:mod:`!site` --- Site-specific configuration hook

.. module:: site
   :synopsis: Module responsible for site-specific configuration.

**Source code:** :source:`Lib/site.py`


.. highlight:: none

**This module is automatically imported during initialization.** The automatic
import can be suppressed using the interpreter's :option:`-S` option.

.. index:: triple: module; search; path

Importing this module normally appends site-specific paths to the module search path
and adds :ref:`callables <site-consts>`, including :func:`help` to the built-in
namespace. However, Python startup option :option:`-S` blocks this and this module
can be safely imported with no automatic modifications to the module search path
or additions to the builtins.  To explicitly trigger the usual site-specific
additions, call the :func:`main` function.

.. versionchanged:: 3.3
   Importing the module used to trigger paths manipulation even when using

.. index::
   pair: site-packages; directory

It starts by constructing up to four directories from a head and a tail part.
For the head part, it uses ``sys.prefix`` and ``sys.exec_prefix``; empty heads
are skipped.  For the tail part, it uses the empty string and then
:file:`lib/site-packages` (on Windows) or
:file:`lib/python{X.Y[t]}/site-packages` (on Unix and macOS). (The
optional suffix "t" indicates the :term:`free threading` build, and is
appended if ``"t"`` is present in the :attr:`sys.abiflags` constant.)
For each
of the distinct head-tail combinations, it sees if it refers to an existing
directory, and if so, adds it to ``sys.path`` and also inspects the newly
added path for configuration files.

.. versionchanged:: 3.5
   Support for the "site-python" directory has been removed.

.. versionchanged:: 3.13
   On Unix, :term:`Free threading <free threading>` Python installations are
   identified by the "t" suffix in the version-specific directory name, such as

If a file named "pyvenv.cfg" exists one directory above sys.executable,
sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix are set to that directory and
it is also checked for site-packages (sys.base_prefix and
sys.base_exec_prefix will always be the "real" prefixes of the Python
installation). If "pyvenv.cfg" (a bootstrap configuration file) contains
the key "include-system-site-packages" set to anything other than "true"
(case-insensitive), the system-level prefixes will not be
searched for site-packages; otherwise they will.

.. index::
   single: # (hash); comment
   pair: statement; import

A path configuration file is a file whose name has the form :file:`{name}.pth`
and exists in one of the four directories mentioned above; its contents are
additional items (one per line) to be added to ``sys.path``.  Non-existing items
are never added to ``sys.path``, and no check is made that the item refers to a
directory rather than a file.  No item is added to ``sys.path`` more than
once.  Blank lines and lines beginning with ``#`` are skipped.  Lines starting
with ``import`` (followed by space or tab) are executed.

.. note::

   An executable line in a :file:`.pth` file is run at every Python startup,
   regardless of whether a particular module is actually going to be used.
   Its impact should thus be kept to a minimum.
   The primary intended purpose of executable lines is to make the
   corresponding module(s) importable
   (load 3rd-party import hooks, adjust :envvar:`PATH` etc).
   Any other initialization is supposed to be done upon a module's
   actual import, if and when it happens.
   Limiting a code chunk to a single line is a deliberate measure
   to discourage putting anything more complex here.

.. versionchanged:: 3.13
   The :file:`.pth` files are now decoded by UTF-8 at first and then by the
   :term:`locale encoding` if it fails.

.. index::
   single: package
   triple: path; configuration; file

For example, suppose ``sys.prefix`` and ``sys.exec_prefix`` are set to
:file:`/usr/local`.  The Python X.Y library is then installed in
:file:`/usr/local/lib/python{X.Y}`.  Suppose this has
a subdirectory :file:`/usr/local/lib/python{X.Y}/site-packages` with three
subsubdirectories, :file:`foo`, :file:`bar` and :file:`spam`, and two path
configuration files, :file:`foo.pth` and :file:`bar.pth`.  Assume
:file:`foo.pth` contains the following::

   # foo package configuration


and :file:`bar.pth` contains::

   # bar package configuration


Then the following version-specific directories are added to
``sys.path``, in this order::


Note that :file:`bletch` is omitted because it doesn't exist; the :file:`bar`
directory precedes the :file:`foo` directory because :file:`bar.pth` comes
alphabetically before :file:`foo.pth`; and :file:`spam` is omitted because it is
not mentioned in either path configuration file.


.. module:: sitecustomize

After these path manipulations, an attempt is made to import a module named
:mod:`sitecustomize`, which can perform arbitrary site-specific customizations.
It is typically created by a system administrator in the site-packages
directory.  If this import fails with an :exc:`ImportError` or its subclass
exception, and the exception's :attr:`~ImportError.name`
attribute equals to ``'sitecustomize'``,
it is silently ignored.  If Python is started without output streams available, as
with :file:`pythonw.exe` on Windows (which is used by default to start IDLE),
attempted output from :mod:`sitecustomize` is ignored.  Any other exception
causes a silent and perhaps mysterious failure of the process.


.. module:: usercustomize

After this, an attempt is made to import a module named :mod:`usercustomize`,
which can perform arbitrary user-specific customizations, if
:data:`~site.ENABLE_USER_SITE` is true.  This file is intended to be created in the
user site-packages directory (see below), which is part of ``sys.path`` unless
disabled by :option:`-s`.  If this import fails with an :exc:`ImportError` or
its subclass exception, and the exception's :attr:`~ImportError.name`
attribute equals to ``'usercustomize'``, it is silently ignored.

Note that for some non-Unix systems, ``sys.prefix`` and ``sys.exec_prefix`` are
empty, and the path manipulations are skipped; however the import of
:mod:`sitecustomize` and :mod:`usercustomize` is still attempted.

.. currentmodule:: site

.. _rlcompleter-config:

Readline configuration

On systems that support :mod:`readline`, this module will also import and
configure the :mod:`rlcompleter` module, if Python is started in
:ref:`interactive mode <tut-interactive>` and without the :option:`-S` option.
The default behavior is enable tab-completion and to use
:file:`~/.python_history` as the history save file.  To disable it, delete (or
override) the :data:`sys.__interactivehook__` attribute in your
:mod:`sitecustomize` or :mod:`usercustomize` module or your
:envvar:`PYTHONSTARTUP` file.

.. versionchanged:: 3.4
   Activation of rlcompleter and history was made automatic.

Module contents

.. data:: PREFIXES

   A list of prefixes for site-packages directories.


   Flag showing the status of the user site-packages directory.  ``True`` means
   that it is enabled and was added to ``sys.path``.  ``False`` means that it
   was disabled by user request (with :option:`-s` or
   :envvar:`PYTHONNOUSERSITE`).  ``None`` means it was disabled for security
   reasons (mismatch between user or group id and effective id) or by an

.. data:: USER_SITE

   Path to the user site-packages for the running Python.  Can be ``None`` if
   :func:`getusersitepackages` hasn't been called yet.  Default value is
   :file:`~/.local/lib/python{X.Y}[t]/site-packages` for UNIX and non-framework
   macOS builds, :file:`~/Library/Python/{X.Y}/lib/python/site-packages` for macOS
   framework builds, and :file:`{%APPDATA%}\\Python\\Python{XY}\\site-packages`
   on Windows.  The optional "t" indicates the free-threaded build.  This
   directory is a site directory, which means that :file:`.pth` files in it
   will be processed.

.. data:: USER_BASE

   Path to the base directory for the user site-packages.  Can be ``None`` if
   :func:`getuserbase` hasn't been called yet.  Default value is
   :file:`~/.local` for UNIX and macOS non-framework builds,
   :file:`~/Library/Python/{X.Y}` for macOS framework builds, and
   :file:`{%APPDATA%}\\Python` for Windows.  This value is used to
   compute the installation directories for scripts, data files, Python modules,
   etc. for the :ref:`user installation scheme <sysconfig-user-scheme>`.
   See also :envvar:`PYTHONUSERBASE`.

.. function:: main()

   Adds all the standard site-specific directories to the module search
   path.  This function is called automatically when this module is imported,
   unless the Python interpreter was started with the :option:`-S` flag.

   .. versionchanged:: 3.3
      This function used to be called unconditionally.

.. function:: addsitedir(sitedir, known_paths=None)

   Add a directory to sys.path and process its :file:`.pth` files.  Typically
   used in :mod:`sitecustomize` or :mod:`usercustomize` (see above).

.. function:: getsitepackages()

   Return a list containing all global site-packages directories.

   .. versionadded:: 3.2

.. function:: getuserbase()

   Return the path of the user base directory, :data:`USER_BASE`.  If it is not
   initialized yet, this function will also set it, respecting

   .. versionadded:: 3.2

.. function:: getusersitepackages()

   Return the path of the user-specific site-packages directory,
   :data:`USER_SITE`.  If it is not initialized yet, this function will also set
   it, respecting :data:`USER_BASE`.  To determine if the user-specific
   site-packages was added to ``sys.path`` :data:`ENABLE_USER_SITE` should be

   .. versionadded:: 3.2

.. _site-commandline:

Command Line Interface

.. program:: site

The :mod:`site` module also provides a way to get the user directories from the
command line:

.. code-block:: shell-session

   $ python -m site --user-site

If it is called without arguments, it will print the contents of
:data:`sys.path` on the standard output, followed by the value of
:data:`USER_BASE` and whether the directory exists, then the same thing for
:data:`USER_SITE`, and finally the value of :data:`ENABLE_USER_SITE`.

.. option:: --user-base

   Print the path to the user base directory.

.. option:: --user-site

   Print the path to the user site-packages directory.

If both options are given, user base and user site will be printed (always in
this order), separated by :data:`os.pathsep`.

If any option is given, the script will exit with one of these values: ``0`` if
the user site-packages directory is enabled, ``1`` if it was disabled by the
user, ``2`` if it is disabled for security reasons or by an administrator, and a
value greater than 2 if there is an error.

.. seealso::

   * :pep:`370` -- Per user site-packages directory
   * :ref:`sys-path-init` -- The initialization of :data:`sys.path`.