%By Andrew T. Csillag
%Even though I put it into LaTeX, I cannot really claim that I wrote
%it since I just stole most of it from the poplib.py source code and
%the imaplib ``chapter''.

\section{\module{poplib} ---
         POP3 protocol client}

\modulesynopsis{POP3 protocol client (requires sockets).}


This module defines a class, \class{POP3}, which encapsulates a
connection to an POP3 server and implements protocol as defined in
\rfc{1725}.  The \class{POP3} class supports both the minmal and
optional command sets.

A single class is provided by the \module{poplib} module:

\begin{classdesc}{POP3}{host\optional{, port}}
This class implements the actual POP3 protocol.  The connection is
created when the instance is initialized.
If \var{port} is omitted, the standard POP3 port (110) is used.

One exception is defined as an attribute of the \module{poplib} module:

Exception raised on any errors.  The reason for the exception is
passed to the constructor as a string.

\subsection{POP3 Objects \label{pop3-objects}}

All POP3 commands are represented by methods of the same name,
in lower-case; most return the response text sent by the server.

An \class{POP3} instance has the following methods:

Returns the greeting string sent by the POP3 server.

Send user commad, response should indicate that a password is required.

Send password, response includes message count and mailbox size.
Note: the mailbox on the server is locked until \method{quit()} is

\begin{methoddesc}{apop}{user, secret}
Use the more secure APOP authentication to log into the POP3 server.

Use RPOP authentication (similar to UNIX r-commands) to log into POP3 server.

Get mailbox status.  The result is a tuple of 2 integers:
\code{(\var{message count}, \var{mailbox size})}.

Request message list, result is in the form
\code{(\var{response}, ['mesg_num octets', ...])}.  If \var{which} is
set, it is the message to list.

Retrieve whole message number \var{which}.  Result is in form 
\code{(\var{response}, ['line', ...], \var{octets})}.

Delete message number \var{which}.

Remove any deletion marks for the mailbox.

Do nothing.  Might be used as a keep-alive.

Signoff:  commit changes, unlock mailbox, drop connection.

\begin{methoddesc}{top}{which, howmuch}
Retrieves the message header plus \var{howmuch} lines of the message
after the header of message number \var{which}. Result is in form 
\code{(\var{response}, ['line', ...], \var{octets})}.

Return message digest (unique id) list.
If \var{which} is specified, result contains the unique id for that
message in the form \code{'\var{response}\ \var{mesgnum}\ \var{uid}},
otherwise result is list \code{(\var{response}, ['mesgnum uid', ...],

\subsection{POP3 Example \label{pop3-example}}

Here is a minimal example (without error checking) that opens a
mailbox and retrieves and prints all messages:

import getpass, poplib

M = poplib.POP3('localhost')
numMessages = len(M.list()[1])
for i in range(numMessages):
    for j in M.retr(i+1)[1]:
        print j

At the end of the module, there is a test section that contains a more
extensive example of usage.