
+placed inside &lt;PRE&gt;...&lt;/PRE&gt;.
diff --git a/Tools/faqwiz/ b/Tools/faqwiz/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47aa3b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/faqwiz/
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+import sys, string, time, os, stat, regex, cgi, faqconf
+from cgi import escape
+class FileError:
+ def __init__(self, file):
+ self.file = file
+class InvalidFile(FileError):
+ pass
+class NoSuchFile(FileError):
+ def __init__(self, file, why=None):
+ FileError.__init__(self, file)
+ self.why = why
+def escapeq(s):
+ s = escape(s)
+ import regsub
+ s = regsub.gsub('"', '&quot;', s)
+ return s
+def interpolate(format, entry={}, kwdict={}, **kw):
+ s = format % MDict(kw, entry, kwdict, faqconf.__dict__)
+ return s
+def emit(format, entry={}, kwdict={}, file=sys.stdout, **kw):
+ s = format % MDict(kw, entry, kwdict, faqconf.__dict__)
+ file.write(s)
+translate_prog = None
+def translate(text):
+ global translate_prog
+ if not translate_prog:
+ import regex
+ url = '\(http\|ftp\)://[^ \t\r\n]*'
+ email = '\<[-a-zA-Z0-9._]+@[-a-zA-Z0-9._]+'
+ translate_prog = prog = regex.compile(url + "\|" + email)
+ else:
+ prog = translate_prog
+ i = 0
+ list = []
+ while 1:
+ j =, i)
+ if j < 0:
+ break
+ list.append(cgi.escape(text[i:j]))
+ i = j
+ url =
+ while url[-1] in ");:,.?'\"":
+ url = url[:-1]
+ url = escape(url)
+ if ':' in url:
+ repl = '<A HREF="%s">%s</A>' % (url, url)
+ else:
+ repl = '<A HREF="mailto:%s">&lt;%s&gt;</A>' % (url, url)
+ list.append(repl)
+ i = i + len(url)
+ j = len(text)
+ list.append(cgi.escape(text[i:j]))
+ return string.join(list, '')
+emphasize_prog = None
+def emphasize(line):
+ global emphasize_prog
+ import regsub
+ if not emphasize_prog:
+ import regex
+ pat = "\*\([a-zA-Z]+\)\*"
+ emphasize_prog = prog = regex.compile(pat)
+ else:
+ prog = emphasize_prog
+ return regsub.gsub(prog, "<I>\\1</I>", line)
+def load_cookies():
+ if not os.environ.has_key('HTTP_COOKIE'):
+ return {}
+ raw = os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE']
+ words = map(string.strip, string.split(raw, ';'))
+ cookies = {}
+ for word in words:
+ i = string.find(word, '=')
+ if i >= 0:
+ key, value = word[:i], word[i+1:]
+ cookies[key] = value
+ return cookies
+def load_my_cookie():
+ cookies = load_cookies()
+ try:
+ value = cookies[faqconf.COOKIE_NAME]
+ except KeyError:
+ return {}
+ import urllib
+ value = urllib.unquote(value)
+ words = string.split(value, '/')
+ while len(words) < 3:
+ words.append('')
+ author = string.join(words[:-2], '/')
+ email = words[-2]
+ password = words[-1]
+ return {'author': author,
+ 'email': email,
+ 'password': password}
+class MDict:
+ def __init__(self, *d):
+ self.__d = d
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ for d in self.__d:
+ try:
+ value = d[key]
+ if value:
+ return value
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ return ""
+class UserInput:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__form = cgi.FieldStorage()
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name[0] == '_':
+ raise AttributeError
+ try:
+ value = self.__form[name].value
+ except (TypeError, KeyError):
+ value = ''
+ else:
+ value = string.strip(value)
+ setattr(self, name, value)
+ return value
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return getattr(self, key)
+class FaqFormatter:
+ def __init__(self, entry):
+ self.entry = entry
+ def show(self, edit=1):
+ entry = self.entry
+ print "<HR>"
+ print "<H2>%s</H2>" % escape(entry.title)
+ pre = 0
+ for line in string.split(entry.body, '\n'):
+ if not string.strip(line):
+ if pre:
+ print '</PRE>'
+ pre = 0
+ else:
+ print '<P>'
+ else:
+ if line[0] not in string.whitespace:
+ if pre:
+ print '</PRE>'
+ pre = 0
+ else:
+ if not pre:
+ print '<PRE>'
+ pre = 1
+ if '/' in line or '@' in line:
+ line = translate(line)
+ elif '<' in line or '&' in line:
+ line = escape(line)
+ if not pre and '*' in line:
+ line = emphasize(line)
+ print line
+ if pre:
+ print '</PRE>'
+ pre = 0
+ if edit:
+ print '<P>'
+ emit(faqconf.ENTRY_FOOTER, self.entry)
+ if self.entry.last_changed_date:
+ emit(faqconf.ENTRY_LOGINFO, self.entry)
+ print '<P>'
+class FaqEntry:
+ formatterclass = FaqFormatter
+ def __init__(self, fp, file, sec_num):
+ import rfc822
+ self.file = file
+ self.sec, self.num = sec_num
+ self.__headers = rfc822.Message(fp)
+ self.body = string.strip(
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name[0] == '_':
+ raise AttributeError
+ key = string.join(string.split(name, '_'), '-')
+ try:
+ value = self.__headers[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ value = ''
+ setattr(self, name, value)
+ return value
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return getattr(self, key)
+ def show(self, edit=1):
+ self.formatterclass(self).show(edit=edit)
+ def load_version(self):
+ command = interpolate(faqconf.SH_RLOG_H, self)
+ p = os.popen(command)
+ version = ""
+ while 1:
+ line = p.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ if line[:5] == 'head:':
+ version = string.strip(line[5:])
+ p.close()
+ self.version = version
+class FaqDir:
+ entryclass = FaqEntry
+ __okprog = regex.compile('^faq\([0-9][0-9]\)\.\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)\.htp$')
+ def __init__(self, dir=os.curdir):
+ self.__dir = dir
+ self.__files = None
+ def __fill(self):
+ if self.__files is not None:
+ return
+ self.__files = files = []
+ okprog = self.__okprog
+ for file in os.listdir(self.__dir):
+ if okprog.match(file) >= 0:
+ files.append(file)
+ files.sort()
+ def good(self, file):
+ return self.__okprog.match(file) >= 0
+ def parse(self, file):
+ if not self.good(file):
+ return None
+ sec, num =, 2)
+ return string.atoi(sec), string.atoi(num)
+ def roulette(self):
+ self.__fill()
+ import whrandom
+ return whrandom.choice(self.__files)
+ def list(self):
+ # XXX Caller shouldn't modify result
+ self.__fill()
+ return self.__files
+ def open(self, file):
+ sec_num = self.parse(file)
+ if not sec_num:
+ raise InvalidFile(file)
+ try:
+ fp = open(file)
+ except IOError, msg:
+ raise NoSuchFile(file, msg)
+ try:
+ return self.entryclass(fp, file, sec_num)
+ finally:
+ fp.close()
+ def show(self, file, edit=1):
+ def new(self, sec):
+class FaqWizard:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ui = UserInput()
+ self.dir = FaqDir()
+ def go(self):
+ print "Content-type: text/html"
+ req = self.ui.req or "home"
+ mname = 'do_%s' % req
+ try:
+ meth = getattr(self, mname)
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.error("Bad request %s" % `req`)
+ else:
+ try:
+ meth()
+ except InvalidFile, exc:
+ self.error("Invalid entry file name %s" % exc.file)
+ except NoSuchFile, exc:
+ self.error("No entry with file name %s" % exc.file)
+ self.epilogue()
+ def error(self, message, **kw):
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_ERROR)
+ apply(emit, (message,), kw)
+ def prologue(self, title, entry=None, **kw):
+ emit(faqconf.PROLOGUE, entry, kwdict=kw, title=escape(title))
+ def epilogue(self):
+ emit(faqconf.EPILOGUE)
+ def do_home(self):
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_HOME)
+ emit(faqconf.HOME)
+ def do_search(self):
+ query = self.ui.query
+ if not query:
+ self.error("No query string")
+ return
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_SEARCH)
+ if self.ui.casefold == "no":
+ p = regex.compile(query)
+ else:
+ p = regex.compile(query, regex.casefold)
+ hits = []
+ for file in self.dir.list():
+ try:
+ entry =
+ except FileError:
+ constants
+ if >= 0 or >= 0:
+ hits.append(file)
+ if not hits:
+ emit(faqconf.NO_HITS, count=0)
+ elif len(hits) <= faqconf.MAXHITS:
+ if len(hits) == 1:
+ emit(faqconf.ONE_HIT, count=1)
+ else:
+ emit(faqconf.FEW_HITS, count=len(hits))
+ self.format_all(hits)
+ else:
+ emit(faqconf.MANY_HITS, count=len(hits))
+ self.format_index(hits)
+ def do_all(self):
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_ALL)
+ files = self.dir.list()
+ self.last_changed(files)
+ self.format_all(files)
+ def do_compat(self):
+ files = self.dir.list()
+ emit(faqconf.COMPAT)
+ self.last_changed(files)
+ self.format_all(files, edit=0)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def last_changed(self, files):
+ latest = 0
+ for file in files:
+ try:
+ st = os.stat(file)
+ except os.error:
+ continue
+ mtime = st[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ if mtime > latest:
+ latest = mtime
+ print time.strftime(faqconf.LAST_CHANGED,
+ time.localtime(time.time()))
+ def format_all(self, files, edit=1):
+ for file in files:
+, edit=edit)
+ def do_index(self):
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_INDEX)
+ self.format_index(self.dir.list())
+ def format_index(self, files):
+ sec = 0
+ for file in files:
+ try:
+ entry =
+ except NoSuchFile:
+ continue
+ if entry.sec != sec:
+ if sec:
+ emit(faqconf.INDEX_ENDSECTION, sec=sec)
+ sec = entry.sec
+ emit(faqconf.INDEX_SECTION,
+ sec=sec,
+ title=faqconf.SECTION_TITLES[sec])
+ emit(faqconf.INDEX_ENTRY, entry)
+ if sec:
+ emit(faqconf.INDEX_ENDSECTION, sec=sec)
+ def do_recent(self):
+ if not self.ui.days:
+ days = 1
+ else:
+ days = string.atof(self.ui.days)
+ now = time.time()
+ try:
+ cutoff = now - days * 24 * 3600
+ except OverflowError:
+ cutoff = 0
+ list = []
+ for file in self.dir.list():
+ try:
+ st = os.stat(file)
+ except os.error:
+ continue
+ mtime = st[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ if mtime >= cutoff:
+ list.append((mtime, file))
+ list.sort()
+ list.reverse()
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_RECENT)
+ if days <= 1:
+ period = "%.2g hours" % (days*24)
+ else:
+ period = "%.6g days" % days
+ if not list:
+ emit(faqconf.NO_RECENT, period=period)
+ elif len(list) == 1:
+ emit(faqconf.ONE_RECENT, period=period)
+ else:
+ emit(faqconf.SOME_RECENT, period=period, count=len(list))
+ self.format_all(map(lambda (mtime, file): file, list))
+ emit(faqconf.TAIL_RECENT)
+ def do_roulette(self):
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_ROULETTE)
+ file = self.dir.roulette()
+ def do_help(self):
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_HELP)
+ emit(faqconf.HELP)
+ def do_show(self):
+ entry =
+ self.prologue("Python FAQ Entry")
+ def do_add(self):
+ self.prologue(T_ADD)
+ self.error("Not yet implemented")
+ def do_delete(self):
+ self.prologue(T_DELETE)
+ self.error("Not yet implemented")
+ def do_log(self):
+ entry =
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_LOG, entry)
+ emit(faqconf.LOG, entry)
+ self.rlog(interpolate(faqconf.SH_RLOG, entry), entry)
+ def rlog(self, command, entry=None):
+ output = os.popen(command).read()
+ sys.stdout.write("<PRE>")
+ athead = 0
+ lines = string.split(output, "\n")
+ while lines and not lines[-1]:
+ del lines[-1]
+ if lines:
+ line = lines[-1]
+ if line[:1] == '=' and len(line) >= 40 and \
+ line == line[0]*len(line):
+ del lines[-1]
+ for line in lines:
+ if entry and athead and line[:9] == 'revision ':
+ rev = string.strip(line[9:])
+ if rev != "1.1":
+ emit(faqconf.DIFFLINK, entry, rev=rev, line=line)
+ else:
+ print line
+ athead = 0
+ else:
+ athead = 0
+ if line[:1] == '-' and len(line) >= 20 and \
+ line == len(line) * line[0]:
+ athead = 1
+ sys.stdout.write("<HR>")
+ else:
+ print line
+ print "</PRE>"
+ def do_diff(self):
+ entry =
+ rev = self.ui.rev
+ r = regex.compile(
+ "^\([1-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\)\.\([1-9][0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?\)$")
+ if r.match(rev) < 0:
+ self.error("Invalid revision number: %s" % `rev`)
+ [major, minor] = map(string.atoi,, 2))
+ if minor == 1:
+ self.error("No previous revision")
+ return
+ prev = "%d.%d" % (major, minor-1)
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_DIFF, entry)
+, entry, rev=rev, prev=prev))
+ def shell(self, command):
+ output = os.popen(command).read()
+ sys.stdout.write("<PRE>")
+ print escape(output)
+ print "</PRE>"
+ def do_new(self):
+ editor = FaqEditor(self.ui,
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_NEW)
+ self.error("Not yet implemented")
+ def do_edit(self):
+ entry =
+ entry.load_version()
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_EDIT)
+ emit(faqconf.EDITHEAD)
+ emit(faqconf.EDITFORM1, entry, editversion=entry.version)
+ emit(faqconf.EDITFORM2, entry, load_my_cookie(), log=self.ui.log)
+ emit(faqconf.EDITFORM3)
+ def do_review(self):
+ entry =
+ entry.load_version()
+ # Check that the FAQ entry number didn't change
+ if string.split(self.ui.title)[:1] != string.split(entry.title)[:1]:
+ self.error("Don't change the FAQ entry number please.")
+ return
+ # Check that the edited version is the current version
+ if entry.version != self.ui.editversion:
+ self.error("Version conflict.")
+ emit(faqconf.VERSIONCONFLICT, entry, self.ui)
+ return
+ commit_ok = ((not faqconf.PASSWORD
+ or self.ui.password == faqconf.PASSWORD)
+ and
+ and '@' in
+ and self.ui.log)
+ if self.ui.commit:
+ if not commit_ok:
+ self.cantcommit()
+ else:
+ self.commit()
+ return
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_REVIEW)
+ emit(faqconf.REVIEWHEAD)
+ entry.body = self.ui.body
+ entry.title = self.ui.title
+ emit(faqconf.EDITFORM1, entry, self.ui)
+ if commit_ok:
+ emit(faqconf.COMMIT)
+ else:
+ emit(faqconf.NOCOMMIT)
+ emit(faqconf.EDITFORM2, entry, load_my_cookie(), log=self.ui.log)
+ emit(faqconf.EDITFORM3)
+ def cantcommit(self):
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_CANTCOMMIT)
+ print faqconf.CANTCOMMIT_HEAD
+ if not self.ui.passwd:
+ emit(faqconf.NEED_PASSWD)
+ if not self.ui.log:
+ emit(faqconf.NEED_LOG)
+ if not
+ emit(faqconf.NEED_AUTHOR)
+ if not
+ emit(faqconf.NEED_EMAIL)
+ print faqconf.CANTCOMMIT_TAIL
+ def commit(self):
+ file = self.ui.file
+ entry =
+ # Chech that there were any changes
+ if self.ui.body == entry.body and self.ui.title == entry.title:
+ self.error("No changes.")
+ return
+ # XXX Should lock here
+ try:
+ os.unlink(file)
+ except os.error:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f = open(file, "w")
+ except IOError, why:
+ self.error(faqconf.CANTWRITE, file=file, why=why)
+ return
+ date = time.ctime(time.time())
+ emit(faqconf.FILEHEADER, self.ui, os.environ, date=date, file=f)
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.write(self.ui.body)
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+ import tempfile
+ tfn = tempfile.mktemp()
+ f = open(tfn, "w")
+ emit(faqconf.LOGHEADER, self.ui, os.environ, date=date, file=f)
+ f.close()
+ command = interpolate(
+ faqconf.SH_LOCK + "\n" + faqconf.SH_CHECKIN,
+ file=file, tfn=tfn)
+ p = os.popen(command)
+ output =
+ sts = p.close()
+ # XXX Should unlock here
+ if not sts:
+ self.prologue(faqconf.T_COMMITTED)
+ emit(faqconf.COMMITTED)
+ else:
+ self.error(faqconf.T_COMMITFAILED)
+ emit(faqconf.COMMITFAILED, sts=sts)
+ print "<PRE>%s</PRE>" % cgi.escape(output)
+ try:
+ os.unlink(tfn)
+ except os.error:
+ pass
+ entry =
+wiz = FaqWizard()
+#! /usr/local/bin/python
+FAQDIR = "/usr/people/guido/python/FAQ"
+# This bootstrap script should be placed in your cgi-bin directory.
+# You only need to edit the first two lines (above): Change
+# /usr/local/bin/python to where your Python interpreter lives (you
+# can't use /usr/bin/env here!); change FAQDIR to where your FAQ
+# lives. The and files should live there, too.
+import posix
+t1 = posix.times()
+import os, sys, time, operator
+sys.path.insert(0, FAQDIR)
+ import faqwiz
+except SystemExit, n:
+ sys.exit(n)
+ t, v, tb = sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback
+ print
+ import cgi
+ cgi.print_exception(t, v, tb)
+t2 = posix.times()
+fmt = "<BR>(times: user %.3g, sys %.3g, ch-user %.3g, ch-sys %.3g, real %.3g)"
+print fmt % tuple(map(operator.sub, t2, t1))