path: root/Tools/idle/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/idle/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 584 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/idle/ b/Tools/idle/
deleted file mode 100644
index 422a86c..0000000
--- a/Tools/idle/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-import re
-import sys
-# Reason last stmt is continued (or C_NONE if it's not).
-if 0: # for throwaway debugging output
- def dump(*stuff):
- sys.__stdout__.write(" ".join(map(str, stuff)) + "\n")
-# Find what looks like the start of a popular stmt.
-_synchre = re.compile(r"""
- ^
- [ \t]*
- (?: if
- | for
- | while
- | else
- | def
- | return
- | assert
- | break
- | class
- | continue
- | elif
- | try
- | except
- | raise
- | import
- | yield
- )
- \b
-""", re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE).search
-# Match blank line or non-indenting comment line.
-_junkre = re.compile(r"""
- [ \t]*
- (?: \# \S .* )?
- \n
-""", re.VERBOSE).match
-# Match any flavor of string; the terminating quote is optional
-# so that we're robust in the face of incomplete program text.
-_match_stringre = re.compile(r"""
- \""" [^"\\]* (?:
- (?: \\. | "(?!"") )
- [^"\\]*
- )*
- (?: \""" )?
-| " [^"\\\n]* (?: \\. [^"\\\n]* )* "?
-| ''' [^'\\]* (?:
- (?: \\. | '(?!'') )
- [^'\\]*
- )*
- (?: ''' )?
-| ' [^'\\\n]* (?: \\. [^'\\\n]* )* '?
-""", re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL).match
-# Match a line that starts with something interesting;
-# used to find the first item of a bracket structure.
-_itemre = re.compile(r"""
- [ \t]*
- [^\s#\\] # if we match, m.end()-1 is the interesting char
-""", re.VERBOSE).match
-# Match start of stmts that should be followed by a dedent.
-_closere = re.compile(r"""
- \s*
- (?: return
- | break
- | continue
- | raise
- | pass
- )
- \b
-""", re.VERBOSE).match
-# Chew up non-special chars as quickly as possible. If match is
-# successful, m.end() less 1 is the index of the last boring char
-# matched. If match is unsuccessful, the string starts with an
-# interesting char.
-_chew_ordinaryre = re.compile(r"""
- [^[\](){}#'"\\]+
-""", re.VERBOSE).match
-# Build translation table to map uninteresting chars to "x", open
-# brackets to "(", and close brackets to ")".
-_tran = ['x'] * 256
-for ch in "({[":
- _tran[ord(ch)] = '('
-for ch in ")}]":
- _tran[ord(ch)] = ')'
-for ch in "\"'\\\n#":
- _tran[ord(ch)] = ch
-_tran = ''.join(_tran)
-del ch
- UnicodeType = type(unicode(""))
-except NameError:
- UnicodeType = None
-class Parser:
- def __init__(self, indentwidth, tabwidth):
- self.indentwidth = indentwidth
- self.tabwidth = tabwidth
- def set_str(self, str):
- assert len(str) == 0 or str[-1] == '\n'
- if type(str) is UnicodeType:
- # The parse functions have no idea what to do with Unicode, so
- # replace all Unicode characters with "x". This is "safe"
- # so long as the only characters germane to parsing the structure
- # of Python are 7-bit ASCII. It's *necessary* because Unicode
- # strings don't have a .translate() method that supports
- # deletechars.
- uniphooey = str
- str = []
- push = str.append
- for raw in map(ord, uniphooey):
- push(raw < 127 and chr(raw) or "x")
- str = "".join(str)
- self.str = str
- self.study_level = 0
- # Return index of a good place to begin parsing, as close to the
- # end of the string as possible. This will be the start of some
- # popular stmt like "if" or "def". Return None if none found:
- # the caller should pass more prior context then, if possible, or
- # if not (the entire program text up until the point of interest
- # has already been tried) pass 0 to set_lo.
- #
- # This will be reliable iff given a reliable is_char_in_string
- # function, meaning that when it says "no", it's absolutely
- # guaranteed that the char is not in a string.
- #
- # Ack, hack: in the shell window this kills us, because there's
- # no way to tell the differences between output, >>> etc and
- # user input. Indeed, IDLE's first output line makes the rest
- # look like it's in an unclosed paren!:
- # Python 1.5.2 (#0, Apr 13 1999, ...
- def find_good_parse_start(self, use_ps1, is_char_in_string=None,
- _synchre=_synchre):
- str, pos = self.str, None
- if use_ps1:
- # shell window
- ps1 = '\n' + sys.ps1
- i = str.rfind(ps1)
- if i >= 0:
- pos = i + len(ps1)
- # make it look like there's a newline instead
- # of ps1 at the start -- hacking here once avoids
- # repeated hackery later
- self.str = str[:pos-1] + '\n' + str[pos:]
- return pos
- # File window -- real work.
- if not is_char_in_string:
- # no clue -- make the caller pass everything
- return None
- # Peek back from the end for a good place to start,
- # but don't try too often; pos will be left None, or
- # bumped to a legitimate synch point.
- limit = len(str)
- for tries in range(5):
- i = str.rfind(":\n", 0, limit)
- if i < 0:
- break
- i = str.rfind('\n', 0, i) + 1 # start of colon line
- m = _synchre(str, i, limit)
- if m and not is_char_in_string(m.start()):
- pos = m.start()
- break
- limit = i
- if pos is None:
- # Nothing looks like a block-opener, or stuff does
- # but is_char_in_string keeps returning true; most likely
- # we're in or near a giant string, the colorizer hasn't
- # caught up enough to be helpful, or there simply *aren't*
- # any interesting stmts. In any of these cases we're
- # going to have to parse the whole thing to be sure, so
- # give it one last try from the start, but stop wasting
- # time here regardless of the outcome.
- m = _synchre(str)
- if m and not is_char_in_string(m.start()):
- pos = m.start()
- return pos
- # Peeking back worked; look forward until _synchre no longer
- # matches.
- i = pos + 1
- while 1:
- m = _synchre(str, i)
- if m:
- s, i = m.span()
- if not is_char_in_string(s):
- pos = s
- else:
- break
- return pos
- # Throw away the start of the string. Intended to be called with
- # find_good_parse_start's result.
- def set_lo(self, lo):
- assert lo == 0 or self.str[lo-1] == '\n'
- if lo > 0:
- self.str = self.str[lo:]
- # As quickly as humanly possible <wink>, find the line numbers (0-
- # based) of the non-continuation lines.
- # Creates self.{goodlines, continuation}.
- def _study1(self):
- if self.study_level >= 1:
- return
- self.study_level = 1
- # Map all uninteresting characters to "x", all open brackets
- # to "(", all close brackets to ")", then collapse runs of
- # uninteresting characters. This can cut the number of chars
- # by a factor of 10-40, and so greatly speed the following loop.
- str = self.str
- str = str.translate(_tran)
- str = str.replace('xxxxxxxx', 'x')
- str = str.replace('xxxx', 'x')
- str = str.replace('xx', 'x')
- str = str.replace('xx', 'x')
- str = str.replace('\nx', '\n')
- # note that replacing x\n with \n would be incorrect, because
- # x may be preceded by a backslash
- # March over the squashed version of the program, accumulating
- # the line numbers of non-continued stmts, and determining
- # whether & why the last stmt is a continuation.
- continuation = C_NONE
- level = lno = 0 # level is nesting level; lno is line number
- self.goodlines = goodlines = [0]
- push_good = goodlines.append
- i, n = 0, len(str)
- while i < n:
- ch = str[i]
- i = i+1
- # cases are checked in decreasing order of frequency
- if ch == 'x':
- continue
- if ch == '\n':
- lno = lno + 1
- if level == 0:
- push_good(lno)
- # else we're in an unclosed bracket structure
- continue
- if ch == '(':
- level = level + 1
- continue
- if ch == ')':
- if level:
- level = level - 1
- # else the program is invalid, but we can't complain
- continue
- if ch == '"' or ch == "'":
- # consume the string
- quote = ch
- if str[i-1:i+2] == quote * 3:
- quote = quote * 3
- w = len(quote) - 1
- i = i+w
- while i < n:
- ch = str[i]
- i = i+1
- if ch == 'x':
- continue
- if str[i-1:i+w] == quote:
- i = i+w
- break
- if ch == '\n':
- lno = lno + 1
- if w == 0:
- # unterminated single-quoted string
- if level == 0:
- push_good(lno)
- break
- continue
- if ch == '\\':
- assert i < n
- if str[i] == '\n':
- lno = lno + 1
- i = i+1
- continue
- # else comment char or paren inside string
- else:
- # didn't break out of the loop, so we're still
- # inside a string
- continuation = C_STRING
- continue # with outer loop
- if ch == '#':
- # consume the comment
- i = str.find('\n', i)
- assert i >= 0
- continue
- assert ch == '\\'
- assert i < n
- if str[i] == '\n':
- lno = lno + 1
- if i+1 == n:
- continuation = C_BACKSLASH
- i = i+1
- # The last stmt may be continued for all 3 reasons.
- # String continuation takes precedence over bracket
- # continuation, which beats backslash continuation.
- if continuation != C_STRING and level > 0:
- continuation = C_BRACKET
- self.continuation = continuation
- # Push the final line number as a sentinel value, regardless of
- # whether it's continued.
- assert (continuation == C_NONE) == (goodlines[-1] == lno)
- if goodlines[-1] != lno:
- push_good(lno)
- def get_continuation_type(self):
- self._study1()
- return self.continuation
- # study1 was sufficient to determine the continuation status,
- # but doing more requires looking at every character. study2
- # does this for the last interesting statement in the block.
- # Creates:
- # self.stmt_start, stmt_end
- # slice indices of last interesting stmt
- # self.lastch
- # last non-whitespace character before optional trailing
- # comment
- # self.lastopenbracketpos
- # if continuation is C_BRACKET, index of last open bracket
- def _study2(self):
- if self.study_level >= 2:
- return
- self._study1()
- self.study_level = 2
- # Set p and q to slice indices of last interesting stmt.
- str, goodlines = self.str, self.goodlines
- i = len(goodlines) - 1
- p = len(str) # index of newest line
- while i:
- assert p
- # p is the index of the stmt at line number goodlines[i].
- # Move p back to the stmt at line number goodlines[i-1].
- q = p
- for nothing in range(goodlines[i-1], goodlines[i]):
- # tricky: sets p to 0 if no preceding newline
- p = str.rfind('\n', 0, p-1) + 1
- # The stmt str[p:q] isn't a continuation, but may be blank
- # or a non-indenting comment line.
- if _junkre(str, p):
- i = i-1
- else:
- break
- if i == 0:
- # nothing but junk!
- assert p == 0
- q = p
- self.stmt_start, self.stmt_end = p, q
- # Analyze this stmt, to find the last open bracket (if any)
- # and last interesting character (if any).
- lastch = ""
- stack = [] # stack of open bracket indices
- push_stack = stack.append
- while p < q:
- # suck up all except ()[]{}'"#\\
- m = _chew_ordinaryre(str, p, q)
- if m:
- # we skipped at least one boring char
- newp = m.end()
- # back up over totally boring whitespace
- i = newp - 1 # index of last boring char
- while i >= p and str[i] in " \t\n":
- i = i-1
- if i >= p:
- lastch = str[i]
- p = newp
- if p >= q:
- break
- ch = str[p]
- if ch in "([{":
- push_stack(p)
- lastch = ch
- p = p+1
- continue
- if ch in ")]}":
- if stack:
- del stack[-1]
- lastch = ch
- p = p+1
- continue
- if ch == '"' or ch == "'":
- # consume string
- # Note that study1 did this with a Python loop, but
- # we use a regexp here; the reason is speed in both
- # cases; the string may be huge, but study1 pre-squashed
- # strings to a couple of characters per line. study1
- # also needed to keep track of newlines, and we don't
- # have to.
- lastch = ch
- p = _match_stringre(str, p, q).end()
- continue
- if ch == '#':
- # consume comment and trailing newline
- p = str.find('\n', p, q) + 1
- assert p > 0
- continue
- assert ch == '\\'
- p = p+1 # beyond backslash
- assert p < q
- if str[p] != '\n':
- # the program is invalid, but can't complain
- lastch = ch + str[p]
- p = p+1 # beyond escaped char
- # end while p < q:
- self.lastch = lastch
- if stack:
- self.lastopenbracketpos = stack[-1]
- # Assuming continuation is C_BRACKET, return the number
- # of spaces the next line should be indented.
- def compute_bracket_indent(self):
- self._study2()
- assert self.continuation == C_BRACKET
- j = self.lastopenbracketpos
- str = self.str
- n = len(str)
- origi = i = str.rfind('\n', 0, j) + 1
- j = j+1 # one beyond open bracket
- # find first list item; set i to start of its line
- while j < n:
- m = _itemre(str, j)
- if m:
- j = m.end() - 1 # index of first interesting char
- extra = 0
- break
- else:
- # this line is junk; advance to next line
- i = j = str.find('\n', j) + 1
- else:
- # nothing interesting follows the bracket;
- # reproduce the bracket line's indentation + a level
- j = i = origi
- while str[j] in " \t":
- j = j+1
- extra = self.indentwidth
- return len(str[i:j].expandtabs(self.tabwidth)) + extra
- # Return number of physical lines in last stmt (whether or not
- # it's an interesting stmt! this is intended to be called when
- # continuation is C_BACKSLASH).
- def get_num_lines_in_stmt(self):
- self._study1()
- goodlines = self.goodlines
- return goodlines[-1] - goodlines[-2]
- # Assuming continuation is C_BACKSLASH, return the number of spaces
- # the next line should be indented. Also assuming the new line is
- # the first one following the initial line of the stmt.
- def compute_backslash_indent(self):
- self._study2()
- assert self.continuation == C_BACKSLASH
- str = self.str
- i = self.stmt_start
- while str[i] in " \t":
- i = i+1
- startpos = i
- # See whether the initial line starts an assignment stmt; i.e.,
- # look for an = operator
- endpos = str.find('\n', startpos) + 1
- found = level = 0
- while i < endpos:
- ch = str[i]
- if ch in "([{":
- level = level + 1
- i = i+1
- elif ch in ")]}":
- if level:
- level = level - 1
- i = i+1
- elif ch == '"' or ch == "'":
- i = _match_stringre(str, i, endpos).end()
- elif ch == '#':
- break
- elif level == 0 and ch == '=' and \
- (i == 0 or str[i-1] not in "=<>!") and \
- str[i+1] != '=':
- found = 1
- break
- else:
- i = i+1
- if found:
- # found a legit =, but it may be the last interesting
- # thing on the line
- i = i+1 # move beyond the =
- found = re.match(r"\s*\\", str[i:endpos]) is None
- if not found:
- # oh well ... settle for moving beyond the first chunk
- # of non-whitespace chars
- i = startpos
- while str[i] not in " \t\n":
- i = i+1
- return len(str[self.stmt_start:i].expandtabs(\
- self.tabwidth)) + 1
- # Return the leading whitespace on the initial line of the last
- # interesting stmt.
- def get_base_indent_string(self):
- self._study2()
- i, n = self.stmt_start, self.stmt_end
- j = i
- str = self.str
- while j < n and str[j] in " \t":
- j = j + 1
- return str[i:j]
- # Did the last interesting stmt open a block?
- def is_block_opener(self):
- self._study2()
- return self.lastch == ':'
- # Did the last interesting stmt close a block?
- def is_block_closer(self):
- self._study2()
- return _closere(self.str, self.stmt_start) is not None
- # index of last open bracket ({[, or None if none
- lastopenbracketpos = None
- def get_last_open_bracket_pos(self):
- self._study2()
- return self.lastopenbracketpos