\section{Standard Module \sectcode{cgi}} \stmodindex{cgi} \indexii{WWW}{server} \indexii{CGI}{protocol} \indexii{HTTP}{protocol} \indexii{MIME}{headers} \index{URL} \renewcommand{\indexsubitem}{(in module cgi)} This module makes it easy to write Python scripts that run in a WWW server using the Common Gateway Interface. It was written by Michael McLay and subsequently modified by Steve Majewski and Guido van Rossum. When a WWW server finds that a URL contains a reference to a file in a particular subdirectory (usually \code{/cgibin}), it runs the file as a subprocess. Information about the request such as the full URL, the originating host etc., is passed to the subprocess in the shell environment; additional input from the client may be read from standard input. Standard output from the subprocess is sent back across the network to the client as the response from the request. The CGI protocol describes what the environment variables passed to the subprocess mean and how the output should be formatted. The official reference documentation for the CGI protocol can be found on the World-Wide Web at \code{}. The \code{cgi} module was based on version 1.1 of the protocol and should also work with version 1.0. The \code{cgi} module defines several classes that make it easy to access the information passed to the subprocess from a Python script; in particular, it knows how to parse the input sent by an HTML ``form'' using either a POST or a GET request (these are alternatives for submitting forms in the HTTP protocol). The formatting of the output is so trivial that no additional support is needed. All you need to do is print a minimal set of MIME headers describing the output format, followed by a blank line and your actual output. E.g. if you want to generate HTML, your script could start as follows: \begin{verbatim} # Header -- one or more lines: print "Content-type: text/html" # Blank line separating header from body: print # Body, in HTML format: print "The Amazing SPAM Homepage!" # etc... \end{verbatim} The server will add some header lines of its own, but it won't touch the output following the header. The \code{cgi} module defines the following functions: \begin{funcdesc}{parse}{} Read and parse the form submitted to the script and return a dictionary containing the form's fields. This should be called at most once per script invocation, as it may consume standard input (if the form was submitted through a POST request). The keys in the resulting dictionary are the field names used in the submission; the values are {\em lists} of the field values (since field name may be used multiple times in a single form). \samp{\%} escapes in the values are translated to their single-character equivalent using \code{urllib.unquote()}. As a side effect, this function sets \code{environ['QUERY_STRING']} to the raw query string, if it isn't already set. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{print_environ_usage}{} Print a piece of HTML listing the environment variables that may be set by the CGI protocol. This is mainly useful when learning about writing CGI scripts. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{print_environ}{} Print a piece of HTML text showing the entire contents of the shell environment. This is mainly useful when debugging a CGI script. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{print_form}{form} Print a piece of HTML text showing the contents of the \var{form} (a dictionary, an instance of the \code{FormContentDict} class defined below, or a subclass thereof). This is mainly useful when debugging a CGI script. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{escape}{string} Convert special characters in \var{string} to HTML escapes. In particular, ``\code{\&}'' is replaced with ``\code{\&}'', ``\code{<}'' is replaced with ``\code{\<}'', and ``\code{>}'' is replaced with ``\code{\>}''. This is useful when printing (almost) arbitrary text in an HTML context. Note that for inclusion in quoted tag attributes (e.g. \code{}), some additional characters would have to be converted --- in particular the string quote. There is currently no function that does this. \end{funcdesc} The module defines the following classes. Since the base class initializes itself by calling \code{parse()}, at most one instance of at most one of these classes should be created per script invocation: \begin{funcdesc}{FormContentDict}{} This class behaves like a (read-only) dictionary and has the same keys and values as the dictionary returned by \code{parse()} (i.e. each field name maps to a list of values). Additionally, it initializes its data member \code{query_string} to the raw query sent from the server. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{SvFormContentDict}{} This class, derived from \code{FormContentDict}, is a little more user-friendly when you are expecting that each field name is only used once in the form. When you access for a particular field (using \code{form[fieldname]}), it will return the string value of that item if it is unique, or raise \code{IndexError} if the field was specified more than once in the form. (If the field wasn't specified at all, \code{KeyError} is raised.) To access fields that are specified multiple times, use \code{form.getlist(fieldname)}. The \code{values()} and \code{items()} methods return mixed lists --- containing strings for singly-defined fields, and lists of strings for multiply-defined fields. \end{funcdesc} (It currently defines some more classes, but these are experimental and/or obsolescent, and are thus not documented --- see the source for more informations.) The module defines the following variable: \begin{datadesc}{environ} The shell environment, exactly as received from the http server. See the CGI documentation for a description of the various fields. \end{datadesc} \subsection{Example} This example assumes that you have a WWW server up and running, e.g.\ NCSA's \code{httpd}. Place the following file in a convenient spot in the WWW server's directory tree. E.g., if you place it in the subdirectory \file{test} of the root directory and call it \file{test.html}, its URL will be \file{http://\var{yourservername}/test/test.html}. \begin{verbatim} Test Form Input

Test Form Input

\end{verbatim} Selecting this file's URL from a forms-capable browser such as Mosaic or Netscape will bring up a simple form with two text input fields and a ``submit'' button. But wait. Before pressing ``submit'', a script that responds to the form must also be installed. The test file as shown assumes that the script is called \file{test.py} and lives in the server's \code{cgi-bin} directory. Here's the test script: \begin{verbatim} #!/usr/local/bin/python import cgi print "Content-type: text/html" print # End of headers! print "Test Form Output" print "

Test Form Output

" form = cgi.SvFormContentDict() # Load the form name = addr = None # Default: no name and address # Extract name and address from the form, if given if form.has_key('Name'): name = form['Name'] if form.has_key('Address'): addr = form['Address'] # Print an unnumbered list of the name and address, if present print "" \end{verbatim} The script should be made executable (\samp{chmod +x \var{script}}). If the Python interpreter is not located at \file{/usr/local/bin/python} but somewhere else, the first line of the script should be modified accordingly. Now that everything is installed correctly, we can try out the form. Bring up the test form in your WWW browser, fill in a name and address in the form, and press the ``submit'' button. The script should now run and its output is sent back to your browser. This should roughly look as follows: \strong{Test Form Output} \begin{itemize} \item Name: \var{the name you entered} \item Address: \var{the address you entered} \end{itemize} If you didn't enter a name or address, the corresponding line will be missing (since the browser doesn't send empty form fields to the server).