path: root/Parser/grammar.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Make new gcc -Wall happyGuido van Rossum1998-04-101-1/+1
* Another directory quickly renamed.Guido van Rossum1997-04-291-25/+27
* Allow leading underscore in keywords.Guido van Rossum1997-04-021-1/+1
* Rename DEBUG macro to Py_DEBUGGuido van Rossum1996-12-301-1/+1
* Make gcc -Wall happyGuido van Rossum1996-12-021-1/+1
* New permission notice, includes CNRI.Guido van Rossum1996-10-251-13/+20
* Added 1995 to copyright message.Guido van Rossum1995-01-041-2/+2
* Parser/tokenizer.c (tok_nextc): zap tok->buf after freeing;Guido van Rossum1994-12-301-3/+10
* Merge back to main trunkGuido van Rossum1994-08-301-2/+2
* * Changed all copyright messages to include 1993.Guido van Rossum1993-03-291-2/+2
* Copyright for 1992 addedGuido van Rossum1992-04-051-1/+1
* Implemented 2-character operators.Guido van Rossum1991-10-201-11/+20
* Added copyright notice.Guido van Rossum1991-02-191-0/+24
* "Compiling" versionGuido van Rossum1990-12-201-15/+17
* Initial revisionGuido van Rossum1990-10-141-0/+207
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-\page qmlformat.html
-\title QML Format Reference
-\section1 Overview
-QML is an extension to \l {}
-{ECMAScript}. QML adds a mechanism for declaratively building a tree of objects, improved
-integration between ECMAScript and Qt's existing QObject based type system, and support for
-transparently maintained property value bindings between ECMAScript expressions and QObject
-Much of a QML file consists of valid ECMAScript \e {Statement}s. Except where constraints imposed
-by ECMAScript, C++ or QObject prevented it, the syntactic extensions introduced by QML are designed
-to look similar and fit well with existing ECMAScript syntax and concepts.
-\section1 QML engine
-The \l {QmlEngine}{QML engine} executes a \l {QmlComponent}{QML document} in a
-\l {QmlContext}{QML context} to produce a \l {QObject}{QML object}. A single QML
-document may be executed in one or many contexts to produce many QML objects. A single
-QML document may be executed many times in the same context to produce many QML objects.
-The QML engine provides the environment in which QML documents, contexts and objects
-exist. It must exist before any of these structures can be created. If the engine is removed,
-existing documents, contexts and objects are invalidated, but not destroyed. An invalid
-\i \e {QML document} can no longer be used to create QML objects.
-\i \e {QML context} can no longer host QML objects, new context properties cannot be added
-and existing context properties cannot be modified.
-\i \e {QML object} will no longer evaluate bindings or scripts.
-A QML document is a block of QML source code. QML documents generally correspond to files stored
-on a disk or network resource, but can be constructed directly from text data. Syntactically a QML
-document is self contained; QML does \bold {not} have a preprocessor that modifies the document
-before presentation to the compiler. Type references within a QML document are resolved based
-exclusively on the import statements present in the document.
-A simple QML document looks like this:
-import Qt 4.6
-Rectangle {
- id: myRect
- width: 100; height: 100
- color: background
-To instantiate a QML object, a QML document is executed in a QML context. QML contexts are used by
-programmers to pass data to a QML document. QML documents may include property bindings or
-ECMAScript blocks that can contain variable references that need to be resolved. Each property
-binding and ECMAScript block has an associated QML context that is used to resolve these references
-that is determined by the QML context in which the document is executed. The example document above
-contains one variable reference, \c background.
-Each QML context defines a scope for variable resolution and each may define local, named context
-properties. A QML context may also have a \l {QmlContext::addDefaultObject()}{default object},
-which is an object whose properties are searched \e after the context properties when resolving a
-variable name. QML contexts form a tree, starting from a root context that is provided by the QML
-engine. When resolving variable references, the QML contexts are searched starting from the
-QML objects containing context upwards towards the root context.
-Consider the following QML context tree. If the example QML document is executed in \c Context1,
-the \c background variable will resolve to \c Context1's context property. If the document is
-executed in \c Context2, the \c background variable will resolve to the root context's context
-\image qml-context-tree.png
-While QML contexts can be created explicitly by the programmer to pass data into QML objects,
-the QML engine also creates a new implicit QML context for every object it instantiates.
-Property bindings and ECMAScript blocks in the document are associated with this QML engine
-created context. Object ids that are defined in the document are added as context properties, and
-their value is set to reference the appropriate object, and the instantiated QML object is set as
-the context's default object. The following diagram shows the result of executing a simple QML
-\image qml-context-object.png
-The blue rectangle in the diagram represents a property binding. Associated with each property
-binding is the QML context to which it belongs, the object property to which it is bound and a
-\e {scope object}. The scope object is usually, but not always, the object to which the bound
-property belongs. The context properties, context default objects and the scope object are all
-involved when resolving a variable name in a binding. The following pseudo code describes the
-algorithm used:
-if (scopeObject.hasProperty(name))
- return
-foreach (context in contextChain) {
- if (context.hasContextProperty(name)
- return context.contextProperty(name)
- if (context.defaultObject.hasProperty(name))
- return
-QML supports two categories of types: \e builtin types and \e composite types. Builtin types are
-those written in C++ and registered with the QML engine. Builtin types form the most basic
-building blocks of QML. Composite types are constructed by composing other builtin or composite
-types, property bindings and ECMAScript blocks together into a brand new type using the QML
-language. Using a composite type is identical to using a builtin type.
-For example, Qt 4.6 includes a builtin type called \c Image that shows a bitmap image. The
-\c Image type has \c width and \c height properties that control the size of the displayed image.
-A simple composite type, that will be called \c SquareImage can be built that adds a \c size
-property that sets both the width and the height.
-import Qt 4.6
-Image {
- property int size
- width: size
- height: size
-To the QML engine, a composite type is just another QML document. When a composite type is
-used the engine instantiates it just as it would any other document - by creating a new implicit
-QML context and the object tree described by the document. The diagram below shows the
-\c SquareImage composite type used from within another QML document. When instantiated, the
-\c SquareImage object is created in its own QML context. Any property bindings specified in the
-\c SquareImage composite type document are associated with this context. Property bindings created
-in the outer document, however, are associated with its context, even those that are applied to the
-created \c SquareImage object. That is, the \c size, \c source, \c width and \c height property
-bindings all share a common \e {scope object}, but are owned by two different QML contexts. The
-difference in containing context results in the \c Root variable resolving differently in the
-different property bindings.
-\image qml-context.png
-\section1 Syntax
-\section2 Encoding
-QML files are always encoded in UTF-8 format.
-\section2 Commenting
-The commenting rules in QML are the same as for ECMAScript. Both \e {MultiLineComment} blocks and \e {SingleLineComment}'s are supported.
-\section2 QML Document
-\section3 Syntax
-\e {QMLDocument} \bold {:}
-\e {QMLImportList} \sub {opt} \e {QMLObjectDefinition}
-\e {QMLImportList} \bold {:}
-\e {QMLImportStatement} \e {QMLImportList} \sub {opt}
-\e {QMLImportStatement} \bold {:}
-\bold {import} \e {StringLiteral}
-\bold {import} \e {StringLiteral} \e {QMLVersionNumber}
-\bold {import} \e {QMLNamespaceName} \e {QMLVersionNumber}
-\bold {import} \e {StringLiteral} \bold {as} \e {QMLNamespacePrefix}
-\bold {import} \e {StringLiteral} \e {QMLVersionNumber} \bold {as} \e {QMLNamespacePrefix}
-\bold {import} \e {QMLNamespaceName} \e {QMLVersionNumber} \bold {as} \e {QMLNamespacePrefix}
-\e {QMLNamespaceName} \bold {:}
-\e {QMLQualifiedId}
-\e {QMLVersionNumber} \bold {:}
-\e {DecimalLiteral} \bold {but not} with \e {ExponentPart}
-\section3 Semantics
-The \e {QMLImportList} is used to statically resolve type references used within the enclosing
-QML document.
-An import statement is used to bring a set of types into scope for a QML document.
-\section2 Object Definition
-\section3 Syntax
-\e {QMLObjectDefinition} \bold {:}
-\e {QMLQualifiedId} \bold {\{} \e {QMLObjectMemberList} \bold {\}}
-\e {QMLObjectMemberList} \bold {:}
-\e {QMLObjectMember} \e {QMLObjectMemberList} \sub {opt}
-\e {QMLObjectMember} \bold {:}
-\e {QMLMemberAssignment}
-\e {QMLObjectDefinition}
-\e {QMLObjectExtensionDefinition}
-\e {QMLMemberAssignmentList} \bold {:}
-\e {QMLMemberAssignment} \e {QMLMemberAssignmentList} \sub {opt}
-\e {QMLMemberAssignment} \bold {:}
-\e {QMLQualifiedId} \bold {:} \e {Literal} \bold {but not} \e {NullLiteral}
-\e {QMLQualifiedId} \bold {:} \e {QMLObjectDefinition}
-\e {QMLQualifiedId} \bold {:} \e {QMLObjectDefinitionArray}
-\e {QMLQualifiedId} \bold {:} \e {QMLBindingExpression}
-\e {QMLQualifiedId} \bold {\{} \e {QMLMemberAssignmentList} \bold {\}}
-\section3 Semantics
-\section2 Object Extension
-\section3 Syntax
-\e {QMLObjectExtensionDefinition} \bold {:}
-\e {QMLObjectPropertyDefinition}
-\e {QMLObjectSignalDefinition}
-\e {QMLObjectMethodDefinition}
-\e {QMLObjectPropertyDefinition} \bold {:}
-\bold {property} \e {QmlObjectPropertyType} \e {QMLMemberIdentifier}
-\bold {default} \bold {property} \e {QmlObjectPropertyType} \e {QMLMemberIdentifier}
-\bold {property} \e {QmlObjectPropertyType} \e {QMLMemberIdentifier} \bold {:} \e {Literal} \bold {but not} \e {NullLiteral}
-\bold {property} \e {QmlObjectPropertyType} \e {QMLMemberIdentifier} \bold {:} \e {QmlBindingExpression}
-\bold {default} \bold {property} \e {QmlObjectPropertyType} \e {QMLMemberIdentifier} \bold {:} \e {Literal} \bold {but not} \e {NullLiteral}
-\bold {default} \bold {property} \e {QmlObjectPropertyType} \e {QMLMemberIdentifier} \bold {:} \e {QmlBindingExpression}
-\e {QMLObjectPropertyType} \bold {:: one of}
-\bold {int} \bold {bool} \bold {double} \bold {real} \bold {string} \bold {url} \bold {color} \bold {date} \bold {var} \bold {variant} \bold {alias}
-\e {QMLObjectSignalDefinition} \bold {:}
-\bold {signal} \e {QMLMemberIdentifier}
-\bold {signal} \e {QMLMemberIdentifier} \bold {(} QMLMemberTypedParameterList \bold {)}
-\e {QMLObjectMethodDefinition} \bold {:}
-\e {FunctionDeclaration} \bold {but not} \e {Identifier} \sub {opt}
-\section3 Semantics
-\section2 Binding Expression
-\section3 Syntax
-\e {QMLBindingExpression} \bold {:}
-\section3 Semantics
diff --git a/doc/src/declarative/qtdeclarative.qdoc b/doc/src/declarative/qtdeclarative.qdoc