"""Tests for distutils.command.sdist.""" import os import unittest import shutil import zipfile from os.path import join import sys import tempfile from distutils.command.sdist import sdist from distutils.core import Distribution from distutils.tests.test_config import PyPIRCCommandTestCase from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError from distutils.spawn import find_executable from distutils.tests import support SETUP_PY = """ from distutils.core import setup import somecode setup(name='fake') """ MANIFEST = """\ README inroot.txt setup.py data%(sep)sdata.dt scripts%(sep)sscript.py some%(sep)sfile.txt some%(sep)sother_file.txt somecode%(sep)s__init__.py somecode%(sep)sdoc.dat somecode%(sep)sdoc.txt """ class sdistTestCase(support.LoggingSilencer, PyPIRCCommandTestCase): def setUp(self): # PyPIRCCommandTestCase creates a temp dir already # and put it in self.tmp_dir super(sdistTestCase, self).setUp() # setting up an environment self.old_path = os.getcwd() os.mkdir(join(self.tmp_dir, 'somecode')) os.mkdir(join(self.tmp_dir, 'dist')) # a package, and a README self.write_file((self.tmp_dir, 'README'), 'xxx') self.write_file((self.tmp_dir, 'somecode', '__init__.py'), '#') self.write_file((self.tmp_dir, 'setup.py'), SETUP_PY) os.chdir(self.tmp_dir) def tearDown(self): # back to normal os.chdir(self.old_path) super(sdistTestCase, self).tearDown() def get_cmd(self, metadata=None): """Returns a cmd""" if metadata is None: metadata = {'name': 'fake', 'version': '1.0', 'url': 'xxx', 'author': 'xxx', 'author_email': 'xxx'} dist = Distribution(metadata) dist.script_name = 'setup.py' dist.packages = ['somecode'] dist.include_package_data = True cmd = sdist(dist) cmd.dist_dir = 'dist' def _warn(*args): pass cmd.warn = _warn return dist, cmd def test_prune_file_list(self): # this test creates a package with some vcs dirs in it # and launch sdist to make sure they get pruned # on all systems # creating VCS directories with some files in them os.mkdir(join(self.tmp_dir, 'somecode', '.svn')) self.write_file((self.tmp_dir, 'somecode', '.svn', 'ok.py'), 'xxx') os.mkdir(join(self.tmp_dir, 'somecode', '.hg')) self.write_file((self.tmp_dir, 'somecode', '.hg', 'ok'), 'xxx') os.mkdir(join(self.tmp_dir, 'somecode', '.git')) self.write_file((self.tmp_dir, 'somecode', '.git', 'ok'), 'xxx') # now building a sdist dist, cmd = self.get_cmd() # zip is available universally # (tar might not be installed under win32) cmd.formats = ['zip'] cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.run() # now let's check what we have dist_folder = join(self.tmp_dir, 'dist') files = os.listdir(dist_folder) self.assertEquals(files, ['fake-1.0.zip']) zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(join(dist_folder, 'fake-1.0.zip')) try: content = zip_file.namelist() finally: zip_file.close() # making sure everything has been pruned correctly self.assertEquals(len(content), 4) def test_make_distribution(self): # check if tar and gzip are installed if (find_executable('tar') is None or find_executable('gzip') is None): return # now building a sdist dist, cmd = self.get_cmd() # creating a gztar then a tar cmd.formats = ['gztar', 'tar'] cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.run() # making sure we have two files dist_folder = join(self.tmp_dir, 'dist') result = os.listdir(dist_folder) result.sort() self.assertEquals(result, ['fake-1.0.tar', 'fake-1.0.tar.gz'] ) os.remove(join(dist_folder, 'fake-1.0.tar')) os.remove(join(dist_folder, 'fake-1.0.tar.gz')) # now trying a tar then a gztar cmd.formats = ['tar', 'gztar'] cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.run() result = os.listdir(dist_folder) result.sort() self.assertEquals(result, ['fake-1.0.tar', 'fake-1.0.tar.gz']) def test_add_defaults(self): # http://bugs.python.org/issue2279 # add_default should also include # data_files and package_data dist, cmd = self.get_cmd() # filling data_files by pointing files # in package_data dist.package_data = {'': ['*.cfg', '*.dat'], 'somecode': ['*.txt']} self.write_file((self.tmp_dir, 'somecode', 'doc.txt'), '#') self.write_file((self.tmp_dir, 'somecode', 'doc.dat'), '#') # adding some data in data_files data_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'data') os.mkdir(data_dir) self.write_file((data_dir, 'data.dt'), '#') some_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'some') os.mkdir(some_dir) self.write_file((self.tmp_dir, 'inroot.txt'), '#') self.write_file((some_dir, 'file.txt'), '#') self.write_file((some_dir, 'other_file.txt'), '#') dist.data_files = [('data', ['data/data.dt', 'inroot.txt', 'notexisting']), 'some/file.txt', 'some/other_file.txt'] # adding a script script_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'scripts') os.mkdir(script_dir) self.write_file((script_dir, 'script.py'), '#') dist.scripts = [join('scripts', 'script.py')] cmd.formats = ['zip'] cmd.use_defaults = True cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.run() # now let's check what we have dist_folder = join(self.tmp_dir, 'dist') files = os.listdir(dist_folder) self.assertEquals(files, ['fake-1.0.zip']) zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(join(dist_folder, 'fake-1.0.zip')) try: content = zip_file.namelist() finally: zip_file.close() # making sure everything was added self.assertEquals(len(content), 11) # checking the MANIFEST manifest = open(join(self.tmp_dir, 'MANIFEST')).read() self.assertEquals(manifest, MANIFEST % {'sep': os.sep}) def test_suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(sdistTestCase) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(defaultTest="test_suite")