\chapter{Lexical analysis\label{lexical}} A Python program is read by a \emph{parser}. Input to the parser is a stream of \emph{tokens}, generated by the \emph{lexical analyzer}. This chapter describes how the lexical analyzer breaks a file into tokens. \index{lexical analysis} \index{parser} \index{token} Python uses the 7-bit \ASCII{} character set for program text. \versionadded[An encoding declaration can be used to indicate that string literals and comments use an encoding different from ASCII.]{2.3} For compatibility with older versions, Python only warns if it finds 8-bit characters; those warnings should be corrected by either declaring an explicit encoding, or using escape sequences if those bytes are binary data, instead of characters. The run-time character set depends on the I/O devices connected to the program but is generally a superset of \ASCII. \strong{Future compatibility note:} It may be tempting to assume that the character set for 8-bit characters is ISO Latin-1 (an \ASCII{} superset that covers most western languages that use the Latin alphabet), but it is possible that in the future Unicode text editors will become common. These generally use the UTF-8 encoding, which is also an \ASCII{} superset, but with very different use for the characters with ordinals 128-255. While there is no consensus on this subject yet, it is unwise to assume either Latin-1 or UTF-8, even though the current implementation appears to favor Latin-1. This applies both to the source character set and the run-time character set. \section{Line structure\label{line-structure}} A Python program is divided into a number of \emph{logical lines}. \index{line structure} \subsection{Logical lines\label{logical}} The end of a logical line is represented by the token NEWLINE. Statements cannot cross logical line boundaries except where NEWLINE is allowed by the syntax (e.g., between statements in compound statements). A logical line is constructed from one or more \emph{physical lines} by following the explicit or implicit \emph{line joining} rules. \index{logical line} \index{physical line} \index{line joining} \index{NEWLINE token} \subsection{Physical lines\label{physical}} A physical line ends in whatever the current platform's convention is for terminating lines. On \UNIX, this is the \ASCII{} LF (linefeed) character. On Windows, it is the \ASCII{} sequence CR LF (return followed by linefeed). On Macintosh, it is the \ASCII{} CR (return) character. \subsection{Comments\label{comments}} A comment starts with a hash character (\code{\#}) that is not part of a string literal, and ends at the end of the physical line. A comment signifies the end of the logical line unless the implicit line joining rules are invoked. Comments are ignored by the syntax; they are not tokens. \index{comment} \index{hash character} \subsection{Encoding declarations\label{encodings}} If a comment in the first or second line of the Python script matches the regular expression \regexp{coding[=:]\e s*([\e w-_.]+)}, this comment is processed as an encoding declaration; the first group of this expression names the encoding of the source code file. The recommended forms of this expression are \begin{verbatim} # -*- coding: -*- \end{verbatim} which is recognized also by GNU Emacs, and \begin{verbatim} # vim:fileencoding= \end{verbatim} which is recognized by Bram Moolenar's VIM. In addition, if the first bytes of the file are the UTF-8 byte-order mark (\code{'\e xef\e xbb\e xbf'}), the declared file encoding is UTF-8 (this is supported, among others, by Microsoft's \program{notepad}). If an encoding is declared, the encoding name must be recognized by Python. % XXX there should be a list of supported encodings. The encoding is used for all lexical analysis, in particular to find the end of a string, and to interpret the contents of Unicode literals. String literals are converted to Unicode for syntactical analysis, then converted back to their original encoding before interpretation starts. The encoding declaration must appear on a line of its own. \subsection{Explicit line joining\label{explicit-joining}} Two or more physical lines may be joined into logical lines using backslash characters (\code{\e}), as follows: when a physical line ends in a backslash that is not part of a string literal or comment, it is joined with the following forming a single logical line, deleting the backslash and the following end-of-line character. For example: \index{physical line} \index{line joining} \index{line continuation} \index{backslash character} % \begin{verbatim} if 1900 < year < 2100 and 1 <= month <= 12 \ and 1 <= day <= 31 and 0 <= hour < 24 \ and 0 <= minute < 60 and 0 <= second < 60: # Looks like a valid date return 1 \end{verbatim} A line ending in a backslash cannot carry a comment. A backslash does not continue a comment. A backslash does not continue a token except for string literals (i.e., tokens other than string literals cannot be split across physical lines using a backslash). A backslash is illegal elsewhere on a line outside a string literal. \subsection{Implicit line joining\label{implicit-joining}} Expressions in parentheses, square brackets or curly braces can be split over more than one physical line without using backslashes. For example: \begin{verbatim} month_names = ['Januari', 'Februari', 'Maart', # These are the 'April', 'Mei', 'Juni', # Dutch names 'Juli', 'Augustus', 'September', # for the months 'Oktober', 'November', 'December'] # of the year \end{verbatim} Implicitly continued lines can carry comments. The indentation of the continuation lines is not important. Blank continuation lines are allowed. There is no NEWLINE token between implicit continuation lines. Implicitly continued lines can also occur within triple-quoted strings (see below); in that case they cannot carry comments. \subsection{Blank lines \label{blank-lines}} \index{blank line} A logical line that contains only spaces, tabs, formfeeds and possibly a comment, is ignored (i.e., no NEWLINE token is generated). During interactive input of statements, handling of a blank line may differ depending on the implementation of the read-eval-print loop. In the standard implementation, an entirely blank logical line (i.e.\ one containing not even whitespace or a comment) terminates a multi-line statement. \subsection{Indentation\label{indentation}} Leading whitespace (spaces and tabs) at the beginning of a logical line is used to compute the indentation level of the line, which in turn is used to determine the grouping of statements. \index{indentation} \index{whitespace} \index{leading whitespace} \index{space} \index{tab} \index{grouping} \index{statement grouping} First, tabs are replaced (from left to right) by one to eight spaces such that the total number of characters up to and including the replacement is a multiple of eight (this is intended to be the same rule as used by \UNIX). The total number of spaces preceding the first non-blank character then determines the line's indentation. Indentation cannot be split over multiple physical lines using backslashes; the whitespace up to the first backslash determines the indentation. \strong{Cross-platform compatibility note:} because of the nature of text editors on non-UNIX platforms, it is unwise to use a mixture of spaces and tabs for the indentation in a single source file. It should also be noted that different platforms may explicitly limit the maximum indentation level. A formfeed character may be present at the start of the line; it will be ignored for the indentation calculations above. Formfeed characters occurring elsewhere in the leading whitespace have an undefined effect (for instance, they may reset the space count to zero). The indentation levels of consecutive lines are used to generate INDENT and DEDENT tokens, using a stack, as follows. \index{INDENT token} \index{DEDENT token} Before the first line of the file is read, a single zero is pushed on the stack; this will never be popped off again. The numbers pushed on the stack will always be strictly increasing from bottom to top. At the beginning of each logical line, the line's indentation level is compared to the top of the stack. If it is equal, nothing happens. If it is larger, it is pushed on the stack, and one INDENT token is generated. If it is smaller, it \emph{must} be one of the numbers occurring on the stack; all numbers on the stack that are larger are popped off, and for each number popped off a DEDENT token is generated. At the end of the file, a DEDENT token is generated for each number remaining on the stack that is larger than zero. Here is an example of a correctly (though confusingly) indented piece of Python code: \begin{verbatim} def perm(l): # Compute the list of all permutations of l if len(l) <= 1: return [l] r = [] for i in range(len(l)): s = l[:i] + l[i+1:] p = perm(s) for x in p: r.append(l[i:i+1] + x) return r \end{verbatim} The following example shows various indentation errors: \begin{verbatim} def perm(l): # error: first line indented for i in range(len(l)): # error: not indented s = l[:i] + l[i+1:] p = perm(l[:i] + l[i+1:]) # error: unexpected indent for x in p: r.append(l[i:i+1] + x) return r # error: inconsistent dedent \end{verbatim} (Actually, the first three errors are detected by the parser; only the last error is found by the lexical analyzer --- the indentation of \code{return r} does not match a level popped off the stack.) \subsection{Whitespace between tokens\label{whitespace}} Except at the beginning of a logical line or in string literals, the whitespace characters space, tab and formfeed can be used interchangeably to separate tokens. Whitespace is needed between two tokens only if their concatenation could otherwise be interpreted as a different token (e.g., ab is one token, but a b is two tokens). \section{Other tokens\label{other-tokens}} Besides NEWLINE, INDENT and DEDENT, the following categories of tokens exist: \emph{identifiers}, \emph{keywords}, \emph{literals}, \emph{operators}, and \emph{delimiters}. Whitespace characters (other than line terminators, discussed earlier) are not tokens, but serve to delimit tokens. Where ambiguity exists, a token comprises the longest possible string that forms a legal token, when read from left to right. \section{Identifiers and keywords\label{identifiers}} Identifiers (also referred to as \emph{names}) are described by the following lexical definitions: \index{identifier} \index{name} \begin{productionlist} \production{identifier} {(\token{letter}|"_") (\token{letter} | \token{digit} | "_")*} \production{letter} {\token{lowercase} | \token{uppercase}} \production{lowercase} {"a"..."z"} \production{uppercase} {"A"..."Z"} \production{digit} {"0"..."9"} \end{productionlist} Identifiers are unlimited in length. Case is significant. \subsection{Keywords\label{keywords}} The following identifiers are used as reserved words, or \emph{keywords} of the language, and cannot be used as ordinary identifiers. They must be spelled exactly as written here:% \index{keyword}% \index{reserved word} \begin{verbatim} and del for is raise assert elif from lambda return break else global not try class except if or while continue exec import pass yield def finally in print \end{verbatim} % When adding keywords, use reswords.py for reformatting Note that although the identifier \code{as} can be used as part of the syntax of \keyword{import} statements, it is not currently a reserved word. In some future version of Python, the identifiers \code{as} and \code{None} will both become keywords. \subsection{Reserved classes of identifiers\label{id-classes}} Certain classes of identifiers (besides keywords) have special meanings. These classes are identified by the patterns of leading and trailing underscore characters: \begin{description} \item[\code{_*}] Not imported by \samp{from \var{module} import *}. The special identifier \samp{_} is used in the interactive interpreter to store the result of the last evaluation; it is stored in the \module{__builtin__} module. When not in interactive mode, \samp{_} has no special meaning and is not defined. See section~\ref{import}, ``The \keyword{import} statement.'' \note{The name \samp{_} is often used in conjunction with internationalization; refer to the documentation for the \ulink{\module{gettext} module}{../lib/module-gettext.html} for more information on this convention.} \item[\code{__*__}] System-defined names. These names are defined by the interpreter and it's implementation (including the standard library); applications should not expect to define additional names using this convention. The set of names of this class defined by Python may be extended in future versions. See section~\ref{specialnames}, ``Special method names.'' \item[\code{__*}] Class-private names. Names in this category, when used within the context of a class definition, are re-written to use a mangled for to help avoid name clashes between ``private'' attributes of base and derived classes. See section~\ref{atom-identifiers}, ``Identifiers (Names).'' \end{description} \section{Literals\label{literals}} Literals are notations for constant values of some built-in types. \index{literal} \index{constant} \subsection{String literals\label{strings}} String literals are described by the following lexical definitions: \index{string literal} \index{ASCII@\ASCII} \begin{productionlist} \production{stringliteral} {[\token{stringprefix}](\token{shortstring} | \token{longstring})} \production{stringprefix} {"r" | "u" | "ur" | "R" | "U" | "UR" | "Ur" | "uR"} \production{shortstring} {"'" \token{shortstringitem}* "'" | '"' \token{shortstringitem}* '"'} \production{longstring} {"'''" \token{longstringitem}* "'''"} \productioncont{| '"""' \token{longstringitem}* '"""'} \production{shortstringitem} {\token{shortstringchar} | \token{escapeseq}} \production{longstringitem} {\token{longstringchar} | \token{escapeseq}} \production{shortstringchar} {} \production{longstringchar} {} \production{escapeseq} {"\e" } \end{productionlist} One syntactic restriction not indicated by these productions is that whitespace is not allowed between the \grammartoken{stringprefix} and the rest of the string literal. \index{triple-quoted string} \index{Unicode Consortium} \index{string!Unicode} In plain English: String literals can be enclosed in matching single quotes (\code{'}) or double quotes (\code{"}). They can also be enclosed in matching groups of three single or double quotes (these are generally referred to as \emph{triple-quoted strings}). The backslash (\code{\e}) character is used to escape characters that otherwise have a special meaning, such as newline, backslash itself, or the quote character. String literals may optionally be prefixed with a letter \character{r} or \character{R}; such strings are called \dfn{raw strings}\index{raw string} and use different rules for interpreting backslash escape sequences. A prefix of \character{u} or \character{U} makes the string a Unicode string. Unicode strings use the Unicode character set as defined by the Unicode Consortium and ISO~10646. Some additional escape sequences, described below, are available in Unicode strings. The two prefix characters may be combined; in this case, \character{u} must appear before \character{r}. In triple-quoted strings, unescaped newlines and quotes are allowed (and are retained), except that three unescaped quotes in a row terminate the string. (A ``quote'' is the character used to open the string, i.e. either \code{'} or \code{"}.) Unless an \character{r} or \character{R} prefix is present, escape sequences in strings are interpreted according to rules similar to those used by Standard C. The recognized escape sequences are: \index{physical line} \index{escape sequence} \index{Standard C} \index{C} \begin{tableiii}{l|l|c}{code}{Escape Sequence}{Meaning}{Notes} \lineiii{\e\var{newline}} {Ignored}{} \lineiii{\e\e} {Backslash (\code{\e})}{} \lineiii{\e'} {Single quote (\code{'})}{} \lineiii{\e"} {Double quote (\code{"})}{} \lineiii{\e a} {\ASCII{} Bell (BEL)}{} \lineiii{\e b} {\ASCII{} Backspace (BS)}{} \lineiii{\e f} {\ASCII{} Formfeed (FF)}{} \lineiii{\e n} {\ASCII{} Linefeed (LF)}{} \lineiii{\e N\{\var{name}\}} {Character named \var{name} in the Unicode database (Unicode only)}{} \lineiii{\e r} {\ASCII{} Carriage Return (CR)}{} \lineiii{\e t} {\ASCII{} Horizontal Tab (TAB)}{} \lineiii{\e u\var{xxxx}} {Character with 16-bit hex value \var{xxxx} (Unicode only)}{(1)} \lineiii{\e U\var{xxxxxxxx}} {Character with 32-bit hex value \var{xxxxxxxx} (Unicode only)}{(2)} \lineiii{\e v} {\ASCII{} Vertical Tab (VT)}{} \lineiii{\e\var{ooo}} {\ASCII{} character with octal value \var{ooo}}{(3)} \lineiii{\e x\var{hh}} {\ASCII{} character with hex value \var{hh}}{(4)} \end{tableiii} \index{ASCII@\ASCII} \noindent Notes: \begin{itemize} \item[(1)] Individual code units which form parts of a surrogate pair can be encoded using this escape sequence. \item[(2)] Any Unicode character can be encoded this way, but characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) will be encoded using a surrogate pair if Python is compiled to use 16-bit code units (the default). Individual code units which form parts of a surrogate pair can be encoded using this escape sequence. \item[(3)] As in Standard C, up to three octal digits are accepted. \item[(4)] Unlike in Standard C, at most two hex digits are accepted. \end{itemize} Unlike Standard \index{unrecognized escape sequence}C, all unrecognized escape sequences are left in the string unchanged, i.e., \emph{the backslash is left in the string}. (This behavior is useful when debugging: if an escape sequence is mistyped, the resulting output is more easily recognized as broken.) It is also important to note that the escape sequences marked as ``(Unicode only)'' in the table above fall into the category of unrecognized escapes for non-Unicode string literals. When an \character{r} or \character{R} prefix is present, a character following a backslash is included in the string without change, and \emph{all backslashes are left in the string}. For example, the string literal \code{r"\e n"} consists of two characters: a backslash and a lowercase \character{n}. String quotes can be escaped with a backslash, but the backslash remains in the string; for example, \code{r"\e""} is a valid string literal consisting of two characters: a backslash and a double quote; \code{r"\e"} is not a valid string literal (even a raw string cannot end in an odd number of backslashes). Specifically, \emph{a raw string cannot end in a single backslash} (since the backslash would escape the following quote character). Note also that a single backslash followed by a newline is interpreted as those two characters as part of the string, \emph{not} as a line continuation. When an \character{r} or \character{R} prefix is used in conjunction with a \character{u} or \character{U} prefix, then the \code{\e uXXXX} escape sequence is processed while \emph{all other backslashes are left in the string}. For example, the string literal \code{ur"\e{}u0062\e n"} consists of three Unicode characters: `LATIN SMALL LETTER B', `REVERSE SOLIDUS', and `LATIN SMALL LETTER N'. Backslashes can be escaped with a preceding backslash; however, both remain in the string. As a result, \code{\e uXXXX} escape sequences are only recognized when there are an odd number of backslashes. \subsection{String literal concatenation\label{string-catenation}} Multiple adjacent string literals (delimited by whitespace), possibly using different quoting conventions, are allowed, and their meaning is the same as their concatenation. Thus, \code{"hello" 'world'} is equivalent to \code{"helloworld"}. This feature can be used to reduce the number of backslashes needed, to split long strings conveniently across long lines, or even to add comments to parts of strings, for example: \begin{verbatim} re.compile("[A-Za-z_]" # letter or underscore "[A-Za-z0-9_]*" # letter, digit or underscore ) \end{verbatim} Note that this feature is defined at the syntactical level, but implemented at compile time. The `+' operator must be used to concatenate string expressions at run time. Also note that literal concatenation can use different quoting styles for each component (even mixing raw strings and triple quoted strings). \subsection{Numeric literals\label{numbers}} There are four types of numeric literals: plain integers, long integers, floating point numbers, and imaginary numbers. There are no complex literals (complex numbers can be formed by adding a real number and an imaginary number). \index{number} \index{numeric literal} \index{integer literal} \index{plain integer literal} \index{long integer literal} \index{floating point literal} \index{hexadecimal literal} \index{octal literal} \index{decimal literal} \index{imaginary literal} \index{complex!literal} Note that numeric literals do not include a sign; a phrase like \code{-1} is actually an expression composed of the unary operator `\code{-}' and the literal \code{1}. \subsection{Integer and long integer literals\label{integers}} Integer and long integer literals are described by the following lexical definitions: \begin{productionlist} \production{longinteger} {\token{integer} ("l" | "L")} \production{integer} {\token{decimalinteger} | \token{octinteger} | \token{hexinteger}} \production{decimalinteger} {\token{nonzerodigit} \token{digit}* | "0"} \production{octinteger} {"0" \token{octdigit}+} \production{hexinteger} {"0" ("x" | "X") \token{hexdigit}+} \production{nonzerodigit} {"1"..."9"} \production{octdigit} {"0"..."7"} \production{hexdigit} {\token{digit} | "a"..."f" | "A"..."F"} \end{productionlist} Although both lower case \character{l} and upper case \character{L} are allowed as suffix for long integers, it is strongly recommended to always use \character{L}, since the letter \character{l} looks too much like the digit \character{1}. Plain integer decimal literals that are above the largest representable plain integer (e.g., 2147483647 when using 32-bit arithmetic) are accepted as if they were long integers instead. Octal and hexadecimal literals behave similarly, but when in the range just above the largest representable plain integer but below the largest unsigned 32-bit number (on a machine using 32-bit arithmetic), 4294967296, they are taken as the negative plain integer obtained by subtracting 4294967296 from their unsigned value. There is no limit for long integer literals apart from what can be stored in available memory. For example, 0xdeadbeef is taken, on a 32-bit machine, as the value -559038737, while 0xdeadbeeffeed is taken as the value 244837814107885L. Some examples of plain integer literals (first row) and long integer literals (second and third rows): \begin{verbatim} 7 2147483647 0177 0x80000000 3L 79228162514264337593543950336L 0377L 0x100000000L 79228162514264337593543950336 0xdeadbeeffeed \end{verbatim} \subsection{Floating point literals\label{floating}} Floating point literals are described by the following lexical definitions: \begin{productionlist} \production{floatnumber} {\token{pointfloat} | \token{exponentfloat}} \production{pointfloat} {[\token{intpart}] \token{fraction} | \token{intpart} "."} \production{exponentfloat} {(\token{intpart} | \token{pointfloat}) \token{exponent}} \production{intpart} {\token{digit}+} \production{fraction} {"." \token{digit}+} \production{exponent} {("e" | "E") ["+" | "-"] \token{digit}+} \end{productionlist} Note that the integer and exponent parts of floating point numbers can look like octal integers, but are interpreted using radix 10. For example, \samp{077e010} is legal, and denotes the same number as \samp{77e10}. The allowed range of floating point literals is implementation-dependent. Some examples of floating point literals: \begin{verbatim} 3.14 10. .001 1e100 3.14e-10 0e0 \end{verbatim} Note that numeric literals do not include a sign; a phrase like \code{-1} is actually an expression composed of the operator \code{-} and the literal \code{1}. \subsection{Imaginary literals\label{imaginary}} Imaginary literals are described by the following lexical definitions: \begin{productionlist} \production{imagnumber}{(\token{floatnumber} | \token{intpart}) ("j" | "J")} \end{productionlist} An imaginary literal yields a complex number with a real part of 0.0. Complex numbers are represented as a pair of floating point numbers and have the same restrictions on their range. To create a complex number with a nonzero real part, add a floating point number to it, e.g., \code{(3+4j)}. Some examples of imaginary literals: \begin{verbatim} 3.14j 10.j 10j .001j 1e100j 3.14e-10j \end{verbatim} \section{Operators\label{operators}} The following tokens are operators: \index{operators} \begin{verbatim} + - * ** / // % << >> & | ^ ~ < > <= >= == != <> \end{verbatim} The comparison operators \code{<>} and \code{!=} are alternate spellings of the same operator. \code{!=} is the preferred spelling; \code{<>} is obsolescent. \section{Delimiters\label{delimiters}} The following tokens serve as delimiters in the grammar: \index{delimiters} \begin{verbatim} ( ) [ ] { } , : . ` = ; += -= *= /= //= %= &= |= ^= >>= <<= **= \end{verbatim} The period can also occur in floating-point and imaginary literals. A sequence of three periods has a special meaning as an ellipsis in slices. The second half of the list, the augmented assignment operators, serve lexically as delimiters, but also perform an operation. The following printing \ASCII{} characters have special meaning as part of other tokens or are otherwise significant to the lexical analyzer: \begin{verbatim} ' " # \ \end{verbatim} The following printing \ASCII{} characters are not used in Python. Their occurrence outside string literals and comments is an unconditional error: \index{ASCII@\ASCII} \begin{verbatim} @ $ ? \end{verbatim}