#!/usr/bin/env python # Demo program for zlib; it compresses or decompresses files, but *doesn't* # delete the original. This doesn't support all of gzip's options. FTEXT, FHCRC, FEXTRA, FNAME, FCOMMENT = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 def write32(output, value): output.write(chr(value & 255)) ; value=value / 256 output.write(chr(value & 255)) ; value=value / 256 output.write(chr(value & 255)) ; value=value / 256 output.write(chr(value & 255)) def read32(input): v=ord(input.read(1)) v=v+ (ord(input.read(1))<<8 ) v=v+ (ord(input.read(1))<<16) v=v+ (ord(input.read(1))<<24) return v import zlib, sys if len(sys.argv)!=2: print 'Usage: minigzip.py <filename>' print ' The file will be compressed or decompressed.' sys.exit(0) filename=sys.argv[1] compressing=1 ; outputname=filename+'.gz' if filename[-3:]=='.gz': compressing=0 ; outputname=filename[:-3] input=open(filename) ; output=open(outputname, 'w') if compressing: output.write('\037\213\010') # Write the header, ... output.write(chr(FNAME)) # ... flag byte ... import os # ... modification time ... statval=os.stat(filename) mtime=statval[8] write32(output, mtime) output.write('\002') # ... slowest compression alg. ... output.write('\377') # ... OS (=unknown) ... output.write(filename+'\000') # ... original filename ... crcval=zlib.crc32("") compobj=zlib.compressobj(9, zlib.DEFLATED, -zlib.MAX_WBITS, zlib.DEF_MEM_LEVEL, 0) while (1): data=input.read(1024) if data=="": break crcval=zlib.crc32(data, crcval) output.write(compobj.compress(data)) output.write(compobj.flush()) write32(output, crcval) # ... the CRC ... write32(output, statval[6]) # and the file size. else: magic=input.read(2) if magic!='\037\213': print 'Not a gzipped file' ; sys.exit(0) if ord(input.read(1))!=8: print 'Unknown compression method' ; sys.exit(0) flag=ord(input.read(1)) input.read(4+1+1) # Discard modification time, # extra flags, and OS byte. if flag & FEXTRA: # Read & discard the extra field, if present xlen=ord(input.read(1)) xlen=xlen+256*ord(input.read(1)) input.read(xlen) if flag & FNAME: # Read and discard a null-terminated string containing the filename while (1): s=input.read(1) if s=='\000': break if flag & FCOMMENT: # Read and discard a null-terminated string containing a comment while (1): s=input.read(1) if s=='\000': break if flag & FHCRC: input.read(2) # Read & discard the 16-bit header CRC decompobj=zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS) crcval=zlib.crc32("") length=0 while (1): data=input.read(1024) if data=="": break decompdata=decompobj.decompress(data) print len(decompdata) output.write(decompdata) ; length=length+len(decompdata) crcval=zlib.crc32(decompdata, crcval) decompdata=decompobj.flush() output.write(decompdata) ; length=length+len(decompdata) crcval=zlib.crc32(decompdata, crcval) # We've read to the end of the file, so we have to rewind in order # to reread the 8 bytes containing the CRC and the file size. The # decompressor is smart and knows when to stop, so feeding it # extra data is harmless. input.seek(-8, 2) crc32=read32(input) isize=read32(input) if crc32!=crcval: print 'CRC check failed.' if isize!=length: print 'Incorrect length of data produced' input.close() ; output.close()