# Stuff to parse AIFF-C and AIFF files. # # Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the description below is true # both for AIFF-C files and AIFF files. # # An AIFF-C file has the following structure. # # +-----------------+ # | FORM | # +-----------------+ # | | # +----+------------+ # | | AIFC | # | +------------+ # | | | # | | . | # | | . | # | | . | # +----+------------+ # # An AIFF file has the string "AIFF" instead of "AIFC". # # A chunk consists of an identifier (4 bytes) followed by a size (4 bytes, # big endian order), followed by the data. The size field does not include # the size of the 8 byte header. # # The following chunk types are recognized. # # FVER # (AIFF-C only). # MARK # <# of markers> (2 bytes) # list of markers: # (2 bytes, must be > 0) # (4 bytes) # ("pstring") # COMM # <# of channels> (2 bytes) # <# of sound frames> (4 bytes) # (2 bytes) # (10 bytes, IEEE 80-bit extended # floating point) # if AIFF-C files only: # (4 bytes) # ("pstring") # SSND # (4 bytes, not used by this program) # (4 bytes, not used by this program) # # # A pstring consists of 1 byte length, a string of characters, and 0 or 1 # byte pad to make the total length even. # # Usage. # # Reading AIFF files: # f = aifc.open(file, 'r') # or # f = aifc.openfp(filep, 'r') # where file is the name of a file and filep is an open file pointer. # The open file pointer must have methods read(), seek(), and # close(). In some types of audio files, if the setpos() method is # not used, the seek() method is not necessary. # # This returns an instance of a class with the following public methods: # getnchannels() -- returns number of audio channels (1 for # mono, 2 for stereo) # getsampwidth() -- returns sample width in bytes # getframerate() -- returns sampling frequency # getnframes() -- returns number of audio frames # getcomptype() -- returns compression type ('NONE' for AIFF files) # getcompname() -- returns human-readable version of # compression type ('not compressed' for AIFF files) # getparams() -- returns a tuple consisting of all of the # above in the above order # getmarkers() -- get the list of marks in the audio file or None # if there are no marks # getmark(id) -- get mark with the specified id (raises an error # if the mark does not exist) # readframes(n) -- returns at most n frames of audio # rewind() -- rewind to the beginning of the audio stream # setpos(pos) -- seek to the specified position # tell() -- return the current position # close() -- close the instance (make it unusable) # The position returned by tell(), the position given to setpos() and # the position of marks are all compatible and have nothing to do with # the actual postion in the file. # # Writing AIFF files: # f = aifc.open(file, 'w') # or # f = aifc.openfp(filep, 'w') # where file is the name of a file and filep is an open file pointer. # The open file pointer must have methods write(), tell(), seek(), and # close(). # # This returns an instance of a class with the following public methods: # aiff() -- create an AIFF file (AIFF-C default) # aifc() -- create an AIFF-C file # setnchannels(n) -- set the number of channels # setsampwidth(n) -- set the sample width # setframerate(n) -- set the frame rate # setnframes(n) -- set the number of frames # setcomptype(type, name) # -- set the compression type and the # human-readable compression type # setparams(nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname) # -- set all parameters at once # setmark(id, pos, name) # -- add specified mark to the list of marks # tell() -- return current position in output file (useful # in combination with setmark()) # writeframesraw(data) # -- write audio frames without pathing up the # file header # writeframes(data) # -- write audio frames and patch up the file header # close() -- patch up the file header and close the # output file # You should set the parameters before the first writeframesraw or # writeframes. The total number of frames does not need to be set, # but when it is set to the correct value, the header does not have to # be patched up. # It is best to first set all parameters, perhaps possibly the # compression type, and the write audio frames using writeframesraw. # When all frames have been written, either call writeframes('') or # close() to patch up the sizes in the header. # Marks can be added anytime. If there are any marks, ypu must call # close() after all frames have been written. # # When a file is opened with the extension '.aiff', an AIFF file is # written, otherwise an AIFF-C file is written. This default can be # changed by calling aiff() or aifc() before the first writeframes or # writeframesraw. import builtin import AL try: import CL except ImportError: pass Error = 'aifc.Error' _AIFC_version = 0xA2805140 # Version 1 of AIFF-C _skiplist = 'COMT', 'INST', 'MIDI', 'AESD', \ 'APPL', 'NAME', 'AUTH', '(c) ', 'ANNO' _nchannelslist = [(1, AL.MONO), (2, AL.STEREO)] _sampwidthlist = [(8, AL.SAMPLE_8), (16, AL.SAMPLE_16), (24, AL.SAMPLE_24)] _frameratelist = [(48000, AL.RATE_48000), \ (44100, AL.RATE_44100), \ (32000, AL.RATE_32000), \ (22050, AL.RATE_22050), \ (16000, AL.RATE_16000), \ (11025, AL.RATE_11025), \ ( 8000, AL.RATE_8000)] def _convert1(value, list): for t in list: if value == t[0]: return t[1] raise Error, 'unknown parameter value' def _convert2(value, list): for t in list: if value == t[1]: return t[0] raise Error, 'unknown parameter value' def _read_long(file): x = 0L for i in range(4): byte = file.read(1) if byte == '': raise EOFError x = x*256 + ord(byte) if x >= 0x80000000L: x = x - 0x100000000L return int(x) def _read_ulong(file): x = 0L for i in range(4): byte = file.read(1) if byte == '': raise EOFError x = x*256 + ord(byte) return x def _read_short(file): x = 0 for i in range(2): byte = file.read(1) if byte == '': raise EOFError x = x*256 + ord(byte) if x >= 0x8000: x = x - 0x10000 return x def _read_string(file): length = ord(file.read(1)) data = file.read(length) if length & 1 == 0: dummy = file.read(1) return data _HUGE_VAL = 1.79769313486231e+308 # See def _read_float(f): # 10 bytes import math expon = _read_short(f) # 2 bytes sign = 1 if expon < 0: sign = -1 expon = expon + 0x8000 himant = _read_ulong(f) # 4 bytes lomant = _read_ulong(f) # 4 bytes if expon == himant == lomant == 0: f = 0.0 elif expon == 0x7FFF: f = _HUGE_VAL else: expon = expon - 16383 f = (himant * 0x100000000L + lomant) * pow(2.0, expon - 63) return sign * f def _write_short(f, x): d, m = divmod(x, 256) f.write(chr(d)) f.write(chr(m)) def _write_long(f, x): if x < 0: x = x + 0x100000000L data = [] for i in range(4): d, m = divmod(x, 256) data.insert(0, m) x = d for i in range(4): f.write(chr(int(data[i]))) def _write_string(f, s): f.write(chr(len(s))) f.write(s) if len(s) & 1 == 0: f.write(chr(0)) def _write_float(f, x): import math if x < 0: sign = 0x8000 x = x * -1 else: sign = 0 if x == 0: expon = 0 himant = 0 lomant = 0 else: fmant, expon = math.frexp(x) if expon > 16384 or fmant >= 1: # Infinity or NaN expon = sign|0x7FFF himant = 0 lomant = 0 else: # Finite expon = expon + 16382 if expon < 0: # denormalized fmant = math.ldexp(fmant, expon) expon = 0 expon = expon | sign fmant = math.ldexp(fmant, 32) fsmant = math.floor(fmant) himant = long(fsmant) fmant = math.ldexp(fmant - fsmant, 32) fsmant = math.floor(fmant) lomant = long(fsmant) _write_short(f, expon) _write_long(f, himant) _write_long(f, lomant) class Chunk: def init(self, file): self.file = file self.chunkname = self.file.read(4) if len(self.chunkname) < 4: raise EOFError self.chunksize = _read_long(self.file) self.size_read = 0 self.offset = self.file.tell() return self def rewind(self): self.file.seek(self.offset, 0) self.size_read = 0 def setpos(self, pos): if pos < 0 or pos > self.chunksize: raise RuntimeError self.file.seek(self.offset + pos, 0) self.size_read = pos def read(self, length): if self.size_read >= self.chunksize: return '' if length > self.chunksize - self.size_read: length = self.chunksize - self.size_read data = self.file.read(length) self.size_read = self.size_read + len(data) return data def skip(self): try: self.file.seek(self.chunksize - self.size_read, 1) except RuntimeError: while self.size_read < self.chunksize: dummy = self.read(8192) if not dummy: raise EOFError if self.chunksize & 1: dummy = self.read(1) class Aifc_read: # Variables used in this class: # # These variables are available to the user though appropriate # methods of this class: # _file -- the open file with methods read(), close(), and seek() # set through the init() ir initfp() method # _nchannels -- the number of audio channels # available through the getnchannels() method # _nframes -- the number of audio frames # available through the getnframes() method # _sampwidth -- the number of bytes per audio sample # available through the getsampwidth() method # _framerate -- the sampling frequency # available through the getframerate() method # _comptype -- the AIFF-C compression type ('NONE' if AIFF) # available through the getcomptype() method # _compname -- the human-readable AIFF-C compression type # available through the getcomptype() method # _markers -- the marks in the audio file # available through the getmarkers() and getmark() # methods # _soundpos -- the position in the audio stream # available through the tell() method, set through the # tell() method # # These variables are used internally only: # _version -- the AIFF-C version number # _decomp -- the decompressor from builtin module cl # _comm_chunk_read -- 1 iff the COMM chunk has been read # _aifc -- 1 iff reading an AIFF-C file # _ssnd_seek_needed -- 1 iff positioned correctly in audio # file for readframes() # _ssnd_chunk -- instantiation of a chunk class for the SSND chunk # _framesize -- size of one frame in the file def initfp(self, file): self._file = file self._version = 0 self._decomp = None self._markers = [] self._soundpos = 0 form = self._file.read(4) if form != 'FORM': raise Error, 'file does not start with FORM id' formlength = _read_long(self._file) if formlength <= 0: raise Error, 'invalid FORM chunk data size' formdata = self._file.read(4) formlength = formlength - 4 if formdata == 'AIFF': self._aifc = 0 elif formdata == 'AIFC': self._aifc = 1 else: raise Error, 'not an AIFF or AIFF-C file' self._comm_chunk_read = 0 while formlength > 0: self._ssnd_seek_needed = 1 #DEBUG: SGI's soundfiler has a bug. There should # be no need to check for EOF here. try: chunk = Chunk().init(self._file) except EOFError: if formlength == 8: print 'Warning: FORM chunk size too large' formlength = 0 break raise EOFError # different error, raise exception if chunk.chunkname == 'COMM': self._read_comm_chunk(chunk) self._comm_chunk_read = 1 elif chunk.chunkname == 'SSND': self._ssnd_chunk = chunk dummy = chunk.read(8) self._ssnd_seek_needed = 0 elif chunk.chunkname == 'FVER': self._version = _read_long(chunk) elif chunk.chunkname == 'MARK': self._readmark(chunk) elif chunk.chunkname in _skiplist: pass else: raise Error, 'unrecognized chunk type '+chunk.chunkname formlength = formlength - 8 - chunk.chunksize if chunk.chunksize & 1: formlength = formlength - 1 if formlength > 0: chunk.skip() if not self._comm_chunk_read or not self._ssnd_chunk: raise Error, 'COMM chunk and/or SSND chunk missing' if self._aifc and self._decomp: params = [CL.ORIGINAL_FORMAT, 0, \ CL.BITS_PER_COMPONENT, 0, \ CL.FRAME_RATE, self._framerate] if self._nchannels == AL.MONO: params[1] = CL.MONO else: params[1] = CL.STEREO_INTERLEAVED if self._sampwidth == AL.SAMPLE_8: params[3] = 8 elif self._sampwidth == AL.SAMPLE_16: params[3] = 16 else: params[3] = 24 self._decomp.SetParams(params) return self def init(self, filename): return self.initfp(builtin.open(filename, 'r')) # # User visible methods. # def getfp(self): return self._file def rewind(self): self._ssnd_seek_needed = 1 self._soundpos = 0 def close(self): if self._decomp: self._decomp.CloseDecompressor() self._decomp = None self._file.close() self._file = None def tell(self): return self._soundpos def getnchannels(self): return self._nchannels def getnframes(self): return self._nframes def getsampwidth(self): return self._sampwidth def getframerate(self): return self._framerate def getcomptype(self): return self._comptype def getcompname(self): return self._compname ## def getversion(self): ## return self._version def getparams(self): return self._nchannels, self._sampwidth, self._framerate, \ self._nframes, self._comptype, self._compname def getmarkers(self): if len(self._markers) == 0: return None return self._markers def getmark(self, id): for marker in self._markers: if id == marker[0]: return marker raise Error, 'marker ' + `id` + ' does not exist' def setpos(self, pos): if pos < 0 or pos > self._nframes: raise Error, 'position not in range' self._soundpos = pos self._ssnd_seek_needed = 1 def readframes(self, nframes): if self._ssnd_seek_needed: self._ssnd_chunk.rewind() dummy = self._ssnd_chunk.read(8) pos = self._soundpos * self._framesize if pos: self._ssnd_chunk.setpos(pos + 8) self._ssnd_seek_needed = 0 if nframes == 0: return '' data = self._ssnd_chunk.read(nframes * self._framesize) if self._decomp and data: dummy = self._decomp.SetParam(CL.FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE, \ len(data) * 2) data = self._decomp.Decompress(len(data) / self._nchannels, data) self._soundpos = self._soundpos + len(data) / (self._nchannels * self._sampwidth) return data # # Internal methods. # def _read_comm_chunk(self, chunk): nchannels = _read_short(chunk) self._nchannels = _convert1(nchannels, _nchannelslist) self._nframes = _read_long(chunk) sampwidth = _read_short(chunk) self._sampwidth = _convert1(sampwidth, _sampwidthlist) framerate = _read_float(chunk) self._framerate = _convert1(framerate, _frameratelist) self._framesize = self._nchannels * self._sampwidth if self._aifc: #DEBUG: SGI's soundeditor produces a bad size :-( kludge = 0 if chunk.chunksize == 18: kludge = 1 print 'Warning: bad COMM chunk size' chunk.chunksize = 23 #DEBUG end self._comptype = chunk.read(4) #DEBUG start if kludge: length = ord(chunk.file.read(1)) if length & 1 == 0: length = length + 1 chunk.chunksize = chunk.chunksize + length chunk.file.seek(-1, 1) #DEBUG end self._compname = _read_string(chunk) if self._comptype != 'NONE': try: import cl, CL except ImportError: raise Error, 'cannot read compressed AIFF-C files' if self._comptype == 'ULAW': scheme = CL.G711_ULAW self._framesize = self._framesize / 2 elif self._comptype == 'ALAW': scheme = CL.G711_ALAW self._framesize = self._framesize / 2 else: raise Error, 'unsupported compression type' self._decomp = cl.OpenDecompressor(scheme) else: self._comptype = 'NONE' self._compname = 'not compressed' def _readmark(self, chunk): nmarkers = _read_short(chunk) # Some files appear to contain invalid counts. # Cope with this by testing for EOF. try: for i in range(nmarkers): id = _read_short(chunk) pos = _read_long(chunk) name = _read_string(chunk) self._markers.append((id, pos, name)) except EOFError: print 'Warning: MARK chunk contains only', print len(self._markers), if len(self._markers) == 1: print 'marker', else: print 'markers', print 'instead of', nmarkers class Aifc_write: # Variables used in this class: # # These variables are user settable through appropriate methods # of this class: # _file -- the open file with methods write(), close(), tell(), seek() # set through the init() or initfp() method # _comptype -- the AIFF-C compression type ('NONE' in AIFF) # set through the setcomptype() or setparams() method # _compname -- the human-readable AIFF-C compression type # set through the setcomptype() or setparams() method # _nchannels -- the number of audio channels # set through the setnchannels() or setparams() method # _sampwidth -- the number of bytes per audio sample # set through the setsampwidth() or setparams() method # _framerate -- the sampling frequency # set through the setframerate() or setparams() method # _nframes -- the number of audio frames written to the header # set through the setnframes() or setparams() method # _aifc -- whether we're writing an AIFF-C file or an AIFF file # set through the aifc() method, reset through the # aiff() method # # These variables are used internally only: # _version -- the AIFF-C version number # _comp -- the compressor from builtin module cl # _nframeswritten -- the number of audio frames actually written # _datalength -- the size of the audio samples written to the header # _datawritten -- the size of the audio samples actually written def init(self, filename): self = self.initfp(builtin.open(filename, 'w')) if filename[-5:] == '.aiff': self._aifc = 0 else: self._aifc = 1 return self def initfp(self, file): self._file = file self._version = _AIFC_version self._comptype = 'NONE' self._compname = 'not compressed' self._comp = None self._nchannels = 0 self._sampwidth = 0 self._framerate = 0 self._nframes = 0 self._nframeswritten = 0 self._datawritten = 0 self._datalength = 0 self._markers = [] self._marklength = 0 self._aifc = 1 # AIFF-C is default return self # # User visible methods. # def aiff(self): if self._nframeswritten: raise Error, 'cannot change parameters after starting to write' self._aifc = 0 def aifc(self): if self._nframeswritten: raise Error, 'cannot change parameters after starting to write' self._aifc = 1 def setnchannels(self, nchannels): if self._nframeswritten: raise Error, 'cannot change parameters after starting to write' dummy = _convert2(nchannels, _nchannelslist) self._nchannels = nchannels def getnchannels(self): if not self._nchannels: raise Error, 'number of channels not set' return self._nchannels def setsampwidth(self, sampwidth): if self._nframeswritten: raise Error, 'cannot change parameters after starting to write' dummy = _convert2(sampwidth, _sampwidthlist) self._sampwidth = sampwidth def getsampwidth(self): if not self._sampwidth: raise Error, 'sample width not set' return self._sampwidth def setframerate(self, framerate): if self._nframeswritten: raise Error, 'cannot change parameters after starting to write' dummy = _convert2(framerate, _frameratelist) self._framerate = framerate def getframerate(self): if not self._framerate: raise Error, 'frame rate not set' return self._framerate def setnframes(self, nframes): if self._nframeswritten: raise Error, 'cannot change parameters after starting to write' self._nframes = nframes def getnframes(self): return self._nframeswritten def setcomptype(self, comptype, compname): if self._nframeswritten: raise Error, 'cannot change parameters after starting to write' if comptype not in ('NONE', 'ULAW', 'ALAW'): raise Error, 'unsupported compression type' self._comptype = comptype self._compname = compname def getcomptype(self): return self._comptype def getcompname(self): return self._compname ## def setversion(self, version): ## if self._nframeswritten: ## raise Error, 'cannot change parameters after starting to write' ## self._version = version def setparams(self, (nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname)): if self._nframeswritten: raise Error, 'cannot change parameters after starting to write' if comptype not in ('NONE', 'ULAW', 'ALAW'): raise Error, 'unsupported compression type' dummy = _convert2(nchannels, _nchannelslist) dummy = _convert2(sampwidth, _sampwidthlist) dummy = _convert2(framerate, _frameratelist) self._nchannels = nchannels self._sampwidth = sampwidth self._framerate = framerate self._nframes = nframes self._comptype = comptype self._compname = compname def getparams(self): if not self._nchannels or not self._sampwidth or not self._framerate: raise Error, 'not all parameters set' return self._nchannels, self._sampwidth, self._framerate, \ self._nframes, self._comptype, self._compname def setmark(self, id, pos, name): if id <= 0: raise Error, 'marker ID must be > 0' if pos < 0: raise Error, 'marker position must be >= 0' if type(name) != type(''): raise Error, 'marker name must be a string' for i in range(len(self._markers)): if id == self._markers[i][0]: self._markers[i] = id, pos, name return self._markers.append((id, pos, name)) def getmark(self, id): for marker in self._markers: if id == marker[0]: return marker raise Error, 'marker ' + `id` + ' does not exist' def getmarkers(self): if len(self._markers) == 0: return None return self._markers def writeframesraw(self, data): self._ensure_header_written(len(data)) nframes = len(data) / (self._sampwidth * self._nchannels) if self._comp: dummy = self._comp.SetParam(CL.FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE, \ len(data)) dummy = self._comp.SetParam(CL.COMPRESSED_BUFFER_SIZE,\ len(data)) data = self._comp.Compress(nframes, data) self._file.write(data) self._nframeswritten = self._nframeswritten + nframes self._datawritten = self._datawritten + len(data) def writeframes(self, data): self.writeframesraw(data) if self._nframeswritten != self._nframes or \ self._datalength != self._datawritten: self._patchheader() def close(self): self._ensure_header_written(0) if self._datawritten & 1: # quick pad to even size self._file.write(chr(0)) self._datawritten = self._datawritten + 1 self._writemarkers() if self._nframeswritten != self._nframes or \ self._datalength != self._datawritten or \ self._marklength: self._patchheader() if self._comp: self._comp.CloseCompressor() self._comp = None self._file.close() self._file = None # # Internal methods. # def _ensure_header_written(self, datasize): if not self._nframeswritten: if self._comptype in ('ULAW', 'ALAW'): if not self._sampwidth: self._sampwidth = AL.SAMPLE_16 if self._sampwidth != AL.SAMPLE_16: raise Error, 'sample width must be 2 when compressing with ULAW or ALAW' if not self._nchannels: raise Error, '# channels not specified' if not self._sampwidth: raise Error, 'sample width not specified' if not self._framerate: raise Error, 'sampling rate not specified' self._write_header(datasize) def _write_header(self, initlength): if self._aifc and self._comptype != 'NONE': try: import cl, CL except ImportError: raise Error, 'cannot write compressed AIFF-C files' if self._comptype == 'ULAW': scheme = CL.G711_ULAW elif self._comptype == 'ALAW': scheme = CL.G711_ALAW else: raise Error, 'unsupported compression type' self._comp = cl.OpenCompressor(scheme) params = [CL.ORIGINAL_FORMAT, 0, \ CL.BITS_PER_COMPONENT, 0, \ CL.FRAME_RATE, self._framerate, \ CL.FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE, 100, \ CL.COMPRESSED_BUFFER_SIZE, 100] if self._nchannels == AL.MONO: params[1] = CL.MONO else: params[1] = CL.STEREO_INTERLEAVED if self._sampwidth == AL.SAMPLE_8: params[3] = 8 elif self._sampwidth == AL.SAMPLE_16: params[3] = 16 else: params[3] = 24 self._comp.SetParams(params) # the compressor produces a header which we ignore dummy = self._comp.Compress(0, '') self._file.write('FORM') if not self._nframes: self._nframes = initlength / (self._nchannels * self._sampwidth) self._datalength = self._nframes * self._nchannels * self._sampwidth if self._datalength & 1: self._datalength = self._datalength + 1 if self._aifc and self._comptype in ('ULAW', 'ALAW'): self._datalength = self._datalength / 2 if self._datalength & 1: self._datalength = self._datalength + 1 self._form_length_pos = self._file.tell() commlength = self._write_form_length(self._datalength) if self._aifc: self._file.write('AIFC') self._file.write('FVER') _write_long(self._file, 4) _write_long(self._file, self._version) else: self._file.write('AIFF') self._file.write('COMM') _write_long(self._file, commlength) _write_short(self._file, _convert2(self._nchannels, _nchannelslist)) self._nframes_pos = self._file.tell() _write_long(self._file, self._nframes) _write_short(self._file, _convert2(self._sampwidth, _sampwidthlist)) _write_float(self._file, _convert2(self._framerate, _frameratelist)) if self._aifc: self._file.write(self._comptype) _write_string(self._file, self._compname) self._file.write('SSND') self._ssnd_length_pos = self._file.tell() _write_long(self._file, self._datalength + 8) _write_long(self._file, 0) _write_long(self._file, 0) def _write_form_length(self, datalength): if self._aifc: commlength = 18 + 5 + len(self._compname) if commlength & 1: commlength = commlength + 1 verslength = 12 else: commlength = 18 verslength = 0 _write_long(self._file, 4 + verslength + self._marklength + \ 8 + commlength + 16 + datalength) return commlength def _patchheader(self): curpos = self._file.tell() if self._datawritten & 1: datalength = self._datawritten + 1 self._file.write(chr(0)) else: datalength = self._datawritten if datalength == self._datalength and \ self._nframes == self._nframeswritten and \ self._marklength == 0: self._file.seek(curpos, 0) return self._file.seek(self._form_length_pos, 0) dummy = self._write_form_length(datalength) self._file.seek(self._nframes_pos, 0) _write_long(self._file, self._nframeswritten) self._file.seek(self._ssnd_length_pos, 0) _write_long(self._file, datalength + 8) self._file.seek(curpos, 0) self._nframes = self._nframeswritten self._datalength = datalength def _writemarkers(self): if len(self._markers) == 0: return self._file.write('MARK') length = 2 for marker in self._markers: id, pos, name = marker length = length + len(name) + 1 + 6 if len(name) & 1 == 0: length = length + 1 _write_long(self._file, length) self._marklength = length + 8 _write_short(self._file, len(self._markers)) for marker in self._markers: id, pos, name = marker _write_short(self._file, id) _write_long(self._file, pos) _write_string(self._file, name) def open(filename, mode): if mode == 'r': return Aifc_read().init(filename) elif mode == 'w': return Aifc_write().init(filename) else: raise Error, 'mode must be \'r\' or \'w\'' def openfp(filep, mode): if mode == 'r': return Aifc_read().initfp(filep) elif mode == 'w': return Aifc_write().initfp(filep) else: raise Error, 'mode must be \'r\' or \'w\''