From c50cb6dd09d5a1bfdd1b896cc31ccdc96c72e561 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Serhiy Storchaka <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 17:55:29 +0300
Subject: gh-117764: Add more tests for signatures of builtins (GH-117816)

Test signatures of all public builtins and methods of builtin classes
in modules builtins, types, sys, and several other modules (either
included in the list of standard builtin modules sys.builtin_module_names,
or providing a public interface for such modules).

Most builtins should have supported signatures, with few known exceptions.
When more builtins will be converted to Argument Clinic or support of
new signatures be implemented, they will be removed from the exception
 Lib/test/test_inspect/ | 299 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 265 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Lib/test/test_inspect/ b/Lib/test/test_inspect/
index 6494842..e8b09c4 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_inspect/
+++ b/Lib/test/test_inspect/
@@ -5221,10 +5221,17 @@ class TestSignatureDefinitions(unittest.TestCase):
     # This test case provides a home for checking that particular APIs
     # have signatures available for introspection
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_public(name):
+        return not name.startswith('_') or name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__')
                      "Signature information for builtins requires docstrings")
-    def test_builtins_have_signatures(self):
+    def _test_module_has_signatures(self, module,
+                no_signature=(), unsupported_signature=(),
+                methods_no_signature={}, methods_unsupported_signature={},
+                good_exceptions=()):
         # This checks all builtin callables in CPython have signatures
         # A few have signatures Signature can't yet handle, so we skip those
         # since they will have to wait until PEP 457 adds the required
@@ -5233,48 +5240,272 @@ class TestSignatureDefinitions(unittest.TestCase):
         # reasons, so we also skip those for the time being, but design
         # the test to fail in order to indicate when it needs to be
         # updated.
-        no_signature = set()
-        # These need PEP 457 groups
-        needs_groups = {"range", "slice", "dir", "getattr",
-                        "next", "iter", "vars"}
-        no_signature |= needs_groups
-        # These have unrepresentable parameter default values of NULL
-        needs_null = {"anext"}
-        no_signature |= needs_null
-        # These need *args support in Argument Clinic
-        needs_varargs = {"min", "max", "__build_class__"}
-        no_signature |= needs_varargs
-        # These builtin types are expected to provide introspection info
-        types_with_signatures = {
-            'bool', 'classmethod', 'complex', 'enumerate', 'filter', 'float',
-            'frozenset', 'list', 'map', 'memoryview', 'object', 'property',
-            'reversed', 'set', 'staticmethod', 'tuple', 'zip'
-        }
+        no_signature = no_signature or set()
         # Check the signatures we expect to be there
-        ns = vars(builtins)
+        ns = vars(module)
+        try:
+            names = set(module.__all__)
+        except AttributeError:
+            names = set(name for name in ns if self.is_public(name))
         for name, obj in sorted(ns.items()):
+            if name not in names:
+                continue
             if not callable(obj):
-            # The builtin types haven't been converted to AC yet
-            if isinstance(obj, type) and (name not in types_with_signatures):
-                # Note that this also skips all the exception types
+            if (isinstance(obj, type) and
+                issubclass(obj, BaseException) and
+                name not in good_exceptions):
-            if (name in no_signature):
-                # Not yet converted
-                continue
-            if name in {'classmethod', 'staticmethod'}:
-                # Bug gh-112006: inspect.unwrap() does not work with types
-                # with the __wrapped__ data descriptor.
-                continue
-            with self.subTest(builtin=name):
-                self.assertIsNotNone(inspect.signature(obj))
+            if name not in no_signature and name not in unsupported_signature:
+                with self.subTest('supported', builtin=name):
+                    self.assertIsNotNone(inspect.signature(obj))
+            if isinstance(obj, type):
+                with self.subTest(type=name):
+                    self._test_builtin_methods_have_signatures(obj,
+                            methods_no_signature.get(name, ()),
+                            methods_unsupported_signature.get(name, ()))
         # Check callables that haven't been converted don't claim a signature
         # This ensures this test will start failing as more signatures are
         # added, so the affected items can be moved into the scope of the
         # regression test above
-        for name in no_signature - needs_null:
-            with self.subTest(builtin=name):
-                self.assertIsNone(ns[name].__text_signature__)
+        for name in no_signature:
+            with self.subTest('none', builtin=name):
+                obj = ns[name]
+                self.assertIsNone(obj.__text_signature__)
+                self.assertRaises(ValueError, inspect.signature, obj)
+        for name in unsupported_signature:
+            with self.subTest('unsupported', builtin=name):
+                obj = ns[name]
+                self.assertIsNotNone(obj.__text_signature__)
+                self.assertRaises(ValueError, inspect.signature, obj)
+    def _test_builtin_methods_have_signatures(self, cls, no_signature, unsupported_signature):
+        ns = vars(cls)
+        for name in ns:
+            obj = getattr(cls, name, None)
+            if not callable(obj) or isinstance(obj, type):
+                continue
+            if name not in no_signature and name not in unsupported_signature:
+                with self.subTest('supported', method=name):
+                    self.assertIsNotNone(inspect.signature(obj))
+        for name in no_signature:
+            with self.subTest('none', method=name):
+                self.assertIsNone(getattr(cls, name).__text_signature__)
+                self.assertRaises(ValueError, inspect.signature, getattr(cls, name))
+        for name in unsupported_signature:
+            with self.subTest('unsupported', method=name):
+                self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(cls, name).__text_signature__)
+                self.assertRaises(ValueError, inspect.signature, getattr(cls, name))
+    def test_builtins_have_signatures(self):
+        no_signature = {'type', 'super', 'bytearray', 'bytes', 'dict', 'int', 'str'}
+        # These need PEP 457 groups
+        needs_groups = {"range", "slice", "dir", "getattr",
+                        "next", "iter", "vars"}
+        no_signature |= needs_groups
+        # These have unrepresentable parameter default values of NULL
+        unsupported_signature = {"anext"}
+        # These need *args support in Argument Clinic
+        needs_varargs = {"min", "max", "__build_class__"}
+        no_signature |= needs_varargs
+        methods_no_signature = {
+            'dict': {'update'},
+            'object': {'__class__'},
+        }
+        methods_unsupported_signature = {
+            'bytearray': {'count', 'endswith', 'find', 'hex', 'index', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'startswith'},
+            'bytes': {'count', 'endswith', 'find', 'hex', 'index', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'startswith'},
+            'dict': {'pop'},
+            'int': {'__round__'},
+            'memoryview': {'cast', 'hex'},
+            'str': {'count', 'endswith', 'find', 'index', 'maketrans', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'startswith'},
+        }
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(builtins,
+                no_signature, unsupported_signature,
+                methods_no_signature, methods_unsupported_signature)
+    def test_types_module_has_signatures(self):
+        unsupported_signature = {'CellType'}
+        methods_no_signature = {
+            'AsyncGeneratorType': {'athrow'},
+            'CoroutineType': {'throw'},
+            'GeneratorType': {'throw'},
+        }
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(types,
+                unsupported_signature=unsupported_signature,
+                methods_no_signature=methods_no_signature)
+    def test_sys_module_has_signatures(self):
+        no_signature = {'getsizeof', 'set_asyncgen_hooks'}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(sys, no_signature)
+    def test_abc_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import abc
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(abc)
+    def test_atexit_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import atexit
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(atexit)
+    def test_codecs_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import codecs
+        methods_no_signature = {'StreamReader': {'charbuffertype'}}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(codecs,
+                methods_no_signature=methods_no_signature)
+    def test_collections_module_has_signatures(self):
+        no_signature = {'OrderedDict', 'defaultdict'}
+        unsupported_signature = {'deque'}
+        methods_no_signature = {
+            'OrderedDict': {'update'},
+        }
+        methods_unsupported_signature = {
+            'deque': {'index'},
+            'OrderedDict': {'pop'},
+            'UserString': {'maketrans'},
+        }
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(collections,
+                no_signature, unsupported_signature,
+                methods_no_signature, methods_unsupported_signature)
+    def test_collections_abc_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(
+    def test_errno_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import errno
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(errno)
+    def test_faulthandler_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import faulthandler
+        unsupported_signature = {'dump_traceback', 'dump_traceback_later', 'enable'}
+        unsupported_signature |= {name for name in ['register']
+                                  if hasattr(faulthandler, name)}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(faulthandler, unsupported_signature=unsupported_signature)
+    def test_functools_module_has_signatures(self):
+        no_signature = {'reduce'}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(functools, no_signature)
+    def test_gc_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import gc
+        no_signature = {'set_threshold'}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(gc, no_signature)
+    def test_io_module_has_signatures(self):
+        methods_no_signature = {
+            'BufferedRWPair': {'read', 'peek', 'read1', 'readinto', 'readinto1', 'write'},
+        }
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(io,
+                methods_no_signature=methods_no_signature)
+    def test_itertools_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import itertools
+        no_signature = {'islice', 'repeat'}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(itertools, no_signature)
+    def test_locale_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import locale
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(locale)
+    def test_marshal_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import marshal
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(marshal)
+    def test_operator_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import operator
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(operator)
+    def test_os_module_has_signatures(self):
+        unsupported_signature = {'chmod', 'utime'}
+        unsupported_signature |= {name for name in
+            ['get_terminal_size', 'posix_spawn', 'posix_spawnp',
+             'register_at_fork', 'startfile']
+            if hasattr(os, name)}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(os, unsupported_signature=unsupported_signature)
+    def test_pwd_module_has_signatures(self):
+        pwd = import_helper.import_module('pwd')
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(pwd)
+    def test_re_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import re
+        methods_no_signature = {'Match': {'group'}}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(re,
+                methods_no_signature=methods_no_signature,
+                good_exceptions={'error', 'PatternError'})
+    def test_signal_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import signal
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(signal)
+    def test_stat_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import stat
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(stat)
+    def test_string_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import string
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(string)
+    def test_symtable_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import symtable
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(symtable)
+    def test_sysconfig_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import sysconfig
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(sysconfig)
+    def test_threading_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import threading
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(threading)
+    def test_thread_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import _thread
+        no_signature = {'RLock'}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(_thread, no_signature)
+    def test_time_module_has_signatures(self):
+        no_signature = {
+            'asctime', 'ctime', 'get_clock_info', 'gmtime', 'localtime',
+            'strftime', 'strptime'
+        }
+        no_signature |= {name for name in
+            ['clock_getres', 'clock_settime', 'clock_settime_ns',
+             'pthread_getcpuclockid']
+            if hasattr(time, name)}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(time, no_signature)
+    def test_tokenize_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import tokenize
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(tokenize)
+    def test_tracemalloc_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import tracemalloc
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(tracemalloc)
+    def test_typing_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import typing
+        no_signature = {'ParamSpec', 'ParamSpecArgs', 'ParamSpecKwargs',
+                        'Text', 'TypeAliasType', 'TypeVar', 'TypeVarTuple'}
+        methods_no_signature = {
+            'Generic': {'__class_getitem__', '__init_subclass__'},
+        }
+        methods_unsupported_signature = {
+            'Text': {'count', 'find', 'index', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'startswith', 'endswith', 'maketrans'},
+        }
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(typing, no_signature,
+                methods_no_signature=methods_no_signature,
+                methods_unsupported_signature=methods_unsupported_signature)
+    def test_warnings_module_has_signatures(self):
+        unsupported_signature = {'warn', 'warn_explicit'}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(warnings, unsupported_signature=unsupported_signature)
+    def test_weakref_module_has_signatures(self):
+        import weakref
+        no_signature = {'ReferenceType', 'ref'}
+        self._test_module_has_signatures(weakref, no_signature)
     def test_python_function_override_signature(self):
         def func(*args, **kwargs):
cgit v0.12