.. _whatsnew-index: ###################### What's New in Python ###################### The "What's New in Python" series of essays takes tours through the most important changes between major Python versions. They are a "must read" for anyone wishing to stay up-to-date after a new release. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 3.4.rst 3.3.rst 3.2.rst 3.1.rst 3.0.rst 2.7.rst 2.6.rst 2.5.rst 2.4.rst 2.3.rst 2.2.rst 2.1.rst 2.0.rst The "Python News" is a HTML version of the file :source:`Misc/NEWS` which contains *all* nontrivial changes to Python. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 news.rst