From 6387b5313c60c1403785b2245db33372476ac304 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Victor Stinner <>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 18:53:38 +0200
Subject: gh-108494: Document how to add a project in PCbuild/readme.txt

Add _testclinic_limited to Tools/msi/test/test_files.wxs.
 PCbuild/readme.txt            | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Tools/msi/test/test_files.wxs | 18 +++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PCbuild/readme.txt b/PCbuild/readme.txt
index 199aacd..98b3701 100644
--- a/PCbuild/readme.txt
+++ b/PCbuild/readme.txt
@@ -293,3 +293,31 @@ project, with some projects overriding certain specific values. The GUI
 doesn't always reflect the correct settings and may confuse the user
 with false information, especially for settings that automatically adapt
 for different configurations.
+Add a new project
+For example, add a new _testclinic_limited project to build a new
+_testclinic_limited extension, the file Modules/_testclinic_limited.c:
+* In PCbuild/, copy _testclinic.vcxproj to _testclinic_limited.vcxproj,
+  replace RootNamespace value with `_testclinic_limited`, replace
+  `_asyncio.c` with `_testclinic_limited.c`.
+* Open Visual Studio, open PCbuild\pcbuild.sln solution, add the
+  PCbuild\_testclinic_limited.vcxproj project to the solution ("add existing
+  project).
+* Add a dependency on the python project to the new _testclinic_limited
+  project.
+* Save and exit Visual Studio.
+* Add `;_testclinic_limited` to `<TestModules Include="...">` in
+  PCbuild\pcbuild.proj.
+* Update "exts" in Tools\msi\lib\lib_files.wxs file or in
+  Tools\msi\test\test_files.wxs file (for tests).
+* PC\layout\ needs updating if you add a test-only extension whose name
+  doesn't start with "_test".
+* Add the extension to PCbuild\readme.txt (this file).
+* Build Python from scratch (clean the solution) to check that the new project
+  is built successfully.
+* Ensure the new .vcxproj and .vcxproj.filters files are added to your commit,
+  as well as the changes to pcbuild.sln, pcbuild.proj and any other modified
+  files.
diff --git a/Tools/msi/test/test_files.wxs b/Tools/msi/test/test_files.wxs
index 87e164c..bb9b258 100644
--- a/Tools/msi/test/test_files.wxs
+++ b/Tools/msi/test/test_files.wxs
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <Wix xmlns="">
-    <?define exts=_testcapi;_ctypes_test;_testbuffer;_testimportmultiple;_testmultiphase;_testsinglephase;_testconsole;_testinternalcapi;_testclinic ?>
+    <?define exts=_testcapi;_ctypes_test;_testbuffer;_testimportmultiple;_testmultiphase;_testsinglephase;_testconsole;_testinternalcapi;_testclinic;_testclinic_limited ?>
         <ComponentGroup Id="test_extensions">
             <?foreach ext in $(var.exts)?>
             <Component Id="$(var.ext).pyd" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*">
                 <File Name="$(var.ext).pyd" KeyPath="yes" />
             <?endforeach ?>
         <ComponentGroup Id="test_extensions_symbols">
             <?foreach ext in $(var.exts)?>
             <Component Id="$(var.ext).pdb" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*">
                 <File Name="$(var.ext).pdb" />
             <?endforeach ?>
         <ComponentGroup Id="test_extensions_d">
             <?foreach ext in $(var.exts)?>
             <Component Id="$(var.ext)_d.pyd" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*">
                 <File Name="$(var.ext)_d.pyd" />
             <Component Id="$(var.ext)_d.pdb" Directory="DLLs" Guid="*">
                 <File Name="$(var.ext)_d.pdb" />
             <?endforeach ?>
cgit v0.12