\section{\module{operator} --- Standard operators as functions.} \declaremodule{builtin}{operator} \sectionauthor{Skip Montanaro}{skip@automatrix.com} \modulesynopsis{All Python's standard operators as built-in functions.} The \module{operator} module exports a set of functions implemented in C corresponding to the intrinsic operators of Python. For example, \code{operator.add(x, y)} is equivalent to the expression \code{x+y}. The function names are those used for special class methods; variants without leading and trailing \samp{__} are also provided for convenience. The \module{operator} module defines the following functions: \begin{funcdesc}{add}{a, b} \funcline{__add__}{a, b} Return \var{a} \code{+} \var{b}, for \var{a} and \var{b} numbers. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{sub}{a, b} \funcline{__sub__}{a, b} Return \var{a} \code{-} \var{b}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{mul}{a, b} \funcline{__mul__}{a, b} Return \var{a} \code{*} \var{b}, for \var{a} and \var{b} numbers. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{div}{a, b} \funcline{__div__}{a, b} Return \var{a} \code{/} \var{b}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{mod}{a, b} \funcline{__mod__}{a, b} Return \var{a} \code{\%} \var{b}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{neg}{o} \funcline{__neg__}{o} Return \var{o} negated. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{pos}{o} \funcline{__pos__}{o} Return \var{o} positive. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{abs}{o} \funcline{__abs__}{o} Return the absolute value of \var{o}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{inv}{o} \funcline{invert}{o} \funcline{__inv__}{o} \funcline{__invert__}{o} Return the inverse of \var{o}. The names \function{invert()} and \function{__invert__()} were added in Python 2.0. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{lshift}{a, b} \funcline{__lshift__}{a, b} Return \var{a} shifted left by \var{b}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{rshift}{a, b} \funcline{__rshift__}{a, b} Return \var{a} shifted right by \var{b}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{and_}{a, b} \funcline{__and__}{a, b} Return the bitwise and of \var{a} and \var{b}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{or_}{a, b} \funcline{__or__}{a, b} Return the bitwise or of \var{a} and \var{b}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{xor}{a, b} \funcline{__xor__}{a, b} Return the bitwise exclusive or of \var{a} and \var{b}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{not_}{o} \funcline{__not__}{o} Return the outcome of \keyword{not} \var{o}. (Note that there is no \method{__not__()} method for object instances; only the interpreter core defines this operation.) \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{truth}{o} Return \code{1} if \var{o} is true, and 0 otherwise. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{concat}{a, b} \funcline{__concat__}{a, b} Return \var{a} \code{+} \var{b} for \var{a} and \var{b} sequences. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{repeat}{a, b} \funcline{__repeat__}{a, b} Return \var{a} \code{*} \var{b} where \var{a} is a sequence and \var{b} is an integer. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{contains}{a, b} \funcline{__contains__}{a, b} Return the outcome of the test \var{b} \code{in} \var{a}. Note the reversed operands. The name \function{__contains__()} was added in Python 2.0. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{sequenceIncludes}{\unspecified} \deprecated{2.0}{Use \function{contains()} instead.} Alias for \function{contains()}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{countOf}{a, b} Return the number of occurrences of \var{b} in \var{a}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{indexOf}{a, b} Return the index of the first of occurrence of \var{b} in \var{a}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{getitem}{a, b} \funcline{__getitem__}{a, b} Return the value of \var{a} at index \var{b}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{setitem}{a, b, c} \funcline{__setitem__}{a, b, c} Set the value of \var{a} at index \var{b} to \var{c}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{delitem}{a, b} \funcline{__delitem__}{a, b} Remove the value of \var{a} at index \var{b}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{getslice}{a, b, c} \funcline{__getslice__}{a, b, c} Return the slice of \var{a} from index \var{b} to index \var{c}\code{-1}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{setslice}{a, b, c, v} \funcline{__setslice__}{a, b, c, v} Set the slice of \var{a} from index \var{b} to index \var{c}\code{-1} to the sequence \var{v}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{delslice}{a, b, c} \funcline{__delslice__}{a, b, c} Delete the slice of \var{a} from index \var{b} to index \var{c}\code{-1}. \end{funcdesc} The \module{operator} also defines a few predicates to test the type of objects. \strong{Note:} Be careful not to misinterpret the results of these functions; only \function{isCallable()} has any measure of reliability with instance objects. For example: \begin{verbatim} >>> class C: ... pass ... >>> import operator >>> o = C() >>> operator.isMappingType(o) 1 \end{verbatim} \begin{funcdesc}{isCallable}{o} \deprecated{2.0}{Use the \function{callable()} built-in function instead.} Returns true if the object \var{o} can be called like a function, otherwise it returns false. True is returned for functions, bound and unbound methods, class objects, and instance objects which support the \method{__call__()} method. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{isMappingType}{o} Returns true if the object \var{o} supports the mapping interface. This is true for dictionaries and all instance objects. \strong{Warning:} There is no reliable way to test if an instance supports the complete mapping protocol since the interface itself is ill-defined. This makes this test less useful than it otherwise might be. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{isNumberType}{o} Returns true if the object \var{o} represents a number. This is true for all numeric types implemented in C, and for all instance objects. \strong{Warning:} There is no reliable way to test if an instance supports the complete numeric interface since the interface itself is ill-defined. This makes this test less useful than it otherwise might be. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{isSequenceType}{o} Returns true if the object \var{o} supports the sequence protocol. This returns true for all objects which define sequence methods in C, and for all instance objects. \strong{Warning:} There is no reliable way to test if an instance supports the complete sequence interface since the interface itself is ill-defined. This makes this test less useful than it otherwise might be. \end{funcdesc} Example: Build a dictionary that maps the ordinals from \code{0} to \code{256} to their character equivalents. \begin{verbatim} >>> import operator >>> d = {} >>> keys = range(256) >>> vals = map(chr, keys) >>> map(operator.setitem, [d]*len(keys), keys, vals) \end{verbatim} \subsection{Mapping Operators to Functions \label{operator-map}} This table shows how abstract operations correspond to operator symbols in the Python syntax and the functions in the \refmodule{operator} module. \begin{tableiii}{l|c|l}{textrm}{Operation}{Syntax}{Function} \lineiii{Addition}{\code{\var{a} + \var{b}}} {\code{add(\var{a}, \var{b})}} \lineiii{Concatenation}{\code{\var{seq1} + \var{seq2}}} {\code{concat(\var{seq1}, \var{seq2})}} \lineiii{Containment Test}{\code{\var{o} in \var{seq}}} {\code{contains(\var{seq}, \var{o})}} \lineiii{Division}{\code{\var{a} / \var{b}}} {\code{div(\var{a}, \var{b})}} \lineiii{Bitwise And}{\code{\var{a} \&\ \var{b}}} {\code{and_(\var{a}, \var{b})}} \lineiii{Bitwise Exclusive Or}{\code{\var{a} \^\ \var{b}}} {\code{xor(\var{a}, \var{b})}} \lineiii{Bitwise Inversion}{\code{\~{} \var{a}}} {\code{invert(\var{a})}} \lineiii{Bitwise Or}{\code{\var{a} | \var{b}}} {\code{or_(\var{a}, \var{b})}} \lineiii{Indexed Assignment}{\code{\var{o}[\var{k}] = \var{v}}} {\code{setitem(\var{o}, \var{k}, \var{v})}} \lineiii{Indexed Deletion}{\code{del \var{o}[\var{k}]}} {\code{delitem(\var{o}, \var{k})}} \lineiii{Indexing}{\code{\var{o}[\var{k}]}} {\code{getitem(\var{o}, \var{k})}} \lineiii{Left Shift}{\code{\var{a} <\code{<} \var{b}}} {\code{lshift(\var{a}, \var{b})}} \lineiii{Modulo}{\code{\var{a} \%\ \var{b}}} {\code{mod(\var{a}, \var{b})}} \lineiii{Multiplication}{\code{\var{a} * \var{b}}} {\code{mul(\var{a}, \var{b})}} \lineiii{Negation (Arithmetic)}{\code{- \var{a}}} {\code{neg(\var{a})}} \lineiii{Negation (Logical)}{\code{not \var{a}}} {\code{not_(\var{a})}} \lineiii{Right Shift}{\code{\var{a} >\code{>} \var{b}}} {\code{rshift(\var{a}, \var{b})}} \lineiii{Sequence Repitition}{\code{\var{seq} * \var{i}}} {\code{repeat(\var{seq}, \var{i})}} \lineiii{Slice Assignment}{\code{\var{seq}[\var{i}:\var{j}]} = \var{values}} {\code{setslice(\var{seq}, \var{i}, \var{j}, \var{values})}} \lineiii{Slice Deletion}{\code{del \var{seq}[\var{i}:\var{j}]}} {\code{delslice(\var{seq}, \var{i}, \var{j})}} \lineiii{Slicing}{\code{\var{seq}[\var{i}:\var{j}]}} {\code{getslice(\var{seq}, \var{i}, \var{j})}} \lineiii{String Formatting}{\code{\var{s} \%\ \var{o}}} {\code{mod(\var{s}, \var{o})}} \lineiii{Subtraction}{\code{\var{a} - \var{b}}} {\code{sub(\var{a}, \var{b})}} \lineiii{Truth Test}{\code{\var{o}}} {\code{truth(\var{o})}} \end{tableiii}