"Customize this file to change the default client etc." import string HOST = 'voorn.cwi.nl' PORT = 4127 DIRECTORY = '/ufs/guido/voorn/python-RCS/Demo/pdist' VERBOSE = 1 def openrcsclient(opts = []): "open an RCSProxy client based on a list of options returned by getopt" import RCSProxy host = HOST port = PORT directory = DIRECTORY verbose = VERBOSE for o, a in opts: if o == '-h': host = a if ':' in host: i = string.find(host, ':') host, p = host[:i], host[i+1:] if p: port = string.atoi(p) if o == '-p': port = string.atoi(a) if o == '-d': directory = a if o == '-v': verbose = verbose + 1 if o == '-q': verbose = 0 address = (host, port) x = RCSProxy.RCSProxyClient(address, verbose) if directory: x.cd(directory) return x