#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* Complex number structure */

typedef struct {
   double real;
   double imag;
} Py_complex;

/* Operations on complex numbers from complexmodule.c */

#define c_sum _Py_c_sum
#define c_diff _Py_c_diff
#define c_neg _Py_c_neg
#define c_prod _Py_c_prod
#define c_quot _Py_c_quot
#define c_pow _Py_c_pow

extern Py_complex c_sum Py_PROTO((Py_complex, Py_complex));
extern Py_complex c_diff Py_PROTO((Py_complex, Py_complex));
extern Py_complex c_neg Py_PROTO((Py_complex));
extern Py_complex c_prod Py_PROTO((Py_complex, Py_complex));
extern Py_complex c_quot Py_PROTO((Py_complex, Py_complex));
extern Py_complex c_pow Py_PROTO((Py_complex, Py_complex));

/* Complex object interface */

PyComplexObject represents a complex number with double-precision
real and imaginary parts.

typedef struct {
	Py_complex cval;
} PyComplexObject;     

extern DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) PyComplex_Type;

#define PyComplex_Check(op) ((op)->ob_type == &PyComplex_Type)

extern PyObject *PyComplex_FromCComplex Py_PROTO((Py_complex));
extern PyObject *PyComplex_FromDoubles Py_PROTO((double real, double imag));

extern double PyComplex_RealAsDouble Py_PROTO((PyObject *op));
extern double PyComplex_ImagAsDouble Py_PROTO((PyObject *op));
extern Py_complex PyComplex_AsCComplex Py_PROTO((PyObject *op));

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !COMPLEXOBJECT_H */