"""Object-oriented interface to the parser module. This module exports four classes which together provide an interface to the parser module. Together, the three classes represent two ways to create parsed representations of Python source and the two starting data types (source text and tuple representations). Each class provides interfaces which are identical other than the constructors. The constructors are described in detail in the documentation for each class and the remaining, shared portion of the interface is documented below. Briefly, the classes provided are: AST Defines the primary interface to the AST objects and supports creation from the tuple representation of the parse tree. ExpressionAST Supports creation of expression constructs from source text. SuiteAST Supports creation of statement suites from source text. FileSuiteAST Convenience subclass of the `SuiteAST' class; loads source text of the suite from an external file. Common Methods -------------- Aside from the constructors, several methods are provided to allow access to the various interpretations of the parse tree and to check conditions of the construct represented by the parse tree. ast() Returns the corresponding `parser.ASTType' object. code() Returns the compiled code object. filename() Returns the name of the associated source file, if known. isExpression() Returns true value if parse tree represents an expression, or a false value otherwise. isSuite() Returns true value if parse tree represents a suite of statements, or a false value otherwise. text() Returns the source text, or None if not available. tuple() Returns the tuple representing the parse tree. """ __version__ = '$Revision$' __copyright__ = """Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 by Fred L. Drake, Jr. This software may be used and distributed freely for any purpose provided that this notice is included unchanged on any and all copies. The author does not warrant or guarantee this software in any way. """ import parser class AST: """Base class for Abstract Syntax Tree objects. Creates an Abstract Syntax Tree based on the tuple representation of the parse tree. The parse tree can represent either an expression or a suite; which will be recognized automatically. This base class provides all of the query methods for subclass objects defined in this module. """ _text = None _code = None _ast = None _type = 'unknown' _tupl = None def __init__(self, tuple): """Create an `AST' instance from a tuple-tree representation. tuple The tuple tree to convert. The tuple-tree may represent either an expression or a suite; the type will be determined automatically. Line number information may optionally be present for any subset of the terminal tokens. """ if type(tuple) is not type(()): raise TypeError, 'Base AST class requires tuple parameter.' self._tupl = tuple self._ast = parser.tuple2ast(tuple) self._type = (parser.isexpr(self._ast) and 'expression') or 'suite' def list(self, line_info = 0): """Returns a fresh list representing the parse tree. line_info If true, includes line number information for terminal tokens in the output data structure, """ return parser.ast2list(self._ast, line_info) def tuple(self, line_info = 0): """Returns the tuple representing the parse tree. line_info If true, includes line number information for terminal tokens in the output data structure, """ if self._tupl is None: self._tupl = parser.ast2tuple(self._ast, line_info) return self._tupl def code(self): """Returns the compiled code object. The code object returned by this method may be passed to the exec statement if `AST.isSuite()' is true or to the eval() function if `AST.isExpression()' is true. All the usual rules regarding execution of code objects apply. """ if not self._code: self._code = parser.compileast(self._ast) return self._code def ast(self): """Returns the corresponding `parser.ASTType' object. """ return self._ast def filename(self): """Returns the name of the source file if known, or None. """ return None def text(self): """Returns the source text, or None if not available. If the instance is of class `AST', None is returned since no source text is available. If of class `ExpressionAST' or `SuiteAST', the source text passed to the constructor is returned. """ return self._text def isSuite(self): """Determine if `AST' instance represents a suite of statements. """ return self._type == 'suite' def isExpression(self): """Determine if `AST' instance represents an expression. """ return self._type == 'expression' class SuiteAST(AST): """Statement suite parse tree representation. This subclass of the `AST' base class represents statement suites parsed from the source text of a Python suite. If the source text does not represent a parsable suite of statements, the appropriate exception is raised by the parser. """ _type = 'suite' def __init__(self, text): """Initialize a `SuiteAST' from source text. text Source text to parse. """ if type(text) is not type(''): raise TypeError, 'SuiteAST requires source text parameter.' self._text = text self._ast = parser.suite(text) def isSuite(self): return 1 def isExpression(self): return 0 class FileSuiteAST(SuiteAST): """Representation of a python source file syntax tree. This provides a convenience wrapper around the `SuiteAST' class to load the source text from an external file. """ def __init__(self, fileName): """Initialize a `SuiteAST' from a source file. fileName Name of the external source file. """ self._fileName = fileName SuiteAST.__init__(self, open(fileName).read()) def filename(self): return self._fileName class ExpressionAST(AST): """Expression parse tree representation. This subclass of the `AST' base class represents expression constructs parsed from the source text of a Python expression. If the source text does not represent a parsable expression, the appropriate exception is raised by the Python parser. """ _type = 'expression' def __init__(self, text): """Initialize an expression AST from source text. text Source text to parse. """ if type(text) is not type(''): raise TypeError, 'ExpressionAST requires source text parameter.' self._text = text self._ast = parser.expr(text) def isSuite(self): return 0 def isExpression(self): return 1 # # end of file