parameters: Include: '*.exe, *.dll, *.pyd, *.cat, *.ps1' Exclude: 'vcruntime*, libffi*, libcrypto*, libssl*' jobs: - job: Sign_Python displayName: Sign Python binaries condition: and(succeeded(), variables['SigningCertificate']) pool: name: 'Windows Release' workspace: clean: all strategy: matrix: win32: Name: win32 amd64: Name: amd64 arm64: Name: arm64 steps: - template: ./checkout.yml - template: ./find-sdk.yml - powershell: | $d = (.\PCbuild\build.bat -V) | %{ if($_ -match '\s+(\w+):\s*(.+)\s*$') { @{$Matches[1] = $Matches[2];} }}; Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=SigningDescription]Python $($d.PythonVersion)" displayName: 'Update signing description' condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables['SigningDescription'])) - powershell: | Write-Host "##vso[build.addbuildtag]signed" displayName: 'Add build tags' - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@1 displayName: 'Download artifact: unsigned_bin_$(Name)' inputs: artifactName: unsigned_bin_$(Name) targetPath: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\bin - powershell: | copy "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\Lib\venv\scripts\common\Activate.ps1" . displayName: 'Copy files from source' workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\bin - powershell: | $files = (gi ${{ parameters.Include }} -Exclude ${{ parameters.Exclude }}) signtool sign /a /n "$(SigningCertificate)" /fd sha256 /d "$(SigningDescription)" $files displayName: 'Sign binaries' workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\bin - powershell: | $files = (gi ${{ parameters.Include }} -Exclude ${{ parameters.Exclude }}) $failed = $true foreach ($retry in 1..10) { signtool timestamp /tr /td sha256 $files if ($?) { $failed = $false break } sleep 5 } if ($failed) { Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue type=error]Failed to timestamp files" } displayName: 'Timestamp binaries' workingDirectory: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\bin continueOnError: true - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@0 displayName: 'Publish artifact: bin_$(Name)' inputs: targetPath: '$(Build.BinariesDirectory)\bin' artifactName: bin_$(Name) - job: Dump_CertInfo displayName: Capture certificate info condition: and(succeeded(), variables['SigningCertificate']) pool: name: 'Windows Release' steps: - checkout: none - powershell: | $m = 'CN=$(SigningCertificate)' $c = ((gci Cert:\CurrentUser\My), (gci Cert:\LocalMachine\My)) | %{ $_ } | ` ?{ $_.Subject -match $m -and $_.NotBefore -lt (Get-Date) -and $_.NotAfter -gt (Get-Date) } | ` select -First 1 if (-not $c) { Write-Host "Failed to find certificate for $(SigningCertificate)" exit } $d = mkdir "$(Build.BinariesDirectory)\tmp" -Force $cf = "$d\cert.cer" [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($cf, $c.Export("Cer")) $csha = (certutil -dump $cf | sls "Cert Hash\(sha256\): (.+)").Matches.Groups[1].Value $info = @{ Subject=$c.Subject; SHA256=$csha; } $d = mkdir "$(Build.BinariesDirectory)\cert" -Force $info | ConvertTo-JSON -Compress | Out-File -Encoding utf8 "$d\certinfo.json" displayName: "Extract certificate info" - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@0 displayName: 'Publish artifact: cert' inputs: targetPath: '$(Build.BinariesDirectory)\cert' artifactName: cert - job: Mark_Unsigned displayName: Tag unsigned build condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables['SigningCertificate'])) pool: vmImage: windows-2022 steps: - checkout: none - powershell: | Write-Host "##vso[build.addbuildtag]unsigned" displayName: 'Add build tag'