# python.perl by Fred L. Drake, Jr. -*- perl -*- # # Heavily based on Guido van Rossum's myformat.perl (now obsolete). # # Extension to LaTeX2HTML for documents using myformat.sty. # Subroutines of the form do_cmd_ here define translations # for LaTeX commands \ defined in the corresponding .sty file. package main; sub next_argument{ my $param; $param = missing_braces() unless ((s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$param=$2;''/eo) ||(s/$next_pair_rx/$param=$2;''/eo)); return $param; } sub next_optional_argument{ my($param,$rx) = ('', "^\\s*(\\[([^]]*)\\])?"); s/$rx/$param=$2;''/eo; return $param; } # This is a fairly simple hack; it supports \let when it is used to create # (or redefine) a macro to exactly be some other macro: \let\newname=\oldname. # Many possible uses of \let aren't supported or aren't supported correctly. # sub do_cmd_let{ local($_) = @_; my $matched = 0; s/[\\]([a-zA-Z]+)\s*(=\s*)?[\\]([a-zA-Z]*)/$matched=1; ''/e; if ($matched) { my($new, $old) = ($1, $3); eval "sub do_cmd_$new { do_cmd_$old" . '(@_); }'; print "\ndefining handler for \\$new using \\$old\n"; } else { s/[\\]([a-zA-Z]+)\s*(=\s*)?([^\\])/$matched=1; ''/es; if ($matched) { my($new, $char) = ($1, $3); eval "sub do_cmd_$new { \"\\$char\" . \@_[0]; }"; print "\ndefining handler for \\$new to insert '$char'\n"; } else { write_warnings("Could not interpret \\let construct..."); } } return $_; } # words typeset in a special way (not in HTML though) sub do_cmd_ABC{ 'ABC' . @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_UNIX{ 'Unix'. @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_ASCII{ 'ASCII' . @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_POSIX{ 'POSIX' . @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_C{ 'C' . @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_Cpp{ 'C++' . @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_EOF{ 'EOF' . @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_NULL{ 'NULL' . @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_e{ '\' . @_[0]; } $DEVELOPER_ADDRESS = ''; $PYTHON_VERSION = ''; sub do_cmd_version{ $PYTHON_VERSION . @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_release{ local($_) = @_; $PYTHON_VERSION = next_argument(); return $_; } sub do_cmd_authoraddress{ local($_) = @_; $DEVELOPER_ADDRESS = next_argument(); return $_; } #sub do_cmd_developer{ do_cmd_author(@_[0]); } #sub do_cmd_developers{ do_cmd_author(@_[0]); } #sub do_cmd_developersaddress{ do_cmd_authoraddress(@_[0]); } sub do_cmd_hackscore{ local($_) = @_; next_argument(); return '_' . $_; } sub use_wrappers{ local($_,$before,$after) = @_; my $stuff = next_argument(); return $before . $stuff . $after . $_; } sub use_sans_serif{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub use_italics{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_optional{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], "\[", "\]"); } # Logical formatting (some based on texinfo), needs to be converted to # minimalist HTML. The "minimalist" is primarily to reduce the size of # output files for users that read them over the network rather than # from local repositories. sub do_cmd_pytype{ return @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_makevar{ return @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_code{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_module{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_keyword{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_exception{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_class{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_function{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_constant{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_member{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_method{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_cfunction{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_cdata{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_ctype{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_regexp{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_character{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '"', '"'); } sub do_cmd_program{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_email{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], ''); } sub do_cmd_mimetype{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_var{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], "", ""); } sub do_cmd_dfn{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_emph{ return use_italics(@_); } sub do_cmd_file{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '"', '"'); } sub do_cmd_samp{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '"', '"'); } sub do_cmd_kbd{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_strong{ return use_wrappers(@_[0], '', ''); } sub do_cmd_refmodule{ # Insert the right magic to jump to the module definition. local($_) = @_; my $key = next_optional_argument(); my $module = next_argument(); $key = $module unless $key; return "$module" . $_; } sub do_cmd_newsgroup{ local($_) = @_; my $newsgroup = next_argument(); my $stuff = "" . "$newsgroup"; return $stuff . $_; } sub do_cmd_envvar{ local($_) = @_; my $envvar = next_argument(); my($name,$aname,$ahref) = new_link_info(); # The here is really to keep buildindex.py from making # the variable name case-insensitive. add_index_entry("environment variables!$envvar@\$$envvar", $ahref); add_index_entry("$envvar@\$$envvar", $ahref); return "$aname\$$envvar" . $_; } sub do_cmd_url{ # use the URL as both text and hyperlink local($_) = @_; my $url = next_argument(); $url =~ s/~/~/g; return "$url" . $_; } sub do_cmd_manpage{ # two parameters: \manpage{name}{section} local($_) = @_; my $page = next_argument(); my $section = next_argument(); return "$page($section)" . $_; } sub do_cmd_rfc{ local($_) = @_; my $rfcnumber = next_argument(); my $id = "rfcref-" . ++$global{'max_id'}; my $href = "http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc$rfcnumber.txt"; # Save the reference my $nstr = gen_index_id("RFC!RFC $rfcnumber", ''); $index{$nstr} .= make_half_href("$CURRENT_FILE#$id"); return ("" . "RFC $rfcnumber" .$_); } sub do_cmd_deprecated{ # two parameters: \deprecated{version}{whattodo} local($_) = @_; my $release = next_argument(); my $reason = next_argument(); return "Deprecated since release $release.\n$reason

" . $_; } sub do_cmd_versionadded{ # one parameter: \versionadded{version} local($_) = @_; my $release = next_argument(); return "\nNew in version $release.\n" . $_; } sub do_cmd_versionchanged{ # one parameter: \versionchanged{version} local($_) = @_; my $release = next_argument(); return "\nChanged in version $release.\n" . $_; } # # These function handle platform dependency tracking. The first two implement # the \platform and \platformof macros, and the third is called at the end of # processing to fill in references to the platform of a module. # sub do_cmd_platform{ local($_) = @_; my $platform = next_argument(); $ModulePlatforms{$THIS_MODULE} = $platform; $platform = "Macintosh" if $platform eq "Mac"; return "\n

Availability: $platform.

\n" . $_; } sub do_cmd_platformof{ local($_) = @_; next_optional_argument(); my $module = next_argument(); return "<$module>" . $_; } $IGNORE_PLATFORM_ANNOTATION = ''; sub do_cmd_ignorePlatformAnnotation{ local($_) = @_; $IGNORE_PLATFORM_ANNOTATION = next_argument(); return $_; } sub process_all_platformofs{ while (/<([^>]+)>/) { my $match = $&; my $module = $1; s/$match/$ModulePlatforms{$module}<\/span>/; } } # file and samp are at the end of this file since they screw up fontlock. # index commands $INDEX_SUBITEM = ""; sub get_indexsubitem{ return $INDEX_SUBITEM ? " $INDEX_SUBITEM" : ''; } sub do_cmd_setindexsubitem{ local($_) = @_; $INDEX_SUBITEM = next_argument(); return $_; } sub do_cmd_withsubitem{ # We can't really do the right thing, because LaTeX2HTML doesn't # do things in the right order, but we need to at least strip this stuff # out, and leave anything that the second argument expanded out to. # local($_) = @_; my $oldsubitem = $INDEX_SUBITEM; $INDEX_SUBITEM = next_argument(); my $stuff = next_argument(); my $br_id = ++$globals{'max_id'}; my $marker = "$O$br_id$C"; return $stuff . "\\setindexsubitem$marker$oldsubitem$marker" . $_; } # This is the prologue macro which is required to start writing the # mod\jobname.idx file; we can just ignore it. # sub do_cmd_makemodindex{ return @_[0]; } # We're in the document subdirectory when this happens! # open(IDXFILE, '>index.dat') || die "\n$!\n"; open(INTLABELS, '>intlabels.pl') || die "\n$!\n"; print INTLABELS "%internal_labels = ();\n"; print INTLABELS "1; # hack in case there are no entries\n\n"; # Using \0 for this is bad because we can't use common tools to work with the # resulting files. Things like grep can be useful with this stuff! # $IDXFILE_FIELD_SEP = "\1"; sub write_idxfile{ my ($ahref, $str) = @_; print IDXFILE $ahref, $IDXFILE_FIELD_SEP, $str, "\n"; } sub gen_link{ my($node,$target) = @_; print INTLABELS "\$internal_labels{\"$target\"} = \"$URL/$node\";\n"; return ""; } sub make_index_entry{ my($str) = @_; my($name,$aname,$ahref) = new_link_info(); add_index_entry($str, $ahref); return "$aname$anchor_invisible_mark"; } sub add_index_entry{ # add an entry to the index structures; ignore the return value my($str,$ahref) = @_; $str = gen_index_id($str, ''); $index{$str} .= $ahref; write_idxfile($ahref, $str); } sub new_link_info{ my $name = "l2h-" . ++$globals{'max_id'}; my $aname = ''; my $ahref = gen_link($CURRENT_FILE, $name); return ($name, $aname, $ahref); } sub do_cmd_index{ local($_) = @_; my $str = next_argument(); # my($name,$aname,$ahref) = new_link_info(); add_index_entry("$str", $ahref); return "$aname$anchor_invisible_mark" . $_; } sub do_cmd_kwindex{ local($_) = @_; my $str = next_argument(); # my($name,$aname,$ahref) = new_link_info(); add_index_entry("$str!keyword", $ahref); add_index_entry("keyword!$str", $ahref); return "$aname$anchor_invisible_mark" . $_; } sub do_cmd_indexii{ local($_) = @_; my $str1 = next_argument(); my $str2 = next_argument(); # my($name,$aname,$ahref) = new_link_info(); add_index_entry("$str1!$str2", $ahref); add_index_entry("$str2!$str1", $ahref); return "$aname$anchor_invisible_mark" . $_; } sub do_cmd_indexiii{ local($_) = @_; my $str1 = next_argument(); my $str2 = next_argument(); my $str3 = next_argument(); # my($name,$aname,$ahref) = new_link_info(); add_index_entry("$str1!$str2 $str3", $ahref); add_index_entry("$str2!$str3, $str1", $ahref); add_index_entry("$str3!$str1 $str2", $ahref); return "$aname$anchor_invisible_mark" . $_; } sub do_cmd_indexiv{ local($_) = @_; my $str1 = next_argument(); my $str2 = next_argument(); my $str3 = next_argument(); my $str4 = next_argument(); # my($name,$aname,$ahref) = new_link_info(); add_index_entry("$str1!$str2 $str3 $str4", $ahref); add_index_entry("$str2!$str3 $str4, $str1", $ahref); add_index_entry("$str3!$str4, $str1 $str2", $ahref); add_index_entry("$str4!$$str1 $str2 $str3", $ahref); return "$aname$anchor_invisible_mark" . $_; } sub do_cmd_ttindex{ local($_) = @_; my $str = next_argument(); my $entry = $str . get_indexsubitem(); return make_index_entry($entry) . $_; } sub my_typed_index_helper{ local($word,$_) = @_; my $str = next_argument(); # my($name,$aname,$ahref) = new_link_info(); add_index_entry("$str $word", $ahref); add_index_entry("$word!$str", $ahref); return "$aname$anchor_invisible_mark" . $_; } sub do_cmd_stindex{ return my_typed_index_helper('statement', @_); } sub do_cmd_opindex{ return my_typed_index_helper('operator', @_); } sub do_cmd_exindex{ return my_typed_index_helper('exception', @_); } sub do_cmd_obindex{ return my_typed_index_helper('object', @_); } sub my_parword_index_helper{ local($word,$_) = @_; my $str = next_argument(); return make_index_entry("$str ($word)") . $_; } sub make_mod_index_entry{ my($str,$define) = @_; my($name,$aname,$ahref) = new_link_info(); # equivalent of add_index_entry() using $define instead of '' $ahref =~ s/\#[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*\"/\"/ if ($define eq 'DEF'); $str = gen_index_id($str, $define); $index{$str} .= $ahref; write_idxfile($ahref, $str); if ($define eq 'DEF') { # add to the module index my($nstr,$garbage) = split / /, $str, 2; $Modules{$nstr} .= $ahref; } return "$aname$anchor_invisible_mark"; } $THIS_MODULE = ''; $THIS_CLASS = ''; sub define_module{ my($word,$name) = @_; my $section_tag = join('', @curr_sec_id); $word = "$word " if $word; $THIS_MODULE = "$name"; $INDEX_SUBITEM = "(in $name)"; print "[$name]"; return make_mod_index_entry("$name (${word}module)", 'DEF'); } sub my_module_index_helper{ local($word, $_) = @_; my $name = next_argument(); return define_module($word, $name) . $_; } sub ref_module_index_helper{ local($word, $_) = @_; my $str = next_argument(); $word = "$word " if $word; return make_mod_index_entry("$str (${word}module)", 'REF') . $_; } sub do_cmd_bifuncindex{ local($_) = @_; my $str = next_argument(); my $fname = "$str()"; return make_index_entry("$fname (built-in function)") . $_; } sub do_cmd_modindex{ return my_module_index_helper('', @_); } sub do_cmd_bimodindex{ return my_module_index_helper('built-in', @_); } sub do_cmd_exmodindex{ return my_module_index_helper('extension', @_); } sub do_cmd_stmodindex{ return my_module_index_helper('standard', @_); } # these should be adjusted a bit.... sub do_cmd_refmodindex{ return ref_module_index_helper('', @_); } sub do_cmd_refbimodindex{ return ref_module_index_helper('built-in', @_); } sub do_cmd_refexmodindex{ return ref_module_index_helper('extension', @_); } sub do_cmd_refstmodindex{ return ref_module_index_helper('standard', @_); } sub do_cmd_nodename{ return do_cmd_label(@_); } sub init_myformat{ # $anchor_invisible_mark = ''; $anchor_mark = ''; $icons{'anchor_mark'} = ''; } init_myformat(); # similar to make_index_entry(), but includes the string in the result # instead of the dummy filler. # sub make_str_index_entry{ my($str) = @_; my($name,$aname,$ahref) = new_link_info(); add_index_entry($str, $ahref); return "$aname$str"; } sub do_env_cfuncdesc{ local($_) = @_; my $return_type = next_argument(); my $function_name = next_argument(); my $arg_list = next_argument(); my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$function_name()" . get_indexsubitem()); $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//; $idx =~ s/\(\)//; # ???? return "
$return_type $idx ($arg_list)\n
" . $_ . '
'; } sub do_env_ctypedesc{ local($_) = @_; my $type_name = next_argument(); my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$type_name" . get_indexsubitem()); $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//; return "
" . $_ . '
' } sub do_env_cvardesc{ local($_) = @_; my $var_type = next_argument(); my $var_name = next_argument(); my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$var_name" . get_indexsubitem()); $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//; return "
$var_type $idx\n" . '
' . $_ . '
'; } sub do_env_funcdesc{ local($_) = @_; my $function_name = next_argument(); my $arg_list = next_argument(); my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$function_name()" . get_indexsubitem()); $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//; $idx =~ s/\(\)<\/tt>/<\/tt>/; return "
$idx ($arg_list)\n
" . $_ . '
'; } sub do_env_funcdescni{ local($_) = @_; my $function_name = next_argument(); my $arg_list = next_argument(); return "
$function_name" . " ($arg_list)\n" . '
' . $_ . '
'; } sub do_cmd_funcline{ local($_) = @_; my $function_name = next_argument(); my $arg_list = next_argument(); my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$function_name()" . get_indexsubitem()); $idx =~ s/\(\)//; return "
$idx ($arg_list)\n
" . $_; } # Change this flag to index the opcode entries. I don't think it's very # useful to index them, since they're only presented to describe the dis # module. # $INDEX_OPCODES = 0; sub do_env_opcodedesc{ local($_) = @_; my $opcode_name = next_argument(); my $arg_list = next_argument(); my $idx; if ($INDEX_OPCODES) { $idx = make_str_index_entry( "$opcode_name (byte code instruction)"); $idx =~ s/ \(byte code instruction\)//; } else { $idx = "$opcode_name"; } my $stuff = "
$idx"; if ($arg_list) { $stuff .= "    $arg_list"; } return $stuff . "\n
" . $_ . '
'; } sub do_env_datadesc{ local($_) = @_; my $dataname = next_argument(); my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$dataname" . get_indexsubitem()); $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//; return "
" . $_ . '
'; } sub do_env_datadescni{ local($_) = @_; my $idx = next_argument(); if (! $STRING_INDEX_TT) { $idx = "$idx"; } return "
" . $_ . '
'; } sub do_cmd_dataline{ local($_) = @_; my $data_name = next_argument(); my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$data_name" . get_indexsubitem()); $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//; return "
" . $_; } sub do_env_excdesc{ local($_) = @_; my $excname = next_argument(); my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$excname"); return "
" . $_ . '
' } sub do_env_fulllineitems{ return do_env_itemize(@_); } sub do_env_classdesc{ local($_) = @_; $THIS_CLASS = next_argument(); my $arg_list = next_argument(); $idx = make_str_index_entry( "$THIS_CLASS (class in $THIS_MODULE)" ); $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//; return "
$idx ($arg_list)\n
" . $_ . '
'; } sub do_env_methoddesc{ local($_) = @_; my $class_name = next_optional_argument(); $class_name = $THIS_CLASS unless $class_name; my $method = next_argument(); my $arg_list = next_argument(); my $extra = ''; if ($class_name) { $extra = " ($class_name method)"; } my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$method()$extra"); $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//; $idx =~ s/\(\)//; return "
$idx ($arg_list)\n
" . $_ . '
'; } sub do_cmd_methodline{ local($_) = @_; my $class_name = next_optional_argument(); $class_name = $THIS_CLASS unless $class_name; my $method = next_argument(); my $arg_list = next_argument(); my $extra = ''; if ($class_name) { $extra = " ($class_name method)"; } my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$method()$extra"); $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//; $idx =~ s/\(\)//; return "
$idx ($arg_list)\n
" . $_; } sub do_cmd_methodlineni{ local($_) = @_; next_optional_argument(); my $method = next_argument(); my $arg_list = next_argument(); return "
$method ($arg_list)\n
" . $_; } sub do_env_methoddescni{ local($_) = @_; next_optional_argument(); my $method = next_argument(); my $arg_list = next_argument(); return "
$method ($arg_list)\n
" . $_ . '
'; } sub do_env_memberdesc{ local($_) = @_; my $class = next_optional_argument(); my $member = next_argument(); $class = $THIS_CLASS unless $class; my $extra = ''; $extra = " ($class_name attribute)" if (!($class eq '')); my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$member$extra"); $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//; $idx =~ s/\(\)//; return "
" . $_ . '
'; } sub do_cmd_memberline{ local($_) = @_; my $class = next_optional_argument(); my $member = next_argument(); $class = $THIS_CLASS unless $class; my $extra = ''; $extra = " ($class_name attribute)" if (!($class eq '')); my $idx = make_str_index_entry("$member$extra"); $idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//; $idx =~ s/\(\)//; return "
" . $_; } sub do_env_memberdescni{ local($_) = @_; next_optional_argument(); my $member = next_argument(); return "
" . $_ . '
'; } sub do_cmd_memberlineni{ local($_) = @_; next_optional_argument(); my $member = next_argument(); return "
" . $_; } @col_aligns = ("", "", "", ""); $TABLE_HEADER_BGCOLOR = $NAV_BGCOLOR; sub setup_column_alignments{ local($_) = @_; my($a1,$a2,$a3,$a4) = split(/[|]/,$_); my($th1,$th2,$th3,$th4) = ('', '', '', ''); $col_aligns[0] = (($a1 eq 'c') ? '' : ''); $col_aligns[1] = (($a2 eq 'c') ? '' : ''); $col_aligns[2] = (($a3 eq 'c') ? '' : ''); $col_aligns[3] = (($a4 eq 'c') ? '' : ''); # return the aligned header start tags; only used for \begin{tableiii?} $th1 = (($a1 eq 'l') ? '' : ($a1 eq 'r' ? '' : '')); $th2 = (($a2 eq 'l') ? '' : ($a2 eq 'r' ? '' : '')); $th3 = (($a3 eq 'l') ? '' : ($a3 eq 'r' ? '' : '')); $th4 = (($a4 eq 'l') ? '' : ($a4 eq 'r' ? '' : '')); return ($th1, $th2, $th3, $th4); } sub do_env_tableii{ local($_) = @_; my($th1,$th2,$th3,$th4) = setup_column_alignments(next_argument()); my $font = next_argument(); my $h1 = next_argument(); my $h2 = next_argument(); $font = '' if ($font eq 'textrm'); $globals{'lineifont'} = $font; return '' . "\n " . "\n $th1$h1" . "\n $th2$h2" . $_ . "\n
"; } sub do_cmd_lineii{ local($_) = @_; my $c1 = next_argument(); my $c2 = next_argument(); my($font,$sfont,$efont) = ($globals{'lineifont'}, '', ''); if ($font) { $sfont = "<$font>"; $efont = ""; } my($c1align,$c2align) = @col_aligns[0,1]; return "$c1align$sfont$c1$efont\n" . " $c2align$c2\ " . $_; } sub do_env_tableiii{ local($_) = @_; my($th1,$th2,$th3,$th4) = setup_column_alignments(next_argument()); my $font = next_argument(); my $h1 = next_argument(); my $h2 = next_argument(); my $h3 = next_argument(); $font = '' if ($font eq 'textrm'); $globals{'lineifont'} = $font; return '' . "\n " . "\n $th1$h1" . "\n $th2$h2" . "\n $th3$h3" . $_ . "\n
"; } sub do_cmd_lineiii{ local($_) = @_; my $c1 = next_argument(); my $c2 = next_argument(); my $c3 = next_argument(); my($font,$sfont,$efont) = ($globals{'lineifont'}, '', ''); if ($font) { $sfont = "<$font>"; $efont = ""; } my($c1align,$c2align,$c3align) = @col_aligns[0,1,2]; return "$c1align$sfont$c1$efont\n" . " $c2align$c2\n" . " $c3align$c3\ " . $_; } sub do_env_tableiv{ local($_) = @_; my($th1,$th2,$th3,$th4) = setup_column_alignments(next_argument()); my $font = next_argument(); my $h1 = next_argument(); my $h2 = next_argument(); my $h3 = next_argument(); my $h4 = next_argument(); $font = '' if ($font eq 'textrm'); $globals{'lineifont'} = $font; return '' . "\n " . "\n $th1$h1" . "\n $th2$h2" . "\n $th3$h3" . "\n $th4$h4" . $_ . "\n
"; } sub do_cmd_lineiv{ local($_) = @_; my $c1 = next_argument(); my $c2 = next_argument(); my $c3 = next_argument(); my $c4 = next_argument(); my($font,$sfont,$efont) = ($globals{'lineifont'}, '', ''); if ($font) { $sfont = "<$font>"; $efont = ""; } my($c1align,$c2align,$c3align,$c4align) = @col_aligns; return "$c1align$sfont$c1$efont\n" . " $c2align$c2\n" . " $c3align$c3\n" . " $c4align$c4\ " . $_; } sub do_cmd_maketitle { local($_) = @_; my $the_title = "\n
"; if ($t_title) { $the_title .= "\n


"; } else { write_warnings("\nThis document has no title."); } if ($t_author) { if ($t_authorURL) { my $href = translate_commands($t_authorURL); $href = make_named_href('author', $href, "$t_author"); $the_title .= "\n


"; } else { $the_title .= ("\n


"); } } else { write_warnings("\nThere is no author for this document."); } if ($t_institute) { $the_title .= "\n


";} if ($DEVELOPER_ADDRESS) { $the_title .= "\n


";} if ($t_affil) { $the_title .= "\n


";} if ($t_date) { $the_title .= "\n

$t_date"; if ($PYTHON_VERSION) { $the_title .= "
Release $PYTHON_VERSION";} $the_title .= "

" } if ($t_address) { $the_title .= "\n


"; } else { $the_title .= "\n

"} if ($t_email) { $the_title .= "\n


"; }# else { $the_title .= "

" } $the_title .= "\n
"; return $the_title . $_ ; } # # Module synopsis support # require SynopsisTable; sub get_chapter_id(){ my $id = do_cmd_thechapter(''); $id =~ s/(\d+)<\/SPAN>/\1/; $id =~ s/\.//; return $id; } %ModuleSynopses = ('chapter' => 'SynopsisTable instance'); sub get_synopsis_table($){ my($chap) = @_; my $st = $ModuleSynopses{$chap}; my $key; foreach $key (keys %ModuleSynopses) { if ($key eq $chap) { return $ModuleSynopses{$chap}; } } $st = SynopsisTable->new(); $ModuleSynopses{$chap} = $st; return $st; } sub do_cmd_moduleauthor{ local($_) = @_; next_argument(); next_argument(); return $_; } sub do_cmd_sectionauthor{ local($_) = @_; next_argument(); next_argument(); return $_; } sub do_cmd_declaremodule{ local($_) = @_; my $key = next_optional_argument(); my $type = next_argument(); my $name = next_argument(); my $st = get_synopsis_table(get_chapter_id()); # $key = $name unless $key; $type = 'built-in' if $type eq 'builtin'; $st->declare($name, $key, $type); define_module($type, $name); return anchor_label("module-$key",$CURRENT_FILE,$_) } sub do_cmd_modulesynopsis{ local($_) = @_; my $st = get_synopsis_table(get_chapter_id()); $st->set_synopsis($THIS_MODULE, next_argument()); return $_; } sub do_cmd_localmoduletable{ local($_) = @_; my $chap = get_chapter_id(); return "<$chap>\\tableofchildlinks[off]" . $_; } sub process_all_localmoduletables{ while (/<(\d+)>/) { my $match = $&; my $chap = $1; my $st = get_synopsis_table($chap); my $data = $st->tohtml(); s/$match/$data/; } } sub process_python_state{ process_all_localmoduletables(); process_all_platformofs(); } # # "See also:" -- references placed at the end of a \section # sub do_env_seealso{ return "
\n " . "

See Also:

\n" . @_[0] . '
'; } sub do_cmd_seemodule{ # Insert the right magic to jump to the module definition. This should # work most of the time, at least for repeat builds.... local($_) = @_; my $key = next_optional_argument(); my $module = next_argument(); my $text = next_argument(); $key = $module unless $key; return '
' . "\n

Module " . "$module" . "   ($text)

" . $_; } sub do_cmd_seetext{ return '

' . @_[0] . '

'; } # # Definition list support. # sub do_env_definitions{ local($_) = @_; return "
\n"; } sub do_cmd_term{ local($_) = @_; my $term = next_argument(); my($name,$aname,$ahref) = new_link_info(); # could easily add an index entry here... return "
$aname" . $term . "\n
" . $_; } process_commands_wrap_deferred(<<_RAW_ARG_DEFERRED_CMDS_); code # {} declaremodule # [] # {} # {} memberline # [] # {} methodline # [] # {} # {} modulesynopsis # {} platform # {} platformof # [] # {} samp # {} setindexsubitem # {} withsubitem # {} # {} _RAW_ARG_DEFERRED_CMDS_ 1; # This must be the last line