#!/ufs/guido/bin/sgi/python # Send live video UDP packets. # Usage: Vsend [-b] [-h height] [-p port] [-s size] [-t ttl] [-w width] # [host] .. import sys import time import struct import string from socket import * from SOCKET import * import gl, GL, DEVICE sys.path.append('/ufs/guido/src/video') import LiveVideoIn import LiveVideoOut import SV import getopt from IN import * from senddefs import * def usage(msg): print msg print 'usage: Vsend [-b] [-h height] [-p port] [-s size] [-t ttl] [-c type] [-m]', print '[-w width] [host] ...' print '-b : broadcast on local net' print '-h height : window height (default ' + `DEFHEIGHT` + ')' print '-p port : port to use (default ' + `DEFPORT` + ')' print '-t ttl : time-to-live (multicast only; default 1)' print '-s size : max packet size (default ' + `DEFPKTMAX` + ')' print '-w width : window width (default ' + `DEFWIDTH` + ')' print '-c type : Type: rgb8, mono or grey (default rgb8)' print '[host] ...: host(s) to send to (default multicast to ' + \ DEFMCAST + ')' sys.exit(2) def main(): sys.stdout = sys.stderr hosts = [] port = DEFPORT ttl = -1 pktmax = DEFPKTMAX width = DEFWIDTH height = DEFHEIGHT vtype = 'rgb8' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'bh:p:s:t:w:c:') except getopt.error, msg: usage(msg) try: for opt, optarg in opts: if opt == '-p': port = string.atoi(optarg) if opt == '-b': host = '' if opt == '-t': ttl = string.atoi(optarg) if opt == '-s': pktmax = string.atoi(optarg) if opt == '-w': width = string.atoi(optarg) if opt == '-h': height = string.atoi(optarg) if opt == '-c': vtype = optarg except string.atoi_error, msg: usage('bad integer: ' + msg) for host in args: hosts.append(gethostbyname(host)) if not hosts: hosts.append(gethostbyname(DEFMCAST)) if not LiveVideoIn.have_video: print 'Sorry, no video available (use python-405)' sys.exit(1) gl.foreground() gl.prefsize(width, height) gl.stepunit(8, 6) wid = gl.winopen('Vsend') gl.keepaspect(width, height) gl.stepunit(8, 6) gl.maxsize(SV.PAL_XMAX, SV.PAL_YMAX) gl.winconstraints() gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINFREEZE) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINTHAW) width, height = gl.getsize() lvo = LiveVideoOut.LiveVideoOut().init(wid, width, height, vtype) lvi = LiveVideoIn.LiveVideoIn().init(pktmax, width, height, vtype) s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1) if ttl >= 0: s.setsockopt(IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, chr(ttl)) frozen = 0 while 1: if gl.qtest(): dev, val = gl.qread() if dev in (DEVICE.ESCKEY, \ DEVICE.WINSHUT, DEVICE.WINQUIT): break if dev == DEVICE.WINFREEZE: frozen = 1 if dev == DEVICE.WINTHAW: frozen = 0 if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW: w, h = gl.getsize() x, y = gl.getorigin() if (w, h) <> (width, height): width, height = w, h lvi.resizevideo(width, height) lvo.resizevideo(width, height) rv = lvi.getnextpacket() if not rv: time.millisleep(10) continue pos, data = rv if not frozen: lvo.putnextpacket(pos, data) hdr = struct.pack('hhh', pos, width, height) for host in hosts: try: s.sendto(hdr + data, (host, port)) except error, msg: # really socket.error if msg[0] <> 121: # no buffer space available raise error, msg # re-raise it print 'Warning:', msg[1] lvi.close() lvo.close() main()